A/N: Here we are. The final chapter… I won't waffle on because I know you're all eager to find out what happened to Henry. This is NSFW.

Two Months Later

Everything was the same and yet everything was different. As she walked down the corridor, there was nothing unusual about it, then or now. There was no way to know what was going to happen on that fateful day, six months before. She had no way of knowing what was going to happen, how her life was going to change. One meeting; that was all it took. Or rather, one person. Meeting that one person turned her world upside down in a way she could never have predicted.

She was shown into the same room, her team filing in after her. The only difference was the new makeup artist. The girl's background check had been so thorough there was barely a minute of her life left unaccounted for. But there was no way Graham was going to let anyone untrustworthy near her again. It wasn't worth it. There had already been too much heartbreak.

Regina settled herself in the chair and closed her eyes as the young woman began to apply her makeup. As always, Kathryn was by her side, reviewing their plan and talking points. She was barely listening. After all, this wasn't her first rodeo.

It wasn't until there was a knock at the door, twenty minutes later, that Regina was jolted out of her daydream. Graham strode over to answer it. In the past two months, he had been by Regina's side whenever possible. She was sure he had somehow combatted a human's requirement for sleep. But she was grateful. His presence was slowly making her feel safe once more. It had taken time and there were weeks when she had barely left the White House. Two months down the line and she was starting to feel more at ease, secure, more confident. Having Graham by her side was a big part of that.

"Zelena," he said, peering past the agents who had knocked on the door.

"Don't worry, Graham, I'm not here to blow up the President," came the familiar sarcastic British tone. "Can you let me in please? I need to talk to her."

Graham stepped back. He knew Zelena was no threat to Regina really, but he was still hyperaware. There was not ever going to be a repeat of what had occurred in that outbuilding in Pennsylvania, not if he could avoid it.

"Hi Zee," Regina said. "Are they nearly ready for me?"

"Yep," Zelena said, hopping up onto the sideboard. "Are you ready?"

"I'm always ready," Regina smirked. "How's Emma?"

"She's doing good. She's already on the stage. I was sent to say you guys can come through whenever you're ready."

Regina nodded and observed herself in the mirror. She was impressed. The new makeup artist was quite the talent. She was also, Graham had assured her, not a victim of Stockholm Syndrome after being brainwashed by a psychopath for three decades.

"Let's go," she nodded at her own reflection.

The walk to the television studio stage was the same as it had been six months before. Her team flanked her, Graham leading the way as always. The deserted corridors spoke to the high levels of security but, as it had been the first time she had appeared, the studio floor was abuzz with activity. She spotted the blonde at once, hunched over her notes and talking quietly with Ruby. Graham led her up to the stage while Zelena and Kathryn stopped to talk to August.

"Hey," Regina said softly when she reached Emma's desk, Graham peeling off to speak to the head of security for the studio.

"Hi," Emma grinned, looking up from her notes. "De ja vu or what?"

Regina laughed and sat down in the guest's armchair. "Feels like it was yesterday," she agreed. "Hi Ruby," she added.

Since their relationship went public, Regina had spent a little time with Ruby at Emma's apartment, as well as their friend Mary Margaret. Graham, of course, had insisted on a full background check for both women.

"Hey Madam President," Ruby said. "I'll go and change that on the auto-cue, Ems. See you guys in a bit."

She trotted off to perform her duties and Emma turned back to Regina. "So, are you ready for your famous Swan-style grilling?"

"You know I'll give as good as I get," Regina smirked. "For everything you have on me, I can tell the nation something just as compromising about you. Like last week when we were in the shower and I -"

"Ok, ok, you win," Emma said, holding her hands up in mock surrender. "I promise. No divulging private information."

Regina laughed. She knew Emma had only been teasing. There was no way the blonde would breach her trust like that on live national television.

"So, the last recording of The Swan Show," Regina said, looking around the studio. "Are you going to miss it?"

"Kinda," Emma shrugged. "But I'm more excited about what's coming next to be honest."

"What are you going to do to keep yourself busy for the next month?" Regina asked.

The studio had agreed to Emma's new show format on the condition that it was billed as completely separate to her current one. She had diligently worked until the end of her existing contract, eliminating all mention of her relationship with Regina since they had gone public. And now it was time for her to move on. She and Regina had discussed it at length and decided it was the perfect opportunity for the two of them to appear in their first public interview since their press announcement.

"Oh, I'm sure you can keep me entertained," Emma said, leaning slightly towards the brunette.

