AN. Well, here it is! The end of Jaune Torchwick! I don't know what to say... My first fic is coming to an end and I don't know what to feel. I wrote this fic when I was just! Starting out and I did not have a lot of confidence in myself as a writer and I struggled to get his done. There were setbacks, pacing issues, plotholes and more! But somehow I garnered a sizeable audience and was finally about to get over two hundred and thirty followers! So to any and all who favorited, followed or reviewed this story thank you.

Also! I finally got a beta! For this and hopefully all of my fics! Thank Corebink for looking over this and all of my other fics! I think you can see the difference and now without further adieu enjoy the end of Jaune Torchwick...

"You might just get a spanking!"
Cinder yelled her glowing golden eyes wide with anger, as she held out her flaming belt as Jaune took a step forward.
"Mom I-
"Don't mom me Jaune! Not today! Not now"!
Cinder said with more emotion that Jaune had ever heard you use in his almost fifteen years of knowing her. As his mother stood opposite of him on the flaming Beacon rooftop.
Her long flowing raven hair that was usually straight as a dagger was frayed and twisted. Her face, normally the picture of calmness was wracked with pain, guilt, and worse fear. Her eyes were puffy and red like blood as Jaune saw tears falling from his mother's face as he smiled.
"Mom I-
Cinder said calmly as the Beacon tower shook, a massive impact shook the tower as Cinder and Jaune both lost their balance as the tower threatened to kneel over as a massive tremor reverberated through it.
"Jaune, I just lost your father... We! Just lost your father...

don't make me have to lose you... I already lost my husband. Please don't make me lose my son."
Cinder begged and Jaune wanted to vomit.
Cinder Fall never. Ever. Begged. Not to his dad when she wanted a back rub, not to Jaune when she needed him to go shopping, not even to Neo when she asked for her ice cream. Cinder Fall had pride and she would be thrice damned before she begged to anyone for anything.
But there she was. Begging. She was begging Jaune to walk away. To go back down the broken elevator shaft to climb back down and go home...
"Mom... Is dad really dead?"
Jaune asked as low tear fell from his face as Cinder paused. The burning woman dropped her belt from her hands allowing it to hit the ground with a heavy thud.
The flames died out from her face.
"Yes... your father is not with us."

Cinder said as Jaune screamed. The boy dropped to both knees as a cry of anguish left his mouth as tears fell from his eyes. Jaune wailed on top of the creaking broken tower. Fear, Rage, Hatred, Sorrow bled out from him as his father's death was confirmed.
"Dead!? Dead!? He can't be dead! He raised me!"
Jaune thought desperately trying to make sense of this. His world had been turned upside down, his father was dead, Beacon was falling his mother was a maiden?! Life didn't make sense! Nothing made sense! The world blurred and shifted as his vision went blurry and the colors began to blend-
At once it stopped. ALL the chaos destruction and loss around him stopped as Cinder wrapped her arms around her son. Her soft thin hands encompassing his form as she pulled his face to her chest. Her long thin hands running over his hair as he cried into her chest.
"There there... it will be ok."

Cinder said as she held Jaune close, while he sniffled into her chest. Tears streaming down his face and into her dress as the boy wailed for another two minutes before short painful sniffles emerged. His hand reaching up to grip his mother's shoulders.
"What do we do now?"
"I... I need to make Beacon fall Jaune. I need to do this. I-
"Dad died trying to stop you. Didn't he?"

Jaune asked his red puffy cerulean blue eyes looking up at his mothers burning amber ones as she grimaced.
"Yes... yes he did."
"Then I can't let you do it either."
Jaune said getting up as Cinder's eyes flashed bright gold.
"Jaune! Your father was being controlled! He had no free will! He was the pawn of a monster! A devil in human disguise!"
Cinder yelled as Jaune gave a short brittle laugh.

"Control? Roman? Yeah right, no one told Roman what to do. If he didn't want to do it he didn't want to do it, and no one could make him think otherwise. Not even you."
Jaune said looking at his mother as she growled.
"Jaune! You are dealing with things you do not understand! There are forces at work here that you can not begin to comprehend!"
Cinder shouted as the tower shook. As the low sound of creaking metal filled the air.
"Forces at work? Like the Fang?"
"The Fang!? Jaune! They are nothing! Ant's compared to what I have seen! There are things in this world that defy all logic and reason! I need you to understand that please!"
"Defy all logic? What are you talking about magic?"
Jaune asked incredulously as-

"Yes! Yes, Jaune I am talking about magic! It's not a myth! It's very real! And very deadly."
"Mom! Do you hear yourself!? You are talking about magic! The next thing you are going to say is that fairy tales are real!"
"Some are Jaune! Some stories are not just stories! Sometimes the fairy tales we speak of are real!"
Cinder yelled as Jaune sighed.

