Hello guy's it's Ira, or as I like to go by now, Shira! Now, I know a lot of you are mad about the whole 'Deletions of Every Story' thing we did, but fear not! We're- well, I, am going through the stories and making a few changes. Sagistic said he was going to hold off on the Naruto stories but might upload new ones later. For now, I'd like you to read that Dishonored/RWBY story I pitched a while back.

Here are a few things to get out of the way:
1. This will be a based in the RWBY Universe, however, the Dishonored part will come from the powers, some locations and gadgets.
2. Salem will know of Jaune's actions when on 'Missions' but won't interfere. She might interact with him when he discovers a Rune.
3. Story will be a 'Low Chaos' one, however, it's not a 'Ghostly' and 'Merciful' one.
4. As of right now, pairing is undecided. 'Arkos' and 'Firewall' are a no-no, that I'm certain of.

Disclaimer: Dishonored is property of Besthesda and Arkane Studios and RWBY is property of Roosterteeth. All names, locations, etc. belong to their respective owners.

The Grimm Walker


Such a simple word, yet it holds a power that affects everything from the most revered of gods to the simplest of creatures. It is a word that I've had the pleasure of knowing for most of my time in this world. A world where even my power can be overwhelmed, a world that I was sent to when I was 'killed' by to bearers of my mark: the assassin Daud and his second-in-command Billy Lurk. It was strange…feeling what it was like to experience pain again as the same sacrificial blade that ended my life the first time had once again been used again and I was thrown into the deepest parts of the Void. I don't remember exactly when I awoke again, but I remember what it was like when my essence had inhabited a body.

A body that could be killed like any other. While the experience fascinated me for some time, time continued on and boredom had come and settled over the experience. It didn't take me long to realize how different this world is compared to the world I watched previously. The mortals here are not just 'mortals', a great handful of them have harness a power they have referred to as 'Semblances.' While these powers do not compare to mine, the more interesting mortals have proven themselves to more than capable to briefly match even my power. Particularly the mortals that possess silver eyes have proven to provide an interesting encounter.

Unfortunately, it seems that those that I've taken to use have eradicated those silver-eyed warriors. So it is that I find boredom surrounding me as I wait for my plans to progress. While this world has provided some entertainment to me, it does not keep my attention for long; and for that, I've made plans to leave, to eradicate this world and return to the Void that I call my 'home'. But until that time comes, it seems that I must find someone to entertain me. For that, I used the powers I've amassed, the powers of the Void, the corrupted power of Delilah Copperspoon and a new power from the 'gods' of this world to create a specific specimen.

Time had passed since I've created them and it is only my past experiences that keep me from rushing my plans. For now, I am content on waiting for my creations to find an interesting individual.

I went by many names throughout time, many of them forgotten even by me; however, the one that I remember to this day is rather simple: The Outsider. However, in this world I go by Salem, a heretic steadfast in her plans for snuffing out the flame of humanity on Remnant.

҉¯`•.¸¸.•´¯`•.¸¸.•´¯`•.¸¸.•´¯Dust Mine¯`•.¸¸.•´¯`•.¸¸.•´¯`•.¸¸.•´¯҉

"Don't venture to far young master. Our workers haven't charted those tunnels yet." A voice called out, getting a young boy to stop and turn around. This boy looked no older than seven years of age with bright blonde hair that pointed him out even in the dimly lit tunnels.

"Don't worry, Felicia! Dad said he I could help him today!" The boy said back excitedly as he looked at the nearby wall that sparkled slightly in the dim light. "Plus you're with me! And your eyes never let me hide!" The body said, getting the Cheetah faunus to smile.

"That may be true Jaune, but even you have proven to evade my Faunus senses." The woman replied as she walked up to the young boy. "The Dust crystals look lovely, don't they?"

"Yeah! Dad said that when I'm old enough, he's going to start teaching me how to use it!" The young boy, Jaune, said as reached out and dragged his fingers across the wall. "Then he said that if I wanted, I could train to become a huntsman! Just like in the stories you and mom always tell us!" Jaune exclaimed before a boastful laugh echoed through the tunnels.

"You still have a year or two before that happens Jaune." Another voice called out, getting the two to look up and see a man and two women walking up to them. The man had long blonde hair like Jaune while one of the women had brown hair an odd shaped nose and the other had sandy colored hair and a somewhat elongated face.

