~June, 8, 1973~ Ellen's bar...

Waking up from her well deserved rest. Elena's eyes cracked open, instantly closing once more, as someone pulled away the curtains from the window, letting the sun's rays beam into the room, causing her to close her tiered eyes in protest. As the women, Ellen who she had just met last night, along with a younger version of Pops and a nine-year old version of, Sarah Conner.

''Really?'' Elena groaned grumpily, making the older women chuckle, having been through this with her own two kids. As she opened more of the blinds, making the room noticeably brighter. Sitting up and brushing her tangled-unbrushed hair from her face. Elena gave the women one last glare. ''I always hated it when my brother did that.'' She said tiredly.

''Not really a morning person are ya?'' Ellen asked, making Elena shake her head, which caused the women to smirk. ''Well, sorry, but Pops and Sarah as well as I need you in the kitchen, to figure out why Pops sent you here.'' Elena raised a brow, but nodded, before tossing away the blanket that was keeping her warm, and got onto her feet.

And that's when she finally noticed the new stitches on her leg. As well as a new neatly well done bandage around her torn up arm, thanks to the T-1000. God how she hated the machine, at least she hoped never to see it again. But her attention was drawn to Ellen as she explained that Pops had dressed her wounds. Because according to him, she was losing to much blood, and it would have killed her, if it wasn't for him.

''Really?'' Elena replied, almost in shock. Knowing, that younger T-800's have no real emotion, well neither did the older version of Sarah's protector. Ellen nodded slowly, before she shut the curtain's and turned her attention back to the young women, as she went to the bed to clean it up. Since Elena would be leaving with Pops and Sarah, and she could continue her business.

''If it wasn't for that Big guy down there...'' Ellen paused for a brief moment, glancing down at the ruffled sheets in her hands. ''You wouldn't have made it through the night sweetheart. So, don't think he doesn't have emotions.''

Elena was about to open her mouth but the women's glare made her shut it. ''I already know what ya gonna say, sweetheart.'' Ellen said, cutting her off, as she finished with the bed, fluffing the pillows. ''But even if you don't think he cares for Sarah or for any of us...you are wrong.'' Elena just rolled her eyes, before making her leave to the hallway, and down towards the kitchen area.

Where she was instantly greeted by Pops and Sarah, who were in the middle of playing some kind of secret hand shake. And the young women couldn't help but smile, at how innocent they seemed. It wasn't until Sarah something was when she caught herself staring at them.

''Morning, Elena.'' Sarah smiled, before going back to eating her pancakes and eggs. While Pops just simply drank pure black coffee, looking at Elena as he did so. Did he not trust her, She couldn't blame him. A mysterious women suddenly pops up and tells you she know's who you are, and you expect to believe or trust them. She wouldn't have even trusted them herself if she was in his place.

''Did you get a good night's rest?'' Sarah continued, with her little mouth full on eggs. As Pops just continued to stare at her, as if he was trying very hard to analyze her...But for some reason couldn't. Which confused the hell of out her, it was strange that he couldn't read her. To be honest every Terminator she has ever come across couldn't scan or analyze her. It was as if she had some kind of shield.

Nodding stiffly Elena replied. ''Uh, yes, yes I did.'' She smiled, before looking down at her lap, not feeling comfortable with Pops gaze still locked on her. But deciding to bite back her fear, she looked back up avoiding Pops and turned around to get some food, only to be met with a very hard chest. ''Would you watch where-Pops?'' She exclaimed, stopping herself as she only realized it was just Pops who's piercing blue eyes, met her green ones. Still trying to read her.

''I need to look at your wounds before you are able to eat.'' He stated like it was a fact, before with no argument he grabbed her wrist gently to her surprise, before he guided her to one of the other rooms. Once they entered she grimaced at the disgusting smell of rotten flesh. Which she knew had to be, Pops flesh hiding somewhere. Because if he was protecting Sarah from Terminator's he was bound to get damaged and lose some skin. But ignoring her thoughts, she yelped a little. As she felt one of Pops gloved hands push to one of the metal chairs in the room. Before he pulled one out for himself, as well as a small medical kit.