Much as Regina wanted to press her lips against Emma's, she resisted. They were about to go live on television and they didn't need to be caught making out just before the cameras turned on.

"Well, I'll keep you busy for the next week but then you're abandoning me," Regina said, pouting slightly.

"You're coming to visit me," Emma pointed out. "And I'm only in L.A. for two weeks."

"Is Henry ready?" Regina asked.

"He's been packed since June," Emma laughed. "I know I should be offended but I think he's just too excited about starting his new school."

"Two minutes," Ruby said as she returned to the stage. "Emma, Madam President, do you need anything?"

"Nope, I'm good," Emma said. "But Gina, you need a mic pack."

Regina diligently stood up to allow Emma to attach the wired technology. It wasn't usually the job of the host but it had become a tradition of sorts. This time, however, Emma made no secret of her desire to stroke her fingertips over Regina's smooth skin. The brunette tingled as she felt the soft caress against her chest.

"Tease," Regina said as she readjusted her blouse and sat back down. "You're also teasing me wearing that suit. Didn't I tell you not to upstage me?"

"I don't hold a candle to you, beautiful. And as for the teasing, I know you love it," Emma retorted.

Regina said nothing. She didn't need to. After everything they had been through, they shared a connection whereby some things just didn't need to be put into words.

"Ready to tell the world?" Regina asked.

"As I'll ever be," Emma shrugged, just as the ten second countdown to their live recording started.

There was a final flurry of activity, Emma sipped from her water and shot Regina one final loving look before she turned to the camera and prepared to greet her viewers.

"Good evening, America, and welcome to the final broadcast of The Swan Show. It's the end of an era, I know, but I am excited to be bringing you this very special goodbye show. My guest tonight is no secret, although she and I are also no stranger to sneaking around," Emma added and Ruby gave her the thumbs up from behind the camera while Zelena scowled. "I am joined once again by the President of the United States of America, Ms Regina Mills. Madam President, welcome."

"Thank you for inviting me on, Miss Swan," Regina said.

"Now, this is the first time the two of us have appeared on television together since we went public about our relationship back in May. Of course, I'm sure many viewers have questions for us but since I'm the interviewer, this is going to make for a rather unusual situation."

"Well, we do like to do things differently," Regina said and Emma grinned at her.

"That we do, Madam President."

It felt strange to use Regina's official title but the two of them had agreed that it was important for both of their images if they were to appear as professional as possible on Emma's show.

"So, let's kick things off with what everyone wants to know. Madam President, how has our relationship affected your politics?"

"I really don't think it has, to be honest," Regina said. "If people are wondering whether I am going to be a stronger advocate for the LGBTQ+ community, I was already a firm supporter before. Now I may have personal experiences to draw from but I always saw the rights of all sexual orientations and gender groups as an important part of my political views."

"Have you felt as if you have been treated any differently, as a result of our relationship and your announcement that you are bisexual?"

"Yes," Regina said. "And I'm not saying these are all bad changes. I have received countless letters from people who have been struggling with their sexual desires and preferences thanking me for setting an example. But there have also been people who have not exactly hidden the fact that they disagree with two women being in a relationship."

Emma nodded. "As someone who has been openly gay for a decade, I know exactly what you're going through. But let's move on from society's stigma and talk about the dramatic event which somewhat overshadowed our announcement two months ago."

"We certainly do seem to attract drama," Regina smiled. "There aren't many things which can upstage an announcement like the we made that day."

"For those of you who have been living in a cave for the past two months, we are of course referring to the blackmail attempt on the President by the former head of the NRA, Robert Gold. While the President and I were addressing the American public, Mr Gold and his team kidnapped my son, killed a White House agent and then held my son hostage for over five hours. Madam President, what more can we tell the public about the events of that day?"

"Of course, you will all know that Mr Gold and his wife Belle French were arrested trying to board their private jet that same day. The head of the NRA, independently of the organisation, I might add, blackmailed me by threatening the lives of Miss Swan and her son, Henry. A mole in the White House talked his way out even while the building was in lockdown before killing a White House employee, drugging Henry and driving him out of the state. The best agents in the country worked tirelessly to track them both down and identified their location as a property owned by Mr Gold in Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, in order to keep Henry safe, our team had no choice but to shoot at the man holding him hostage. Despite immediate medical assistance, he did not survive his injuries."