"Master Arc, Mistress Star and Mistress Namib, how are you?" Felicia greeted before she dropped to one knee.

"Please Felicia, you don't have to bother with formalities, feel free to call us by our names." The blonde man said, laughing a bit. "You've certainly watched my children long enough to be considered family." The man said as the Cheetah faunus nodded to got to her feet. "Anyway, I think it's about time we charted this out, you said this was here already Suricatta?" The man asked, getting a nod from his two companions. "Cristata, can you sense anything?" The man said while the woman with the odd nose knelt down and placed a hand on the ground.

"This tunnel goes on for some time." Cristata said, while her partner to a few steps forward and started sniffing the air.

"I don't smell any kind of chemicals either." Suricatta added before she placed her hand on the wall and looked down the tunnel. "I don't sense any form of vibrations either."

"Do you think it was formed by Grimm?" The man asked, getting the two to nod.

"Considering how clean the walls look, it's unlikely to a Death Stalker. Perhaps Creepers?" Suricatta said. The man simply pulled out a sword and shield in response while the Felicia clenched her fist, letting her gauntlets release a pair of claws from them.

"Jaune, stay close to Felicia." The man ordered, getting the young boy to nod before he stepped closer to the faunus. "Point the way you two." The two faunus women nodded before they reached behind them pulled out a case of small dust vials.

-20 Minutes Later-

"Hold on a moment…" The man said, getting the group to stop and turn to him as he looked at the charts in his hand. "According to the path we taken, we're underneath the entire mine."

"How deep?" Felicia asked, moving over to look at the charts.

"According to these…we're an additional ten feet deep, at most." Cristata said, before she reached for a vial of dust and handed it to Jaune and placed her hand on the ground. "However, it seems the end is near."

"I agree, but…" Suricatta said as she placed her hand on the wall. "I sense a rumbling…just ahead."

"Rumbling?" The man asked, getting the two to nod. "Stay close Jaune, I don't want you wandering off and your mother would kill me if you get hurt." A man said before he focused back on the paper he was given. Behind him a young boy with blonde hair nodded happily before he kneeled close to a nearby wall to inspect the gems that sparkled. It wasn't the first time he had been in the family's company mine, but it didn't stop his father from worrying every time they walked its maze-like tunnels.

"I think it's best that we set up a marker here and return with a few more charters." Cristata said, getting a nod from the group. The man nodded and pulled out a large rod before he walked up to this son.

"Here Jaune, I want you to have the honors of ending this charting session." The man said with a smile before the boy smiled at him. Taking the large rod, Jaune let out a small grunt as he lifted the item and stabbed it into the ground. As soon as he did, the tunnel was filled with a light that let the group see a bit further. The moment was stopped however when the father and son saw a wall of pure darkness in front of them.

"What is that?" Felicia asked, taking a few steps forward to join the two blonds.

"Grimm…" Was all the man said, before he slowly stood up and held an arm in front of his son. "…everyone, back away." The man said before they started taking cautious steps away from the all.

"I've never seen a Grimm like that." Suricatta said as she pulled out another vial of dust. "A new species?"

"Now's not the time to discuss this!" The man said as he kept his eyes trained on the wall. It was temporarily torn away when he heard his son trip backwards and fall to the ground. As quickly as he looked away, he looked back and widen his eyes when the darkness started moving, the tunnels rumbling at it as the wall broke down into small balls of darkness. It wasn't until the man threw a vial of fire dust that they realized that the darkness was actually rat-based Grimm running towards. "They're moving! Everyone run!" No one needed to told twice before they all broke into sprints, with Felicia picking up Jaune.

"We need to alert the others!" Suricatta shouted out as she threw another vial of dust behind her, .

"Felicia! Get my son out of here and tell the miners to evacuate the mine!" The man shouted, getting the Cheetah faunus to nod before she began to gain a distance from the others. That didn't last long however when Felicia felt her foot hit a small bump, causing her to crash into the ground while Jaune was thrown a few feet in front of her.

"Jaune!" That was all the boy heard before he let out a scream of pain. All he heard were his pained screams as the feeling of thousands of teeth ripped into him. The last sight he would remember was the darkness that surrounded him, only accompanied by a pair of pure red eyes.


