Coming into a relationship can always be a terrifying thing.
Who knows what you can expect?
Whether you come into this new experience with an open mind - with the idea that you will find your happily ever after or everything isn't as easy as it seems- what will you do with that outcome? If you end up broken hearted, no matter how it happened, there are people out in this world who simply believe that one issue means they aren't meant for happiness. That they will never find someone. Then they fall into another relationship. They get heartbroken again. It becomes a vicious cycle that they seem to never fall out of.
What about the others? The ones that found their "happily ever after"? Can you say you are truly happy? Do you honestly and completely believe that you found your perfect match? Do you not ever consider the simple thought of; what if I am just settling?
So many people mix the ideas of settling for something and being happy with something. Are you truly happy with someone, or is it because you got comfortable?
Or is it simply because you're told that you are special. Fed lines spelling out how you aren't like anyone else. How they have never met someone like you.
So Edward, am I simply your experiment? You finally meet someone where you don't have access to their mind, and you become curious.
It's that first spark of interest.
Are you truly happy with me?
Or are you content.
Do you truly love me?
Or will that interest fade away.
Do you want me for me?
Or am I the new puzzle you wish to figure out?
But let's not forget about myself now. Am I happy? Did I get sucked in by these beautiful compliments, tricking myself into believing that I will not find anyone better?
That this immortal being, someone who has met so many people, decided that I was their match?
Because let's be honest - these last few weeks have been shit. You, along with your family, left me. Vowed to never leave me. That now I was part of your family. You said we would be together forever. And I hoped that you were telling the truth. That I would be lucky enough to find my soul mate so soon, and I would finally have a home.
Lord knows I didn't have one yet.
But what do you do?
You fucking LEFT.
Bella, I love you so much.
Welcome to the family. We are going to be best friends!
Lies. So many fucking lies.
But you know what? You did tell one truth. You said, "What if I'm the bad guy?"
That should have been the first guess. Why did I ignore it? Because I'm a dumbass that's why. Because I fell for it. Because for some idiotic reason, I honestly believed I was special. Why?
My mother pretty much treated my like I didn't exist. My father? Even though I came back he was never around. Why would this be any different? Let's face it, I'm not special.
For some reason, you though it would be a great idea to go to Volterra, to seek your own death. Apparently you still loved me, and because you think I'm 'dead', you can't bare the pain.
You're fucking family, yours not mine, thought that it was a fan-fucking-tastic idea to bring me along and save your ass.
I laughed. I said no.
But Bella, he was lying.
But Bella, he loves you!
But Bella, he'll die if you don't?
Where the hell were you when he decided it was time to leave then? Where were the, "But Edward she loves you!" Why is it always about him?
Unfortunately, I am a kind person and go.
So off to Volterra we go.
What can possibly go wrong?
Now here we are.
Walking into the castle, I look around at the building, taking in the beautiful architecture. Keeping an eye on everything, trying to keep count on the eyes I feel on me.
The whole family is following me, whispering about me as if I can't hear them.
There's a fucking echo you dumbasses.
"I don't see what happens once we get into the hall," Alice starts. Everyone else is able to live without being able to see the future. Why can't you just deal with it as well? "All I can see is Bella laughing, so I'm assuming that it will go well."
Now now. We all know what assuming does. It makes an ass out of you and - no scratch that. It just makes an ass out of you, not me.
"Even so, we need to stay vigilant. You never know what can happen," says Carlisle. I never liked him. Always acting like he was above others and that he was always right.
The rest of them nodded in confirmation. Esme looking cautious while Jasper walked behind them all with a blank expression. I never understood why he stayed with them. Why he succumbed to their diets and beliefs. He, of all people, should know better.
I look behind me, feeling his eyes on me, and he winks.
He. Fucking. Winks.
He knows something, as if he knows something I have yet to see. I wonder if it had to do with what Alice claims to see?
Looking forward again, I hear someone take a deep breath, you don't need to breathe dumbass, before she started talking.
"I just don't understand why we needed the stupid human," Rosalie says with a huff.
You and me both bitch. You and me both.
What can a human do, in a room full of a bunch of vampires. Like seriously?
Emmett replies, "Because he loves her babe. Once he sees that she is alright, everything will be alright."
He doesn't love me you morons. How many times do I need to emphasize this. For fucks sake.
Going down the hall, we start to hear a commotion. Hearing yelling and grunting, I can only guess that it is Edward making a scene.
I guess this is my time to step in, isn't it?
As soon as the doors open, I look around and assess the situation. Vampires who seem like guards are all around the room, lining the walls of this hall. There are a few scattered around us, I'm guessing in case they need to get a hold of any threats. Looking forward, I see three vampires, who look ancient as fuck, sitting on three thrones.
Really? Thrones?
I notice that I gathered everyone's attention. The three up ahead, who I'm assuming are the ones in charge, look at me with different expressions. The one in the middle looks at me with a look full of curiosity, and almost disbelief.
Now that I think about it, they all look like at me with disbelief. Huh, I guess they didn't actually think the dumbass was with an actually human, and then just left her.
Well, they're in for a surprise.
To the left of him, I see a man with shorter hair, who looks bored out of his mine, but also looks like he wants to murder me. Rude. Finally, the last man looks really sad, but doesn't look like he is presently here with us in the room. Like his mind is elsewhere.
