The sirens screeched in her ear. A familiar voice echoed over the com, "23rd and O St. One body possibly more. Deploying two units and three squads."

Her team scrambled for the ambulance making it just in time for Jerry, their driver, to skid out of the parking lot. Scott smacked Jerry's shoulder. "Next time wait for your team to get in the truck before you peel out! Joslin was barely inside with the doors closed." Jerry meekly apologized before refocusing on the road.

The rig hopped down the street hitting every pothole along the way. "Hey Joslin, they'll make it this time. I'm sure of it." Scott placed a familiar hand on her shoulder. All she could do was nod and redirect her thoughts on a more positive note.

Jerry slid their truck into a spot next to the curb. Scott and Joslin hopped out but stopped in their tracks at the scene before them. Wayne Enterprise was ablaze. The skyscraper creaked eerily while it swayed from side to side. Firefighters were already on the scene dousing the surrounding buildings; it must already be too far gone. It didn't look like anyone was scrambling to get inside so it must be vacant at least or just too unstable. The heat radiating from the building was incredible, considering Joslin and her team was still half a block away.

Scott called out over the crowd. Joslin pushed forward and flashed her ID. Police were clearing the scene and trying to push reporters back. Joslin ducked under the GCPD wall of officers. Scott and Joslin dropped their bag and stretcher next to a man lying on the ground.

"This doesn't look good Jos. I'll try and stop the bleeding you splint his leg." Joslin reached in her bag and made work of his mangled leg. "Ready! Lift!" The man grunted as he was placed on the stretcher. The crowd parted like the Red Sea for them. Scott and Joslin lifted the stretcher into the truck just as a loud creak and deafening boom knocked her to the ground. A woman from the crowd screamed in horror causing Joslin to turn and see a black cloaked figure get thrown from the top floor. His limp body picked up speed with each floor it passed.

"Jerry GO! Scott I'll meet you at the hospital."

Scott nodded before calling out over the crowd "Get a ride from the other rig when it gets here I'll pick you up from there!"

Joslin picked up her bag and slammed the doors. The sirens wailed again and the tires screeched forward. Her feet carried her faster than she had ever gone before. The figure was still falling as Gotham's PD was preparing the jump cushion. The black figure was picking up speed with each floor while the cushion was still getting prepped. Cameras flashed at the scene and screams grew louder. Joslin could only send a prayer that the Bat would hit the cushion and not the concreate.