"Even so... Roman died to stop this-
"He was not Roman! He was not the man I love! He was not your father! He was a puppet-
"Mom. You know dad. You know he would never stand for... this."
Jaune said gesturing to the ruined Beacon school as Cinder glowered.

"I gave you everything! I gave your father everything! I did everything I could to keep you and our family safe! But now?! Are you really going to fight me over this!? Why!? Jaune I am your mother! You love me! I love you! I-
"Jaune. She must be stopped. You can't negotiate with her."
"She is no longer your mother-
"I knew it. How long have you been sentient?"
Cinder asked as she glared at the girls as she glowered at them. Her eyes burning golden flames.

"Mom? I-
"I always knew that you were not simple guns. You were to smart. Too personal to be just AI's reacting to the world around them. How long?"
"Since we arrived."
"We've been self-aware ever since we first existed. This world just gave us a chance to be free."
The girls answered as Cinders eyes glowed orange as she scowled.

"What are you? I knew you were not standard AI's. You were always too quick to be such. And when Melanie said she made you? I knew it was a lie. The complex machinery needed to create things such as yourselves was far beyond anything the girl could produce not to mention the cost... You two are worth more lien than most large companies. But now for the real question. What exactly are you?".
"We are Jaune's weapons."
"Nothing more."
"And nothing less.'
"Tell me the truth! Say what you are or so help me I will smelt you both!"
"No, you won't. Mom, I don't know what's wrong but this? This is not the answer. It's not what Roman would have wanted."
"How do you know?! How do you know what Roman would have wanted!?"
"I'm his son!"
"And I was his wife! I knew everything about that man! I knew every corner of his body from the tip of his hair to the bottom of his feet. I knew how his mind worked! I know every last dark and dirty secret that he kept from you to keep you safe! You might have been his son, but you did not know Roman! Not like I did."

"It's the truth! Roman was not the man you thought he was! Was he a good father? Yes. Was he the love of my life? Yes! Was he a good person!? NO! He was a selfish, brutal pragmatist with almost no regard for human life!"
"Lies! You are lying about him!"
"I speak the truth!"
"No, you don't! He was a great man!"
"Great men are never good men Jaune! When are you going to learn this?!"
"Shut up!"
A pistol shot fired as Cinder barely dodged the gauss round that came from the girls as Jaune paused.

"What the hell!? I didn't pull the trigger?!"
Jaune thought as the gun fired by itself!? As-
"I see... so that's how it's going to be? Well, Jaune I hope you ready to put your money where your mouth is."
Cindy said as her eyes exploded in flames, as swirling clouds filled the air as large strikes of lightning struck the top of the tower. Filling the air with clouds of smoke and ash, along with the harsh antic smell of ozone as Cinder began to levitate.
"You want to be like your father Jaune?"
She asked her voice low and booming as fire appeared around her as twin black scimitars appeared in her hands.
"Jaune! She's a maiden!"
"She's going to attack us!"
"Mom! We can still talk-
"The time for talk is over! Now, unless you want to end up like your father I suggest that you run!"

"Jaune defend yourself!"

His guns said as Cinder conjured a ball of flame in her hands, hot tears falling from her eyes as Jaune grimaced.

"Mom! I don't want to do this! I don't want to fight you!"

"Neither do I."

Cinder said as something soft died in her voice as her small frown was replaced by a feral snarl as she raised a ball of flame high up in the air before her and sending it slamming down in front of Jaune with the force of a meteorite. Releasing a loud

Vathom! Instantly announcing that the fight for Beacon was on...

The area right in front of him exploded into a wall of fire. And Jaune jumped back doing his best to not take his eyes off of his mother as he drew his knife up n**-

"Below you!"

The knife yelled as Jaune saw it, a glowing yellow glyph was on the floor right below his feet. His legs moved not a moment to soon as he rolled to his side and a plume of fire shot out from the ground as he rolled on his back. Sliding across the floor of the Beacon tower making Jaune grimace.

Typical. He should have expected that trap, Cinder baited him back into a fire glyph hoping to catch him off guard-

"Above you!"

Fit! Fitt Fit!

Three long bronze arrows slashed down each one half as long as his arm with a dark obsidian tip. That bit into the roof of Beacon embedding itself deep into the ground as Jaune ignoring the pain jumped up to his feet, aiming his gun at his mom and pulled the trigger.


Cinder simply rolled her head to the left as the gauss projectile easily slid right past her leaving her smirking at her son.

"Really Jaune? A miss? I know I taught you better than to miss a floating target, right?"

Cinder cooed in a mocking tone that Jaune had only heard her use on people she was going to immolate making Jaune gulp nervously.

"Mom I don't want to hurt you-

"Too bad."

Cinder whispered, his mom appearing right in front of him. Crossing the distance from her to him in a single moment as Jaune instantly swung up his knife to-


Jaune screamed as twin flashes of pain blurred into his mind as Cinder stabbed him. Twin falchions entering his legs making him cry as his mother impaled them.

