



An emotion he could never feel for his parents , rather his preschool teacher . He used to spend most of his time with her after all , and not his actual parents . How saddening . Is that why they say reality is harsh ?



One of many .

He knew he was one of many children out there , neglected by their family and seeking comfort in a stranger's home .




Home .

They teach children that home is a place where you feel safe , loved and precious . But he didn't feel any of those . Were they lying ? Or was he the problem ?



Care .

He yearned to be cared for . They should have shown him more of that , if not , then why did they even give birth to him ? His little brain couldn't come up with an answer .




Attention .

He wanted his parents' concern , love and care . He wanted their attention .. Or anyone's .




Loneliness .

Is something he learned to live with . Even amidst his toys , he felt the usual pang of solitude . They bought him toys , lots of them . But never joined him , never played with him , never spared some of their time for him .

Sometimes they would promise to , but then they would only break that promise , like usual .




Disappointment .

A surge of disappointment floods his tiny being every time they break their promises . But he still looked forward to it . Because when they do so , they kiss his forehead apologetically . The very gentle and brief display of affection helps sate his thirst for a very short time until he starts yearning for them even more .




Shyness .

His personality didn't help him make friends fast . He finds himself wondering if such was the case because he never had a chance to pick up anyone's habits , he couldn't shape up his own . He didn't wake up to his father and mother 's love . He never witnessed them interacting much because he never had enough time to be with them in the first place .




Darkened .

His childhood felt like a darkened , deserted and cold place .

Until one day , his parents decided to leave him with one of their friends' son .




Unexpected .

The way that guy talked to him was .. Unexpected . He wasn't talking in a fake childish tone so as to appeal to him , yet he wasn't talking in a formal way reserved for elders or strangers either . It was simply endearing .




Ache .

That alone made little zero's heart ache very softly yearning for what he had long wished for .. Care , attention and maybe even love . The way Kaname talked to him , for starters , made him feel acknowledged for the human being he was .. Moreover , he talked to him like he wasn't some child , clueless and naive , ( Most people unfortunately treated him as though he was . )




Obedient .

Mostly , they tend to be nice the first 5 minutes before switching on the TV on a kid channel and making sure he was seated like an obedient mechanical child , ideal , and minded his own business . then they would resume texting their friends or something ..




Closer .

Whoever they may have been texting or interacting with , must have felt way closer than Zero himself , though he was practically a few steps away ..




Fine .

For them , As long as the child had means of entertainment and some snacks , everything should be fine until his parents finally come .

So pathetic , miserable and .. alone . It Made him feel like some kind of possession left in the hands of a friend of his parents till they were done with whatever plans they had .




A pet .

Maybe a good way to describe it would be likening him to a pet .. A pet left in other people's care until his owners came to get him back ..

No .. Even a mere pet would be lucky getting some sort of attention , a pat on the head there or some tickles here ..




Astonishment .

When he told Kaname that he was eight years old , the elder 's expression turned into astonishment . He had actually expected him to be six years old or younger judging by the way he looked .




Conversation .

Kaname actually initiated a conversation with him . He asked little Zero about school and if he had good friends .




A Sad smile .

He didn't know why but when he talked about the way he did whatever he could to make his friends happy , Kaname gave him a smile that looked sad . He didn't know how a smile could look sad but it did .




Selfish .

" Zero , there comes a point in life where you should be selfish . Instead of your friends , mother and father , what they think and what they want , you should start thinking of yourself . Before doing anything , ask yourself ' Do I want this ? '




kaname .

kaname told him to think of himself , to prioritize his own happiness every once in awhile .




Ominous .

Those feelings were ominous . And they definitely had a meaning . As if on cue , Kaname's cell phone rang . He said he would be right back and went to answer the call .

Zero knew he shouldn't follow but curiosity got the best of him . He stood up on his tiny legs and followed his new .. his new .. new what ? What was Kaname to him ?

His eyes darted everywhere and then he recalled three words .

Safe , loved and cared for .. Home .. Being with Kaname was like finally finding home .

zero brightened up and proceeded following the voice .




Burden .

When he got near , he heard the elder apologizing over the phone . He didn't seem to notice Zero approaching .

It seemed like someone was waiting for him .. He had plans that he forgot about when Zero's parents asked him to take care of their child ..




Guilt and shame gnawed at the little boy's innocent mind . He shouldn't have .. If it weren't for him , Kaname would have been spending time with his friends now .

He was sure the elder would prefer to leave and meet his friends .. No matter how kind he was , he must love his friends more .




It's then that Kaname hears the front door slamming . He paused , told his friend to wait and started calling " Zero ? "

But no one answered . He dashed through the whole apartment looking for the little boy but never found him .

Oh , God ! Where did he go ?


