AN: So many reviews already! You guys are the best! A couple people expressed concern over this, so I'll just go ahead and say that it is totally okay to ask me anything you want! I won't get mad – (friendly) discussion of headcanons is one of the best parts of being in a fandom! And you can absolutely toss me some ideas, if you want. I can't promise I'll be able to use all of them, but I'll be grateful for the suggestions anyway! Thanks so much for reading, and please let me know what you think! Kitty out.

Extra Note: Credit to Pom_Rania for the idea of the velociraptor's usage

Extra-Extra Note: Just to clarify, the fourth wall does not exist for Fukidashi. They are fully aware of all of this. That said, I'm going to keep the fourth wall breaks to a limit because they can get old fast if done poorly.

Extra-Extra-Extra Note: The song Present Mic was playing is "The Day" by Porno Graffitti. It's the anime's first opening song.

Extra-Extra-Extra-Extra Note: I just realized that almost all of the trans characters are trans men, with a couple nonbinary people. Magne is the only trans woman so far. Let's do something about that, shall we?

Extra-Extra-Extra-Extra-Extra Note: The Pussycats are in a polyamorous relationship, and Bakugou and Jirou are Jewish. I don't make the rules, sorry. Oh wait– yes, I actually do. But anyway, the Pussycats are probably gonna have the most defined relationship in this story; everything else is really just "everyone/everyone".

Extra-Extra-Extra-Extra-Extra-Extra Note: Okay, I'll stop now.

Summary: Everyone vandalizes the school, the velociraptor makes a new friend, some people forget how being dead works, and the Pussycats make bad decisions.

Aizawa Shouta (Eraserhead) – You are not permitted to dismiss your class by saying "goodbye, you little shits".

Akaguro Chizome (Stain) – No one cares if you think the velociraptor is tacky. I don't care if Tokage called you "Voldemort's uglier cousin"; the dinosaur was not involved and does not deserve any of your ire.

All For One – Using a weak telekinetic Quirk to write vaguely menacing things on the wall of your cell is childish, immature, and much less effective than it would be if you were writing in something other than gold sharpie.

Amajiki Tamaki (Suneater) – As most human beings cannot digest whatever floor tiles are made of, I think it's safe to say that gnawing on the floor will not give you the ability to sink into it. There are teeth marks all over the place, and you look silly, so cut it out.

Aoyama Yuuga – Stop locking random people in closets to see what happens. Nine times out of ten, there will no longer be a closet.

Ashido Mina (Pinky) – You are not actually an Amazon. Stop announcing yourself by charging into the classroom with a war cry.

Asui Tsuyu (Froppy) – Your costume does not give you hypnotic powers. I don't care what Toga told you; she's a criminal, not your "thrall".

Awase Yousetsu – If you're the one that keeps letting Toga in here, you need to stop immediately. That is extremely illegal. I don't care why you're doing it – whatever grievances you have with the school can be solved in other, safer ways.

Awata Kaoruko (Bubble Girl) – If you dress up as a minor character from a manga, do not expect people to immediately recognize her. The fact that you apparently know all her attacks will not change this. Stop screaming "La Gota" and throwing high-pressure bubbles at people.

Bakugou Katsuki – The problem is not that you nailed a mezuzah to the doorway of your room in Heights Alliance. U.A. is not anti-Semitic. The problem is that you nailed mezuzot to the doorway of every room in Heights Alliance, and you failed to get permission first.

Bubaigawara Jin (Twice) – Whatever you're planning to do with a six monkeys, a bunch of bananas, and pick-up truck full of glitter glue– don't.

Chatora Yawara (Tiger) – Your Alex Louis Armstrong costume was extremely convincing. You were very in character. You can take it off now.

Chisaki Kai (Overhaul) –Stop trying to get out on "good behavior". Just because you can no longer use your Quirk doesn't mean we're stupid enough to believe that you haven't tried.

Chronostasis – If you change your alias to "Superhot", you might get sued. I advise against it.

Dabi – Stop making mocking YouTube videos about Yuuei. The Sports Festival does not need "villain commentary". Actually, just get off YouTube altogether.

Ectoplasm – "You won't know until you try" is not a good response when a student asks about anything involving the roof of the school and how gravity affects certain vegetables.

