Zoro and Sanji feel an unexpected attraction and they decide to test it. Between rebellion, desire and a crazy crew in love with adventures, how will evolve their relationship? Is it a new way of waging war or an opportunity to develop more complex feelings? In any case, there will be sparks. Between the two of them, it's always a matter of pride.

Genres: Romance, Friendship, Action/Adventure, Humor


This story is a translation of my fiction En équilibre. This is a long one which is almost complete: 55 chapters posted by now. So be prepared.

I tried to build realistic and ambitious couples in the midst of their wacky daily life so I took time to develop and go through many adventures to dig into characters' psychology.

English isn't my native language and I don't speak it fluent either, it's like a challenge to me. I apologize for any spelling, conjugation or grammar mistakes you may find.

I tried to respect as much as possible the characters' consistency and everything that happened until the end of the Thriller Bark arc.

Main pairing: Zoro/Sanji

Secondary pairing: Luffy/Nami

Disclaimer: Of course, I do not own One Piece and his characters. I do not get any commercial benefit and I thank the author for giving us permission to have fun with his masterpiece.

This is rating M for raw and vulgar language, violence and sex scenes (very suggested and/or explicit). Attention, these are scenes of homosexual relations between men and I will not warn you at the beginning of each concerned chapter for not spoiling them. Just so you know, there will be lemons now and then.

I'm thinking about Typone Lady who made me discover One Piece. If she hadn't made me read her stories, I wouldn't have been writing this. Thank you so much.

I would be delighted to have your opinion on my story so don't hesitate to leave me reviews.

Enjoy your reading.

Chapter 1

The spark

Sanji looked in the mirror. His eye was staring at him. He had enormous dark circles under his eyes and his skin was pale. He was exhausted. He sighed and tied his tie on his blue shirt, then checked to see if his suit wasn't wrinkled before leaving the bathroom.

It had been already more than two weeks since they had set sail once again after their adventures on Thriller Bark… Outside, the sun was barely rising and the morning air was fresh. He saw Robin a little farther, his eyes clear despite the end of her watch.

Back in his kitchen, he cooked the huge quantities necessary for the crew's breakfast thanks to his expert gestures and the force of the habit. He was enjoying a cigarette when his companions began to join him.

As usual, the meal was a perpetual battlefield where booty was counted as food and drinks in the midst of an indescribable chaos. This morning was no exception and Luffy had already swallowed half the dishes before the cook stop him in order to keep something for the others. Then the captain decided to serve himself in the plates around the table and soon enough, complaints was rising.

Sighing, Sanji decided to fight at least for his two goddesses' dishes and a fork was brushing an elastic hand when he brought their meals to Nami and Robin who thanked him. Chopper and Ussop were trying in vain to eat while watching their food. Franky was sipping his cola and Brook was competing with the straw hat boy about the amount of food he was swallowing up. Zoro came in a little later and also tried to eat, escaping the captain's arms while glaring at him.

As soon as the tornado of the crew dispersed in its various activities, Sanji washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. When he emerged from the room, the morning was pretty advanced and the blonde stretched.

He had just finished managing the first meal of the day. Two more were waiting for him. Not mentioning the captain's and crew's snacks. And refreshments. And sweets for Nami and Robin, even if this last task didn't bother him as much as the others. Fortunately, the cook loved his job and the straw hat crew's adventures brightened his life enough.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Luffy asking him a silenced question from the bridge and he shook firmly his head to dissuade him from begging so soon. A few moments later, he watched him laugh at the tiny fish that Ussop had just fished. A little farther, Franky was fixing up the ship's mast damaged by a previous storm, Brook was showing Chopper a few chords, Zoro was training, Robin was reading and Nami was focusing on her maps. An ordinary day.

But today was different. More precisely, yesterday had been different and today was strange.

Sanji leaned on the left rail and lit a cigarette. He hadn't slept the night before and he had a feeling that the day would be long. He blamed the marimo head who was behaving perfectly normally, busy sweating on the deck. Maybe, he had simply hallucinated…

The cook thought one more time at what had happened. When, how, why did it all begin, he had spent the whole night thinking about it.

In vain.


