Disclaimer: I don't think I own Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Trust me. You'd know.

Edited: January 24 2018

After the little crying session and hugging it out like bros- "I swear if this gets out I cried like a lil bitch, you will catch these hands"- both me and Yamamoto played video games like the stupid, normal teenagers that we were.

"I fucking dare to fucking beat me again you hecking loser." I growled, punching the buttons erratically as I non-subtlety shoved the tall beanpole beside me with my foot who had taken the floor. It was effective, but not enough. His Yoshi still surpassed my Toad.

"Haha, Tsuna you're quite violent with Mario Kart, huh? And a sore-" All of a sudden, I felt I was shoved me off the bed, squaking as I went down. This motherfucker- "-loser at that."

"I'll fucking end you!" I snarled, ready to pounce to get revenge as my Toad ran into a wall.

"Tsu-chan! I've brought some juice and snacks for you and Yamamoto-kun!" Nana called out as she opened the door. "Sorry for the wait." She still had that heavenly smile on her face, but widened when she saw us.

I huffed at Yamamoto, sticking my tongue at him. "You're safe for today Takeshi-chan," I mocked, smirking. "Praise be the gods for mama's homemade donuts." I licked my lips as I took one of the halos turned into baked goods, off the plate and stuffed it inside my mouth. Nirvana's jizz exploded in my mouth as I moaned in delight. The thickness and creaminess filled in my mouth from the raspberry filling, powered donut.

'Sweet baby Jesus this is so good.'

"Yeah whatever Tsuna." He rolled his eyes, snatching two donuts as I stuck my tongue out. "Thank you Sawada-san -"

"Call me Nana, Yamamoto-kun!" Nana chirruped, waving her hand. Yamamoto smiled. "Thank you, Nana." Then he bit into the donut. He instantly froze, expression blank.


"Hmph?" I grunted, mouth stuffed to the brim with donuts, nodding my mom in thanks as she closed the door.

"Marry me." He whispered. I could see stars sparkle in his eyes as he stared intently in my eyes like he had a epiphany struck him down like lightening.

I fucking nearly choked.

"What in the actual the fuck!" I spat the chewed up pieces of saliva covered donuts onto my hand. No way I was going down that way again. Once was enough.

"So that you're mom can make us donuts, like, literally everyday." Realization dawned on me as I took a good look at his face. He looked as if he had transcended into heaven.

I chuckled at his expression. Fucking dork. "That good, huh."

"Fuck yes." He whispered.

"You're literally invited into this house everyday, you do now that right?" I bumped him in the shoulder with mine, stuffing the chewed up bits of donuts back into my mouth. Can't waste mama's precious donuts despite how gross it was.

"Praise be Nana's homemade donuts." Yamamoto finally came into understanding of the new religion that was Nana's donuts.

"Praise be mama's homemade donuts." I nodded, sagely.

It was nice knowing that Yamamoto joined the cult of Sawada Nana's cooking/baking.

"I THOUGHT AUNITE NANA'S DONUTS FUCKING CALMED YOU DOWN YOU CRAZY BITCH." He howled, keeping me out of leg's reach as his foot implanted in my face as I tried to claw my way to his face like a raccoon on drugs.


"IT'S JUST MARIO KART JESUS-" Having been done with my shit, he shoved me.

"THIS IS FOR TOAD YOU BITCH." I retaliated, pouncing on him only to miss as he rolled away.





"This is very therapeutic." Yamamoto groaned, as my thumbs dug into the tension of his upper back.

"It's hella healing. Especially when you play sports that stresses your upper body strength." I stated, rubbing his skin with enough pressure that it untied the knots, but was apparently pleasurable as Yamamoto grunted. Was he a masochist? That would actually explain his heads-on, think-later combat

"Do mine after."


"I'll take that as a yes. Dork."

"-thought we are so, so insignificant that all we are are living on a speck of dust in space floating around our solar system but part of other possibly greater, galaxies? We are all specks man. And don't get me started with the fact that the present is never permanent like what I just said is in the past now. You processing my words are in the past. We may be always in the present but it happens so quick we never really experience it momentarily but had experienced it? Do you know what I mean, because shit, I over think a lot."

"What were in those brownies Tsuna."

I ignored him, deciding to drop a bomb. "Do you ever feel like an anime character?"

"... Shut up Tsuna."

"Because I feel like I'm in a Fanfiction that doesn't update regularly."

"So you like Kyoko?"

"Yah. I'm gay for her right now."

"Right now?"

"I'm Pansexual hottie."

"That so."

It was dark outside when we finally noticed how late it was.

"You can chill out in this crib if you want to." I proposed to Yamamoto as he got up to get ready to leave.

"The old man's probably worried so I can't tonight. Next time." It wasn't a no, but I was slightly disappointed my new found friend wouldn't be sleeping over. All of the friends I've made always slept over. And vice-versa.

"Psh, you better you assbutt." I mumbled, poking him in the stomach. "Boop." He snickered childishly. That dude love him some butt-jokes.

"Nice." He ruffled my hair, messy up my already short hair. "See you tomorrow?"

I smiled gratefully at him. Yamamoto, my first friend in this new, familiar world.

"Ya, see you." And he left.

"Sooooo," Nana drawled out from the door, "that boy was nice." I nodded. Of course he was. My boy Yamamoto wasn't a fuckboy. Or a toy no longer.

"Loved your donuts, so he's okay in my books." I nodded, sagely once again. Honor the donuts.

Nana giggled. "Okay dear."

She placed a kiss on my forehead, loving rubbing my head and staring at me with warm eyes. God I love this woman.

