This story is based on the episode "Cheater by the dozen" at the part where Lincoln and a few sisters were hiding in a bush and they got mad at Lincoln when they saw that Bobby wasn't cheating on Lori and claimed that he "Wasted their Time". Now that sorta got under my skin because the safety of their sister should be their main priority at the moment and they blamed Lincoln because he wanted to make sure, plus they made the idea for the stake outs in the first place! And I felt like Lincoln should've defended himself instead of putting his hands up in defense at that part so here we go!

Lincoln,Luna,Lynn,Lola,Lisa,Lily,and Leni hid in the bushes, Staking out Bobby under the suspicion that he is cheating on Lori. But...It turns out that Bobby is actually friends with the girl and the girl already had a boyfriend.

Luna:"Dudes, It's simple. Bobby doesn't have a side-gal. He's just friends with that chick. And daddy-long-legs is her boyfriend."

The girls turn to Lincoln with disappointment and frustration.

Lynn:Nice going, Lincoln! Way to waste our time!"

Leni:"And our salmon!"

Luncoln couldn't believe it, His sisters were angry at him for some mistake?

Lincoln:"Wasting your time..."


Lincoln chuckled

Lincoln:"Look, I was just making sure that my sister wasn't going to have her heart shattered to millions of pieces. And I thought that you guys would be in board with me to make sure it isn't true."

Lola: Well you should've known better that Bobby wasn't cheating on Lori!"

The Loud Brother turned to the princess.

Lincoln:"Then if you knew better, Why did you come along?"

Lola remained silent

Lincoln:"What if you guys thought that Ronnie Anne was cheating on me? Knowing you guys, You would follow her to the end of time until you found out the truth. And if she wasn't, Then what?"

Lynn:"You can't get mad at us for trying to help!"


The girls remained silent.

Lincoln:"I thought you guys would have my back on this mission for Lori's happiness, Even if it isn't true then we would all be happy that Bobby isn't a two-timer! But I get your guys words..."

Luna:"What does that mean,bro?"

Lincoln:"Simple, You guys are mad that my suspicion was wrong. So to make it up, I'll make sure that if any of your future boyfriends are possibly cheating on you then I won't interfere. I'll let them play with your guys heart and let them break it in the end. I'll stop being a caring brother and making sure that you all can live knowing that you got played and I did nothing to stop it because you guys didn't like that I was wrong about Bobby!"




Lincoln:"Now that we know that Bobby isn't a cheater, I'll be heading home and continue my life of not interfering with your lives."

Lincoln walks out of the bush and makes his way home, Leaving 6 sisters in the bush with thoughts running around their heads(Well...except Lily).

Lincoln:"I'm not sure if that was harsh or not but that just made me so mad that they were worried that I wasted their time instead of being happy that Lori wasn't being cheated. I know that I was proud of Bobby!"

The next day, The rest if the episode happens. That night, Lincoln lays in his bed readung his favorite comic book until a knock is heard at his door.

Lincoln:"Come in!"

Leni,Luna,Lynn,and Lola walks in.

Lincoln:"Oh, Hey guys."

Leni:"Linky, We wanted to apologize about yesterday."

Lincoln looks up from his book.

Lincoln:"What about it?"

Lynn:"Well, When we got mad at you and accused you for wasting our time."

Luna:"I guess that we were so focused on what we would do to Bobby if we found out he was cheating on Lori, That we just got upset that it was all false."

Lola:"So we blamed it on you instead of ourselves for believing such a thing."

Lincoln:"Guys, I forgive you. Honestly, I should've had more faith in Bobby in the first place. I guess that the love for your sisters can make you do crazy things!"

Leni:Do as an apology, We made you this medal!"

The girls smile as they show Lincoln a medal made of cardboard,Yellow paint, and a thin piece of blue yarn.

Luna:"This is a award for being the most protective brother!"

Lincoln placed the medal around his neck.

Lincoln:"Heh,Thanks guys!"

Lynn:"And we would like it if you could be protective over us when we start to get dates in the future."

Lincoln Nodded

Lincoln:"It's a deal!"

The girls walked out of his room, Lincoln started to read his comic book again, Proud that his sisters learned something and trusts him for the future.

The End!

So this is what I wished happened in that episode. Anyways, Hope you all enjoyed!