He remembered that he had kept thinking again and again about his ridiculous behavior against Kuma despite of Brook's reassuring words as soon as they left Thriller Bark. He felt diminished in front of the idiot marimo who had sacrificed himself and quite naturally, his resentment against himself had turned into anger against the swordsman.

Zoro was such an obvious rival. He had been relieved to know that he was alive at the time, but although he had admired his courage and resistance, the more he thought about it, the more his traitorous attitude came back in his mind. Why had he knocked him out? As if he wasn't as important as him for the World Government. As if he wouldn't have been able to live up to it. As if his friendship for Luffy didn't count as much.

After the euphoria of victory, he had spent the first days at sea chewing in the kitchen while Zoro recovered thanks to Chopper's excellent care. And thanks to an unexpected luck.

The crew's doctor kept the swordsman in the infirmary. Despite his threats, he was only allowed one or two hours a day out on the deck and the reindeer regularly jumped over him to replace bandages that the man was taking away right after. His body had been extremely bruised and despite his extraordinary recovery, his wounds had been so severe that Chopper had wanted to take no risk.

Then, when Zoro had resumed his training without anyone knowing, it had been the last straw.

He was the one who had discovered it. He brought him his meals in the infirmary at the doctor's request and on that day, he had found him in balance on an arm, doing push-ups. Too angry to worry about his rival's wounds, he hadn't resisted and had sent him a blow that made him crashed on the ground. Furious, Zoro had tried to catch his swords against the wall to defend himself but Sanji had been faster and had already moved them away.

"You're such a bastard," he had said, clearly annoyed.

Of course, the swordsman hadn't understood and he had stared him wide-eyed. Sanji had sighed and had deigned to explain the obvious.

"You came close to death a week ago. Don't you think you could take a break in your suicidal program?"

Zoro had shrugged his shoulders.

"I feel good."

The cook had raised his eyes to heaven. Not content with having endured the worst pains, he taunted him by resuming his iron discipline so quickly. This idiot probably didn't care of his own life and that was his problem but what really bothered Sanji was that he had no idea of the wound he had inflicted on him. To his ego.

He had put down his plate and had left without another word.

End of the first act. Until the next day.

Zoro was waiting wisely on his bed and the blonde had thought his little speech had had some effect but it wasn't the case. He had watched him approaching with a smile from ear to ear and Sanji had understood something was wrong even before the swordsman had opened his mouth.

"You didn't tell Chopper I was training."

Strangely, it was true. He didn't know why. Yet it would have been a good excuse for the doctor to give him a beating.

"You really want me to die, right?"

Sanji had looked at him with perplexity. He had had proof that the stupid musclehead didn't understand anything.

"If I tell you to rest, you conclude that it is because I want you to die?"

It was the most illogical thing Zoro could have said after all the time they had spent together but the cook was almost not astonished.

"Yeah. You knocked my shoulder off and I couldn't tell Chopper because he would have killed me for training. So I had choice between dying from the doc's hands or from pain by shutting my trap. I conclude you want me to die and there's not even a doubt about it."

The blonde had gravely stared at him.

"If I wanted to kill you, I wouldn't have tried to interfere between you and Kuma, you idiot."

"Don't give me that shit, it's not for me that you did that."

Sanji hadn't added a thing. After all, he wasn't wrong. At least, not entirely. Zoro had sat up slowly, his wounds probably more painful than he wanted to say and he had leaned over to the cook who had placed his plate next to him.

"You can't bear that I'm still there, do you?" he had said with a mocker voice.

The cook had frozen and the swordsman had carried on.

"You can't stand that I'm better than you."

Sanji had turned slowly towards him and had stared at him with a hard face.

"You haven't the slightest idea of what I think so shut the fuck up."

He had been out very naturally.

End of the second act.

Yesterday, last act.

A few days had passed. Sanji had continued to bring him his plate once or twice a day without exchanging a word while another crew's member took care of the other meals. Zoro was getting better and Chopper was going to allow him to reappear among the living from one day to the next.

That day, the crew had stopped on a tiny and visibly deserted island that wouldn't take long to explore. The cook had been appointed to supervise the boat and he had been busy in kitchen for quite some time, happy to be able to get ahead and not being cut off in his job for once.

