You cried softly into your pillow after running back to your room. Tony was being so unfair! Peter made you so happy, why couldn't you be with him? You just didn't understand. You heard a small whirring noise and looked and saw a small spider shaped drone hovering by your face. You furrowed your brows and looked confused.
"What do you want little drone?" You ask it and wipe the tears from your eyes.
A Holoscreen comes up from it's back. It reads:
Don't cry Y/N. I'm a lot closer to you than you think...I'm not that great at being subtle so...look up?
You looked up and saw Peter crawling towards you on the ceiling.
"Peter!" You exclaimed and ran up to look at him on the ceiling.
"Shh!" He tells you and puts a finger to his lips. "We can't let your dad know I'm here alright?" He asks and you nod and smile at him.
"Okay! Anything for my boyfriend." You tell him and smile at him.
"You mean friend that's a guy?" Peter asks. You shook your head no.
"No I mean as in guy I want to date..." You tell him and give him an adoring look.
"D-d-date...?" He stutters and his face turns red.
Then he yelps as he falls off of the ceiling and lands on his ass in front of you. You couldn't help but laugh and sit down next to him, thinking it was incredibly adorable how flustered and awkward he'd get around you.
"Y-you really want to go out with me?" Peter asks excitedly.
"Of course! Did you think that all I wanted to do was kiss you?" You ask him. You leaned in and kissed him again. "If all I wanted to do was that, why would I want to spend more time with you?"
"I guess you have a point." Peter says and smiles awkwardly.
"Do you want to date me?" You ask Peter.
"YES!" He says quickly and you seem a bit shocked by his immediate and energized response. "Of course I do! You're gorgeous and funny and smart and we're into the same movies and you're the only girl that doesn't get weirded out by me or think I'm too nerdy or lame or-" You cut him off with a delicate kiss.
"'re perfect. I'd love to date you..." You tell him and lean in to kiss him but his eyes roll back in his head and he falls over. You gasp and lean over him. "Peter! Oh my God! FRIDAY what do I do he passed out!?"
"Give him a minute." The AI says and slowly Peter starts to sit back up.
"Are you okay?" You ask him and he nods.
"Yeah I'm fine I've just...never had a girl want to date me before...And I never thought such a smart and pretty girl would want to date me!" He squeaks and you laugh and press your lips to his and hold his face, holding the kiss for a long time.
"Well Peter Parker I want to be your girlfriend. Will you be my boyfriend?" You ask.
"Absolutely..." He says softly and looks at you dreamily. "But what about your dad?"
"We'll just have to do some sneaking around I guess." Peter says. "But don't worry! I'll come see you whenever I can!"
"Promise?" You ask him and hold his hands.
"Cross my heart." Peter says and smiles at you before placing a finger under your chin, leaning in and gently pressing his soft pink lips onto yours.
You were both blushing when he pulled away and then he did a backflip over your couch and ran out of the room in case Tony came by. You knew it was just a kiss and you two had kissed before but now that he was officially your boyfriend it made it mean so much more to you. You couldn't help but squeal a little bit and fall onto your bed. Even if you had gotten your dad mad at you and made him ground you, you still had the best night of your life.
For the rest of the week you found yourself finding little presents in strange places. You found some flowers in the main eating area, webbed to a wall for you. And occasionally when you were on your way to a training session you noticed Droney crawling along the floor beside you before stopping in front of you. It looked up at you and a holo-screen came up.
I may not be able to give you real kisses very often but I hope these suffice for when I can't.
You laughed and picked up the Hershey kiss that was taped to the drone and happily ate it.
One day you were texting Peter in the living room and your dad walked by and noticed what was going on.
"I thought I forbade you from seeing him." Tony says.
"Yes. But I don't 'see' him in front of me now do I?" You ask and smirk, happy with the loophole you had found in your dad's rule.
Then he took your phone and walked away.
"Hey!" You exclaim and pouted.
After a few minutes you heard some little whirring noises and found Droney hovering next to you with another Hershey kiss. But this time you gave the drone a little kiss before taking the chocolate.
"Pass that on to Peter for me?" You ask it and you heard a little squeak and it flew off to go back to Peter.
The rest of that night Peter was really confused as to why his drone kept nudging his face and mouth.
It had been five days since you actually saw Peter. You missed him terribly. So when you came back from training five days after your little escapade in NYC and saw him in your room with a bouquet of flowers and chocolates you actually screamed for joy and ran up to him before he could even say anything, throwing your arms around him and knocking him over onto the floor.
"I missed you so much!" You exclaim and start kissing him all over his face.
"I-I m-missed you t-too." Peter says shyly as he tries to wrap his mind around the fact that you were assaulting his face with your kisses. And he loved it! "Pepper managed to get me alone for a minute and said she was going to distract Tony with a date tonight so I could come see you."