''Always prepared, hu?'' Elena joked, causing Pops to just give her a look. Before grabbing some new bandages to redress her. ''Buzz kill.'' Elena muttered, just as Pops gently removed the bloody old bandaging to reveal new stitches and dry blood. It wasn't until Pops gently grazed a giant finger over her wound was when she cursed.

''Fuck!'' Elena exclaimed, making Pops instantly stop. Knowing she was still in pain, before he grabbed what looked to be some cleaning wipes, to help clear the dry blood. As Elena sat quietly for the rest of her treatment, she suddenly felt Pops shift closer, as he began wrapping the bandages around her mid torso. ''Thanks, T-Pop's.'' She caught herself from saying Terminator.

Pops just stared at her once more, his sharp blue gaze, intent of finding out her secret. Ever since he had met her. He knew there was something powerful buzzing around underneath her skin. He already knew she wasn't a Terminator, but he also knew she couldn't be human. Because there was no way a human could have a gift of hiding their status from Terminator's such as himself.

And to be honest, it just made him more and more curious. As well as more frustrated as he wasn't getting anything yet. But perhaps if he could look-Wait...Pops train of thought stopped as soon as he saw small cuts littering the young women's arm. Gently as to not startle her, he gingerly touched one of the scars on her arm, causing Elena to whip around. And without hesitation stand on her own two feet, giving him a almost panicked look, before the emotion was down as quick as a fox down a hole.

''Okay, I think that's enough, don't you?'' Elena exclaimed, pulling her sleeves down over her arms. But she could feel Pops staring right at her old scar's which she had made herself with a knife or any tool she could find. She blamed herself for her and Kyle's parents death that day. And ever since then she had began cutting herself, but thank goodness her brother didn't know. But the bad news was, now Pops did, or well his younger '1973' self did. And she had to admit, Young Pops looked exactly like the T-800 in 1984 she had taken out.

''Thank's again, but I really...'' Elena was cut of from walking out the door, as Pops stood before her, something lacing in those blue eyes of his. Before she could go around him, which she tried only for him to step in-front of her once more. ''What!'' She exclaimed, to which Pops just stared at her, before grabbing one of her arms 'the one with the scars' and pulled the sleeve up. ''What. Are. You. Doing..'' Elena growled warningly.

Pops continued to gently hold her arm, still confused about why they were there. ''Who did this?'' He asked, holding her arm up to inspect it carefully. It wasn't until he noticed how perfectly the lines were, was one he began to realize what had happened. Slowly he let go of her with hesitance, his eyes never leaving hers. ''You did this? Why?'' He asked, tilting his head in confusion, as to why a human as delicate as she was would harm herself in anyway.

''I don't know. okay. It just helps me feel better.'' Elena replied, before going over to the door once more, this time Pops let her go. Until his deep voice stopped her in her tracks.

''Why do you injure yourself for pleasure, when it appears it was a painful experience?'' He asked, turning to slowly look at her, Elena shrugged before ignoring his question and walking out of the room, leaving the young T-800 alone in his room, still confused about the awkward situation.

Entering the kitchen once more, Elena all but slammed her herself down onto one of the cushioned chairs. Before grabbing the plate next to Sarah, who was busy drawing a picture of some-sort to notice. That was until Ellen came in, and peered down at the little girl's drawing, while Elena all but caved down on her food. Having been starving for years, since everything she and her brother had ever known had been destroyed by the machines.

Speaking of machines. The sound of booted footsteps caught her attention. And she gave Pops a small sideways glance over, before turning back to her food. 'Don't sit next to me! Please don't' Elena whispered in her mind. But of course, luck wasn't on her side at all well it seemed forever. As Pops took his rightful place in the chair right beside her. Elena knew why he was there, her cut's and scars weren't even his fucking business. If she could start yesterday over and know she needed to tell the future Pops that his younger self was a complete asshole and to leave her alone. She would have, but how was she supposed to know.

''Are you going to eat that, Sweetheart?'' A new voice asked teasingly, it sounded male. Quickly to everyone including Pops surprise, Elena reached over to Pops belt, grabbed his hidden handgun, and instantly aimed it at the intruder's head. ''Woah! Sweetheart, I'm a friend. There's no need to shoot me...see.'' The man gasped, raising his hands to show surrender.