Towards noon, he had knocked at the infirmary door and had found the swordsman meditating on the floor. He had noiselessly put down his plate and had been about to come out when the other had called out to him.

"Where are we?" he had asked.

"Not on the island we were aiming at, but probably not far off. This one is so small that it isn't listed according to Nami and Robin doesn't know it either. They left to explore it but we should leave this evening."

With a smile, Zoro had gotten up, had grabbed his plate and had gone out on the deck before Sanji could make a gesture. He had followed him outside and had found him eating on the ground, leaning against the mast in the sun. As he had approached, the swordsman had frowned.

"I know what you're gonna say but I don't need a babysitter", he had warned him with a threatening air.

Sanji hadn't replied immediately but he had felt the anger stepping up to the next level. Zoro always annoyed him pretty much and since their last conversation, it was even worse.

"Do you ever stop believing you know what I fucking think?" he had replied, staring at him.

"And you, when are you going to acknowledge that I'm right?"

"What's so fucking important to you?" had shouted the blonde. "Being the best? Crushing the others?!"

"Of course!" Zoro had replied as if Sanji had lost his mind. "I want to be the best swordsman of the world, I remind you!"

"What the hell are you talking about? You won't be the best swordsman of the world if you propose to die all the time, you moron!" the cook had sharply pointed out.

Zoro had grasped the allusion but he had shrugged his shoulders.

"At least I would have tried then."

Sanji had stared at him for a second before feeling the rage overwhelming him.

"I know very well what you had to bear for saving Luffy", he had spat in a dark voice. "I was the one who took you back and the Risky brothers told me everything. Why didn't you let me do it? You think you're so much better than the others or is it your dream which isn't that important after all?!"

Zoro had seriously studied him with a look as hard as stone.

"It was not your place", he had replied calmly.

"What?! You bastard! Who the fuck do you think you are?!"

The swordsman hadn't had the time to react: the cook had gone wild and he had sent him flying against the Sunny's balustrade, his plate smashing to the ground. Zoro had risen quickly and had look daggers at him. Then, he had thrown himself upon him in return, all his swords dancing around him.

The fight had been rough and the damages had accumulated quickly on the boat. Sanji couldn't have told if it was because they hadn't fought for several days or simply because of anger but he hadn't hold back his attacks despite the opponent's state who had returned blow for blow.

After a moment, Sanji's foot had been blocked by two swords and Zoro had looked at him with a mocking smile.

"Too susceptible, stupid cook," he had snickered.

The blond had got rid of Zoro's weapons and had sent it back on the ground.

"Too weak, stupid swordsman," he had replied.

The fencer had struggled to regain the upper hand and Sanji had to stick on the kitchen door to avoid one of his blades. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Zoro had jumped on him and had dragged him into his fall when the door had shattered under their weight. They both had got up quickly, furious not to prevail over the other.

"This is stupid", the cook had said, putting his clothes in order. "I know I'm worthy, I don't need your opinion."

He had been so fucking tired. This guy was unbearable and he was literally fuming just watching him.

"You give up?" had asked the swordsman, interested.

"Not even in your dreams!"

The cook had sent him a burst of kicks and Zoro had protected himself as best as he could before replying with swords in his direction. At the end, the blade had touched Sanji's jacket and he had jumped at the contact too close to his arm. Furious, he had thrown a chair on the swordsman who had had no choice but to cut it before it reached him.

"Shitty swordsman! A brand new jacket!" he had yelled, rushing at him again.

Zoro had frown, surprised. Sanji had been blinded by anger and he had acted openly, something that wasn't like him. He had lost all his composure and the swordsman had only had to take advantage of it by giving him a slight trip. The blond had lost his balance and Zoro had held him prisoner against the wall, his sword under his throat.

"You're getting slack, darts eyebrow", he had noticed with a satisfied smile.

Sanji had remained hysterical and the sword against his neck hadn't calmed him down. He had gesticulated and had hurled the worst insults at the swordsman who had finally removed his blade, put it away, and put a hand on the cook's mouth with a scowl.