When Jaune opened his eyes again, it wasn't to the see the ceiling in his room or the pure white that accommodated the ceilings of the hospital. Instead he was greeted to a black ceiling that was raised to impossible heights with windows that matched. Raising himself off the bed, Jaune couldn't help the shiver that ran throughout his body as he looked out the window. The sky was dark, ominous looking with only red clouds filling it in; the earth looked dead, any form of vegetation was instead replaced with rocks and purple crystals.

Look down, Jaune widened his eyes when he saw large black puddles on the grounds, puddles that let a large amount of Grimm crawl out of them. Letting out an audible gulp, Jaune jumped at the sound of something hitting the floor, causing him to turn around and see nothing.

"M-mom? D-dad?" The young blonde called out, crawling slowly to the edge of the bed he woke up on. It wasn't until now that he realized what the bed was made of: bones, large bones that were tied together. Looking around a bit, Jaune let out a shaky breath before he got off the bed. "Mom? Dad? Felicia? Anyone there?" Jaune called out again before he looked down and noticed his clothes were different; his casual shirt and short-cuts were replaced with a more industrial/royal style of clothing.

'Where am I?' Jaune though before a noise made him look up. As soon as he did, Jaune let out very feminine scream before he fell backwards and started crawling away. Floating in front of him was a small black ball covered with bone-like plates with red tentacles hanging underneath it and a yellow glow coming from the ball. Despite being young, Jaune could instantly tell what it was that was floating in front of him…a Grimm. Cowering back from it, Jaune squinted his eye open and watched as the creature simply 'stared' at him before it began floating away.

"Was that really a Grimm?" After a few minutes, Jaune got up again and made his way to door, only to jump back when the creature appeared again. As the two continued to 'stare' at one another, a loud crash made the floating ball move away from the doorway, letting Jaune peek his head out. Once he did, Jaune saw the Grimm floating a few feet away before it stopped and made another noise. "Y-you want me to follow you?"

The creature did nothing and simply waited until it saw Jaune step out of the room. Seeing the Grimm move away, Jaune took a few cautious steps towards it before he found himself chasing after it, it's odd noises making it sound surprised whenever Jaune caught up with it. The blonde didn't know how long he had been chasing the creature, but after a while, Jaune started to hear a few voices fill the halls.

"All is in order in Mistral. The headmaster of Haven is under our control." A voice said, getting Jaune to stop and turn to see a large room. Inside were three people, a large table made of purple crystals and chairs made of bone like the bed he woke up on. Slowly stepping up to the door, Jaune hid behind one of the doors as the voices continued speaking with one another.

"Excellent. And what of the White Fang?" Another voice asked, this one clearly a woman.

"Cinder's been sent out to talk to them." A third voice answered, this one was deep and definitely restrained in anger. "It also seems as though she's taken in a couple of rats." The voice said, letting silence settle in for a few seconds.

"I see. I will need to see if they can be of use to us-" The woman's voice said before Jaune heard the familiar sound of the Grimm he had been chasing. Looking down the hall, Jaune saw the creature was floating towards him before it stopped and entered the room. Following it with his eyes, Jaune widened them when he saw the three people all looking at him. "It seems my guest has awoken." The woman said, getting Jaune to look at her and step back in fear.

"And who might this be?" One the voices asked, getting Jaune to look at him. The man had short black and gray hair accompanied with a mustache and green eyes. He wore a gray overcoat with yellow linings, a yellow dress shirt and a black necktie with pants the same color as his overcoat as well as a pair of fingerless gloves.

"Yes, I was not aware you were keeping company with a…child." The other voice added, making Jaune look at the other man. This one was a large, muscular man with short brown hair, a beard and hazel eyes. He wore a two-tone olive-green coat over a black 3/4 sleeve shirt, and a large belt wrapped around a pair of black pants. Jaune also noticed that his arms had some scars near the edges of his sleeves.

"This is a rather interesting mortal my creations have found me." The woman said, getting Jaune to focus on her again. The woman's skin was practically white with deep red and purple veins that ran up her arms and face while her eyes were jet black with red irises. Her hair was in a bun with six offshoots and a black mark in the center of her forehead. The only thing he could tell that she wore was a long black robe that faded to a red at some parts. "Come here, child."