It wasn't until Pops giant hand resting on the barrel of the gun, was when Elena slowly calmed down. Turning her fierce hazel gaze towards Pops who shook his head, and gently pried the gun from her hand, clipping on the safety as he did. Before the man who came in almost getting his head shot clean off spoke.

''The names, Jensen. Jensen Jethro Daniel's.'' Jensen offered Elena a shaking hand, still almost having a small heart attack at how quickly the women raised that gun. But instead of taking his offered hand, Elena just stared blankly at it, like she didn't know what to do. Apparently Pops caught on as he looked at Jensen and nodded for him to lower his hand, knowing Elena was still weary of him. Which Pops had to admit impressed him, she was the first human he had crossed to ever never trust anyone as far as she could throw them. She would make the perfect asset to his and Sarah's team.

Jensen caught on quickly and quickly lowered his hand, the awkward situation making him uncomfortable. Before Sarah who had been watching the whole scene, decided to break the ice. By getting up from her seat and slowly coming over towards Elena. Who didn't tense up at the sight of her. Sarah guessed Elena was comfortable around kids, as she placed the piece of drawing paper she had been drawing of her and Pops at the dock in front of her.

Elena raised a brow, holding the paper. ''What's this?'' She asked, gazing softly at Sarah who gave her an innocent smile. ''Nice drawing by the way.'' The little girl blushed at the compliment before she silently looked down at the women's empty lap. As if to say 'can I sit there' Elena must have noticed because she gave the girl a look.

Pops who was watching them, noticed Elena's look and thought for just a moment she wasn't going to let Sarah on her lap but to his confusion she did. And the little girl instantly curled up into her, and rested her cheek on Elena's chest. Who instantly began rubbing circles on her back, as Sarah explained who was on the picture. Pops couldn't help but silently watch them, still sensing something raw and powerful underneath all that skin.

''So, uh, what's your name?'' Jensen asked slowly, trying not to get on Elena's nerves. As it seemed he always got on everyone's nerves even Pops even though he would never show it. ''I never did get it when you aimed that gun at me.''

Elena sighed glaring at him, and Jensen could tell she didn't trust him which was smart. ''Elena. Elena Reese.'' She replied, still holding the little girl in her arms, who moved to wrap her little arm's around her neck.

Jensen froze as soon as he heard her last name. ''Wait Reese? As in Kyle Reese?'' He asked, and Elena gave him a look, while Pops gave him one as well but in warning not to say anything. ''Well, Pops here has been talking about a so called Kyle Reese coming to 1984 to save, Sarah. No mention of a hot sister. Just that he impregated Sarah and they have-''

''Jensen...can I speak to you for a solid moment.'' Ellen suddenly chimed in, getting their attention. While Elena just sat there confused, sharing a look with Pops before watching Jensen all but grabbed by Ellen who gave Pops a small knowing look. Before she left the room with a protesting Jensen. Elena then looked back at Pops who was still emptily staring at nothing.

''What the hell was he talking about? And how did you even know about my brother?'' She asked, as Sarah moved her hazel eyes closing as she fell asleep in her arms, snoring which was muffled by Elena's chest. ''And how come you didn't talk about me? As you well know I am-''

''Because you shouldn't even be alive...'' Pops cut her off, earning a raised brow in question. As he answered, he noticed Elena was waiting for an answer so he continued. ''...Elena Reese was killed in a nuclear fire...on July 2 2012.'' He finished, and Elena shuddered as she remembered that day, that was the day her and Kyle's parents were killed by terminators.

''B-but that's impossible,'' Elena stuttered for the first time. ''Only my parents were killed that day, I don't even remember a fire...their was however a explosion of pure blue light, and that I was all but thrown in the air by the explosion. And I think I hit my head hard on something because I don't remember since the rest is all blank, like the machine's erased my memory.''

Pops pondered for a moment, before looking at her once more. Still sensing a buzz of power underneath her skin, and maybe just maybe he had an answer for it. Maybe she had been hit by the only infusion reactor core that Skynet had been looking for all these years. But if so, how was this women still alive...it should have killed her. He really had to get to know her better than he thought...

