"Hey partner, you ok?"
Vincent's eyes shot open as he fell from his seat. As he sat up on the ground he quickly looked around. All around him were his fellow initiates. Some were talking to their friends. Others were showing off their weapons to new people. Most were watching the mountains slowly pass by as the airship flew past. That's when his eyes fell on the one who had woken him from his nap.
He was a light skinned boy, about his age, who was wearing a long brown duster coat with crossed revolvers stitched onto both sleeves, a grey shirt underneath, faded blue jeans, and a wide brimmed hat. His black hair was pulled into a ponytail, and his steel gray eyes seemed to be doing regular scans of everything around him. Almost as if he expected someone to attack him at any moment. At his belt were two rather large revolvers. The boy offered his hand and spoke again, the words coming out slowly.
"Are... you... ok... man?" he asked again.
Taking a moment to shake the sleep off of him, Vincent nodded as his perception of time returned to normal and he took the offered hand. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why what's up?"
"You were shaking in your sleep buddy." the gunslinger locked his fingers around Vincent's wrist and pulled him up. "Must've been one hell of a nightmare."
"Heh-heh, I wouldn't say a nightmare exactly." Vincent replied as he thought back to his dream.
Vincent stared up at the beringel, his sword, Daylight, held tightly in his right hand, his triple barrelled shotgun, Flare, in his left. Behind him stood his teammates, three shadowy silhouettes.
"Don't worry guys." Vincent stated as he charged for the large gorilla like grimm. "I got this." With a loud battle cry Vincent swung his sword, only for it to bounce harmlessly off the beringel's hide with a squeak. Crying out in surprise Vincent aimed Flare at the beast's head… which was immediately followed by the gun deflating his hand like a balloon. "Oh geez."
Staring dumbly at his now useless weapons, Vincent looked up at the beringel just in time to watch its fist slam into him with the force of a crashing train. Vincent flew through the air, articles of clothing flying off of him till he was left only in his boxers. When he hit the ground he slid back about ten extra feet before finally coming to a stop.
After brushing himself off Vincent noticed exactly where he had landed, right smack dab in the middle of the Farewell Dance at Signal Academy. All eyes were on him, several of the girls chuckling at his lack of… decorum
"Heh, hi guys." Vincent chuckled nervously, "Well at least it can't get any worse." It was in that moment that his underwear turned to red dust and exploded.
"Needless to say the laughter only increased after that happened. It's probably a good thing you woke me up when you did. God knows what would've happened after that." Vincent finished explaining his dream to the amusement of his companion. Vincent chuckled as well before extending his hand, "I'm Vincent, Vincent Helsing."
"Roland Harker." the gunslinger returned, shaking Vincent's hand. "You from Vale?"
"I was born here but my parents like to travel. So I kinda grew up just about everywhere. How about you?"
"Stuck in Vacuo my whole life with my… with my Pa."
"So why Beacon over Shade?"
"I needed a change in scenery. Ozpin offered. Here I am."
"You were invited by Ozpin himself?"
"Hello and welcome to Beacon." cut off whatever Roland's reply was and drew the attention of everyone in the room to a hologram of a tall blonde woman dressed in a black and white dress suit, and a black and purple cape. "My name is Glynda Goodwitch, you are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy. Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace. And as future Huntsman and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now, it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and training to protect our world."
"Huh, you think they play that same message every year?" Roland asked as the hologram faded and Beacon Academy became visible through the window.
"I wouldn't doubt it." Vincent clapped his hand on his new friend's shoulder as he watched as the large castle of a school resting on a cliff grew closer and closer. He let his semblance take hold, slowing his perception of time to a crawl, so he could enjoy the moment just a bit longer.
Teresa stood amongst the other students in the great hall while they waited for the headmaster, Professor Ozpin, to make his opening address. Glancing idly from side to side, she tried to determine who in the room would make good teammates, and who would be dead weight.
As she scanned the crowd her eyes fell on quite honestly the largest man she'd ever seen in her life to her right.
At five feet and four inches, Teresa was about average in terms of height among women in Atlas. This guy towered over not only her, but just about everyone else in the room. He had to be at least seven feet tall and looked to be about half as wide across his chest and stomach. He wore a gray leather jacket with a brown fur collar and a roaring bear's head patched onto each shoulder over a plain white shirt and simple black pants and boots. His brown hair was short but messy and his amber eyes seemed to be scanning the room.
When they fell on her their eyes locked and Teresa quickly looked away. A few seconds passed before she chanced a sidelong glance over to him. He was making his way over.
'Great,' Teresa thought, 'I'm either about to meet my first ally, or confront my first enemy.' Teresa almost expected the ground to shake with each step the giant took. When he was finally in front of her, Teresa felt like a small child about to be scolded by an annoyed parent. She also noticed that all of the other students around her seemed to be giving the two of them a wide berth.
The giant stared down at her before he knelt so their eyes were level and offered his hand. "I'm Yuri Hawthorne." he stated, his voice surprisingly soft for a guy his size.
Teresa looked at Yuri's meteor sized hand before seizing it with her comparably tiny one. She felt a number of callouses at the base of his fingers and across his palm, but the gentle firmness of his grip surprised her. She wasn't sure if she should be grateful that Yuri seemed to know his own strength, or insulted that he thought she was fragile. She opted for the former and greeted him with a warm smile.
