Hello ladies and gentlemen, humans and locust and welcome to my first ever Gears of war fanfiction. Now I have been wanting to write a Gears of war story for a long time now. The problem was finding a good character to crossover with.

I was thinking of making this another X-23 stroy. But I felt that I want to save X-23 for something else since I have already used her in several other stories.

Then an idea hit me. What better way of making a crossover story I've always wanted do, than to have it crossover with a character I've always wanted to write. So this will be like killing two birds in one shot and I also figured it would make for an far more interesting story.

Also on a side note. This story is also heavily inspired by free man writer Spider-Man x Mass Effect Crossover named Along Came A Spider. Now I will never be able to write that long chapters nor could I even dream of reaching his level of writing skills. But I will do my best.

So now I give you all, Spider-Gwen and Gears of War. Please enjoy

HEADS UP: Gwen's personality may change as the story goes on. Remember where she is now, moral code out the window in the Gears of war universe

Welcome to Sera.

Gwendolyne Maxine Stacy, or Gwen for short. You all know her, she was Peter Parker A.K.A. Spider-Man's first major girlfriend who was tragically killed during a battle with Green Goblin.

BUT! That was 616 Gwen. And she is not the one we are gonna follow in this.

No we are gonna follow the Gwen Stacy of Earth-65.

Gwen Stacy was born in Forest Hills to George and Helen Stacy. Following her mother's death, she was raised by George alone. Gwen's free spirit and artistic inclinations often put her at odds with the type of ethics her father worked to instill. As a result of this contrast with her father, Gwen would often retreat into quiet seclusion and play the drums.

Over time, she developed a friendship with her neighbor and fellow introvert Peter Parker, sharing their love for music. At Midtown High School, Gwen developed relationships with other students, a group of girls with whom she formed the band The Mary Janes, and rebellious affluent student Harry Osborn.

After being bitten by a radioactive spider, Gwen was granted arachnid-like super-powers, and started a career as a crimefighter, dubbed by the media as "Spider-Woman." She was given a costume and a set of Web-Shooters by retired crimefighter Janet van Dyne. Gwen spent most of her early adventures focused on exploiting and maintaining her newfound attention more than helping those in need; however, Gwen's behavior changed after her father expressed he believed Spider-Woman could easily help people.

Spider-Woman's influence also caused one of the biggest tragedies in Gwen's life. The bullied Peter Parker, desperate for becoming special like his idol Spider-Woman, conducted an experiment that turned him into a Lizard-like creature. Parker crashed the Midtown Senior Prom, and Gwen was forced to fight him. In the aftermath of the battle, Peter returned to his human form, but died due to his injuries. With no evidence or link to his transformation, Spider-Woman was blamed for Peter's death and branded a criminal.

In an effort to clear her name and haunted by Peter's death, Gwen doubled her efforts to fight crime. Additionally, Gwen's father George was tasked with conducting the NYPD investigation to capture Spider-Woman. This drew the attention of Matt Murdock, the right hand to New York's Kingpin of crime, who sent hitman Aleksei Sytsevich to kill George in an attempt to make an ally of Spider-Woman. After thwarting the murder attempt, Gwen found herself held at gunpoint by her father, and she was forced to reveal her double identity. She pleaded her innocence, and swore to never rest until criminals like the Kingpin were stopped. Captain Stacy chose his daughter over his duty and let Spider-Woman free.

As to be expected from a Spider hero, Gwen has been on alot of crazy adventures. But non was more crazy than Spider Verse.

You see there was a group of deadly people calling themselves the Inheritors, whose sole purpose was to hunt down and kill any Spider-themed heroes from across the multiverse, they butchered so many of them and for a time it looked like they would achive their goal.

Luckily the Spider-Heroes managed to unite against them and managed to defeat the insane family. With the Inheritors defeated it looked like Gwen would finally get to go home... but bad luck seems to be a thing alot of Spiders share as she was sent to a place that was anything but her home.

Gwen looked around and saw she was in a destroyed city, like post apocalypse level of destruction. The buildings was barely standing, the roads were torn up, the cars empty and the entire town seemed void of any life at all. The building looked like something Gwen had seen before... but she knew for a fact she had never been here before

So what do young Gwen say in a situation like this? Well, the one thing most people would say "Fuck. My. Life!". She punched a wall in utter frustration "All I wanted! Was to go home, take a nice long and hot shower and then sleep for a year or two! But instead I am sent to the apocalypse!".