"She's going to be the best mom ever once she and Tony finally get married this Summer!" You exclaim. "You know she promised me that I get to be a bridesmaid!"
"That's awesome! I bet you're going to look gorgeous." Peter says. "I mean you always look breathtakingly beautiful but I don't know...I've never seen you in a dress before."
"I could go put one on right now if you want." You suggest and Peter's about to say you don't have to but then he got an idea.
"Yeah...If you want to go ahead." He says and you seem a bit suspicious.
"Are you planning something Spidey?" You ask and he shakes his head and looks innocent.
"Nope. Nothing at all. Just go put on your dress. I'll be waiting right here for you." Peter says.
"Okay..." You reply and go into your closet and put on your favorite dress. "Alright I put it on I'm coming out!" You say.
"Wait!" Peter calls out. "I just thought of something else. Why don't you put on some make up too?"
Okay now you were confused and getting very suspicious.
"Why do you want me to get all dressed up?" You ask.
"It's a surprise!" Peter says. "Trust me you're going to love this."
"Okay..." You say and decide to do as he says and put on some make up.
When you came out you noticed the lights had been turned off and it looked like Peter had attached a disco ball in your room somehow. You looked up and noticed Droney had some small lights on it's back and was stuck to the ceiling, making them move around like they would in a night club. And there was some music playing in the background. Peter had also changed into a suit and pushed away some of your furniture to the walls to make an open space on the floor.
"What's all of this?" You asked.
Peter just stared at you, his jaw hanging. You looked confused.
"Pete?" You waved a hand in front of his face.
"Pretty..." He mumbles and smiles as he stares at you.
"Uh...Peter are you okay?" You ask and then he snaps out of it and shakes his head.
"Yeah sorry it's just I didn't expect you to look" He says and you can see him start to blush and giggle a bit.
"So what is all of this?" You ask again.
"Well I remember when I was telling you about my High School you told me that you had never been to a school dance before?" He reminds you.
Your eyes lit up and you immediately knew where this was going and why he had asked you to get all dressed up.
"Did you set up my room like a High School dance for me?" You ask. He smiles and nods.
"Yeah." He says and holds out his hand. "Y/N will you be my date to this dance?" He asks you and you giggle and take his hand.
"Yes. I'd love to!" You say and kiss his cheek.
He hits a button on a remote and a song starts to play. You immediately recognize it as September by Earth, Wind and Fire. (I had to guys XD yesterday was September 21st and this song has been stuck in my head since!). Peter being the dork he is started to dance pretty badly and you laughed at him, then he turned to you, using the remote as a microphone and pointed to you.
"Do you remember?" He lip synced and you laughed more. "The 21st night of September. Love was changing the minds of pretenders. While chasing the clouds away."
You came up to him and took his hand and blushed as he pulled you in close to him and he started swaying his hips and waving his arms around and you laughed and did the same while lip syncing the song with him.
Ba de ya - say do you remember
Ba de ya - dancing in September
Ba de ya - never was a cloudy day
At one point Peter got out his phone and had the two of you take some pictures together, mainly dorky funny ones like you would take in a photo booth. You and Peter danced all night to your favorite songs and although he started off with some dorky dancing, he had gotten progressively better through the night. And he even taught you a few things since you had never slow danced before.
"So I wrap my arms around your neck like this?" You ask Peter and loosely hang your arms around his neck.
"Yeah." He says and smiles.
You blush as he places his hands on your waist.
"Is it okay if I do this?" He asks and you nod.
He pulls you in a little closer and you both stare into each other's eyes and sway side to side gently as a slow song plays in the background.
"Do you like this?" He asks and you nod and smile.
"I think it's nice." You say and lean in a bit closer to him and rest your forehead on his. "Thank you for doing this for me. The past two weeks I've known you have been the best two weeks of my life! You've introduced me to so many new things that I've been sheltered from my whole life. Now I finally know what it's like to be a teenager. And that's all thanks to you." You tell him.
"You've helped me out too Y/N." Peter tells you. "Before I met you I thought that no one would ever want to date me. I'm just a dorky nerd who is also a really cool superhero but I could never tell anyone that part about myself. And then I met you...And not only do you like Spider-Man but you like Peter Parker too despite how awkward I am." Peter says and you kiss him gently.
"That's one of the things I like about you Peter. You're unique, you're special and amazing. And not just because you're Spider-Man." You say and he grinned and scooped you up and spun you around before placing his hand on the back of your head and bringing you down to kiss him.
"Y/N, I think you're the best thing that's ever happened to me too." Peter says and you feel your heart gush with love for him and you kiss him hard.
Then he dipped you and you gasped and looked up into his eyes.
"Don't worry. I've got you." He says and pulls you back up so he can kiss you again.
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed! Feedback is much appreciated! There will be a part 5 to this!