A few days after her arrival, Charlie's room was beginning to look a lot more like a home. Posters of her favorite cars and bands hung on the wall along with photos from her childhood and the few rare ones from her time on the road. She smiled, hands on her hips as she looked around her room. Although it felt a little preteen, it was better than the stained wallpaper underneath. It was a start to say the least, and she knew that her current living situation wasn't permanent.

As she looked around her newly decorated room, Charlie's eyes settled on something next to her bed, a photo Jax had given her in a simple black frame. Charlie had no idea how he had gotten his hands on her mug shot from a few years back for public intoxication. Charlie knew her own photo would never be hung with the rest of theirs out in the clubhouse, but seeing it on her bedside table still made her smile. As much as she hated the club, she didn't hate the people in it; not all of them anyways. A soft knock came from her door, but she didn't turn because she knew it was open and whoever was there would speak up eventually.

"Hey kiddo." Piney said roughly. Just from the tone of his voice Charlie knew he was still pissed at her.

"Piney," she nodded turning her head slightly in acknowledgment, "did you need help with something?"

"Clay and the guys headed out on a charity run," he started, making his way over to her bed and sitting down. Charlie rolled her eyes as the old man wiggled in, getting comfortable on her new duvet, "told me to stay behind and keep an eye on things. But now I've run outta shit to do and thought I'd see my favorite daughter."

Charlie scoffed, Piney always had a way of being nice and being an asshole at the same time. "I'm you're only daughter."

"Thank god," he muttered, "you were always a handful, can't imagine having another one."

"Yeah, who knows you might have had to actually be around and help Ma raise your kids." Charlie snapped back, the old man chuckled, knowing full well she got her spark from him.

"I'm not saying I was a great parent, Charlotte, but everything I did, I did for the good of my family." He told her seriously. "I was helping you the only way I knew how."

"I don't want to talk about it, Piney." Charlie sighed, looking over at the old man and noticed he had seen her family photos on the wall to the right of the bed. Piney lifted himself off the bed and walked over to them to get a closer look.

"I'm not in most of 'em." He grunted. Charlie didn't say anything and he hadn't expected her to, she was right, he hadn't been around much.

"That one is my favorite." She spoke softly, appearing behind him when he pulled the photo from the wall. Piney was younger in the photo, standing over Charlotte as he taught her to ride a bike. Charlie smiled towards the camera, a few teeth missing and short little pigtails spiking out of her bright pink helmet. Piney was staring at her though, a proud smile on his face as he gazed down at his daughter. It was the one thing he had insisted on making time for; he wanted to be the one to teach his kids to ride a bike.

"I remember that day." He smiled softly, his thumb rubbing over their smiling faces before sticking it back onto its place on the wall.

"Yeah, me too." Charlie turned her attention back to the bags on her bed; the moment with Piney was already feeling uncomfortable as they drifted down memory lane.

"You pick up enough shit?" Piney teased, nodding towards the various bags scattered around her room.

"I plan on sticking around, might as well get comfortable." Charlie shrugged, kicking the bag full of underwear under her bed slightly so she didn't have to go through the embarrassment of putting it away in front of her dad.

"Glad to hear it." He muttered just before his cell phone rang sharply. Charlie did her best not to listen as he spoke hurriedly on the phone, but she could tell by his tone that something bad had happened.

"That was Half-Sack, looks like Tig got into an accident, they're heading to the hospital and need me to pick up his bike." Piney grumbled as he headed for the door, pausing just as he stood outside to look back at her. "Want to come?"

Charlie glanced up at her father, surprised at his offer and even more surprised that she was considering it.

"Sure, why not?" She said as she shrugged on her leather jacket. Her look was always the same; dark ripped skinny jeans and a dark tank top, finished off with her comfy combat boots and go-to leather jacket. Living on the road she found it easier to have a set style that was easy and cheap to rotate through. Charlie followed Piney outside, keeping up with his slow pace easily enough. It amused her to think this was him in a hurry. The lot was buzzing with a few customers and mechanics as the soft hum of tools in the garage echoed around us. Piney climbed into the white cab of the flatbed, glancing over at her as she climbed in.

"Let's get this done," he mumbled, Charlie smiled at the old man's comment, as the engine roared to life. She couldn't agree more.

Piney had gotten another call; one telling him there was a change of location. Charlie didn't pay much attention to the conversation as she hummed along to the rock music playing in the cab. The ride was otherwise quiet just before they pulled up into a dusty gas station. Piney climbed out of the truck, leaving her behind with a loud bang as the door slammed behind him. She slid over to the driver seat, catching snippets of Piney's conversation. It sounded like Clay was against rescuing Tig, who had been abducted by bounty hunters, though Charlie couldn't understand why he was so hesitant with rescuing his friend. Piney wandered over to the group as they huddled together, arguing on what to do next. Charlie tapped the wheel nervously as she heard their voices rising, feeling her own worry set in on the safety of her friend. Tensions were quickly rising, and Charlie was already regretting tagging along. Before she could think of a reason and way to excuse herself Piney was climbing into the passenger seat and telling her to pull ahead to get Jax's attention. As Charlie did so, Piney leaned over just as Jax asked where they were going. A shotgun was passed in front of her as Piney handed it to the blonde.

"You wanna get this done, jump on the back." He growled. Jax didn't need any further invitation and climbed on the back, calling three more guys to join him as Piney told Charlie to step on it. Charlie drove off, following Piney's directions as they drove a few minutes and turned into the lot of a cheap motel.

"You got a plan here, Piney?" Charlie grumbled at the same time the Scots man in the back asked the same question. Jax peeked his head through the back window, both him and and the others behind him looking at Charlie as if they had forgotten she was there.