She sat on the hood of a car and all but screamed in to her hands. She thought it was over, those vampire monsters were defeated, and they are now trapped in a world they could never escape from since they will die if they step out form a certain zone. Gwen thought she had and the others had won, that she could finally go home and relax... but it looks like fate is cruel.

She pulled of her mask and laid down on the car hood, watching the sky "So... I guess this is my life huh? Nothing ever gets easier".

Gwen remained like that for about 30 minutes until she sighed and sat up "Well just laying around here all day is not gonna do me any good. Might as well explore and see if I can find a place to sleep".

Gwen pulled on her mask and began to swing through the ruined city, only then did she notice she felt heavier, the gravity of this place must be stronger than the one back home. It was a waste land, like no one had lived here for years... well duh! The city is in rumbles and looked like they could fall at any moment. But then Gwen saw something on the ground. Something was actually still alive in this place? Being the curious girl she is, Gwen landed on the ground to investigate.

It was a man who paniced the moment Gwen landed "AH! Get the fuck away from me!".

"Hey hey hey! Calm down, I am not going to hurt you. I am here to help" Gwen said holding up her hands, trying to calm him down.

"What the fuck are you?" The man asked.

"I am Spider-Woman, one of the good guys or girls" Gwen tired to assure.

"Good guys? There are no good guys here! Only blood and monsters! This whole city is nothing but a death zone!" Just as the man finished his sentence, he was shot in the head.

"NO!" Gwen screamed before her spider sense began blaring. Forcing her to jump away from a hail of bullets.

She ducked behind cover and managed to get a glimpse of what was shooting at her. Monsters! No, it was real monsters. Hulking brutes of a creature, almost seven feet tall, although many of them were larger. They are bipedal, muscular creatures with tough skin. They are considerably more bulky than a normal human and notably stronger. Their bones are heavier and show signs of extensive thickening.

In short, some really scary looking creatures. Gwen had no idea just what she had landed in, but it was clear that those monsters were not friendly and would not stop trying to kill her.

Naturally, she would have to fight them and luckily, fighting is one thing Gwen is very good at.

As the monsters got closer Gwen suddenly jumped out of cover and amazing speed that seemed to have surprised even the monsters. She punched one in the face, making it crash in to the ground, before making a backflip and kicked another one in the face. One tried to shoot her, but Gwen shot a web line on its rifle looking weapon, ripping it out of the monsters hand before spinning it around and smashed it into the monster's face.

The other monsters growled at her and she could have sworn she heard one say "Suffering death".

Gwen cracked her knuckles her neck "Ok big boys... show me what you got!"

The surrounding henchmen respond by charging at Gwen, who jumps up into the air only to slam a fiery punch into a monster'a back. She then grabs it and spins it around, knocking several of the other's of their feet and then tossed it in to a wall.

As the monsters get up, Gwen charges at one, jumping into the air and performing a somersault kick on her first victim. She then turns around and uppercuts a second one, following it up with a spinning kick that sends another two tumbling away.

As the rest charge at her, Gwen shoots webs in the face of the first one in front of her and kicks behind her at another. Another monster swings at her from behind, but she sweeps it's legs out from under it and punches it up into the air, only to slam it into the ground with her webs. She then takes a couple steps toward an oncoming monster to jump up and launch herself off of it, allowing her to deliver a flying punch to another monster. This is quickly followed by her rushing forward as she dispatches yet another nearby opponent. As the fallen monster collapses, it lands on the monster behind it, sending it stumbling back. It attempts to block the oncoming punch from Gwen, but to no avail, as Gwen simply breaks straight through her opponent's guard before delivering an uppercut.

She then notices several more assailants approaching from behind and shoots two web lines before abcking up while pulling on the web lines, using the web to send her flying towards yet another group of enemies. She elbows the first monster and kicks it away while another attempts to swing at her, but is promptly blocked and kicked in the face. Gwen then swings around under it's arm and punches it once more. This is followed by another spin as she kicks, punches, and kicks it again, with the final hit sending it flying backwards through a pillar.

Gwen turns around to see the final monster charge and swing at her. She promptly blocks the blow and punches it's chin, stunning it and allowing her to follow up with a flurry of blows that conclude with an uppercut that launches it into the air. Gwen then delivers a final punch that sends him flying back.

"Oh yeah! I knew watching all those Kung Fu movies would pay of!" Gwen cheered before shaking her hands 'Having said that though. These things can take a punch, and the gravity of this world is not helping me at all'.

