I'd like to tell you about the summer before I went to colelge. It was a summer I had really discovered my father, Isshin Kurosaki.

Now, it certainly has nothing to do with getting along with dad. We were best friends even though he did beat the shit out of me. He had always been there for me and my sisters over the years, supporting us in sports, helping us with school, and being a total nutcase. If I needed something, he would be there in a flash. He probably felt like he had to. My mother Masaki had died when I was 6, and he wanted to make sure that we were raised right.

But as I celebrated graduating high school, I had the same fear every other graduating teenager had; what do I want to do with my life? I had hobbies, sure. I had finished the previous soccer season leading my team to state. And my grades were stellar.

It was just hard to pinpoint what interested me. At the moment? Nothing.

Graduation ceremony was just a few days away and I had been accepted to the University of British Columbia in British Columbia in Canada. I had always loved Canada. They were so much more welcoming towards foreigners than America or Japan. I had worked out that morning and figured it was time to kick back, putting on TV Tokyp and sprawling out on the couch in shorts and a tight t-shirt.

I liked to think of myself as a catch, or at least I was told. My orange hair perfectly accented by bright orange eyes, leading down to a firm jaw line that held the gaze of three different girlfriends throughout my high school career, including Orihime Inoue. While I wasn't ripped, I at least had enough tone in my muscles to show I took the gym seriously. And not to mention me being a Soul Reaper. And after Aizen was defeated I decided to take a break from Soul Reaper duties though I do still keep in contact with Rukia ad Renji.

Stomp, stomp. I heard footsteps upstairs. Was dad home? Yuzu and Karin had went out for the day so it was just me until Dad came home.

I couldn't remember. Dad had been working pretty crazy schedules the past year, being a doctor and all.

The footsteps continued down the stairs to the living room, and I poked my head up. "Hey, sleepyhead is finally up and- ... oh, wuh, what?"

There wasn't anything awkward about Dad walking around shirtless. He was a guy, it was his house. His body was in a nutshell, perfect. All muscular and thick. Not like a steroid bodybuilder mind you but not like a lean swimmer either. Call it an A+ fitness expert. I was just mesmerized by his large pecs, chiseled abs and huge biceps. Totally hairless. And his tan skin to top it all off.

What was awkward was that he was just in his boxers. Yes, guys walk around in just their boxers. It hadn't happened with Dad before, and I was quickly learning why.

My initial reaction was that Dad had grown a third leg on the front of his body, but reality checked in with my brain and he realized what it was. The bulge in his briefs was full. And thick. My knowledge of male sex organs was limited to what I had seen in porn, but this was actually a step above. And if I had to guess, the morning-wood syndrome was keeping it at a nice full throb.

"You're not, uh... wearing pants," was my less than intelligible way to address the situation.

"Hey Ichigo!" Dad laughed and looked down. "Ah! Right. Forgot about that."

But instead of correcting the situation, he just continued to stroll towards the kitchen.

"Since when do you... walk around without them?" my mind was still absorbing this, even though I was fully aware it shouldn't be.

"Whenever I've got the house to myself. Like I do today. Or at least I thought I did. Surprise?" He laughed again, then noticed my attention. "Ha! Right. Old morning wood is going strong. Sorry for that imagery."

"Yeah, it is!" I exclaimed. The next part I wish I could have held back, but my mind was wonderful at ruining situations. "It's fucking huge!"

"Ah, is it?" Dad was so casual about this it was infuriating.

See, not only did he look down and open the waistband of his briefs to look at it, he actually slid the band down to bring out the beast. I immediately threw up his hands and turned around, focusing on the TV instead. "Dad, seriously man!?"

I couldn't deny that I had caught a glimpse and the image had been burned into my retinas. This thing was as thick and long as it seemed. It wasn't as veiny, but a bit rigid as it came to a plump thick head, including being circumcised. And the balls below weren't exactly small either, hanging lower than any I'd seen before.

"Is this really big to you? I wonder how big it is... I should go measure."

Really? Maybe this guy was still half-asleep. I heard him walk into the kitchen and get out a tape measure, sizing up his length and calling out the final verdict. "Aha! Fifteen inches long! Maybe it got longer in the past few years. Huh."

I was comforted to hear the waistband of the briefs snapping his appendage back into place, finding it safe to return my gaze to the kitchen. "Can you, uh, maybe leave that in your pants around me?"

"Sure, I guess." Dad chuckled and went to the coffee maker to begin the morning brew. "My house though. My rules. You kids should now that by now."

I knew he would say that. I guess I would learn to deal, but this was already off to a bad start.

Breakfast was cooked by yours truly. Dad was awful about cooking anything and I had learned over the years out of necessity. Our chatter was casual; how were finals? Grades solid? The soul reaper business (Did I forget to mention he used to be a Soul Reaper captain?) How's the girlfriend (or lack thereof?)

Dad eventually excused himself. "Have work to do. I'll be in the ol' office if you need me." He paused. "Maybe... we could do something tonight? Hang out?"