"Shit." Jax muttered, glaring at Piney.

"Hold on." Charlie snapped; she wasn't about to let those guys make her feel like a complication or useless in this situation. Every one of them did so as she swung the steering wheel roughly to the left as she stepped on the gas. Piney didn't question her as she switched the gear into reverse, but could hear the boys on the flatbed shout a few choice curses before holding on for dear life as she backed into the side of the motel. Charlie silently prayed Tig would hear the loud beeping from the truck in time. The thought of concern for her friend didn't last long as she felt the truck jolt from the impact on the building. Letting out a laugh, she couldn't hide the excitement that coursed through her as she waited for the boys to retrieve Tig. They gave her the shout; it was time to get the hell out of there. Piney and her shared a loud cheer as they drove away; it had been a long time since she had felt so alive.

Clay was the first to join Piney and Charlie in the cab; Piney acted quickly and told her to move so he could take the blame for her actions. The old man was worried Clay wouldn't take too kindly of her stepping in on club shit. He didn't try to hide his proud smile as the President approached just as Tig collapsed on the empty space on the edge of the passenger side, pushing Charlie further into her father. Adrenaline continued to coarse through her body as they all spoke, Tig assured Clay that Piney and Jax made the right call. And despite Clay's agreement, it was obvious he was still pissed that a few of his guys had blatantly refused his orders.

"You joining us at the meet?" Clay asked, Piney nodded and Charlie quickly snapped out of her daze to glare at her father.

"Why not?" Piney smiled. Clay nodded, glancing over at Charlie briefly before walking away.

"Didn't realize this would be an overnighter." Charlie muttered earning a chuckle from the two men on either side of her.

"Don't worry, doll." Tig smiled, raising his arm and draping it over her shoulder before squeezing her gently against him. "I'll protect you."

"Not on my watch," Piney warned, pulling out of the parking lot. Tig only laughed, clearly amused at the old man's fatherly instinct over the girl. Charlie did her best to ignore the two of them and their bickering. This was going to be a long night.

Despite her initial reluctance, Charlie had to admit she was having a great time. As she walked around the full lot, she couldn't keep from smiling at the various strangers that nodded at her. This scene was very familiar to her. It was the kind she stuck around while she was on the road, minus the gun running and arrogant club members. A cold beer remained firmly in her grasp as she approached a few racing bikers. They were easily moving around on their Dynas, raising the bike enough to back into a wheelie. She raised her eyebrows at their little tricks, cheering them on with the rest of the crowd. Charlie stood their a little longer, sipping her beer and striking up conversation with a few sweetbutts. The conversation didn't last long when she caught sight of Jax and Clay talking just off to the side of the lot.

"Your old man?" One of them asked, catching Charlie's attention when the lady saw who she was looking at.

"No, nothing like that." Charlie mumbled. "Excuse me."

Charlie was hesitant at first as she made her way over to Jax. He clearly wasn't in the mood to talk, and she knew whatever conversation happened with Clay wasn't a good one. His scowl was enough to tell her that. At first she thought he didn't notice her as she got closer to him, and Charlie wondered if striking up a conversation with the VP now was such a good idea. Jax had noticed her though, but he figured the approaching woman to be a sweetbutt and didn't bother looking her way.

"Jax?" Charlie noticed the way he seemed to relax when he realized it was her. "You okay?"

"Peachy." He smiled, but whatever happened earlier was still clearly bothering him and it showed. "How you doin'?"

"I'm doing good, this is all familiar to me." She gestured to the party around her, taking a long sip from her beer as she did so. "Surprised at myself for actually having fun."

"Glad someone's having a good time." Jax mumbled, sticking a cigarette between his lips and handing another to Charlie. She took it, sticking it behind her ear and grabbed the joint perfectly rolled in her pocket. Jax smiled as she lit up, reaching for it when she offered. They stood there for a moment in silence letting the buzz take over.

"You sticking around a while?" Jax asked after a few puffs.

"I'm not going anywhere, Jax." She looked over at him, her lips set in a hard line as she met his eyes and let the truth of her words sink in. A soft smile tugged on his lips.

"Good." he nodded, looking back toward the crowd behind her with a frown.

"You sure you're alright?" Charlie asked again, swigging the rest of her beer when the VP looked back over at her. Jax couldn't help feeling annoyed that she had asked him again, he was in no mood to talk about it and was ready to tell her so but she quickly raised her hand before he spoke. Charlie could see the anger building in his eyes and was quick to interrupt before he could talk. Charlie was no stranger to the man's temper. "I'm not trying to pry, Jax. I'm just wondering if you might want a distraction, get out of here for a while, let loose."

His smile instantly reappeared, all anger and tension vanishing from his demeanor as he nodded eagerly.

"Let's get the hell out of here," Jax smirked as he slid onto his bike, moving forward a little to give Charlie room to climb on behind him. Charlie was no stranger to riding bitch on a motorcycle, but somehow the ride with Jax felt a little different than the others. As she slid her arms around his middle and pressed herself against his back, she could almost feel his smirk.

"Comfy?" he called back before bringing his bike to life.

"Don't get all cocky on me now, Teller." She warned. She pressed her cheek against his kutte and felt the rumble in his chest from his laugh.

"Wouldn't dream of it." Jax laughed again as her hands balled up on his stomach, clutching onto his shirt as he took off at a high speed. Charlie smiled as the world whizzed past them, pressing herself against Jax tightly for warmth as the wind whipped harshly at her skin. Her eyes closed, and for a moment she let herself forget about the club and the brother that despised her. Instead she focused on the comfort Jax filled her with as she hugged his torso, and the loud hum of the motorcycle as they raced down the empty highway towards whatever escape Jax was eagerly seeking out.

x. Pippa