Digging her blades deeply into her son's legs before yanking them out in a shower of blood as she jumped back.

"Damn it!"

Jaune yelled as he fell to the ground. His legs failing to support him as he crashed back into the rooftop.

"I can't walk!"

Jaune cried, tears in his eyes as his hands gripped his bleeding legs.

"Your tendons! They're severed!"

His knife said in a worried tone and-

"It's right Jaune. Your tendons have been severed, you will find standing rather difficult from this point on."

Cinder said smirking viciously as Jaune bled out while on the ground.

"Why would you do that?!"

Jaune hissed not able to stand as he gripped his injured legs tightly while his mother smiled at him.

"You are looking rather injured there Jaune. Maybe you should try to go home? I for one would not be against the idea of you going back to the warehouse and waiting like a GOOD! BOY!" Cinder shouted as even more fire bled out from her eyes as-

"Jaune don't do it!"

"You can beat her! You just need to stall!"

His weapons said as Cinder spat.

"Girls I can't walk...

Jaune said tears in his eyes as-

"Yes, you can! You have to stand up!"

"Cinder CANNOT! Win here! If she wins here, the results will be catastrophic! You have to fight! GET UP!"

"Your father would NEVER give up! Are you his son right? Make him proud!"

His guns said as Jaune snarled

Biting his tongue he forced his legs to work. His legs barely able to handle the strain as he slowly stood up despite the pain. Making Cinder snap.

"You should really pick your friends better Jaune! You are falling into a really bad crowd."

Cinder said, her magma like gaze fixed solely on the girls as Jaune took a shaky defensive stance.

"I can't let-

"You won't have the chance." Cinder snarled.

Once again face to face with her son as her knee shot out connecting with his gut. Knocking the air out of his lungs before a haymaker punch slammed into his face. Making his vision blur as his world spun as Cinder's punch lifted him off his feet and sent him sailing through the air before he crashed down on the ground in a messy heap of limbs blood and groans.

"Aww... did that hurt?"

Cinder cooed in a mocking tone as Jaune struggled to get up, spitting blood from his mouth.

"You know damn well that it hurt!"

"Well, let mama kiss it and make you all better!"

Cinder said before shooting an arrow high into the air and making it burst in mid-air splitting the one arrow into a hail of several dozen smaller arrows as-


His knife yelled as Jaune's hands fell to his sides as he thankfully found a backup charge of C-4. Quickly primed it and tossed into the air creating a loud bang that filled the air. The displaced air causing Cinders fire to swirl and expand away from him making the building inferno growing into a cataclysm of roaring flames-

Fit! Fit! Fit!


Jaune screamed as three arrows shot past through roaring cataclysm. Hidden by the fireball until the last second as they sank deeper into his flesh. Making Jaune howl in agony.

It was then that Jaune noticed that through his flesh he could see the whiteness of his bones that were split. As Cinder's arrows bit not just into his flesh but his actual bone.


Jaune yelled cutting out the end of the arrows with his knife, being careful not to take out the actual arrows themselves, as that would only lead to him bleeding out-

"Trying to stop yourself from bleeding son? Smart. But foolish."

CInder said snapping her fingers as Jaune gasped! As the arrows, all but vanished in his upper chest and shoulders. As the arrows that had bitten deep into his flesh simply disappeared.

And as his own blood flowed freely out of his many wounds, all Jaune could do was grimace through the haze of pain and blood loss.

"Ohh that's a lot of blood son. Tell me, do you know how much blood can the human body lose before losing consciousness? If you were paying attention in biology class, you would be able to tell me the answer!"

Cinder cooed as Jauen groaned. She was right. He was bleeding really badly.

The wounds in his legs were one thing, but now? He had three deep, jagged holes in his shoulders right where they connected to his chest, and he was pretty sure one of those had hit deep into his left lung. And judging by the strong iron taste in his mouth and the difficulty breathing Jaune was pretty sure he had a lot of internal bleeding. He was running out of time.

His blood had long stained his once white tux a deep crimson, and his vision was nothing but a blur. Yet Jaune knew he still needed to somehow win. If that was even possible against his mother, a fact that seemed more and more unlikely as time went on.

"Mom you can't do this!"

"You don't understand Jaune I DO need to do this! This is everything to me!"

Cinder growled out to him her eyes filled with nothing but red flames that radiated hate and-

"What about me?"

Jaune asked dropping his weapons to his side as Cinder paused.

"What about you?"

Cinder asked a slight tremor flowering through her body as Jaune made a desperate play.

"Do... Don't I mean anything to you?"

Jaune asked his voice cracking as Cinder stopped. Her flames dying out in an instant leaving the world oddly still and silent. Suddenly there was no more gunfire in the distance. No more sounds of crackling flames, or even the scream of civilians or the roars of Grimm. There was nothing but him and her. A boy and his mother.