~October, 7, 2017~ (Present time)

''Where's, Elena?'' Kyle asked once more desperately. As he and Sarah sat in the hospital handcuffed, waiting for Pops who forgot to show up or was late. ''She was right there with us, Sarah! And then she-she just disappeared like she never existed. What did Pops do!?'' He yelled, causing Sarah to glare at him in anger, at how he spoke of Pops and the way he still treated his sister.

''Do. Not. Ever. Speak about Pops like that.'' She growled angrily. As Kyle just glared at her, waiting for her to get over her little rant. ''By the way I am still angry with how you treated, Elena. Even Pops is-''

''How many times do I have to tell you, he doesn't have feelings, emotions or anything.'' Kyle growled back, still confused as to why Sarah would see a killer T-800 the fuckers he had killed before along with his sister, as a father type figure all these years. But Sarah's angry dark look shut him up, even though he has faced a lot more scary things, he couldn't believe a women scared him the most.

Before Sarah could even open her mouth. A male doctor opened the door and entered the room, carrying a bag of supplies. Kyle assumed to help take care of Sarah's nasty cut she had received when they were hit by that car.

''Hello. I will be your doctor this evening. I am Doctor Tom Smith, and will be checking that cut of yours.'' He smiled politely, as he approached Sarah, who flinched at first. Not used to being around so many people after all she was raised by a machine to kill cyborgs so she still had to get used to normal human activity. ''Looks like you need a few stitches. There's a local or the normal way.''

Sarah gave him a look and raised her injured shoulder. ''Just give me the fastest one.'' She ordered, Kyle raised a brow at that. Like mother like son. ''So, not this so called local. Do the hard one.''

Tom gave her a look of pure disbelief before grabbing the stapling kind of tool, before he gently rested a gloved hand on Sarah's shoulder. ''Sure you don't want a local?'' He asked once more, just to be sure. Because he knew in his experience as a doctor that the stapling one hurt like a bitch out of hell.

Sarah rolled her eyes. ''I'm fine...'' She sighed annoyed.

Kyle smirked a little turning his gaze to the doctor. ''Just do what she want's it's way easier...'' He explained, and Tom shrugged before he began to re-stitch Sarah's skin together. Before Tom began speaking into his phone.

''Yeah. Yeah, I pre-ordered Genisys weeks ago. Downloading the second the counter hits zero. No way I'm standing in line for it..'' At the word Genisys -Sarah and Kyle instantly turned their attention to Tom who was still talking until Sarah interrupted.

''You know about Genisys? How? What is it? Where'd you hear about it?.'' Sarah ordered, giving the doctor a look. Which made him look at his phone and hit the end call button.

''Genisys is an operating system?'' Kyle asked, looking at Tom who looked uncomfortable but nodded. ''What does it do exactly?'' Kyle asked once again, and the doctor smiled almost excitedly.

''Genisys does everything.'' Tom began to explain, as he finished Sarah's stitches. ''My phone will link to my tablet will link to my computer will link to my car... Everything in my life uploaded and online 24/7. Totally connected.''

Sarah and Kyle glared at him, Making the man shrink up into himself a little. '' Connected to what exactly?'' Kyle and Sarah both asked at the same time. But they didn't get their answer as the detectives who capture them on the freeway stormed in looking serious.

''Doctor! Excuse us, please. You two have a lot to explain.'' A man said with the name tag, Bruce, before he looked at Sarah. '' Starting with who you are. Nobody in our database matches your prints. No facial recognition hits for driver's licence, passport, social media accounts, credit cards, not even a goddamn student I.D.''

Sarah just gave him an annoyed whatsoever look. ''So...''

'' So that's impossible.'' Detective Lance replied back, her hair in a tight bun. Her blue gaze sharp on Sarah. ''Somehow you've gone so far off the grid that you don't even exist.'' She explained, before Bruce turned his attention to Kyle as did Lance.

''You, on the other hand, we got a hit when we ran your prints. Kyle Reese. But here's the thing. Two months ago, Kyle Reese and his sister Elena Reese were brought in for fighting in a multiplex. Their parents flipped, did the whole "Scared Straight"thing, had them fingerprinted, sat both of them in lockup... ''

''Parent's?'' Kyle gasped, shocked at the new information. About him and his sister and their parents. As Sarah gave him a sad look of understanding having lost her parents to the T-1000''Yeah, parents. Kyle Reese was born in 2004. While Elena Reese was born in 2005 He's twelve and Elena Reese just turned twelve in, November.'' Lance explained more softly than Bruce did. While Kyle looked at Sarah with a small smile before looking at the two detectives.

