It was a year since the untimely death of Francis Poldark. Ross, Demelza, and Dr. Dwight Enys rode across Trenwith land at nearly nightfall. Ross had business in Truro to which he allowed Demelza to accompany him. He soon regretted such as their was unrest in the town. They unexpectedly met Dr. Dwight Enys there. The three cut their visit short to evade possible dangerous mobs and were on return to Nampara. As they passed the gates, they noticed the bars to the entrance at the front of the estate was bashed in and broken through.
Shocked looks came across their features.
"Judas," was Demelza's frightened whisper.
A short distance away, they could see several criminals were making haste carrying sacks and bundles of items clearly taken from the house.
"My God, Agatha and Elizabeth! They're in danger!"
"I must...we must...Demelza, this is not what I would want for you. I would have you return home with Dwight for your protection, but should you meet one of these men in the dark on the road..."
"Ross! I will not have you go in alone to fight these thieves! Perhaps they have knives or pistols?" Demelza exclaimed in fear.
"Would you have me abandon them?!"
"I would have you allow Dwight and I to come with you."
"Have you taken leave of your senses? I will not allow my wife to charge headfirst into unpredictable peril. These are dangerous men." Ross answered.
"Whereas, you will allow yourself?" Demelza shot back.
Ross didn't want to take anymore time to argue.
And with a nodding motion of his head, the three trekked down the entrance path.
They approached in the dark taking care that the thieves-who they now upon closer view recognized more likely as pirates-did not see them.
"God, damn them!" Ross spoke with rage in his eyes. "They come to pillage!"
Then Ross made a sign with his hand to gesture that they enter as silently as possibly.
The house was wrecked. Portraits taken from the walls. Demelza glanced up the stairs. "I shall go to Agatha. Dwight shall you look for Elizabeth?" But Dwight had already begun to follow Demelza covering her- safeguarding her as she walked.
"Wait. Where is my husband?" Demelza was agrieved that she and Ross had already become separated.
Meanwhile, Ross with a look of distress upon his face and with haste searched for Elizabeth.
Dwight and Demelza burst through Agatha's door to find the old woman and matriarch roped to a chair.
"Bastards stole my jewels! Took my family heirlooms! A curse upon them!"
"As soon as deemed safe and clear to exit ma'am, we shall take you to Nampara." Dwight spoke.
"Are you injured?" He began a basic examination.
"Geoffrey Charles is hiding in the wardrobe." Agatha announced, and Dwight opened it to allow the little boy to come out.
Demelza's face was pained. She started to exit to look for Ross.
Dwight called to her. "Mistress Demelza, barricade the door. Demelza? We must barricade ourselves in here. Demelza, take care!" Dwight worried. "Ross will not forgive me if you wander this house alone."
"Dwight, you must stay with Agatha and Geoffrey Charles. I seek my husband."
"Mistress Demelza, that is not wise."
She took no further heed of his words.
Ross could here Elizabeth's scream coming from one of the rooms ahead.
Ross searched franticly room by room, until he came upon a scene.
"Come, come, now! Give us a kiss." One of the pirates had Elizabeth against a wall with one hand grasping her throat and the other at her breast. He tore at her bodice.
Three other pirates were in the room observing the scene and laughing hysterically.
Ross roared.
"Take...your...filthy my mistress!" He raised his pistol.
"Who... are you? This fine lady be a widow. Your mistress? Nary a one got a claim to her." The pirate slightly released his grip at Elizabeth's throat.
"Ross," Elizabeth breathed as the tears were streaming down her face.
" I am a servant in her household. As such, she is my mistress and if you don't take your hands off her this moment, you and your friends shall no longer draw breath!" If he would not kill, he would call the soldiers upon them, and they would see the gallows for their crimes.
Ross wanted to make it seem like the house was slightly protected, so he crafted the story of his being a servant at Trenwith as he could not pretend he was Elizabeth's husband.
"Now, now, we was only having a bit of fun. Weren't we?" The pirate then licked Elizabeth's face as his hand moved over her ripped bodice.
Ross fired, and the bullet grazed the pirate's shoulder. He screamed in agony and moved from pinning his body against Elizabeth's.