Eri – Your zombie princess costume was absolutely adorable. That said, please stop trying to eat people's brains. Contrary to popular belief, that's mummies. Zombies just want flesh. Don't try to eat that either.

Fourth Kind – You may not initiate battles by raising your katana, charging your opponent, and screaming, "there can be only one". If you continue this behavior, your katana will be taken away from you.

Fukidashi Manga – The school has far more than four walls, and none of them are broken. Either explain what you're talking about or stop trying to give us all heart attacks.

Gran Torino – Stop flirting with Recovery Girl in public. You're doing it to make everyone uncomfortable, and we're all very aware of that.

Hadou Nejire (Nejire-chan) – Stop blasting Ke$ha songs in the middle of the night, please. We're trying to sleep.

Hagakure Tooru (Invisible Girl) – Being invisible does not make you immune to consequences. Stop encouraging your peers' delinquent behavior.

Hakamata Tsunagu (Best Jeanist) – Please stop telling your sidekicks to send their complaints to me. I don't want them and can't do anything about it anyway.

Hatsume Mei – If you had said that the velociraptor was built for Iida Tensei as an apology for manipulating his brother during the Sports Festival, you would have been given permission to make it. "I wanted more creative freedom" is not an excuse.

Hikiishi Kenji (Magne) – "The law doesn't apply to dead people" is not an excuse. No villains allowed on campus, pulse or no pulse.

Honenuki Juuzou – Please stop telling people that Midoriya Izuku's Quirk is "Bone Hurting Juice".

Iguchi Shuuichi (Spinner) – Grand Theft Auto is not an appropriate means of learning how to drive.

Iida Tensei (Ingenium) – Welcome back to active duty. Please keep the velociraptor on a leash while you are on campus. Actually, keep it on a leash even when you're not on campus, just to be safe. As for your new hero name, it can only be "Diosaur" if you clear it with Araki Hirohiko first.

Iida Tenya (Ingenium) – While I'm sure you are happy to see your brother back in action, I'm going to have to ask you to stop "visiting" Stain to loudly talk about it in front of his cell. It's immature and you should know better.

Izumi KoutaStop trolling the serial killer. I don't care how much you hate him. You don't know what the Pythagorean theorem is either.

Jirou Kyouka (Earphone Jack) – If you helped Bakugou nail all those up, then you're going to help him take them down. I don't care that you two are "trans mlm/wlw Jewish solidarity" or whatever your exact words were. Vandalizing school property is not okay.

Kaibara Sen – Please stop watching scenes from various shows/movies where cameras get destroyed and loudly complaining when such an event occurs. You like cameras, we get it. Enough already.

Kamakiri Togaru – Stop telling people that you have a third mandible hidden beneath your Mohawk.

Kamihara Shinya (Edgeshot) – Tokoyami's status as an edge lord is not "a sign from the heavens". Stop trying to adopt my students.

Kaminari Denki (Chargezuma) – When Kamui Woods says he's heard every possible joke about his hero name, he is not issuing a challenge.

Kan Sekijirou (Blood King) – Defenestration is not an acceptable substitute for detention, no matter how annoying the student in question was being.

Kayama Nemuri (Midnight) – If someone falls asleep in your class, you are not permitted to draw on their faces. This is especially true if your Quirk is the reason they fell asleep to begin with.

Kendou Itsuka (Battle Fist) – While it is indeed good to help your classmates train, I suggest that you reconsider your methods. This is Monoma's third concussion this week.

Kirishima Eijirou (Red Riot) – You are not an actual mummy. You will not be given a sarcophagus. Stop asking.

Kodai Yui – Mineta is not a leprechaun. Stop pelting him with Lucky Charms™.

Komori Kinoko – Spiking my tea is an inhumane thing to do, and human drugs don't work the same for me anyway. Whatever you wanted to do in my office, don't.

Kouda Kouji (Anima) – Stop threatening to summon Cthulhu. He isn't real, and I doubt he would listen to you if he were. Take those fliers down.

Kurogiri – Stop sneaking vegetables into students' lunches. It's important that they maintain a healthy diet, yes, but I don't trust you.

Kuroiro Shihai – Currently, horror games are not banned in this school. If you continue to demand that you be referred to as "The Terrible Black", they will be.