"Fucking hell, can't you just shut up?" he had growled. "You're such a sore loser."

Sanji had stopped after several minutes. He had had no air with the swordsman's hand who prevented him from breathing and from which he couldn't get free but his eyes had carried on threaten him with the worst possible pains. Finally, Zoro had removed his hand and the cook had been able to resume his breath, breathing short.

That was when the unthinkable had happened. The swordsman had replaced his hand by his mouth on his lips, pressing him even more violently against the wall. And then, as unlikely as it could be, Sanji had replied to his gesture. If Zoro thought he would give up by dragging him towards the unknown, he would bark up the wrong tree. Whatever the provocation would be, he would always answer. His ego didn't allow him to loose even the smallest piece of land in front of his opponent. Rather being dead than retreating in front of the marimo head.

Another battle had begun, always for the power of one over the other. Zoro had used his weight to hold him against the wall but Sanji had succeeded in destabilizing him by biting him hard on his lip, which had made him step back, looking annoyed, and a trickle of blood dripping from his mouth.

The cook had taken the opportunity to roughly push him on the opposite wall, taking control. While their tongues resumed their battle, Sanji had lowered his hands against the wall on either side of the swordsman's waist to keep him at his mercy. However, when he had ventured to kiss and bite his neck, Zoro had put his hands under his shirt and the contact that had electrified him had made him lost his ascendancy. The swordsman had wrapped his arms around his waist to hold him before pushing him back abruptly until the blonde hits the table with his back. He had then propelled himself against him, throwing him over the wooden surface and imprisoning him under his body.

At this time, Sanji had remembered that he had already lost a fight and that he didn't want a second defeat. He had therefore used his hands against the swordsman's back to scratch him and get free while their mouths met again savagely. Yet when he had seen Zoro getting rid of his tee-shirt and pull off his own shirt and tie before throwing himself on his chest, he had thought that perhaps, the winner wasn't the one he believed.

And he had begun to loose himself in more pleasant sensations despite the swordsman's bites on his belly and his hands which prevented him from moving. He had lost all notion of time until Zoro had suddenly helped him up to get rid of his last clothes before sending him back on the table immediately. His naked skin had suffered from the rough contact of the wood against his back and he had risen up, furious at himself for being so passive and so receptive at the same time.

The fencer had seemed as little connected to the world as him, which had reassured him somehow. Concentrate, the desire that darkened his gaze had made him bestial and directive, reinforcing their sense of competition.

The need to measure each other had not left them for a second. This fight of a different kind was still a matter of honor.

No one had backed down.

*End of flash-back*

Sanji emerged from his thoughts, blushing. In vain did he recount the events in his mind, he didn't understand what had happened and even if Zoro had launched the hostilities, he couldn't deny that he hadn't left without further ado. His anger didn't explain everything, neither did their rivalry, and he was now terribly uncomfortable. No idea of this kind had ever crossed his mind, either with the swordsman or with a man. Did his need to compete with his rival was going so far? To the point of letting himself lead on such ground? To the point of taking the risk of twisting a little more their bubbling relationship?

Focused on his desire not to lose face, he had been embarked on Zoro's abrupt caresses who had gradually given way to pleasure. When he had realized it, his body eagerly demanded his own and his reason had pissed off.

The blonde contracted his jaw. The fencer had won on all counts. Again. He had taken control, he had taken ownership of the cook's body, imposing his place and his rhythm. Sanji had just thought of questioning him when he had seen that he wasn't taking any precautions at the fateful moment and Zoro had just pointed out in a hoarse breath that Chopper was following them enough not to worry. And he had taken his word for it.

It was downright scary when he thought about it and he wondered for a moment whether or not he had been poisoned or bewitched. However, the most logical hypothesis being often the best, he had to admit that they had certainly got carried away by their emotions and that they had been put down in an unknown land.

On top of that, this land was painful and Sanji sighed while gently stretching his back. He had thought he was going to faint this morning when he had straightened up but he preferred to grit his teeth rather than someone notices something.