Jaune didn't know why, but he felt his body obey her command, taking prideful steps forward despite Jaune's terrified expression. One he was in arms' length of the woman, Jaune's body froze as soon as the woman knelt down and raised a hand to his face. On the inside, Jaune wanted to run, to get his body to turn away and move as fast as he could, but it didn't move.

"What is your name child?" The woman asked as she pulled her hand away and gave Jaune a somewhat warm smile.

"J-Jaune. J-Jaune Arc." Jaune said, his voice quivering as he continued to look at the woman in front of him.

"Jaune? What a nice name. Such an…interesting name." The woman said, before she stood back up and began walking away. "Come Jaune, why don't you have a seat?" The woman asked, not looking back as Jaune followed her and took a seat next to the large man. "Hazel, Arthur, allow me to introduce Jaune Arc."

"Arc?" The mustached man asked, getting Jaune to look at him. "The same bloodline of huntsman that existed since the Great War?" The man asked, leaning in a bit with a smile. This caused Jaune to lean back in fear before he saw the woman raise her hand.

"That's enough Watts. I will not have you using this child to your advantage." The woman said, getting the man, Watts, to nod before he rested in his seat. However, when he did the other man decided to lean forwards a bit.

"The Arc bloodline is said to possess proud and brave warriors." The man said before he looked at Jaune, "Are you certain this boy is of their bloodline?" Jaune wanted to shrink into nothing but also yell at the man for saying he wasn't an Arc. Unfortunately, the woman raised her hand again before her eyes started glowing red.

"That. Is. Enough. I will not tolerate those who do not interest me." The woman said before stared at the large man. "If you continue to question me, Hazel, I will see to it that you are no longer interesting." At that the man, Hazel, gave a nod before he leaned back in his seat. The room had quickly gone silent before the woman focused on Jaune again. "Tell me Jaune, what is the last thing you remember?"

"T-the mine…" Jaune said, getting the woman to raise an eyebrow. "I-I was with my dad, in the mine. W-we were going to chart more tunnels…" Jaune said before he closed his eyes and started trembling. "I…I placed a marker down and then…" Jaune said before he squeezed his eyes shut, looking like he was in pain. "…then the Grimm came…"

"Grimm?" The woman asked, "Can you tell me what they were?" The two men also focused on Jaune as the silence filled the room again. After a few seconds, the blonde lifted his legs to his chest and clutched them while placing his head on his knees.

"Rats…" Was all Jaune got out before the woman seemed to smile. Looking up, the woman waved off Hazel and Watts, watching as they nodded and left the room.

"Jaune." The woman said, getting the blonde to look up. "What would you say if I said that it was me who created those Grimm?" The woman asked, her face turning neutral when Jaune seemed to clutch his legs tighter. Quickly losing interest in Jaune, the woman started to raise her hand before Jaune spoke up.

"Where am I?" At that, the woman raised an eyebrow before she lowered her hand.

"This place has no name." The woman said, getting Jaune to look up. "You could call it my domain, however it is not one that I am used to. This place is nothing like the Void."

"The Void?" Jaune asked, getting the woman to nod.

"It was what I called once called home." The woman said before she got up from her seat. "Come, I think we've spent enough time for now." At that, Jaune felt his body move on its own again, getting him to jump off the chair and follow the woman back to the room he woke up in. "You are an interesting child, Jaune." The woman said before she helped the boy on the bed and made him lay down.

"Who are you…?" Jaune asked before he let out a large yawn. The woman simply smiled at him before she grabbed his left hand and held it between hers.

"You may call me Salem." The woman said before Jaune felt a slight pain on the back of his hand. Feeling his eyelids grow heavy, Jaune tried to focus on what Salem said next. "And we'll be seeing each other again soon. For now, rest." Jaune simply nodded before he closed his eyes.


When Jaune opened his eyes again, he noticed that it wasn't in the same room. The room wasn't too dark since there was a lamp that was still on to his right. It would've been silent if it wasn't for the constant *Beep* that came from the heartrate monitor he was hooked up to. Trying to move, Jaune let out whimper as a large amount of pain shot through his body.

"Jaune?" A voice made him look to his right and see his mother looking at him, her eyes red and puffy.