"So, there's this tutor whose coming tomorrow."


I guess it was inevitable. Even if I didn't want any of this.

I was going to meet Reborn. Renato Whatever with the cheesy-ass, signature greeting. A bit too soon for my liking, but I had a feeling some higher en-titty wanted to move the plot along... I'm probably overthinking this again, but maybe the only reason I exist is because I'm in someone's Fanfiction. Or my own.

"Hnngh." What if I am in one? And this was some ploy for the author to release their boredom. But if it was me then... narcissism? Or to boost my non-existent self-esteem?

"Fuck no, I'm gunna go eat." I shook my head, using all of my willpower to not let the existential crisis to take hold. Overthinking before coffee and breakfast was a bad idea.

Plus Reborn was coming in today, so I better down everything before seeing him. I knew it the special "Meeting" between tutor and student was before school but I at least wanted to eat something before confronting the man-baby in the flesh that could make boys and girls panties drop, even with his jailbait exterior.

And his sadistic torturing- no tutoring. But were they so different when it came to Reborn? It was practically a comedic gag for the original Tsuna to be bullied by Reborn. But he thrived off when Reborn Tortured/Tutored him. Tough love, soft hate I guess.

I took a sip of my coffee.

Damn, I had my work cut out for me.

The doorbell rang.

'How can he reach the fucking doorbell if he's so goddamn short.' I snorted, getting up from my seat. "I'll get it mama." Nana merely nodded, her brown hair- the same color as mine- bobbed, smiling beautifully as she flipped today's newspaper.

"Thank you, Tsu-chan!" I fucking love her.

Uncertainty and the beginnings of anxiety began to form when I saw the door that held my future to become something... more. The thought was terrifying to say the least. I never had many opportunities Back Then, especially with the Social and Racial status.

A mafia boss, a bearer of the Sky ring, an heiress and Tenth. "Juudaime." From Gokudera affectionately. Or obsessively. There was a fine line for Gokudera's loyalty to Tsunayoshi, but what of me? Would he also see me as someone worth respecting for?

But I was a fraud. This body wasn't mine, despite the transformation that was once like my body from before as I tried to make it to be. Which brought some comfort and a much more solid feeling of who I was. My identity from Before Then was important to me even if I wasn't part of anything special. I was part of the minority group, Native American. I'm not Japanese with Italian blood mixed in like a foreign cocktail. Albeit I looked more Japanese, having inherit more of my mother's side, but my skin was more darker than original!Tsuna's had been (most likely Iemitsu's genetics), so there was not that much body dysmorphia.

'But I'm Native American. Always will.'

I sighed heavily. I twisted the knob and finally, after a few weeks of this world, I finally could meet Reborn. I can almost feel the disappointment already.


Reborn POV

When he read the report given by the Ninth, Reborn was not impressed.

Lower than average grades, poor social skills, no ounce of athleticism, overweight, isolated from her peers, takes narcotics (marijuana)- Iemitsu would have a a heart attack if he saw his "Precious Princess" taking drugs, even if they were not very harmful- bullied, weak. Many, many reports written down was full of failures of Sawada Tsunahime. Quite frankly, she was pathetic.

Already he can feel the excitement in his bones. Dino Callavone really taught him the love or tortu- tutoring his beloved slav-students sadistica-endearingly.

This was a project fit for a genius like him. After being "done" -there was still so much to teach him, but he had to grow for himself in order to gain independence and more self-confidence- with Dino, he itched to pass down his knowledge. And this Tsunahime was no Mafia pre-cooked steak either.

He had to start from scratch. And after Dino, the almost euphoric feeling of whipping Tsunahime into shape was astounding.

He couldn't wait to meet her.

So when the knob turned and saw his new victim, he greeted her his signature word.


Author's Note: Tsuna is a pothead.

Reason for Yamamoto's answer for Tsuna's crush: I feel that for Yamamoto, loving the same-sex isn't really much of a big deal for him so he instantly accepts it. I dunno, I just get that feeling with him. Acceptance.


Reborn: 5

Xanxus: 5

Byakuran: 4

Mukuro: 3

Yamamoto: 3

Fon: 3

Kyoya: 2

Chrome: 2

Belphgor: 2

Kyoko: 1

Ryohei: 1

Skull: 1

Lal Mirch: 1

Haru: 1

Enma: 1

Single AF: 1

Harem (requested): 1

Gokudera/Bianchi/Colonello/Verde/Mammon-Viper/Hana/Squalo: 0


Redjadeelric: Thank you! And I will! :)

Mpangqx (sorry for no dot, they won't let me for some reason): Thank god that it did lol. I wasn't so sure anyone would like it, but thank you so much for giving this a try!

Satanic Secretary: True, I try to make it different and a harem is sometimes... meh. All it is, for me at least, a plot for jealousy? In a way. Funny at first, tiring afterwards. But a polygamous relationship would'nt be a bad idea, more healthier that way. But there is a possibility for a femslash! tysm for the review!

Guest: Don't worry, in the future chapters there will be much interaction between them!


moonlight phonex101: True, but I know for some people a potential suicide would weigh in their minds. And I kinda didn't like how they just made it... I dunno like fast? This will still be mentioned in other chapters, bring more light to Yamamoto's suicidal thoughts. AND i'M SO GLAD THAT YOU LIFE ASFKHJLJ

bbb671: Although I don't really like harems, I get your point. Their relationship as guardians are strong. But I think a polygamous would be more healthy then a competition. All acceptance and love for all (yes even you mukuro you ass).


Than you for all who Favorited and followed!

Please Review, it means a lot to me.