"Nice to meet you Yuri, Teresa Belmonte. Please, call me Terri."
"Pleasure to meet you as well Terri." Yuri replied before releasing her hand and rising to his full height again, "So what were you looking around for?"
"I was trying to see if I could find any potential teammates."
"Anyone stand out?"
Teresa blushed slightly, "Well to be honest I kinda got distracted by… well you."
"I'll admit I can be a bit distracting." Yuri laughed, "Well luckily for you I was doing the same. With a much better vantage point I might add."
Teresa smiled at Yuri's good natured poke at her height. "Well let's hear what you got."
"Girl, brown hair, fashionable looking outfit, eight o'clock." Teresa looked in the direction given and picked out the student Yuri spoke of. "She seems quite sure of herself. Naturally I'm assuming that confidence is born of her skill and experience, but I could be wrong."
"Hmm, looks like she's giving a pep talk to that other girl." Teresa mentioned noticing that the girl was talking to a brown haired rabbit faunus. "Indicates friendliness and a supportive personality. She seems like she could be a good teammate."
"Possibly." Yuri agreed, "Moving on, three o'clock, two boys, one dressed like he's in a cowboy movie and the other wearing the red shirt with the sword on his back. See them?" Again Teresa picked out the students Yuri indicated. One was indeed dressed like he had just walked off the set of a Vacuan, western, gunslinger movie. Wide brimmed, ten gallon hat and everything.
The other wore a scarlet long sleeved button up shirt with an unbuttoned burgundy vest over it and black pants. A sword was strapped to his back, and tied to his belt was a red cloth and a triple barreled shotgun. His strawberry blonde hair was worn loose and short. The two of them were just standing together, talking and laughing.
"Alright I give up. One's questionable fashion sense aside, what's special about them?" she asked unable to determine exactly why Yuri had singled them out.
"They're calm, relaxed. Most of the others here, even if they seem relaxed, reek of anxiety and fear. Not them."
Teresa raised an eyebrow at the comment, "Oh really? Well what about me? Do I reek of anxiety and fear?" Yuri smiled, flashing some rather pronounced canines.
"No. Not fear, impatience."
Roland sighed happily as he laid back on his sleeping mat. Having stowed away his combat gear, including his pistols Lightning and Thunder, for the night, he was now wearing a simple grey undershirt and black pajama bottoms, although his favorite wide brimmed hat still rested on his head, tilted forward so he didn't crush it underneath him. He'd lost track of Vincent after Professor Ozpin's, "extremely motivational" speech.
"How'd it go again?" he muttered to himself. 'Something about all of us being full of wasted energy and blah blah blah. Who cares? He said it, it's in the past, focus on the now.' And right now Roland was more interested in meeting someone new than sleeping. After pulling himself to his feet, the gunslinger made his way over to where a large group of people had gathered. After elbowing his way to the front of the group Roland saw what had gathered the crowd. Two rather large guys were having an arm wrestling match.
Both must have been about seven feet tall standing up and had tanned skin but that was about their only similarity as far as physical appearance went. One had cropped black hair, an athletic build in a green robe, and almond shaped eyes that marked him as being from Anima. The other had short messy brown hair, large amber eyes, had the build of a brick house with small layer of fat over what must be solid muscle and was wearing only sweatpants. By all appearances they were about equal in strength because neither one of them giving any ground.
"How long's this been going on?" Roland asked the girl next to him.
"About three minutes." she replied after checking her pocket watch. Roland gave the girl a once over. He recognized her from the great hall earlier today. She was pretty, with glossy black hair resting over one shoulder, long eyelashes, and bright, almost glowing, blue eyes. Earlier that day he'd seen her wearing a loose black shirt with red filigree running along the sleeves, a small shield with a snapping whip was embroidered over her heart, white pants and knee high leather boots. Now she was just wearing a comfy looking gray nightgown and slippers.
"Name's Roland, Roland Harker." he introduced himself with a tip of his hat and an extension of his hand. "I must say it's a pleasure to meet ya, miss…"
The girl took his hand in a firm grip and shook it once. "Teresa Belmonte. Feel free to call me Ter…"
"Teresa, may I just say you are more lovely than the shattered moon on a clear summer night." Roland stated before giving Teresa's hand a quick kiss. Teresa lifted an eyebrow at Roland's declaration and slowly removed her hand from his.
"Is that guy... bothering you Terri?" The large shirtless guy asked, his distraction allowing his opponent to gain some ground on him.
"Don't worry about it Yuri, just focus on your match." Teresa assured him while looking Roland straight in the eye. "While I do appreciate the compliment Mr. Harker…"
"Please, call me Roland."
"I regret to inform you that, you're not my type."
Roland was about to reply when he felt a sudden falling sensation. Before Roland knew it he was somehow on the opposite side of the ring gathered around the two arm wrestler's. Looking across he saw Teresa smirk at him before returning her attention to the match.
"I think she likes me." He chuckled lightly to himself before he gently nudged the guy he'd landed next to. "20 lien on the big guy. You in?"
A/N: Welcome to my first RWBY story. Thank you for choosing to at least give it a look and feel free to tell me what you liked, or what I need to work on, always up for constructive criticism. Quick question, who knows how VTRY is pronounced? Either answer in a review or send me a PM. First person to guess will either receive a cookie or can submit a character to add to the story... cause I'm gonna need a few of those. Anyway, again thanks for reading, I hope you all enjoy.