"Mom?' Was all Jaune could say before he was wrapped in a gentle hug. Looking around, Jaune's mind wondered if he dreamt up his encounter with Salem…it wouldn't be until he was released from the hospital that he would see the mark that was burned onto his left hand.

Alright, I think that about does it for the introduction. What do guys think? It's not perfect and I'm not promising a very detailed story, but this is something I'm interested in writing. Just so you know, the actual written part of this is about 3,500 words or so. The rest, that's below, are mainly just references that I'll be using. If you haven't play Dishonored, then this might get a little confusing.

Now here's the part that I'll try to explain as best as I can, Jaune will be using two outfits. What I mean by that is that Jaune will be dressed as Corvo's concept art from Dishonored 2 while he's attending Beacon but while on 'Missions' it will be Corvo's outfit from the original Dishonored. The gear he will use will be based on Corvo and Emily's gear from Dishonored 2, I.E. their guns, crossbows, Etc.

I do intend to give Jaune all the powers abilities of Corvo and Emily, however they won't all be upgraded; the same applies to the gear and gadgets. Jaune will also be considerably 'OP' in the story however, this will mainly be because of the abilities and powers. While he'll be able to keep up with more experienced Huntsman, like Qrow, that doesn't mean he'll be able to beat them so easily.

Also, I don't have a planned upload date, so don't expect it to be uploaded regularly. Also, the size of the chapters will not be consistent, sometimes it will be longer sometimes shorter.

Anyway, please leave a review. This is a new idea and I really want your opinions on this.


Bios will be added to the end of chapters that have characters of important relevance and when that relevance in high enough. Bios may be updated to include more into about new abilites and/or weapons used.


Background: Salem is a very mysterious figure in Remnant, highly knowledgeable about the world and its forgotten history. In a past life, she went by another name, 'The Outsider', a being capable of bestowing individuals great power. Back then, she appeared differently choosing to pose a man rather than a woman and showing herself to only those that interest her. In the end, she was ultimately a neutral being, unbiased regarding the happenings of the world and placing no conditions on those she gifted with supernatural abilities. No matter the actions of Mark bearers, her disposition remained the same – A dispassionate spectator merely seeking an entertaining show

Now though, with her first death sending her into an unknown world, she works with those she sees fit to help her return to the void. As the leader of a group of people with malicious plans, she doesn't hide her intentions from anyone.

Appearance: Salem's skin is a deathly pallor, covered with deep red and purple veins that run up her arms and face. The sclerae of her eyes are jet black and her irises glow red, even brighter when she is agitated. She has a black diamond-shaped marking in the center of her forehead. She wears a very long black robe with red designs resembling eyes. She also wears a ring resembling an insect on her right index finger. She has white hair formed into a bun with six offshoots from which ornaments are suspended

Personality: Salem has known to have 'human emotion, but inhuman perception'. She knows what human faculty is and yet, she comes off as somewhat primal and chthonic. She's not one to play favorites, however, that doesn't mean she'll manipulate the emotions of those who hold her in high regard. With all the time she's had, Salem has very little in terms of keeping herself occupied and thus she finds herself searching for "interesting" individuals, particularly potential agents of change.

Abilities: Though this world has stripped away her god-hood, Salem is not to be taken lightly. With the power of Grimm, the power of Delilah and her previous powers, there is very little that can match her. In addition, it seems as though her ability to bestow a mark on individuals is not lost, however, she's yet to find one worthy of the mark…until now.

Semblance: Salem does not require a semblance for her powers are greater than any.


Note: Though all powers are listed, and upgraded, this is for reference. Jaune will have all the powers and abilities unlocked but certain ones are already upgraded, or maxed out.

(Corvo's Powers)

Blink: Rapidly move a short distances and even shorter distances upwards.
- Blink Strike: Blinking up to an opponent allows you to attack upon contact.
- Greater Blink: Blink range increased.
- Redirective Blink: Time stops when there's no movement while aiming Blink.

Dark Vision: See better in darkness and observe livings beings through walls.
- Depth Perception: Dark Vision's detection field increased.
- Faunus Vision: See even better in darkness.
- Premonition: Visualize enemy paths and destinations.

Wind Blast: Summon forth a strong wind to push away objects.
- Shockwave: A second wind forms around you when Wind Blast is used.
- Greater Wind Blast: Summon stronger winds that kill if target hit a wall.