Upon clearing the ground, she spots another monster on a balcony pulling out something that looks like a machine gun before firing down at her. Gwen charges towards the monster, dashing from side to side in order to avoid the incoming bullets. Once close enough, she jumps up, firing her webs in to the monster's face, blinding it. As she lands, she places a hand on the balcony ledge before swinging her legs around, kicking the monster in the face. This sends it stumbling back. Gwen then spins and lands with her back facing it, only to shoot her web once more, pulling it close to elbow it in the face. She then slams his face into the ledge, picks it up, and launches him off of the balcony and it lands on a car, not moving.

Gwen was breathing hard "Man these things are thougher than they look and that is saying something. They gave me quite the work out. Just where the hell have I ended up?".

But unknown to the young heroine, two people had been watching the whole fight... and not just any people.

Standing inside a old building two men named Marcus Fenix and his best friend Dominic Santiago.

Marcus had been in prison for a while for a rash decision but when receiving word that the Locust had overrun the area, Hoffman and Prescott ordered the prisoners released and conscripted. Thanks to barricading themselves in the old wing, the other prisoners and guards were rescued, but they didn't know Marcus' location and Hoffman reluctantly ordered him left behind as it risked too many lives to try to find him. Learning of this from Prescott and unable to change Hoffman's mind, Dom took off to rescue Marcus with Hoffman's secret approval, taking along extra armor and an extra weapon on Hoffman's "suggestion" for Marcus and broke into the Slab and was able to free him from his cell before Wretches broke into his ceiling bars with the help of his robot named JACK.

Soon Dom explained to Marcus that everything changed after he was imprisoned and Hoffman pardoned all the prisoners expect for him. Dom gave Marcus a duffle bag with his armor and a Hammerburst and they both headed out of the cells into the main cell blocks. Marcus questioned why Dom was in the prison and how he could get into trouble, but Dom told him that, "things had changed". Dom then gave Marcus the option of taking a route through the guards quarters which would take some time or into the prison block where Locust were located.

And now they were watching as a girl in a strange skin tight suit was beating up a horde of Locust with nothing but her hands and feet while they were on their way to regroup with the others

"Dom... please tell me you are seeing what I am seeing" Marcus said.

"I can see what you are seeing but I don't believe what I'm seeing" Dom said in awe, only a hand full can fight a Locust soldier in close combat and win. Let alone making them look like weaklings.

"Was there some kind of super soldier experiment going on while I was locked up?" Marcus asked.

Dom shakes his head "Non that I know of. I have never seen anything like her before... friend or foe?".

"Well she kicking some Locust ass right now so I guess that erns her a talk. But if she proves hostile towards us then we'll put a bullet in her head" Marcus declared as he readied his weapon just incase.

Dom looked as the girl continued to beat down the locust. He could not quite put his finger on it, but he had a gut feeling that this girl was not a threat. She did not even look like she was from around here. But just what could she be?

Non the less, he grabbed his weapon as he and Marcus made their way down to comfront the girl.

Gwen was back on the ground looking at all the monsters she had just thought. The sound of footsteps alerted her and she quickly turned around and saw two men walk towards her. Both wore some kind of armors, one of them had a black skull cap on his head with a very tiny beard stump under his lip. The other man had black hair that was shaved on a few sides of his head, and a thin black beard.

Though she was relieved to see some more humans, Being fresh out of a fight and the fact these two men were armed to the teeth did not give out a good wibe, so Gwen had her guard up "Who are you?".

"We are asking the questions here. Tell me who the hell are you?" One of the men demanded more than asked.

Gwen glared at him through her mask but answered anyway since she'd rather not make any enemies if she can avoid it "I am Spider-Woman".

The man rasied an eyebrow "You somekind of superhero or something?".

"Trying to at least" Gwen answered with a shrug.

"Cute. Now what is your real name?" The man demanded again.

"You are awfully demading of me when I don't even know who you guys are!" Gwen shot back already not liking this guy's rude attitude.

Before the man could say anything, the other man stepped forward "His name is Marcus and you can call me Dom. We saw you fight the Locust and needed to know who you are".

Gwen looked at him and could not help but to smile that at least one of these guys were more reasonable "It's... complicated and you will not belive me if I tell you".

"Try me" Marcus said still with no emotion in his face.

Gwen sighed 'It's offical, I am in hell. This is gonna be a loooooooooong day'.


Note: For those who don't know, the gravity on Seran is stronger than it is on earth.

Well this is the first chapter of my first Gears of War story. I hope you will like it and really want to hear your thoughts and predictions on the future chapters.