Demelza heard the shot fired. She ran towards the direction of the sound.
She appeared in the entrance to the room whilst Ross apprehended Elizabeth's assailant and punched him. The man lost consciousness.
Ross ran to Elizabeth's side. She was trembling violently and gripped the lapels of his velvet longcoat as he drew her in to rest against him walking with her with his arm enveloping her acting as a shield and a tender sign of concern.
The other pirates began to try to continue to fight Ross. They seemed no longer interested in Elizabeth but only to harm him. Ross picked up a fireplace poker and wielded it. He threw his arm out to encourage Elizabeth to move back for protection. Elizabeth scurried back from the fighting finding a safer clear space. Ross threw punches and swung at the intruders with the poker. He overpowered each one of them. They exited the house. Demelza seeing the pale expression on Elizabeth's face and her desheveled appearance and clothing, had guessed at the scene and had rushed to Elizabeth's side during the fighting.
"Demelza..." Ross's tone suggested he was annoyed she did not stay under Dwight's protection. He once more thought better of arguing in relief for her current safety and continued, diverting his words...
"When this vile creature wakes, the soldiers will be here to arrest him." Ross spoke, and then his eyes focused on Elizabeth and Demelza.
Demelza covered Elizabeth with her cloak.
"Elizabeth, you'll be safe now." She said.
Demelza put her arm around her.
Ross's eyes held such sadness seeing Elizabeth in that state and witnessing the kindness Demelza poured over her.
Elizabeth was in shock.
Nampara was crowded that evening as it housed many guests for the night-The Trenwith Poldarks-Agatha, Geoffrey Charles, and Elizabeth and also Dr. Dwight Enys. The next day, it would be arranged for Elizabeth to stay with her mother until the family could conclude what was to be done of Trenwith. Repairs would be costly as well as the inevitable emotional trauma of Elizabeth's and the family's return. Agatha Poldark would not yield but would Elizabeth ever feel safe there once more?
"Ross, settle the children and Agatha in. I will tend to Elizabeth." Demelza ordered. Elizabeth had not yet spoken.
When Demelza and Elizabeth were alone in the room, Demelza spoke gently.
"Here, now. You mustn't stay in your ruined dress. You can borrow one of my nightgowns.
Elizabeth was very pale and finally spoke in a whisper as she started to very slowly and quietly tearfully remove her gown.
"May I...bathe?" She meekly requested.
"Of course. I understand your wish. May I ask...Were you...Did he?"
"No...but...I must wash away this day." She said in a quiet, frightened though calm and haunted tone.
The tub was moved to a secluded room with a fire. Demelza left Elizabeth alone with the extra basins of steaming water.
Ross saw Geoffrey Charles and Jeremy asleep.
Ross, Dwight, and Demelza sat together with their tea for comfort on the bench in the parlour though hardly able to converse after such an ordeal.
Nearly an hour passed, and Demelza sensed something was strange.
"Perhaps I should see if Elizabeth has managed to sleep." She rose.
She went to the room, and upon opening the door, saw that Elizabeth was still naked in the tub staring forward in what seemed a melancholy trance.
"Elizabeth? Elizabeth." Demelza spoke in a soothing tone. "The water's grown cool. You'll catch cold." Demelza reached for a large towel. "Give me your hand." Elizabeth seemed in another space and time. She did not comply.
"Dwight!" Demelza called loudly.
Ross was worried. He leapt up with Dwight.
"I can't get her to move." Demelza answered looking at the men in the doorway with a furrowed brow and glancing at her husband as if to tell Ross to stay out of the room.
Ross turned his back to the direction of the scene but listened in fear.
He could hear the swishing of the water as Dwight pulled her up and out of the tub.
"We must dry her and dress her." He held on to Elizabeth as she seemed to stay in shock. Demelza chafed her with the towel.
Once dressed, Dwight carried her and placed her in the bed.
"I shall watch over her." Dwight told Demelza. "You and Ross rest."
Dwight stayed by Elizabeth's bedside. She had not closed her eyes.
Then hauntingly spoke, "I wish to remain my own mistress, but for the sake of my son and our home, I must marry again."