Emma's features darkened. She was glad Panner was dead. She was glad he had bled out on the dirty floor of that old outbuilding. So what if they didn't get to hold him accountable for his crimes? As far as Emma was concerned, he got what was coming to him.

"Henry was saved by the brave men and women who work for the FBI, CIA and private security for the White House," Regina continued. "And is now back at home with his mother, where he belongs."

"Yes he is," Emma said. "Leaving his smelly socks all over the apartment and texting at the dinner table just like any normal kid."

"And he hasn't suffered any psychological trauma as a result of those events?"

Emma's eyebrows rose. "Whose television show is this?" she teased. "But no, he hasn't. While he is aware of what he went through, the drugs which were found in his system resulted in him not remembering anything that happened. It's a blessing really."

"It is indeed. The State is pressing charges against the remaining members of the group, principally Mr Gold. His wife Belle, while an accomplice, has been diagnosed with Stockholm Syndrome. Although she was personally involved in many of the criminal acts, she did so only after almost three decades of brainwashing and psychological abuse by Mr Gold. They have confessed to their crimes that day as well as the shooting of my father back in March, in which their son was the sniper regrettably killed by my security team."

"How is your father?"

"He's doing very well, thank you," Regina said. "He has almost completely recovered from the gunshot and is dealing with the psychological trauma as well."

"And on a happier note," Emma said, "let's talk about the demands the blackmailers made. They wanted you to tank the Gun Reform Bill. Or, should I say, Gun Reform Law."

Grinning widely, Regina nodded. "Yes they did. This whole scheme, the horrific events that my father, Miss Swan and her son had to endure were all because a few people wanted so desperately to continue to use their firearms without regulation. Well, as I'm sure you are all aware, earlier this week Congress passed a Federal Law, almost identical to the Gun Reform Bill I put forwards earlier this year. I had the great honour two days ago of signing that Bill into Law. For the first time in modern history, the United States of America has comprehensive gun legislation. I believe this is a landmark step towards combatting this systemic, lethal problem which has been ravaging our society for too long."

"A milestone achievement, Madam President. Congratulations. We'll be taking a break now. Join us in a few minutes when I'll be telling you all about my new show, which will begin airing in September, right here on NBC."

The music played and Emma turned back to Regina.

"You ok?" she asked the brunette who was taking a long drink of water.

"Yes, I'm fine, it's just a bit full on," Regina admitted. "Reliving it all like that, all the details are just so vivid in my mind."

"I dream about it almost every night," Emma said quietly.

"I know you do," Regina said, reaching over to take Emma's hand. She didn't care that they were in the middle of a national television studio. The knowledge that her girlfriend woke up most nights, sweating and panicked because she could see the masked face of the man holding her son hostage, broke her heart. Her only consolation was that sometimes she was there to soothe away the pain with soft whispers and gentle caresses.

Ruby and Zelena came up onto the stage, followed by August.

"Hey boss," Emma grinned. "Ready for us to do the big reveal?"

"Sure," August nodded. "Um, is Henry really ok? I mean, I know you told me what happened and say he doesn't remember but are you sure?"

"He's fine," Emma said. "Better than both me and Regina, anyway. He really doesn't remember anything after Panner persuaded the guard to let them out to go for pizza. He must have drunk the spiked drink pretty early on and then didn't really wake up until he was in the helicopter on the way to the hospital."

"Shit," August said. "Well, can you let him know he can call me if he needs anything. Or just to talk, whatever."

Emma nodded. "I will do."

"Emma, stop making suggestive comments," Zelena said as soon as the heart to heart had come to an end.

"What?" Emma frowned. "I wasn't."

"You kinda were," Ruby said. "Although personally I think they're funny."

Zelena shot daggers at the woman, at which point Ruby remembered that Zelena had signed a contract making her an executive producer on Emma's new show. Which essentially made her Ruby's boss. She straightened her face and tried to give Emma an authoritative frown.

"Jeez, alright you two," Emma laughed. "I just wanted America to see the fun side of our relationship."

"America doesn't want to see the fun side," Zelena replied. "Americans either want to see you two release a sex tape, want you to be broken up or want you to continue your respective careers as if nothing is going on."

"Surely some of them want to see a happy, supportive, loving couple," Regina interjected. "Emma and I can't pretend like the other one doesn't exist, especially not in our careers. I think we should be focusing on coming across as a two women who are in love, who respect one another as powerful, independent individuals and who want to be there for each other, in good times and bad."

"They sound like marriage vows," Ruby muttered.