Nevertheless, it was a shooting pain which was twisting his back. He should have suspected it when remembering what he had first felt but the tension he had tested out at that moment had needed an end. At this time, Zoro had compelled him to calm down, forcing on his arms to prevent him from moving. Initially rebelling against this attitude he had taken for a further dominance, Sanji had attempted to stir in all directions despite the pain. The fencer had strengthened his grip on him and had plunged his impenetrable gaze into his own, finally making him stop. They had remained still for a few moments, the breath short and painful for the blond who had gradually realized that the suffering was flowing back. Zoro had then started to move again and the next few minutes had been so delicious that Sanji had forgotten what he was imposing to himself…

Being back to reality had been just as brutal as everything else. After the wave of pleasure that had submerged them, they had suddenly realized what had just happened and especially, with whom. Zoro had lost no time and he had disappeared as soon as he had found his clothes, only glancing once at him. Sanji had had a hard time straightening up, and even more accepting what they had shared. He had slipped on his own clothes with mechanical gestures before trying to put things right in the room.

Sighing, the cook walked slowly towards his kitchen to begin preparations for the next meal. At least, the swordsman didn't act weirdly with him since yesterday and for once, he had suffered Nami's recriminations on their infantile behavior when she had discovered the ship's condition on her return feeling almost relieved and Zoro had obtained permission from a desperate Chopper to resume a normal life.

This string of events remained incomprehensible for the cook and he was eager to banish it from his memory. He didn't imagine for a second that this episode was anything other than a moment of confusion on his part and seeing the swordsman's behavior, he seemed to have the same opinion. Fortunately.

The same evening, Nami announced during dinner that they would reach the next island the next day. An autumnal or even winter island judging by the climate established for several hours. Fishman Island was no longer on the agenda since the storm they had suffered three days earlier had thrown them several hundred kilometers away from their trajectory after several necessary Coups de Burst for their survival. True to his optimism, the captain had decreed that it was Grand Line adventures' destiny and that they would enter the New World by another way to better find the island later. The cook and the skeleton had been the most disappointed not to meet the sirens they had imagined the one more beautiful than the next as quickly as they thought before finally being catch up with Luffy's enthusiasm.

Robin explained to them that Nerwa's Island was a hilly and mountainous island whose population was gathered on the coasts where temperatures were milder. Normally, there was nothing special except a small marine base that it would be necessary to avoid during the time the Log Pose recharges.

When the night fell, Sanji settled down on the bridge as he had first watch. His lack of sleep wouldn't be caught up anytime soon and he was dropping from exhaustion. He didn't like the cold because it stiffened his aching muscles but it also helped him staying awake and he slumped onto the seat behind the helm. He took out a cigarette and lit it before bringing it to his lips. The sea was calm and the stars sparkled in the sky.

He should have felt good with his friends on the Sunny but he felt in a melancholy mood. Nights like these reminded him of the hours he had spent gazing at the stars, lost with that shitty geezer Zeff in the middle of the sea. And that inevitably brought him back to his dream.

The All Blue. Did he only have a chance to catch sight of it, busy running on Grand Line or fighting to save his life? And at the same time, where else could he look for it? And with who? Certainly the straw hat's crew members were the best to accompany him in this quest. What other crew could boast on grouping together members with such unusual dreams?

Ussop and his ambitions of courage and glory.

Nami and her pencil ready to assault the world map.

Zoro and his willpower to be the best swordsman.

Chopper and his wish to cure all diseases.

Robin and her hope to discover history through a lost language.

Franky and his desire to travel the seas on his creation.

Brook and his determination to see a whale again.

And of course, Luffy and his obsession to become King of the Pirates.

Finally, discovering a legendary ocean didn't seem so difficult in the midst of all these unlikely objectives…

Sanji wrapped himself up a little more in the blanket he had brought. Yes, if he were to find the All Blue one day, it would be with these degenerates.

His family.

Hope you liked it and my English isn't too bad.

Next chapters are built differently, this is more of a prologue here: this chapter is exclusively from Sanji's point of view but it won't always be like this. There will be an omniscient point of view (external), Zoro's point of view and more rarely the other crew members' point of view.

If you're tempted to pursue the adventure (or not), don't hesitate to leave me a little review.