Devouring Swarm: Summon Grimm rats that attack enemies and devour bodies.
- Greater Swarm: Increase the size of your rat swarm.
- Rat Piper: Summon a rat swarm that follows you.
- Twin Swarms: Summon two smaller rat swarms

Possession: Take control of Grimm for a limited time.
- Chain Host: Jump from host to host while possessing.
- Corpse Possession: Possession now affects animals.
- Human Possession: Possess human hosts.
- Lasting Possession: Possession duration increased.

Bend Time: Slow time for a 12 second duration.
- Relativity: Move faster, relative to time.
- Lasting Time: Bend time duration increased to 16 seconds.
- Stop Time: Stop time for 8 seconds (Lasting Time Bend: 12 seconds)

(Emily's Powers)

Far Reach: Summon a Grimm appendage to pull you long distances.
- Pull Objects: Summon Grimm limb to stealthily pick-pocket items.
- Pull Humans: Pull humans towards you.
- Decelerate: As you fall, time slows as you aim Far Reach

Domino: Link two opponents to share their fates.
- Link 3: Link up to 3 enemies.
- Link 4: Link up to 4 enemies.

Mesmerize: Summon a specialized Grimm to enthrall humans and faunus.
- Mesmerize Three: Enthrall up to 3 humans and/or faunus.
- Mesmerize Four: Enthrall up to 4 humans and/or faunus.
- Lasting Mesmerize: Specialized Grimm summoned for longer.

Shadow Walk: Become the shadows, move around in a smoke-like state.
- Rat Shadows: Move through rat tunnels in your stealthier form.
- Improved Shadow Attack: Assassinate or incapacitate up to 2 enemies during Shadow Walk.
- Greater Shadow Attack: Assassinate or incapacitate up to 3 enemies during Shadow Walk.
- Shadow Run: Move faster while in your stealthier form.

Doppelgänger: Create a clone to distract your opponents.
- Baffling Shade: Your Doppelgänger will confuse enemies as it fades away.
- Deadly Shade: Summon a Doppelgänger that can fight enemies and assassinate when undetected.
- Twin Shades: Summon two Doppelgängers who act independently of each other.
- Transposition: Swap places with your summoned Doppelgänger.


Agility: Increases jump height and distance.
- Rapid Sprint: Sprint faster.
- Cat Fall: Take less falling damage.

Blood Thirst: Build up Adrenaline in combat then trigger brutal melee fatalities.
- Adrenaline Burst: Replenish Adrenaline automatically while not in combat, up to half maximum.
- Greater Blood Thirst: Kill multiple enemies within range.

Bonecharm Crafting: Craft your own unique Bonecharms, with some chance of corruption.
- Witch Crafting; Lower chance of corruption for Bonecharms with 3 or 4 Traits.
- Master Crafting: No chance of corruption when crafting Bonecharms with 3 Traits. There is still a low chance of corruption when crafting Bonecharms with 4 Traits.
- Craft Runes: Craft Runes by expending Raw Whalebone, or sacrifice existing Runes to accumulate Raw Whalebone for crafting.
- Trait Synergy: Use the same trait up to four times across your crafted Bonecharms.

Reflexes: Deflect projectiles with sword.
- Focused Slide: Slow time while sliding if aiming a ranged weapon at an enemy.
- Superior Deflection: Deflect projectiles toward the nearest enemy.
- Adept Parry: Window of time for parrying is increased.
- Snap Reaction: Quick reflexes seem to slow time briefly when an enemy spots you.

Shadow Kill: Turn unaware enemies to ash as they die.
- Greater Shadow Kill: Turn all enemies to ash as they die.
- Bloodfly Swarm: Transform enemies killed in combat into bloodflies as they die.

Strength: Throw objects farther.
- Greater Strength: Break down weaker wooden doors with your sword.

Vitality: Increase your Health and resilience.
- Greater Vitality: Health regeneration is improved.

҉¯`•.¸¸.•´¯`•.¸¸.•´¯`•.¸¸.•´¯Gear and Armor¯`•.¸¸.•´¯`•.¸¸.•´¯`•.¸¸.•´¯҉

Note: Though all upgrades are listed, this is for reference. Jaune will have two outfits, Corvo's hooded coat and mask from the first game with slightly altered colors for when he's on 'Missions'; this is accompanied by the Emily's weapons. And Corvo's clothes and Emily's mask from the second game for when he attends Beacon regularly; Corvo's weapons will be used with this one.