Weren't we hanging out now?. "Yeah," was my simple response complemented by a smile. "Sounds good."

We parted ways. My day wasn't any more interesting than it had been earlier. Watched TV, hung out with Mizuiro and Keigo, and came back to scroll through social media on the laptop. All the day in the life of a Japanese teenager.

I decided it might be a good time to get some fapping time in, so I excitedly walked to the bathroom with a tube in my hand. Normally a bathroom isn't necessary for this, but I had been doing some exploration recently. It had come up talking with some guys about some of the craziest stuff their girls had done to get them off. We were drunk, but one guy straight up blurted out that his girl had fingered his backdoor.

It peaked my interested and I had purchased a small bottle of lube discreetly. Stripping down and stepping into the shower, I pressed the lube into my fingers and rubbed it against the pucker. My cock was already standing on end, it's proud eleven inches on display as I began to stroke. It was trimmed up, nice and smooth down below. Porn had it's influences. And if you think we Japanese guys are small, think again!

We had a nice ledge to sit down on in this shower, and I used the opportunity to do so. Warm water poured over me as I started to slide my fingers in, pressing them deep, feel myself widen to accept them. Oh yes. My cock was at full erection, my hand pumping fast, the enlarged head throbbing and dribbling precum to lube my masturbation. Deeper. Wider. Rub back and forth...

Oh fuck, yessss! Almost there. My fingers wiggled and pumped, trying to find that sweet spot someone had described, when-

"Ichigo! Dinner has arrived!"

What the hell? Shit. I forgot we didn't discuss what we were doing for that. I cut the shower and quickly dried off, tossing on my old clothes and making my way downstairs. Thanks for blue-balling me, Dad. You're worse than my ex.

It was delivery pizza. Figures. I knew he couldn't cook anything on his own. It was pepperoni and from the local place down the street, so at least he did well.

He was wearing a thin white t-shirt and jeans. At least he had clothes on now. "Just got a call from Yuzu and Karin. They're staying with a friend tonight so it's just us guys! I was thinking we could just chat and watch a movie? Sound good? Had a lot of work to get through, I don't think I could be up late."

It sounded fine to me. More chatter. We were getting along, and I couldn't be happier to spend time with him. He was genuinely interested in my stories about school and life, and vis-versa. It was just... nice.

The sun set and Dad had progressed to his fifth beer. We moved to the living room and he popped in a movie he claimed Mom loved. I thought that was a bit weird. Maybe unhealthy. But I went with it.

Unfortunately, as I was quickly learning, Dad also enjoys undressing as he drinks. His shirt was tossed to the side and his jeans were on the floor as he made his way back to the couch.

"Seriously, dude..." I grumbled, having to face my Dad's mammoth bulge once more. Even without the erection aspect, it was still a beast.

"My rules, kiddo." He slumped down onto the couch next to me, thankfully placing the bowl of popcorn between us. "Get used to it. You should be happy. There are no women here."

His speech was a bit slurred, so that was disappointing. Drunk Dad was always a wild animal to control. Hopefully the movie would keep him occupied.

The film was held our attention, and I had to admit Mom had good taste. We worked through half the popcorn as an hour went by, and Dad finished his sixth beer.

I didn't appreciate him moving the popcorn bowl to his lap to get better access to it. He was drunk, so whatever. I scooted over next to him to grab some handfuls myself, not happy that we were brushing arms now. Thanks for making this weird man.

The movie continued. Dad finished beer seven. Why was I counting these? I held a distant memory about beer count that I couldn't quite bring myself to remember the significance...

OH NO. It all came back. Every time Dad finished beer seven, without fail, he would be completely unconscious within minutes. And nothing could disturb this slumber; he would be dead to the world. He had to limit himself at bars when out with friends, since they had gotten tired of carrying back his deadweight.

Sure enough, it began. He grumbled something then slumped, as you're going to suspect, in my direction. His head landed on my shoulder and he began a light snore.

Wonderful. Great bonding, Dad.

I just kept watching the movie for the moment. I wasn't comfortable waking him like this and wasn't confident I'd know how he would react. He wasn't an angry drunk, but no one really likes being woken in this state, much less a guy larger and more powerful than me.

Then things... got weird. He reached his arm around me amidst his snoring. Is he holding on? I mean, ok, I guess I can deal with this.

But then he leaned against me and the next thing I knew, we were falling over sideways into the cushion. His body slid in behind me, his arm wrapped around my torso and I quickly found myself little spoon on the couch with my Dad as the big spoon.

This was not happening. Why was he-?

"Masaki... so... comfy..."

Oh God no. He thought I was Mom. This had escalated to full-scale weird.

I still found myself unable to resist the current situation. My conscious mind continued to reason that I just didn't want to wake a potentially angry drunk and witness the consequences.

But I think deep down I enjoyed the embrace. I was straight (for now) and had always been the dominant person in relationships. Experiencing the other side and feeling this man's large arms encompass my body was comforting. Relaxing. His thick pecs rubbed against my back where my shirt had ridden up and it actually felt kind of nice.