Emma shot her friend a warning look while Regina's cheeks pinked.

"Back on air in thirty," a runner said, hovering nervously behind Zelena's shoulder. Emma wondered how long it would take for the crew on her new show to get used to the not infrequent presence of the President.

Everyone disappeared from the stage as the countdown began, leaving Emma and Regina briefly alone together.

"Are we still on for tonight?" Emma asked.

"Of course," Regina said. "I've been looking forward to it all week."

While the two women no longer had to sneak around when it came to spending time together, Regina's position meant that extensive security measures were taken whenever they met outside the White House. Emma's apartment was the easiest space, comparatively, but that evening they had a late dinner reservation at a new restaurant in town. And by reservation, Graham's team had ordered the restaurant to be completely closed to the public and agents were already patrolling the surrounding streets. It was exhausting but something both women understood came with the territory.

The show's theme music played them in for what would be the final time. Emma smiled down the camera as they went live and began to explain her new show format to the nation; an insider's look at the inner workings of the White House with weekly interviews featuring Regina herself.

"That food was delicious," Emma said, flopping back against the rear seat of Regina's car just as the brunette clipped her own seatbelt in place.

"It was rather good," Regina agreed, her hand sliding over the leather seat and landing on Emma's thigh. "But there's something I know of that's even tastier."

Emma groaned. "You're going to kill me one day, you know that?"

"How so?" Regina asked, fingers now trailing up and down the inside thigh of the blonde.

"Because you're unfairly sexy and then when you say things like that I just want to undress you and have my way with you."

Regina chuckled. "In the back of the car? I don't think so, Miss Swan."

That didn't help, Emma thought to herself. Her girlfriend knew full well she loved it when Regina used her full name.

"As soon as we're in private, you are going to pay for teasing me," Emma said, eyes closed as Regina's hand stroked gently up and down her leg.

"I can't wait," the brunette murmured, leaning across the seat and placing a kiss to Emma's neck.

The car drove on through the dark streets of D.C., making its way to the White House. Neal was in town, in preparation for Henry to fly to L.A. the following week, so Emma had the night off. And she planned to make the most of it. After Henry's kidnapping, Emma had been on edge about the boy being alone. A protective detail from the White House had been assigned to him and plain clothed agents were always watching, just in case. Their building's security had also been upgraded. There hadn't been any more threats but since Henry was the son of the President's significant other, he was entitled to protection. Emma, too, had her own security agent.

"What time do you have to leave tomorrow morning?" Regina asked, lips now trailing along Emma's jawline.

"I'm meeting Neal and Henry at eleven for brunch," Emma sighed as the brunette's mouth moved tantalisingly close to her own.

"Good," Regina said. "We can spend most of the morning in bed together."

Emma groaned again. She turned her face and captured Regina's lips in a desperate kiss. The ride to the White House was going far too slowly for her liking.

The couple only broke apart when the car slid gracefully into the underground parking garage. They nodded to the guard on duty, a replacement for the incompetent moron who had believed Panner's lie about he and Henry leaving to get a pizza that terrible day. Graham was already there, waiting to escort Regina and Emma back to the private living quarters. Bidding them goodnight, he closed the door and began to conduct the nightly security checks.

No sooner had the door snapped closed, Emma found herself pushed up against it, Regina's mouth greedy to taste her once more. She wrapped her arms around the shorter woman, pulling her even closer as she allowed Regina's tongue to plunder her mouth. Eager fingers were already unbuttoning Emma's pants and sliding inside to cup the waiting sex.

"Bedroom," Emma murmured. Much as she loved being pinned up against the door, she knew the two of them would both be more comfortable in the large bed just a few metres away.

They stumbled down the corridor, mouths refusing to part. By the time they entered the bedroom, Emma was missing her jacket, her tie hung loose around her neck and her pants were somewhere in the living room. Bare toes wiggled against the soft carpet. Regina, meanwhile, was just in her bra and skin tight pants, heels having been discarded almost as soon as they began to move.

"God you're sexy," Regina said, eyes roving over the fitted white shirt, complete with skinny black tie. Emma's toned legs were bare, the smooth skin begging Regina to touch it. And so she did. She pushed Emma gently towards the bed until the blonde sat on the edge. Standing in the crux of the younger woman's spread legs, Regina slowly unbuttoned Emma's shirt, pulling either side apart so it hung open. Green eyes were locked with brown the entire time; intense and full of feeling.