Daytime: Jaune Arc

Huntsman Attire (Corvo: Dishonored 2): Basic attire fitted for a Huntsman, prioritizing combat over stealth.
- Bonecharm Slots +2: Unlocks 2 additional bonecharm slots.
- Bonecharm Slots +3: Unlocks 3 additional bonecharm slots.
- Springrazor Storage +2: Increases Springrazor storage capacity by 2.
- Bolt Capacity +5: Increases crossbow bolt storage capacity by 5.
- Bolt Capacity +5: Further increases crossbow bolt storage capacity by 5.
- Bullet Capacity +5: Increases bullet storage capacity by 5.
- Bullet Capacity +5: Further increases bullet storage capacity by 5.
- Silent Running: Make less noise when running
- Silent Sprint: Make less noise when sprinting.
- Collector's Carapace: Reduces damage taken

Huntsman Gun (Corvo's Gun): Specialized gun crafted for Huntsman use. Ammunition sold, or crafted, separately.
- Pistol Reload Speed 1: Faster reload
- Pistol Reload Speed 2: Even faster reload
- Pistol Accuracy 1: Tightens dispersion and stabilizes pistol aim
- Pistol Accuracy 2: Further tightens dispersion and stabilizes pistol aim.
- Magazine +1: Adds 1 bullet to the magazine.
- Magazine +2: Adds another bullet to the magazine.
- Magazine +3: Adds another bullet to the magazine.
- Dust Bullet: Create Dust bullets.
- Explosive Dust Bullet: Create Dust bullets that explode, affected those within blast radius.
- Magnetized Bullet: A magnetized bullet that briefly disrupts machines and electrical systems.
- Armored Bullet: Ricochets off hard surfaces, including enemy armor.
- The Crimson Painter: Improved area of effect spread damage range. All bullets fragment. Reduced effective range. Improved damage.

Huntsman Crossbow (Corvo's Crossbow): Specialized crossbow crafted for Huntsman use.
- Crossbow Accuracy: Crossbow aim is improved and stabilized.
- Extended Bolt Range: Crossbow bolts travel faster, further.
- Reload Speed: Faster reload.
- Hardened Bolt: Bolt that inflicts greater damage.
- Sleep Dart: Bolt that puts an enemy to sleep after a delay.
- Instant Sleep Dart: Puts an enemy to sleep instantly.
- Dust Bolt: Create bolts imbued with Dust.
- Combustive Bolt: Create Dust bolts with a wide blast radius that affects multiple enemies.
- Stinging Bolt: Create bolts that sting, causing enemies to flee.
- Howling Bolt: Create bolts that stun and blind enemies for a time.
- The Dealer: Aim-lock up to 3 targets at once, firing a single, splintered bolt. Only works with regular crossbow bolts.

Spy Glass: Spy glass custom made for travel.
- Refined Lens Optics: Enhanced optics with a second, greater level of magnification.

Folding Blade: Custom Blade that's resilient and efficient for both stealthy assassinations and open melee combat. This utility combined with its dense metal makes it perfect for defensive maneuvers. Designed by Jaune, created by Watts.
- Dust Blade: Blade hollowed to allow the utilization of Dust.
- Dust Container: Blade handle hollowed out to allow the use of small Dust vials.
- Sword Crossing: Gives you an advantage in locked-sword contests.
- Occult Kiss: Blade now ignores enemy's Aura.

Grenades: Shrapnel grenades with a 10 second timer.
- Impact Grenades: Impact grenades explode on contact with living targets.
- Sticky Grenade: Enables Black Market shops to sell grenades that anchor to targets.
- The Expansive Lady: Grenade blast radius is expanded.

Spring Traps: Proximity mines that explode in a tornado of wires and shrapnel.
- Double Release: Each Springrazor works twice.
- Springrazor Reach: Increased radius for Springrazo

Stun Mines: Proximity mines that explode into electricity, stunning nearby target.
- Chain Lightning:
Enemies near the primary target are also electrified.
- Stun Mine Charge +1: Each Stun Mine functions an additional time.
- Stun Mine Charge +1: Each Stun Mine functions an additional time.