The guards that were scattered moved around the room. I'm not sure when they did it, but I see them all in different locations. Well, I actually feel one of them.
Glancing behind me, I notice a tall man. A very tall man, so tall I have to literally turn my body and look up to get a glance at him. Thanks bro, it's not like I already felt like a midget at 5' 3".
Finally meeting his eyes, I'm confused with the new emotion that started to flow through me. Happiness, hope, and safety start to fill me. Startled, I try and keep my face expressionless as to not alarm him. Wouldn't want to piss someone off now would I? Especially someone who is looking at me with such intense emotions. How can someone look so blank, yet have their eyes show so much?
Awe? Happiness? Possessiveness?
Love? You just met me bro. You don't know me.
He is hot. I'll give him that. Built like the soldier he is, he's got to be at least six feet.
Looking away from him, I'm pretty sure that I heard him chuckle. Damn, vampire senses. He probably heard my heartbeat spread up or smelled the arousal I got just be looking at him. I do notice that even though I should be terrified of him being so closed to me, I feel safe, almost protected.
That's not normal, and I'm already hesitant. I've been through this before. I didn't like the ending.
Looking around the room, I notice everyone was watching our little encounter. Two smaller vampires who looked like siblings look excited, standing besides the three on the thrones.
One last guard looked like he was having fun while pushing someone's face into the floor. Someone with copper hair.
Now here we are.
Ugh. I guess we have to get started.
I'm not sure why, but I glanced behind me once more, to assure myself that this man was still here. Looking back at him, I saw him give me a small smile and nod, letting me know in the smallest ways that he would be right here. Protecting me?
Well, I already entrusted that into a fucking boy. A child. Let's see how my trust will fall into a man.
Nodding at him, I let him know that I am ready, smiling back to him as well.
"Bella. Bella, is that you?" Edward whispers.
My smile drops. I look back at him and take a deep breathe before I step towards him. Actually, where are my manners? Looking towards my right, I look towards the three up on their thrones.
Like the sarcastic little shit that I have grown to be, I wave my hand before I give a small salute towards them.
"Hey," I said towards them. "You may be aware of this, and judging based on your expressions I can understand how shocked you may be that I am here. My name is Isabella Swan, and I'm supposedly here to save the bitch ass that is over there on the ground wiggling like a worm trying to get a glance at me."
Turning my entire body to face Edward again, I speak a little louder towards him.
"Aren't you supposed to be a grown adult? I'm not supposed to be saving you. Me human. You strong vampire. Understand?" I told him. "You're making a big deal out of nothing. Acting like the victim when really we all know how badly you fucked up. I thought you didn't love me? So why the fuck am I here?"
Looking at me in confusion, he kept it up, "You're alive? But Alice couldn't see you anymore. I thought you were dead."
"Well let's start from the beginning," I started. "Obviously I'm alive. I'm here aren't I? So I don't see why you are confused. You have perfect eyesight, so you should be able to see that I'm here. Healthy. A little annoyed to be honest, but I'm here aren't I? Second of all, Alice shouldn't be able to see my regardless. You guys left. What happened to 'it'll be like we were never here'? You shouldn't be looking for me anyway.
"But to answer your question, my new friends turned out to be werewolves, so maybe that's why she couldn't see me anymore. And why would you care that I was dead? You left me in the fuckin woods. Do you know how hard it was for me to find my way out? It was dark out you idiot! I was lucky that the wolves were around to help me find my way out."
"Bella why were you so reckless!" Alice screeched. "You could have been hurt! One of the monsters could have so easily lost control and attacked you!"
"She is right," Edward continued. "I know how much you must have been hurt with us leaving, but you shouldn't have been so reckless. If I would have known that us leaving would have put you in even greater danger, I would have never left."
You're shitting me.
"Bella!" Edward admonished me. "A lady must never talk with such vulgar words."
Did I say that out loud?
With what little movement he was able to make, he turned to the three sitting up on the thrones and said, "Clearly she is not alright. Her thoughts are clouded after being subject to those beasts. They must have been a horrible influence on her. If you could have your guard let me go, I promise that all will work towards your favor. I will also make sure that she doesn't speak in such manners in your presence again."
"You motherfucker."
Looking at me again, he frowned, and as he opened his mouth I cut him off.
"You've got a lot of nerve pal," I spit at him. "You aren't shit to me. You are no one to tell me what I can and cannot do. You are no one to tell me who I can be around and how I can talk. Who the fuck said I was a lady. Who the fuck said that the werewolves were a danger to me? As far as I remember I wasn't attacked or hurt by them.
"But actually, now that I think about it, there was that one time that I was forced into a birthday celebration. And if I recall correctly, you have to forgive my tiny human brain here, wasn't it you Edward, who overreacted to a paper cut and THREW ME ACROSS THE ROOM?" I yelled at him.
Looking as if I just slapped him, I look towards the leaders, "I don't care what you do with him. I don't care for any of this. As far as I was concerned, they were all dead to me once they left."
Pausing, I thought about my comment and continued, "Well, more dead than they were."
"Now I'm sorry if I'm being rude here, but can we hurry this along?" I questions them. "Because as SOME PEOPLE forgot, I am in fact HUMAN, and we HUMANS need sleep. And if we don't get that, it never ends well." I turned back and looked at the Cullen's, glaring at Carlisle. "Some doctor you turned out to be asshat."
Now here we are.
Why is it always me?