"Lie back," Regina murmured after she had tenderly removed the shirt and tie, leaving Emma in only a white lace bra and matching panties.

Obeying at once, Emma reclined onto the mattress, stomach muscles taut as she lowered herself. Regina licked her lips. She was a sucker for Emma's abs. Without warning, she lowered her mouth and laved a trail from the top of Emma's underwear up to the underside of her breasts. The blonde arched into the sensation, quivering in anticipation as Regina fumbled beneath her to release her bra.

As soon as it had been flung to one side, Regina captured a taut nipple in her mouth, tongue swirling over the pebbled flesh as Emma let out a guttural moan. Smirking against the skin, Regina switched to the other breast, giving it the same treatment before crawling back down Emma's body and kneeling on the floor.

Propped on her elbows, Emma looked down to see Regina in between her spread legs, fingers hooked into her one remaining piece of clothing. Lifting her hips, she allowed Regina to slide her panties down her legs, tossing them aside before her hands returned to tug Emma's hips closer to the edge of the bed.

Smiling softly up at the woman before her, never breaking eye contact, Regina placed a delicate kiss to Emma's inner thigh. The blonde bit her lip. She both hated and loved the anticipation. Regina switched to the other thigh, her lips brushing tenderly over the skin there. Emma bit back a moan. Repeating this action on one thigh, then the other, Regina slowly kissed her way towards Emma's centre. When her lips finally kissed her girlfriend's core, Regina saw Emma's eyelids flutter closed.

Good as their meal had been at the restaurant that night, it had nothing on Emma, Regina decided. She dragged her tongue through Emma's folds, savouring the tangy, addictive taste of the woman she loved so fiercely it scared her sometimes. Emma's fingers wound themselves into Regina's hair, pulling her closer to her core as her hips rocked upwards. Much as Regina loved to tease, she knew Emma needed her release and was more than happy to give it to her.

She licked more firmly, running her tongue over Emma's clit before retreating, repeating the move several times before bringing her hand up and sucking two fingers into her mouth. Hooded green eyes watched her as she circled Emma's entrance and then pushed slowly inside.

"God, Regina," Emma moaned.

"Just Madam President will do," Regina smirked before she lowered her mouth and trapped Emma's clit between her lips.

Within a minute, Emma was exploding. Regina's fingers continued to pump, her tongue flickering over the sensitive nerves, coaxing every last drop of pleasure from the blonde until a gasped "enough" told Regina to stop.

Standing up, she ignored the ache in her knees as she crawled up her girlfriend's spent body and pressed a messy kiss on Emma's lips, sharing the taste of her pleasure with the blonde. Rolling off the breathless woman, Regina snuggled into her side, one leg thrown over Emma's waist as she waited patiently for the blonde to regain control.

"I love you," Emma said, turning her head and smiling dopily at the woman beside her.

"I know," Regina smiled.

"No, I mean, I really love you," Emma clarified. "More than I've ever loved anyone, apart from Henry."

"I love you more than I've ever loved anyone," Regina said simply. It was true. There was no one in her life she loved as much as she loved Emma Swan.

The blonde woman smiled and kissed her softly. "I was thinking," she said when she pulled back.

"About loving me?" Regina asked.

"Kinda," Emma admitted. "And about you loving me and what that means for our future." Regina tensed slightly in her arms. "No, it's nothing bad," the blonde quickly assured her. "I was thinking about our future together and what that may involve."

"Ok," Regina said slowly. "And what do you think our future holds?"

"A lot of love," Emma smiled. "After everything we've been through, I know this is it for me, Regina. You're it for me. But everything that happened with Henry, those awful things I said to you that day, I'll never forgive myself."

"I've already forgiven you," Regina said.

Once Henry had been released from hospital that terrible day, Regina had insisted Emma and Henry stay in the White House. After the boy was asleep, Emma began her profuse apologies. Those things she had said were unforgivable, reprehensible and she had been ashamed when she remembered the way she lashed out at Regina. The brunette, however, had assured her that she understood, that she knew Emma was just an angry, scared, upset mother, that she hadn't meant what she said. It was taking time but Emma was slowly learning to believe Regina when she said she was forgiven. As far as Emma was concerned, however, she'd spend the rest of her life trying to make up for what she said that day.

"Thank you," she said softly. "So, I was thinking about what the next step for us may be."

"Oh yeah?" Regina asked. "And what step is that?"

"Well, Henry is going to L.A. next week and he's going to be living there most of the year. I love my apartment but -"

"You want to move into the White House?"