Nighttime: The Grimm Walker

Assassin Attire (Corvo: Dishonored): Basic attire fitted for a Huntsman, prioritizing combat over stealth.
- Bonecharm Slots +2: Unlocks 2 additional bonecharm slots.
- Bonecharm Slots +3: Unlocks 3 additional bonecharm slots.
- Springrazor Storage +2: Increases Springrazor storage capacity by 2.
- Bolt Capacity +5: Increases crossbow bolt storage capacity by 5.
- Bolt Capacity +5: Further increases crossbow bolt storage capacity by 5.
- Bullet Capacity +5: Increases bullet storage capacity by 5.
- Bullet Capacity +5: Further increases bullet storage capacity by 5.
- Silent Running: Make less noise when running
- Silent Sprint: Make less noise when sprinting.
- Moth Dust Wrappings: You are less visible in well-lit areas.

Assassin Gun (Emily's Gun): Specialized gun crafted for Huntsman use. Ammunition sold separately.
- Pistol Reload Speed 1: Faster reload
- Pistol Reload Speed 2: Even faster reload
- Pistol Accuracy 1: Tightens dispersion and stabilizes pistol aim
- Pistol Accuracy 2: Further tightens dispersion and stabilizes pistol aim.
- Magazine +1: Adds 1 bullet to the magazine.
- Magazine +2: Adds another bullet to the magazine.
- Magazine +3: Adds another bullet to the magazine.
- Dust Bullet: Create Dust bullets.
- Explosive Dust Bullet: Create Dust bullets that explode, affected those within blast radius.
- Magnetized Bullet: A magnetized bullet that briefly disrupts machines and electrical systems.
- Armored Bullet: Ricochets off hard surfaces, including enemy armor.
- The Insistent Gentleman: The pistol chain feeds ammo and never needs reloading. Semi-automatic firing.

Assassin Crossbow (Emily's Crossbow): Specialized crossbow crafted for Huntsman use.
- Crossbow Accuracy: Crossbow aim is improved and stabilized.
- Extended Bolt Range: Crossbow bolts travel faster, further.
- Reload Speed: Faster reload.
- Hardened Bolt: Bolt that inflicts greater damage.
- Sleep Dart: Bolt that puts an enemy to sleep after a delay.
- Instant Sleep Dart: Puts an enemy to sleep instantly.
- Dust Bolt: Create bolts imbued with Dust.
- Combustive Bolt: Create Dust bolts with a wide blast radius that affects multiple enemies.
- Stinging Bolt: Create bolts that sting, causing enemies to flee.
- Howling Bolt: Create bolts that stun and blind enemies for a time.
- Long Distance Lover: When using the spyglass, the crossbow has perfect accuracy, even when you chain shots. Improved damage.

Grimm Mask: Specialized mask created from Grimm bones. Built-in spyglass.
- Refined Lens Optics: Enhanced optics with a second, greater level of magnification.

Folding Blade: Custom Blade that's resilient and efficient for both stealthy assassinations and open melee combat. This utility combined with its dense metal makes it perfect for defensive maneuvers. Designed by Jaune, created by Watts.
- Dust Blade: Blade hollowed to allow the utilization of Dust.
- Dust Container: Blade handle hollowed out to allow the use of small Dust vials.
- Sword Crossing: Gives you an advantage in locked-sword contests.
- Monkey Wrench: Deal more sword damage against Droids and machines.

Grenades: Shrapnel grenades with a 10 second timer.
- Impact Grenades: Impact grenades explode on contact with living targets.
- Sticky Grenade: Enables Black Market shops to sell grenades that anchor to targets.
- Discreet Inquiry: Grenade noise is reduced.

Spring Traps: Proximity mines that explode in a tornado of wires and shrapnel.
- Double Release: Each Springrazor works twice.
- Springrazor Reach: Increased radius for Springrazo

Stun Mines: Proximity mines that explode into electricity, stunning nearby target.
- Chain Lightning:
Enemies near the primary target are also electrified.
- Stun Mine Charge +1: Each Stun Mine functions an additional time.
- Stun Mine Charge +1: Each Stun Mine functions an additional time.