Hello! I'm BAAAAAACK!! This time we're getting even weirder! Hobbitses time! WOOOOOO! I'd like to thank all of my reviewers!

Mellon: ACK! Not the puppy face! Anything but the puppy face!

Freakygurl12: Yes! Lol, whack the hobbits! Bad hobbits! *Puts leashes on them and ties them to a post cuz she just feels like it* lol

Aldrai Tassada: Don't worry; I'll try not to take too long to update my chapters.

COOKIES FOR EVERYONE!!! This chapter might be a little weird because I was hyper and listening to "Pikachu rap," (don't ask) enjoy the chapter! ^_^



"I've got it!" Gandalf exclaimed. Everyone but Jenny cheered. Jenny had been talking in her strange tongue at everyone, but nobody seemed to understand her. I must admit, the way she was rolling her R's made her sound sexy! ER! Yes, sexier since she already is sexy.

FFFFFFLLLLAAAAAAAASSSSSSSHHHHH!!!!! Okay. That was really bright. Thank you, Mr. Gandalf for trying to blind me. I blinked and looked over at Jenny. She was staring at Gandalf with her mouth open.

"Dude, warn us next time before you go flashing all these lights in our eyes!" Jenny said. She blinked. "YAY! I'm speaking English again! SWEEEEEETAH!" Everyone blinked. She had accidently-sprayed spit when she put emphasis on "Sweet." They all stepped back.

"What is 'Sweetah'?" Aragorn asked. Jenny burst out laughing for some reason.

"Not 'Sweetah', it's 'Sweet'. It's just an expression that you say if something's real happening." She answered. Aragorn seemed more confused.

"What is 'happening'?" He asked. Jenny raised an eyebrow.

"Dude, like, where have you been?" She said. He now looked bewildered.

"Foolish girl, I've been standing right here the whole time!"

"No, I didn't mean that! I meant-GAAAH! Forget it!" Jenny said storming off. I followed her.

"Miss Jenny, what DOES happening mean?" I asked. She glared down at me. I then proceeded giving her the puppy face. She sighed, defeated. I wondered. Perhaps with the puppy face I could . . . Hehehehehe! I am a very naughty little hobbit! I then remembered I was supposed to be doing the puppy face and turned back to her.

"Well, happening is like, supposed to be something that you like a lot. Get my drift?" She said. I looked around.

"I do not see your drift anywhere, Miss Jenny." I said. She smiled and ruffled my hair. I vow to never wash my hair again!

"I meant: do you understand what I'm saying?" I nodded. "Okay then. At least you're way smarter than Aragorn." I smiled.

"I'm flattered Miss Jenny." She knelt down in front of me.

"You are CUUUTE!! Um, no hard feelings about the name-calling thing." She said. I continued with my "sweet nice innocent hobbit" act.

"No need to apologize Miss Jenny. I guess I am a nasty hobbit. I'm ashamed I must live my life like this." I said, giving her the puppy face as I spoke. She swooped me up and gave me a hug.

"I'm sorry Merry! I didn't mean to! Don't feel bad!" Over her shoulder, I gave a smile and thumbs up to Pippin. Pippin scowled. Hah! Pip was jealous! I then pretended to sob. The whole fellowship soon turned their attention to my wailing.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" I yelled. Jenny turned to face me and saw that I was faking. Her face quickly turned to the resemblance of a mad bull. I yelped and tried to make a run for it, but she grabbed my arm.

"YOU NASTY PERVERTED HOBBIT! You are sick to do that to a sixteen year old girl!" She shouted. Suddenly everything went quiet.

"You're only sixteen?" Boromir said, open-mouthed.

"I shore am!" She said, still glaring at me. "What to do . . . Should I BEAT HIM UP . . . or let him go?"

"Let him go, Jenny." Legolas said. Jenny was about to turn around and yell, but when she saw it was Legolas, she obeyed and just dropped me. I believe my rear end hurts. Ow. I turned to the sound of Pippin laughing at me.

*GGGGGGgaspGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRgaspRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!SnarlSnarlHackgaspHackSN ORTpantpant* everyone froze and looked at me. I was glaring at Pippin.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!" Pippin squealed in a high- pitched voice, running away.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWR! *Deep breath* *SNORTSNORTSNORTSNORTpantpant*" I ran after him. The rest of the fellowship blinked.

"DUUUUUDE! MERRY, LIKE, YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN! YOU'LL KILL YOURSELF!" Jenny yelled. I stopped, trying to catch my breath. Pippin was now about a five leagues away, still screaming like a girl.

"For a little one, he sure runs fast!" Gimli said, jealousy in his voice.

"Legolas use your eyes and try to spot him." Aragorn asked.

"I know what to do with my eyes, thankyouverymuch." Legolas said grumpily. He shielded his eyes and peered into the distance. "SWEET ERU! He is STILL running!" Aragorn sidled up next to Legolas and smacked him. Legolas smacked back.

"Poor Pippy-poo!" Jenny said. She glared at me. "Mr. Perverted over here scared him off. He's probably all alone and scared!" Aragorn stepped on Legolas's foot with his heavy boot. Legolas howled in pain.

"Or he's probably still running." Boromir said. Legolas pulled Aragorn's hair. Aragorn screamed and bonked Legolas on the head.

"Shut up!" Jenny snapped. Legolas then bonked Aragorn on the head.

"Cut out this childish nonsense at once! If we wish to reach Master Peregrin before Middle earth is destroyed, we must leave at once!" Gandalf said. He looked over at Aragorn and Legolas, who were now in a sissy fight and were screaming like girls while pulling each other's hair. Gandalf blinked and turned around. "Fools." He muttered.


That's all for now? How'd ya like it? Review please! I'll give you a plushie of your favorite LOTR character if you do!!