''Their here they're still alive...'' He smiled, until Bruce cut in glaring at him in confusion.

''Yeah, I'm pretty sure they're not going to I.D. you as their kid,'' He chuckled darkly, earning a glare from Sarah. Until the door was thrown upon, and a man in his late fifty's came storming in, smiling at Reese and Sarah.

''Except his print's match.'' The man with the name-tag, O'Brien said, while Kyle recognized the name, but still confused of who this stranger was to him as well as Sarah and his sister. ''Because he is the same person...just older. He hasn't aged neither has she when I saw them in the year 1984.'' O'Brien smiled, before looking at Kyle who gave him a confused look. ''You remember me? I was younger. More hair, less... You saved my life. I was a uniform cop in L.A. ...Who are you people?'' He asked, turning his attention to Sarah.

''Sergeant. Tech-Com.'' Kyle began to say, making O'Brien's and everyone's attention turn to him. '' DN38416, Kyle Reese. You need to let us go. '' Sarah gave him a look to shut up.

''Reese don't.'' She warned, but O'Brien gave the young man a small smirk.

''Soldier. Me, too. Joined the Marines straight out of high school, 1979.'' He explained, ignoring the annoyed looks from Lance and Bruce. ''What year did you enlist?''

Kyle smirked, ignoring Sarah's warning. ''2021.''

''Yeah. You're a time traveller! As well as her-'' O'Brien was cut off by Sarah, grabbing everyone's attention.

''Look, don't listen to him. He's got a head wound.'' She growled, making Kyle give her an angry glare. Until she gave him a look as to play along to her plan. He nodded before continuing.

''Don't listen to me? Who landed us in high-density traffic and got us caught by these morons?'' Kyle started, giving out a small laugh of fake disbelief, ''Who was the one who made me lose my sister...hmmmm...Oh that's right you and-''

'' I am ordering you to shut up! Right now!'' Sarah shouted back. Also kind of angry at Kyle for still blaming Pops for Elena's disappearance. When she knew he had nothing or no control over the situation.

Kyle glared back. ''That's all you know how to do, isn't it? Order people.'' He said truthfully. While Sarah just rolled her eyes. ''You realise you haven't had a proper relationship with a human being since you were a kid-'' He raised his voice..

''Yeah? Well, it's your fault we're stuck here... I trusted you. '' Sarah yelled back, faking her anger well a little. Before Kyle got up from his hospital bed still handcuffed. Before angrily stomping over to her.

''My fault? You got us caught, and probably my sister killed now you're gonna get us killed!'' He angrily yelled, while the detectives and O'Brien rushed in to help. ';Cause you don't...'' But as Kyle approached her. Sarah all but got up from her bed, and kicked him in the groin, as well as letting him grab the handcuff keys sitting on the end of the table.

Kyle grunted in pain. Falling to the floor, making O'Brien instantly help him up and got him to his bed. Before Bruce looked between Kyle and Sarah angrily and annoyed as hell. ''Homeland's here.'' Lance said, as she looked up from her phone.

''Thank God. You two are officially someone else's problem.'' Bruce said with a thankful sigh, before glaring at the older detective. '' O'Brien, I want to talk to you. '' He growled, before storming out with O'Brien on his tail trying to reason with him but to no avail.

When they were gone Sarah turned to look at Kyle. ''You were very convincing...'' She said dryly, making Kyle scoff at her in disbelief, before raising his hand to show the key.

''Well, your plan worked didn't it.'' He smirked, before he began undoing his handcuffs while Sarah glared at him. ''Don't worry. I didn't mean most of what I said.'' He winked, before getting himself free, and marching over to Sarah who was trying to get herself out with a paper clip she had gotten during the distraction.

''Look, I can get it myself.'' She said, as Kyle began unlocking her cuffs to make it easier on her.

''Me unlocking your cuffs doesn't mean you're not capable...''He said softly, locking his eyes with hers. While she rolled hers in return. As Kyle finally unlocked her, making her rub her sore wrists.