"Of course I care for you... I... I love you Jaune."

Cinder said her voice cracking and as her eyes stopped smoldering and a pained expression filled her face.

"How could you even think that I do not love you?"

Cinder said her voice cracking and as her eyes stopped smoldering as a pained expression filled her face.

"How could you'd even think! That I do not love you?"

Cinder asked a true pained expression in her voice as Jaune saw real hurt in her golden eyes. Jaune wanted to die, his mother was crying and he made her cry. That was worse than making Neo cry and Jaune had already done that far too much in his life.
"Then why this? Why are you doing this?"
"Jaune... Do you believe in destiny?"

Cinder finally asked her guard dropping as her flaming daggers faded into nothingness as Jaune blinked owlishly at her, the loos of blood causing his vision to blur and fade away as he tettered.
"I don't think so? I think that destiny is what we make for ourselves. We are the leaders of our own lives. No one or thing tells us what to do. In our lives, we forge our own destiny."

Jaune stated as Cinder took a moment to stare into her son's eyes an unreadable expression on her face as she for a few moments before suddenly cocking her head back and releasing a wave of laughter. You sound just like your father!" Cinder shouted into the air. Her voice filled with raw love as she let a pure stress-free laugh while Jaune smiled at her.

" Really?"

"Yes! Oh my Oum! You are just like him! The spitting image of him! From his hat-

"To his hair?"

"To the color of your tux!"

"To the color of my eyes?"

"The color of your tie!"

"I'm his son."

"You are... you are his son... you are my son."

Cinder said wiping the tears from her face while she smiled weakly at him, Before letting out a tired sigh.

"Jaune. Come with me."

Cinder said holding out a hand to her son as the Beacon tower shook with an explosive tremor as something massive slammed into the tower as it groaned.

"With you? Where are you going?"

Jaune asked her while his legs grew numb, and his whole body began to shake and shutter, his vision started to become black along the edges...

"Somewhere else... somewhere very far away. I could take you there with me. You and Neo. We can all go together! We can be a family! A real family."

Cinder said holding out her hand as Jaune smiled weakly at her.

"I'd like that. I really would..." Jaune said as Cinder took a step forward.

"Then take my hand. Come with me Jaune. I want you to-


"Don't do it Jaune! You can beat her!"

"Don't fall for her tricks!"

His weapons yelled as-

"Girls?! What are you talking about? That's my mom!"

"She's going to kill you!"


"Foolish bits of metal! I will smelt you down for that suggestion!" Cinder howled as her fire came back thrice as strong as Jaune gulped.

"Girls! What are you talking about?! Why do you think she's going to kill me?!"

"Because she's a murderer! Jaune! She killed your friends!" His knife said as Jaune froze.


Jaune asked as-

"Jaune! Don't listen to them. You need to have a cool head for this."

"Jaune! They are dead."

"Who?! Who is dead?!"

Jaune asked not getting what his weapons were talking about or who was supposed to be dead!

"Weiss's dead." Jaune froze as his mouth dropped.

"Weiss? No...

Jaune said as a wave of cold sweat filled his body. As his mouth felt drier than a desert as he looked to his mom.

"She's not-

"So is Yang."

"No way! She can't-

"She is. So are Coco and Velvet. They are all dead."

His knife said as Jaune's heart began to thump in his chest. As he looked at Cinder.


"Jaune! Remember what your father used to say! You need to think! Before you feel! If you start feeling you stop thinking! And if you stop thinking-


Jaune's gun fired, as Cinder barely avoided a direct gauss shot to her face.

"Jaune! You-


Jaune roared as his vision snapped back into focus, his rage giving him strength as he suddenly sprinted despite his injuries at his mother. Rage filling his whole being as his eyes locked onto her ignoring everything else as another Gauss shot fried making her take a step back before Jaune followed up with a slash down with his knife at his mother. Keeping her on the back foot and making her desperate as she blocked his knife slash and parried her son's attack.

The sheer force of it, however, knocked her off-balance as Cinder was forced to keep backing up step by step as-

It happened so fast Cinder did not know what to do. One second she was jumping back from Jaune's desperate attacks while his hate-filled blue eyes bore into her own while filled with his rage.

"Don't hate me Jaune. I'm your mother. I love you."

Cinder's thoughts betrayed her as her muscles went slack just enough for Jaune to side-sweep her feet from under her. His body ignoring the pain in his body. And thus Cinder was suddenly in mid-air. Her whole body exposed as Jaune suddenly kicked her while before she could land and react to it. The impact making head snaps to its side exposing her neck for a moment...but that was all he needed. His knife snaking downward like a viper. Striking her neck while it was exposed. His blade connecting and gouging into his mothers jugular with all of his strength. The glowing blue blade simmering down as Cinder closed her eyes and waited for the blow to land.