Lunch-Rush – If asked what sort of offensive abilities you possess, you are not permitted to respond with "dwarf bread". While that does technically qualify as a weapon, anyone who gets the reference is going to start being extremely wary of you. Given that you spend most of your time in a high school cafeteria, this is not ideal.

Maijima Higari (Power Loader) – You knew exactly what was going on and you kept quiet because you wanted to see chaos. If this happens again, I'm docking your pay.

Midoriya Inko – "They grow up so fast" is not the proper response to anything your son and/or his classmates have recently done.

Midoriya Izuku (Deku) – Stop referring to your classmates as "cannon fodder". I don't care how much you admire Bakugou. Stick to copying his moves, not his words.

Mineta Minoru (Grape Juice) – Writing "TIDDY" on the wall with your Quirk was completely inappropriate. Adding a question mark did not change that. I don't care whose idea it was. You agreed to it, and you knew you shouldn't.

Mongoose Habuko – Stop trying to scare skinny British kids with glasses and weird forehead scars.

Monoma Neito (Phantom Thief) – Tinfoil hats will not protect you from Shinsou. Just avoid him. Call a teacher if you have to.

Moura Nagamasa – Covering yourself in birds will not convince Kouda to let you into his and Shinsou's cult. They cannot have a cult, and thus you cannot join it.

Muscular – "Try punching it" is not an appropriate suggestion when a five-year-old asks how to solve a math problem. He doesn't actually want your help; he's only asking because he knows you don't know the answer.

Nakagame Tatami – Stop trying to jumpscare people. You are not "Tatami-kami-sama, Turtle God of Fear".

Nishiya Shinji (Kamui Woods) – No, you cannot join the Dad Squad as Ojiro's dad just because you both get mocked for your hero names. The Dad Squad does not exist, even if your poor choices do.

No. 13 – Thank you for getting rid of the reality tear in my office. You are the only person I can trust right now.

Ojiro Mashirao (Tail Man) – Take those posters down right now. No Cthulhu cults.

Rappa – Stands aren't real, and thus you cannot have one. Stop trying.

Sako Atsuhiro (Mr. Compress) – Stop breaking into Overhaul's cell and hitting him with his arm. Breaking and entering is illegal, and you're already a villain. Also, why the hell did you keep that?

Satou Rikidou (Sugarman) – Eating so much sugar that you go completely berserk is not a Halloween costume, even if you paint yourself green and scream "Hulk smash" every time you break something. I must also point out that the Incredible Hulk is not known for overdressing, and would like to remind you that it is okay to add a sports bra or binder to your costume as we do have public decency laws.

Sero Hanta (Cellophane) – Singing "Mr. Cellophane" will not get you a hot wife named Roxanne. I don't think you've actually seen the musical.

Shigaraki Tomura – Spray-painting "Kamino just setback" on the school's gate in the middle of the night is an absurd thing to do. So is yelling it when you fight people. We get it, you like video games.

Shindou You – Asking "How do you keep a Yuuei student in suspense?" and walking away is only funny the first time.

Shinsou Hitoshi – Whether or not you're actually trying to sacrifice Monoma to Cthulhu, stop stalking him.

Shiozaki Ibara (Maria) – Yes, there are some ghosts floating around. We don't know how or why. At this point, we're just hoping that if we ignore them, they'll go away.

Shishida Juurouta – I understand that you may be annoyed if someone tries to give you a flea collar. Trying to force said collar down that person's throat is not acceptable.

Shiretoko Tomoko (Ragdoll) – The fact that you are no longer a hero does not mean that you should be spending time with villains. I don't care what Rappa said, Stands are not actually real.

Shouji Mezou (Tentacole) – Do not ever "triple dab" again.

Shuuzenji Chiyo (Recovery Girl) – Stop flirting with Gran Torino in public. You're doing it to make everyone uncomfortable, and we're all very aware of that.

Sirius – While there is nothing inherently wrong with dressing as a big black dog for Halloween, please be aware that it will not make the Harry Potter jokes stop.

Sir Nighteye – Technically, there's no law against floating into Overhaul's cell and pointing out every speck of dirt he physically can't pick up, but it's very immature of you.