''I didn't say it did.'' Sarah replied back, keeping her fierce gaze on him. ''And don't think me holding on to you naked meant anything, because it, you know, did not.'' She lied, as she had began to feel something for him when he saved her life that moment.

Kyle raised a brow. ''I didn't say it did.'' He smiled back. Until the sound of a very familiar voice caught His and Sarah's attention. The voice asked if they could speak to them alone, before they turned the door nob. While Kyle stared at Sarah in disbelief. ''It can't be.'' He whispered.

The door then opened slowly, to reveal a man in a dark tux suit, brown curly hair and blue eyes. It wasn't until Kyle saw his face that he knew...It was John Conner. And how the hell did he get here. After her wasn't he attacked by Skynet?

~June, 8, 1973 (Past)

''So, what's the plan to get me home?'' Elena asked, as she carried the sleeping nine year old to the good looking 1967 chevey Impala, which had a nice black color to it. And Elena had to admit it was beautiful. Pops unlocked the car, before helping Elena set Sarah in the back as to not wake her. Before gently covering her up with one of the blanket's Ellen had given them.

''We don't know yet, Sweetheart-'' Jensen tried to say, but Elena cut him off with a glare.

''I was talking to Pops not you...idiot.'' She mumbled the last part. Before she got in the passenger seat next to Pops who took his rightful place as driver, while Jensen sat in the back with Sarah. ''So...do you?'' She asked once more, as Pops started the car, and began to pull away from Ellen's bar, before driving down the deserted road ahead.

''We must get back to the bunker and finish the time machine.'' Pops explained turning his gaze towards her slowly. ''It is the only way to get you back to the present time.'' He explained, and Elena nodded in understanding. Before Jensen from the backseat spoke up, smirking at Elena who stared out the window of the car, watching the trees go by. Never in her life had she seen so many trees and green.

''So, what did you and Kyle call yourselves as well as your band on merryman?'' He asked, earning a raised brow from Elena who was still looking out the window. Until a small smile made it's way onto her face. Turning to face Pops and Jensen who were waiting for her answer.

''Hero's noble warrior hero's.'' She grinned, making Jensen chuckle, as Pops continued to face the road. Driving over the speed limit as he did so. ''We fight for freedom against those fuckers.'' Elena caught Pops look, as she said. ''No offense Pops. But me and Kyle have been together forever, and I will kill anything that hurts him.''

Jensen raised a brow in return. ''Wait...but isn't he one year older than you?'' He asked. And Elena nodded.

''But I still look at him like a little brother...ever since that day of our parents death..'' She whispered softly, and Pops gave her a glance, with something like pity before turning away before she could catch it. ''Because as our mother laid dying. She begged me to take care of Kyle, knowing I was the only one beside her. And then the terminator's came. It started on July,2, 2012.''

Flashback (July, 2 2012)

''Say goodnight to your brother, Elena.'' Daniel Derek Reese smirked, letting go of his seven year old daughter, who eagerly giggled and ran over to her sleeping big brother. Before giving him a small big kiss on his forehead.

''Goodnight, Ky...'' She whispered, saying the nickname she gave him, before running over to her father who happily grabbed her and picked her up, While her mother stood at the entrance of the abandoned house that had been in the nuclear fire. Alice Ann Reese smiled at her husband, before leaving the entry way and heading down the dark hall to her and Daniel's room to sleep.

''How about a story...'' Daniel whispered to his daughter, who nodded eagerly. As he took her down stairs to the living room. Which only had a couch and a broken TV. Before he began to tell the story.

''Once Upon A Time. In a far away land lived a young, strong women named, Elena.'' He began, before Elena interrupted him.

''Hey that's my name, Daddy.'' She exclaimed, before Daniel told her softly to be quiet as to not wake Kyle. ''Read me more please more...'' She whispered softly. And the grown man chuckled.

''Okay, sweetheart.'' He chuckled softly, before he continued. ''And in that land lived a ferocious beast with a cold heart. And some could say he was like a-''

''Terminator?'' Elena finished, and Daniel chuckled.

''Yes, Sweetheart like a Terminator.'' He replied, going along with Elena. ''And on one cold dark night, her father was captured by the beast. And so She went astride her horse to save him. But guess what...''