It never did.


Jaune stabbed the ground as Cinder crashed to the floor with a light thud. A stunned Cinder lay there for a moment before her years of combat instincts kicking in causing her to roll up into a sitting up position as she saw that her son had missed. No... he didn't miss, he simply was never aiming for her neck. Even now Jaune was her son. And could never hurt let alone kill his own mother.


"Why... why did you kill them?"

Jaune asked tears in his eyes his body shaking like a leaf in the breeze of a plate of cookies around Ruby as Cinder paused momentarily "Jaune... those were your friends. I am your mother. I am your family. How can you even compare the two?"

"They were my friends! I cared for them! I loved them!"

"More than you loved me?! More than you love your own mother!"

"Of course not! You know I love you more!"

"Then why do you care?!"

"Because they were still my friends! I cared for them..."

Jaune said weeping openly on the ground in front of her as even more blood spilled from his stained and ruined tux as Jaune finally began to falter, blood loss, adrenaline, and exhaustion both mental and physical taking its toll on him as his body began to shut down while he finally began to slip in and out of reality. "I know you cared."

"But you killed them! You said you wouldn't hurt my friends."

Jaune replied. A hurt tone in his voice as blood leaked down his face from his mouth. "I never said I would never hurt them. I said I would try to avoid it. And to be fair I really only said that I would spare your own team and I did. I even spared Blake." Cinder said as June's relief was palpable as his eyes widened if relief.

"I could have killed the cat girl, I really could have. It would have been a minor thing really. And especially after she picked her side? I let her go as a gift to you."

"And you butchered the rest."

Jaune finished for her. spitting out a red glob of spit as Cinder nodded.

"I did. And I will continue to end anyone who stands in my way. Even you."

"Then let's get this over with."

Jaune said forcing himself up his body shaking as Cinder frowned.

"Do you really intend to fight me?"


"Do you truly intend to oppose me on all fronts?"

"I'll stop you!"

"Then you leave me no choice. I will make this as quick as possible.' Cinder said as she conjured back her falchions and readied yet another ball of fire, which she quickly sent blaring at him as she went to finish this fight.

Well to call what transpired between Jaune and Cinder a fight might have been a bit of an exaggeration as a fight tended to mean that there was a conflict a struggle taking place between two sides. It implied that one side could resist and this fight had almost none of that.

Jaune was... Jaune was a man. A well dressed, highly trained and heavily armed man. But he was a man none the less. And Cinder was... She was a deadly opponent at the best of times. And a leader of the Fang and many, many more deadly and obscure elements. Added to the freshly new maiden powers that where coursing through her veins?
She was a practical demigod. And Jaune was a man... A well trained, injured, emotionally and physically drained boy suffering from egregious blood lose, with only a knife, a gun with less than half of a magazine in rounds and no aura. It was not a fight it was a slaughter.
Jaune screamed as he rolled to his left as a trio of flaming pillars exploded from the ground. Massive pillars of fire shot up burning his flesh and making Jaune howl.
As he rolled doubt oft the pillars lighting bolts of eldritch power stuck in shimmering glistening! Bolts of gold as his face was seared and his skin charred. As he was ripped apart. As flame and bolt hit him tossing him to and for Jaune smiled as a wave of happiness came over him as his skin was flayed from his bone.

"She loves me. She really loves me."

Jaune thought as he smiled as another arrow found his lower chest as he fell back into a ball of fire.
Jaune was no fool. Cinder could have killed him ten times out of ten when she was at her worst. Not even considering now that she was at her best. But with the new foud maiden powers coursing through her veins Jaune stood no chance.
As fire and bolt stuck him he smiled. He knew his mother could kill him in a second, without any struggle but she didn't.

She was not trying to kill him. In fact, she was holding back. Jaune knew that if his mother wanted him dead he would be a pile of ashes but now?
She was trying to take him alive. Trying to wound him, severely! Wound him so that she coudl capture him but that was not happening.
No matter what Jaune got up. He didn't care when the bolt of lightning landed suspiciously at the font of his feet. The energy ripping off his skin layer by layer. As fire plume close enough to scar his flesh but not kill him. As his moth tried tears in her eyes to get him to surrender but Jaune would not.
Roman died for this goal, and if his father would die for it then-

"Dammit! Why don't you just stay down!?"
Cinder broke her calm face braking as her mask shattered as she howled at her son. She did everything! EVERYTHING! To keep him alive but this was insane! Jaune had proven himself time and time again to be determined to fight against her. To never back down to always tyro. He showed himself able to improvise, adapt and worst of all overcome.