Emma blushed. "Is it too fast?"

"No," Regina breathed out. "Not at all. To be honest, I was going to ask you to move in when you got back from L.A. but I wasn't sure what the network would think about it. Moving in doesn't mean you have to take on the responsibilities of First Lady but it would alter public perception."

"I've already talked to August about it as a possibility," Emma admitted. "He's cool with it. This whole new show is about life inside the White House so the fact that I would call this place home almost makes sense with the concept. I'm not commenting on political views, exactly, but more about how politics works so there is no bias to be accused of."

"So, you're moving in?"

"If you'll have me," Emma nodded. "But it would also mean that Henry would be staying here when he visited. Would that be ok?"

"I'd love that," Regina smiled. "I love having Henry in my house just as much as I love having you here. It feels … right."

Emma smiled. She loved how accepting her son had been of Regina but also how closely the two of them had bonded over the few months. Which led her to her second thought.

"Regina, when I think of our future, I see a lifetime filled with love. My love for you and your love for me. And, maybe, something more."

"More than love?"

"Ok, something was the wrong word," Emma amended. "I meant someone."

Regina frowned and pulled back slightly. "Are you suggesting inviting a third person into our relationship?"

"Not like that," Emma said hurriedly. "I'm not propositioning a threesome."

"Good," Regina said. "Because firstly, I don't want to share you. And secondly, if that ever got out, I think Mal may kill you and me herself. We've already caused more than enough scandals in her eyes."

Emma chuckled. "Don't worry, I don't want to share you either," she said, pulled Regina back into her arms and noting as she did so that the brunette still had her pants on.

"So who is this someone you see in our future?" Regina asked.

"Do you remember what we talked about that first night in my apartment?" Emma asked, even as her fingers worked to finish undressing her girlfriend.

"Robin and my divorce?"

"And your desire to be a mother," Emma reminded her, now wrestling Regina's pants down her legs.

Brown eyes, full of confusion, stared at the woman beside her. "What are you saying?"

"I know you can't get pregnant," Emma said, "and it's not like I could impregnate you even if you could. But there are other ways, Regina. If you want to be a mother, I want to help make that happen for you. You'd be an amazing mom, you know? The way you care for Henry, even when he's a moody teenager, I can see how maternal you are. So, I just want you to know that if at some point in our future, you want to go down that road, I'll be beside you, every step of the way."

Tears filled Regina's eyes. Emma knew they weren't tears of sadness but she still kissed them away as they spilled over and rolled down her cheeks.

"I didn't think it was possible to love you any more than I already did but you just proved me wrong," Regina whispered, voice hoarse with emotion. "You'd really do that for me?"

"I'd do it with you, not for you," Emma said. "To be honest, I was kinda sad Neal and I only had one kid before I realised I was gay. Lily wasn't interested in adopting children and so I stopped thinking it was an option. But then I met you and I realised there is nothing I want more in the world than to raise a family with you."

"I want that too," Regina said. "But … not yet."

"That's fine," Emma said. "I'll wait as long as is necessary."

"Three and a half years," Regina said. "That's how long until my term ends."

"You may get re-elected," Emma pointed out.

"A divorced bisexual woman?" Regina asked. "Doubtful."

"Well, whether we wait three and a half years or seven and a half years, know that I'll be ready when you are. I want to do this with you, Regina. I want to do everything with you."

Regina threw her arms around Emma and hugged her tightly, burying her face against the blonde's neck.

"You're amazing, Emma Swan."

"So are you, Regina Mills," Emma said, kissing the side of Regina's head.

Their mouths met once more, soft and loving and communicating everything that words couldn't. Except, they had said everything they wanted to say, that they needed to say. Their unconditional love and commitment was something they told one another every day. The openness of their relationship was what cause it to thrive, to grow, to endure.

"Make love to me, Emma," Regina said breathlessly.

"With pleasure," the blonde said, rolling her girlfriend over and kissing her with all the love in the world.

A/N: Thank you for reading my darlings. I have so enjoyed writing these versions of Emma and Regina and I hope this enjoyment has come across in my story. Also, almost 1,000 reviews on ? Wow, I'm truly flawed by the engagement this story has received.

I will be taking a short break from writing until April as I have a lot of work commitments coming up. Thank you once again for joining me on this journey. I will be back in a couple of months with yet another SwanQueen AU. The show may have eclipsed this relationship from their storylines but they can never silence our love for these characters.