''What, Daddy, what.'' Elena whispered back. '

''The girl gave herself to the beast in return so her father would go free. And the beats accepted the answer. And overtime as young Elena stayed there, was when she began to fall in love with the beast. As well as he with her.''

''Really, daddy?'' Elena smiled. And Daniel nodded.

''Really,sweetheart.'' He answered. ''And then came Derek with his army to kill the beast. And do you know what happened?'' Elena shook her head, letting him continue. ''Elena fought Derek and saved the beast, who was really a handsome prince cursed to be a beast by a fairy. And they lived happily ever after...the end.''

Elena smiled, before wrapping her small hands around her father's arm. ''Please tell me more...please.''

Daniel nodded and continued.


Alice was still asleep until she heard loud footsteps coming from the window. Her blue eyes popped open, and she reached for her hidden gun underneath her pillow, before silently making her way to the window...there was nothing there. It wasn't until Alice ran into Kyle's room was when she saw it...a Terminator. A series 600 to be exact. Standing over her son, a gun raised down at him.

Without hesitation, Alice began to fire at the Terminator. Grabbing it's attention, as well as Daniel and Elena and Kyle's. Kyle woke up and screamed in fear as he saw the T-600 standing evilly over him. And he watched in horror as it fired at his mother, making her land flat on her back, as the T-600 hit her in the chest.

''Mom!'' Kyle screamed, just as Daniel burst in a gun in his own hand. While Elena checked on her mother, who laid dying in her own blood.

''Stay away from my son. You ugly son of a bitch!'' Daniel screamed, and began firing. Making the T-600 collapse, as Daniel managed to hit the right spot. Before he raced over and grabbed Kyle carrying him to Elena. Who had just talked to her dying mother. Daniel then handed a shaking Kyle over to Elena who quickly held him. Even though Elena was shorter than him she was strong enough to life him. ''Elena I want you to take your brother and run. Do not look back, you hear me. Go!''

Elena instantly ran down the stairs but not before grabbing one of her father's gun's on the living room table. While she carried her brother, who had passed out from the shock. Before she ran outside, just in time to see several T-600's enter the house and her father's painful scream as a shot rang out. Which made a single tear roll down her cheek, as she knew their father was dead. Before she ran away with her brother.

She tried being careful not to draw attention. But as she reached over the small hill of skulls and bones, she saw a glowing blue machine type thing. And with curiosity she approached the machine, and gently placed her brother down, but careful to hide him underneath a fallen tree. Elena began to walk over to it, when the sound of machine footsteps approached her. Instantly she raised her father's gun and looked up to see five T-600's had gathered around her and Kyle.

''Surrender to Skynet.'' One of them said, as they approached, while Elena kept an eye on the machine, still standing in-front of Kyle's hiding place protectively. Before she heard a second one who was approaching the machine core thing as well spoke.

''We must bring the infusion reactor core to, Skynet.'' The T-600 explained, making Elena get an idea. As she looked towards the infusion reactor.

''You mean that reactor?'' She asked, before aiming her gun. Just in time and firing while the T-600's started to run towards her. As the single shot hit the Infusion reactor core. Elena watched in horror as a blue white light came from it before she was thrown into the air by the powerful force, while she yelled in pain as something raw and powerful was sucked into her body and entered her blood steam. Her blue eyes then glowed a bright blue. As the T-600's were blown up by the explosion.

Landing on her side Elena opened her eyes, grunting in pain. Before she looked down at herself and glanced at Kyle who was still asleep. Before she looked down at herself, and was shocked to see some type of blue liquid on her hand. Before she heard the sound of more footsteps. And looked up to see a man in resistance like gear, holding a giant gun. He had had brown light hair, hazel eyes, and he was huge had to be around 6'2. But Elena's vision started fading out and she collapsed on the ground.

Not even feeling the unknown man pick her up as well as her brother...

~July, 8, 1973~ (Present/Past)

''And that's my story.'' Elena whispered.

While Pops just stared at her, until an old memory which should have been deleted but came back for some reason. Reared it's ugly head. He remembered saving a little girl and a boy and several T-600 parts scattered around. To which seemed like an explosion. Before everything went blank. What did this mean. And why did Elena's story bring this memory back?