Sousaki Shino (Mandalay) – If one of your partners begins hanging out with a villain, you should stop them. I don't care if he's "actually pretty hot". If you absolutely must turn your foursome into a fivesome, find someone who isn't a violent criminal.

Takagi Ken (Rock Lock) – While I understand the urge, punching people who make racist comments about yourself or your marriage is not going to help your image. And honestly, if anyone can look at a picture of you with your wife and child and somehow find something wrong with it, they don't deserve the amount of effort it would take to punch their teeth in anyway.

Takeyama Yuu (Mt. Lady) – Kamui Woods is not "the last of the Entwives".

Tatsuma Ryuuko (Ryuukyuu) – "Justice for Smaug" is not an appropriate thing to shout while watching The Hobbit. You're meant to be rooting against Smaug, not for him.

Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu (Real Steel) – I know you were just trying to help, but Amajiki is trying to eat the floor. Please be more careful with how you phrase things.

Todoroki Enji (Endeavor) – The fact that you and your daughter have formed an alliance does not mean she may do as she pleases. Control your offspring.

Todoroki Fuyumi – Do not follow your father into battle on Tensei's velociraptor. I don't care that Tensei himself is fine with it, nor do I care that lobbing Magic 8 Balls is apparently an effective villain deterrent. You are a civilian.

Todoroki Shouto (Shouto) – I am to be referred to as "Headmaster" or "Mr. Principal", not "my liege".

Toga Himiko – Stop putting people at knifepoint and forcing them to say "All glory to the Hypnotoad" whenever Asui walks by.

Tokage Setsuna – Do not interrupt Tensei's hero duty because you want to say hi to his dinosaur. He has work to do, and you are not helping.

Tokoyami Fumikage (Tsukuyomi) – Do not use Dark Shadow to pants your classmates.

Toogata Mirio (Lemillion) – Stop trying to convince people that you're in their TVs.

Toyomitsu Taishirou (Fat Gum) – If Rappa does somehow successfully manifest a Stand, the blame is entirely on you.

Tsuburaba Kousei – "Nani the fuck" is not an appropriate reaction upon learning you did poorly on a test.

Tsuchikawa Ryuuko (Pixie-bob) – "We'll keep an eye on him" does not change the fact that Rappa belongs in prison.

Tsunotori Pony – No one needed to know that My Little Pony™ toys could be used like that. No one wanted to know that My Little Pony™ toys could be used like that. Please talk to a psychologist immediately.

Uraraka Ochako (Uravity) – The proper response to seeing classmates fighting is to inform a teacher. Do not start taking bets.

Uwabami – Stop telling villains to "get a life". Regardless of whether or not it's true, it's rude and unprofessional.

Yagi Toshinori (All Might) – We do not want to encourage our ghost infestation. Stop trying to summon your old teacher's spirit.

Yamada Hizashi (Present Mic) – Tense situations between your colleagues should not be dealt with by "leaving and hoping no one dies".

Yanagi Reiko – I understand that you are upset after being told that your special interest was "something a real girl wouldn't like". However, transphobic comments should be reported to the faculty, not to Bakugou. You will be helping to pay for the property damage caused by the incident, but please be assured that the student in question has been suspended and informed that any more comments in that regard will result in expulsion.

Yaoyorozu Momo (Creati) – You don't need to make a chart to explain the relationships in your class. Alternatively, if you do, maybe you should think about what that means for a moment.

AN: This chapter took. Longer than I meant it to. I started before Halloween, so… oops. Anyway, happy Hanukkah, everybody! I'll try to update another story before the year is over, provided my brain can remember how plots work. Don't have a whole lot to say here (except "sorry"), so here's the list:

Physically disabled characters: Bakugou, Hagakure, All Might, All For One, Tensei, Fukidashi (debatably), and Ectoplasm

Mentally-ill/neurodivergent characters: Amajiki, Ashido, Bakugou, Fourth Kind, Twice, Asui, Hadou, Iida, Kouda, Midoriya, Shigaraki, Moonfish (probably), Toga, anyone with the surname Todoroki, Tsunotori, Uraraka, Present Mic, Yanagi, Eri, and Hatsume

Trans characters: Tiger, Magne, Bakugou, Fourth Kind, Fukidashi, No. 13, Blood King, Kuroiro, Shouda, Power Loader, Yanagai, Satou, and Jirou