This was so weird. But I'd enjoy it for now.

Or so I thought. "Mmph... Masaki... naughty... girl..."

This turned out to mean what I thought it meant. I was only wearing basketball shorts and boxers, so I easily felt it begin. That mammoth he kept in his boxers leapt to life, growing and growing, becoming a stiff sword to be reckoned with.

How do I even escape such a scenario? The next thing I knew, he had slid down his waistband in one fluid motion, his behemoth of a cock exposed and pressing against my basketball shorts.

Fuck it was huge. It was eased between my two cheeks, and I was terrified of what he might try at this point. Back and forth, up and down. A soft humping motion against me began.

Yeah, he wasn't aware of anything right now. "Up... up, up... up, the butt..."


His fingers stumbled to manage this, which I was thankful for at first but he eventually had slid down my own boxers and shorts in one fell swoop. Now the beast pressed between my bare back door, squeezing between the cheeks.

Oh wow, this thing was warm. Heat radiated off it. I could feel it's rigid shape, it's incredible length and how it ran to the top of my butt. I just wish it wasn't so big or else I might be more willing to-

What? God, what was I thinking? This was my fucking Dad!

And, as it turned out, he was about to fuck me. "Up up... up..."

I thought this would be excruciating and he might give up right away, but then I remembered I had lubed up a bit earlier. And some had remained, letting him guide himself inside with ease.

Here we go. My anal virginity being taken by a guy. Dad, no less.

Oh fuck, it hurt. The lube helped, but this guy was still a fucking mammoth. The head popped in and a few inches followed, a gasp escaping my lips as I cringed and gripped the couch. Ow, ow. Props to mom for having far more endurance than I do.

Then he started to pump his hips. Thank God only being halfway inside was satisfying for him, because I think I might actually rip apart if he went further. My pucker was screaming in pain as he slid back and forth, the lube assisting him, his precum dripping inside me as he went.

He held me tight. That was actually nice, his arms around me, holding my chest. Ok, wait he's grabbing at my chest. Oh fuck, he's tweaking my nipples... huh. Turns out I like that.

It was fucking painful as Hell, but I was starting to discover what my friend had found fascinating about teasing the backdoor. He was hitting that spot with his cock (pretty easily, given the size.) And it felt amazing. I actually found a moan escaping my lips, and my cock was solid.

Well, might make the most of an awkward situation. Tossed my shorts to the side of the couch, just a shirt on that had already ridden up at this point. I pumped my own cock, rubbing from tip to base, beating it without making much more sound than needed. It perfectly complimented the anal stimulation, Dad thrusting faster now, grunting a bit.

"Masaki... here... comes the... gravy train..."

Oh no no no. He can't do this. I've never had gay sex before, let alone been cum in. I need to figure out how to withdraw...

But I can't be bothered. I'm about to cum myself. My leg is propped up, furiously pounding away, my gasps increasing as I feel out cocks both throbbing in unison. The heat between our bodies is a furnace, the ecstasy in full throttle. Release was at hand.

"Entering... the station..." he grunted.

Then it came. I don't know what this sensation is like with normal-sized guys, but I can't imagine it was quite like this. Cum poured inside me, surging through that virgin anal tract and stuffing it. I started to realize how much I enjoyed the sensation of being filled, between that and his cock. The gooey seed was so warm, so thick. I could compare it to less appetizing things, but know it was cum filled me with arousal. This was new.

That brought me to my own orgasm. It shot across the living room. Whoops. Honestly, I wasn't expecting that, but I didn't care at the moment. It was easily the biggest cum I had ever had in my life, the remains dripping down the head and onto my hand, thick and warm.

"Train... disengaging..."

Dad slid his titan out of me. Oh god, that ached to stretch my pucker like that. I panted and slowly slid off the couch, only to see that Dad was still completely out. Mouth hanging open, snoring; this guy wasn't faking it. He actually could sleep fuck.

Well, at least I know what held that marriage together for as long as it did.

I cleaned things up, sliding Dad's boxers up carefully, and lay a blanket over him. Tip-toeing back to my bedroom, I collapsed on my bed and was out in a flash.

Gay sex. With Dad. God, this was fucked up.

I slept in the next morning. Yeah, my back entrance kind of ached. Time was needed for a recovery like that.

I worked my way downstairs and was greeted by Dad calling out. "Hey buddy, can you come here for a minute? We need to talk."

Oh fuck. No, this can't be happening. Wasn't he asleep during the whole thing? This was about to be the most awkward encounter of the century.

Instead, I walked in to see him holding up a rug from the living room. And strewn across it was... the seed of yours truly.

"Listen buddy." He was completely serious. "I know we both live here and enjoy getting our rocks off in certain ways, but can you keep it out of the living room? Clean this up."

He tossed the rug my way and went off to make coffee. So he didn't know the real reason behind this.

This summer was about to be weird.