He was a determined enemy that would no doubt be a thorn in her sides and worse he would be a thorn in her side...
Cinder was given a gift with Romans death. As painful as it was, his control by Opzin was a godsend. She could tell Salem that her lover was acting against his own will and hopefully spare her children if! and ONLY! If they were will to play ball and go to Cinder's side...
But now? Jaune would never go to Salem's side. He would fight her to the bitter end and be an obstacle. And Salem did not tolerate obstacles. And if she got her hooks into Jaune.

NO! Cinder shook she would never! Let her mistress do that to Jaune! He was her son and she would protect him! Even if it meant to kill him.
"Will you sit down!"
Fit! Fit!
Jaune screamed as tin massive arrowed appeared on his legs. Pinning him to the floor as Cinder glowered at him.
"Why are you so stubborn!"
Cinder yelled at Jaune impaled traped form as he chuckled.
"I get it from my father.'
Another arrow appeared in his right arm as Cinder growled.
"Do. Not. Test me Jaune."
"I'm only being me."
Another arrow landed in his gut as Cinder walked up to him.
Give up! I am giving you ONE! And I mean one! Last chance Jaune! Come to my side or else I will be forced to end you! Do you want to die?!"
"Of course not!"
"Then come to my side!"
"WHY NOT!? "
"I have my reasons."
"Like what?!"
"I'm a Torchiwck. And once we say we do the thing we do them."
"That makes no sense! Just do thing my way and-
"Mom! That's the first thing about Torchiwck's! We don't do things other peoples way. We do it our way."
Jaune said spitting up blood as a final pained cry left Cinder's mouth.

"FINE! If you won't live with you will die by my hands!"
Cinder said as she pulled out a massive arow, as she did she poured all of her maiden powers into it. Send her soul into the arow as it glowed bright red, as twin flaming dragons appeared on its shaft wrapping around the arrow imbuing it with thier power as she cried.

"I'm sorry Jaune. I love you."
"I love you."
Jaune said as Cinder cried as-
A familiar voice yelled as Ruby!?

Appeared on the top of the tower in a shower of red roses as she saw her friend impaled on his legs and bleeding out as she growled as her eyes glowed silver as a scream left her mouth as the worlds turned silver as an arrow was loosed.
Jaune blinked waiting for the end that never came. As he expected to be impaled he was not, as-
Cinder screamed as half her face was gone?! Bruen bight red as she felt back screaming in agony as her arrows vanished from his body freeing him.
"Jaune... I don't feel so good...
Ruby said as Jaune looked back as the girl fell to her knees a massive arrow in her chest as she fell to her knees, as blood poured from her mouth.

"RUBY!? No!"
Jaune screamed adrenaline pumping into his veins forcing his beaten battered legs to move as he slid up to Ruby.
"No! NO!NO! NO! NO!"
Jaune yelled as he cradled Ruby's quaking small form. Her thin mouth spitting up blood as the massive arrow was fully impaling her as she shook.
"Jaune... I don't feel that good...
Ruby said her eyes fluttering as a familiar glassy haze began to overtake them.
"NO! NO! NO! Ruby you are going to be fine! I know! just wait! I'll get help and-
"Jaune... I don't want to go...
Ruby said in a weak voice as her body went slack.

"Go? Where are you going, Ruby? You aren't going anywhere. I'm right here-
Jaune paused as Rubys' body began to glow red. As her entire body began to heat up as Ruby skin turned the color of her cloak before breaking into ash...
Ruby's body burned red before disintegrating into ash on top of the tower as Jaune blinked.
Jaune asked as his best friend vanished disintegrating in his arms as he began to cry.
Jaune said as he hung his head. He was done. His blood loss was ther, he couldn't move, he couldn't think he could barely breathe.
As he held Ruby's ashes, that fell on his face. As he looked up his mother was gone, nowhere to be seen as he sat on the dangerously creaking tower.
"You called Ruby didn't you?"
Jaune asked consciousness fading as-
"We called her to help."
His weapons said as Jaune grimaced.
"You also shot mom without me telling you to."
"I did."
"She needed to be stopped.'
His gun said in a steely tone as Jaune coughed up fresh blood.
"You made me fight my own mother."
"She needed to be fought."
"You got Ruby killed."
"She was a necessary loss.'
"She was our friend!"
"And we will mourn her."
"How can we mourn when we are going to die?"
Jaune asked as his weapons went silent as the beacon tower buckled as the top cracked down opening itself up to reveal a yawning maw as Jaune let out one last pain filled cry as he tipped forward into oblivion as the tower collapsed and a thief fell...

"Good morning Patch! This is your local new station radio free Patch coming to you loud and proud for the east side shore!"
A sharp voice sad a pair of cat ears flickered as Blake got up.
"Today is the three-month anniversary of the fall-
A fist slammed down on the radio turning it off as Blake got up...
The cat girl had zero time for news about the fall...
It had bee three months since that fateful day...
The day Blake's world went to hell.
Her team was dead...

She had killed them. Not that she told anyone that, as far as anyone knew Blake defended her team to the last only escaping when Yang practically made her run. As her team was slaughtered. And she was going to make sure it stayed like that. She had been staying in Patch with Ruby's moms and dad. She didn't want to see her mother or Kali. She couldn't face them. Blake was a coward and she got her friends killed. She got her partner killed!
Tears threaten to form on her eyes as she bit them back. There was enough crying int his house without her adding to it. Tai Yang had to bury both of his daughters in one day. Blake had never thought she would see a grown man cry like a school girl that day but he did.

Tai wailed at his daughter's deaths falling to his knees at thier funerals refusing to let Yang's casket go into the ground as Summer who was also wailing had to pry him off as the two parent wept only Raven stood completely still The woman's red eyes burning holes into her daughters coffin as she shook in her stoic perch. Not a single tear formed on Raven's face that day as they lowered yang's coffin into the ground.
As Ruby didn't' get buried... there was nobody left to bury. She got a lone tombstone looking out on the ocean with the name Ruby Rose. Beloved Daughter, leader, Sister, and friend.
On it, as Summer had stayed with her daughters stone for almost a week before Ravne dragged her back home by force to make her eat something.
The Xiao longhouse was broken. The parents a shattered mess and the children no better.
Blake did not think Ren had emotions really, besides sarcasm and wit he was to blank to have them but now?
At Nora's death, he wept.
He cried louder than Tai as his partner has lowered int the ground. Missing almost the entirety of her middle as-
"No time. I have to go."
Blake said as pushed the thoughts of her friend's deaths to form her mind gathering up her weapon Obscurs as she went to see her friends.
As she left the house three figures awaited her.

From left to right Pyrrha. Wearing her traditional amazon armor with a pained look on her eyes, her once soft emerald eyes were now sharp as the tip of her spear as she looked at Blake.
The only one not confirmed for death was Jaune... He was simply missing. No one knew what happened to him, nobody was found and no one knew if he was alive or dead.
Unless you were Pyrrha who swore on her life that Jaune was alive and she would find him.
The only remnants of June that they found here his seldom-used sword and shield Crocea Mors. That Pyrrha had taken and melted down for her own weapon.
Adding a stronger shield to her own, and a double edge to ther blade. Making it stronger and more able to cut. As she looked to her left a smaller angrier figure awaited her. Neo. Her sister more or less awaited Blake an irritated look on her small face Neo like Pyrrha refused, to believe Jaune was anything but fine and dandy.
And was probably living it up! On the beaches of Vacuo somewhere! Waiting for Neo to find him and kick his ass three ways from Sunday. As she small girl pouted her Leotard. At the Brech, Blake had found Neo attacking some faunus. It looked like she had gone mad and only Blake tackling her earning nasty wound in her gut had paused her rampage at the news of Romans' death.

To her right was Ren. The tall man stood aloof, his magenta eyes hollow and dull. He had not spoken a word since Nora's death and had only agreed to their little journey by a head nod.
With the CTT down one Beacon in ruin, the four of them decided to make thier own way in the world. There were rumors of trouble in Mistral and that was ther the newly form Blake, Neo, Pyrrha, and Ren were on their way. As Blake walked up to her friends they all turned as one and without saying a word team Bonapart was off...

AN: That's it! It's done! Jaune Torchwick if finally finished! We are done! It's been a rough ride to get here and I am just happy to see this fic doing as well as it did! And well! It's done! The fic's over and everyone's dead! Or most of them are. I had the deaths of this fic planned out long ago. As a writer, I like to write tragedies. I don't really like traditionally good endings and I don't write them. When I wrote I don't write any character without first planning thier death scene in excruciating detail. And well? It's over!

Jaune Torchwicks over! Ruby's dead! Weiss and Yang are dead! Coco and Velvet are gone! And Winter and Nora both picked the wrong faunus to fight. As you can see I have no problems killing any characters in my fiction and I love taking out my own characters. And well a bit of a spoiler if you think I'm going to give my other fic's good endings you have another thing coming. If you exist in my stories I already know how you will die. So if you think any of my other stories are goign to end well hint hint Game on. HINT! HINT! WINK! WINK! Bastion you have another thing coming!

Now onto some fluff. This fic and well all my stories are supposed to be connected with one another as I have a rule in my stories that there is a type of dust that can teleport inanimate objects through dimensions. This fic did not do that well but it was supposed to! An example of this would be Jaune's gun and knife was supposed to be linked to Endangered Species. His weapons personality chips where actually Arcadian chips that got teleported and decided that they liked this world a lot more, and would rather serve Jaune as his weapons and not do thier original purpose.

So yeah! That's why they would speak German or Moulder in the fic but that never worked out! Ah well.

BUT! Important question! This fic will continue but I need your input! Since we have over two hundred followers I'm making a poll! What do you want to see first? The complete rewrite of this fic? With drastically change plot lines character interactions and a whole look for Jaune? OR!
Do you want to see the continued adventures of team Bonapart as they go through volume 4-5 and see what really happened to Jaune? The poll is up now and if you want your voice heard vote now! Next is Endangered-

NO! It's Branwen next and to offset the death of almost all of the main cast next week is the long-awaited Jaune YANDERE HAREM! Complete with cover art by the lovely and talented Keji Springfield so look forward to Love Struck! Comming at you next week!

Omake. Guardians of Remnant finale. The arrival.

"People of Vale! Rejoice! For your, the end has arrived!"

Ironwood yelled lifting a massive silver hammer as he looked at the frightened heathens aroudn him. Their death would be quick and painless. It was far more of a humane death than they deserved but he was a merciful butcher. He would not make anyone suffer more than necessary. Even heathens like-
"Hey, you! Stop that!"
A familiar voice yelled as-
"~Ohhh child! Things are gonna get easier!~" A voice said as blond human covered in soot with short blond hair and blue eyes walked up to Ironwood.
"~Ohh child things are gonna get brighter~!"
The human said as he began to convulse? It looked like he was experiencing some kind of seizure? As Ironwood paused.
"What... What are you doing?"
He asked the man as he smiled.

"Dance off bro!"
The human said shaking his arms and legs as the man stopped.
"Dance off?"
"Yeah, bro! Dance off! Me and you! Right here right now! The fate of the city come on!"
The man said as-
"Jaune!? What are you doing?!"
The Mistrali woman said hissing as Jaune-
"Yes, human what are you doing?"
Ironwood asked annoyed as- "Dance off! Me and him for the fate of the Vale! ~Some day! We are gonna get it together and get it all done!~"
"Stop that!"
Ironwood said irritated at the boorish display in front of him as-
"No way boss! I can't stop yet!"
Jaune yelled smacking his hand and shimmering as the man balked.
"Why not?!"
"Cause I'm distracting you dumb -dumb! Blake NOW!"
Jaune yelled as Ironwood looked back where a faunus was holding some type of gauss weapon at him and-
"This one's for Penny you shit."

Blake hot tears in her eyes as her gun fired as magnetically accelerated cannon round hit his hammer dead on knocking the dust stone free.
Ironwood yelled leaping for the stone only for Jaune to snatch! It from his grip as Jaune screamed!
Purple energy filled his boys as his body began to be ripped apart. As he screamed his lungs out flesh left flesh as it dried and shriveled and-
"Jaune! Take my hand!"
Jaune asked a vision of a blonde woman in a hospital bed filled his eyes as-
"JAUNE! Take my hand!"
Jaune reached out as Pyrrha gripped his hand before screaming. As the dust stones, chaotic energy filled her making her howl as her skin was ripped from her bones-
Blake hissed gripping Jaune's other hand as the energy flowed into her as Ren took Pyrrha's and for one moment the energy of the stone surged into them and was contained.
"But how? That's impossible!"
Ironwood yelled as Jaune snarled.
"No, it's not, you want to know why? Cause we are the guardians of Remnant bitch!"
Jaune yelled striking out his hand as a wave of purple electricity came out striking Ironwood dead in his chest his aura doing nothing for him as the energy to him and he vanished turning into a wave of purple ash as his hammer fell useless to the floor as the threat was killed and a cheer went up from around them.

"So this is my ship?"
"Just as you left it. I made sure no one touched it."
Yatsuhasi said as he walked Jaune up to thier brand new refurbished ship.
"Hey, there baby did you miss me!"
Jaune said as his gleaming silver fighter awaited him as-
"Do you mean the Vesperia or me?"
Pyrrha asked in a husky tone snaking t Jaune's side as he smiled at her.

He said as Blake came from his side.
"We out yet? I can't stand big cities like this! There are too many laws! I mean I can't rip out a guy's spine for looking at me here!"
"That is murder you know?"
Yatsuahis said frowning as Blake nodded.
"Murder. Gotcha!"
Blake said winking as the big man frowned.
"I mean it. That's a legitimate crime. Probably the worst one you could commit."
"Got it. Crime."
Blake said winking at him as he sighed.
"Take care of them, please. And do try to stay out of trouble ok?" Yatsu asked as Jaune nodded.
"No promises big man let's go!"
Jaune said as he led his crew back into the new and improved Vesperia as it began to take off. "Crew sound off!"
"First mate Ruby Rose reporting for duty sir!"
Ruby said smiling happily form her chair as-
"I am here."
Ren said simply as Jaune smiled.
"Ok, you guys! We got about three hours before Adam looks into his box and sees a bunny sweater and not a stone so let's get the hell out of here before he comes back!"
"Aye Aye."
Pyrrha said planting a light kiss on his cheek as she sat down as Jaune pushed the throttle of the Vesperia and the Guardian's of Remnant took off...