Author's Note: I would like some help with ideas for Derek and Olivia's ship name if anyone wants to pitch in. Maybe Olerek? or Devia? I don't know. Also, I'm going to start replying / responding to reviews, so if you have any questions or just want to say hello, go ahead :)
CarleighAlpha: Don't cry! But I'll take it as a compliment for my writing, thank you for your constant reviews as well - you have no idea how much it means to me.
Renesmee4eva: Thank you for your review! I have no plans as to where I want this story to go - I just go with the flow. Enjoy the new chapter!

CHAPTER 33 – Broken Hearts and Bad Decisions

Liv kept running, she couldn't stop and she couldn't look back. How could he do this? Only two days ago Liv had broken up with him, how had he moved on so quickly? Did he not love her at all? She stopped and looked around, evaluating her surroundings. She was near the demolished Hale house. Why did she always end up here? Maybe because the Hales always made her feel safe. Maybe because it was because it was where Talia had looked after her and trained her. This time she made sure there were no workers around before digging under the fence and looking around the remains. The house represented her life; it was a mess. She let herself flop on the ground and let out a pained howl. She hadn't meant to, but her heart hurt too much to keep it sealed inside. She didn't want to be found, not yet. She got up and went back through the fence, running until she found herself lost – lost in the woods she knew like the back of her hand. Liv looked around again, trying to find a mark or something to figure out where exactly she was…but there was nothing. She found a bridge over a lake and laid by the water, letting the sound calm her. She could stay as a wolf if she really wanted, she never had to face Derek again…but Michael, her son, who was waiting at home, he needed her. She had to go back eventually. Liv decided to get some sleep and calm down before she went home, she didn't want to be a blubbering mess, not again. So she closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.

Liv shot up when she heard leaves crunch, she peered over the bride and saw the overgrown toenails of the snobby Alpha; Kali. Liv ducked down, not wanting to be caught by them.
"I heard your howl little wolf-y. I know you're around – I followed your scent" Kali sneered, her voice getting closer. Liv stepped back into the water, knowing it would cover her scent. She ducked under the bridge and peered out the other side.
"We're not gonna kill her are we" Ethan asked, a step behind his twin who was watching the tree line.
"Derek needs motivation to fight me without his little pets in the way" Kali said, dodging the question.
"That's not what I asked" Ethan told her.
"If we have to, we will. The decision is up to Derek" Kali replied, now at the water's edge. Liv ducked under the bridge again and shifted back, staying out of sight.
"You're better off using the teacher" Liv said from her hiding place. She slid out and Ethan slid off his jacket, handing it to Liv, which she used to cover herself up.
"Why do you say that" Kali asked, coming closer.
"Because he was having sex with her earlier" Liv finally said. "Why do you think I'm out here" she asked them.
"Do you mean Miss Blake" Aiden asked.
"Please don't say her name" Liv grumbled, looking away.
"You think because he slept with her, that you no longer matter" Kali asked in a snarl.
"If he loved me, he wouldn't have slept with her" Olivia snapped.
"Take her" Kali smiled. The twins grabbed an arm each and took Olivia back to the site of Derek's death. When they got there, Kali gave her some clothes and waited for her to get dressed before ordering the twins to drag Liv while following Kali to Derek's.

When they got there, Kali entered first.
"Gonna be honest, Derek. When Ennis died, I thought to myself I'd just go for it. Find you and kill you, wherever you stood. Then I remembered how you surround yourself with these teenagers, hiding behind them, and I thought, what's a girl got to do to get you alone?" Kali said, then looked over her shoulder, and the twins dragged Liv into sight. "You and me Derek, or they tear her apart. What do you say? You think you can beat me one on one?" Kali challenged.
"I'm gonna rip your throat out, with my teeth" Derek threatened. Then ran at Kali. The fight felt like it went on forever, and Liv knew better than to try and take on the twins alone. She watched until she noticed Isaac look at his phone then run towards her, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her to his chest as he slid to the floor. Electricity crackled in the air as Kali, Derek and Boyd were all electrocuted. She wanted to run to them, but she was frozen in place.
"Take him!" Kali ordered the twins. They picked up Boyd and put him on Derek's claws. "I'm giving you till the next full moon, Derek. Make the smart choice. Join the pack... Or next time I'm killing all of you" Kali warned as she and the twins left.
"It's okay" Boyd said.
"No, no. No, it's not. It's not" Derek said shakily, holding Boyd.
"It's all okay, Derek" Boyd told him.
"I'm...I'm sorry" Derek started.
"The full moon. That feeling... That was worth it. There's a lunar eclipse. I always wondered what... What that felt like for one of us. For one of us..." Boyd said as he drifted. Liv jumped as Cora, Stiles and Lydia arrived. She wasn't surprised when Cora ran to Boyd. She watched as Stiles put a hand on Derek's shoulder. Liv got to her feet and walked downstairs, this was too much…and all her fault. If she had been there – as part of the pack, she could've fought alongside Derek and Boyd might still be alive. Liv didn't realise someone was behind her until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see Derek.
"What" she asked.
"Come with me" he told her, offering his hand.
"Come with me" Derek repeated.
"No. I'm not going with you" Liv snapped, standing up.
"We need to talk about this" he told her.
"No, we don't" Liv said, turning on her heel to walk away, but Derek grabbed her arm. She spun around and snarled at him, her bright red eyes meeting his.
"For Michael" Derek said, making Liv hesitate. No matter what, Derek would be part of her life, he was Michael's father – and she wasn't the type of woman to keep a father from his child.
"Fine. Where are we going" she asked. Derek offered his hand again and this time, Olivia took it.

She must have fallen asleep in the car, when she woke up it was around midday. She sat up in her seat and took in her surroundings.
"Where are we" she asked.
"Somewhere that makes it harder for you to run away from me" he replied. Liv rolled her eyes.
"You wanted to talk. Now talk" she grumbled.
"Not here" he said. They kept driving until they reached an old house, it had a rustic vibe to it and Liv liked it. She stepped inside and hid a smile – the place was beautiful.
"Who's place is this" Liv asked, trying to act annoyed again.
"Ours" he said. "I bought it while you were missing. I planned on us moving away from Beacon Hills, so we could keep Michael safe. We could raise him together, we could be a family" Derek explained.
"Well, you screwed that up, didn't you?" Liv said, walking over to the fireplace. She picked up a poker and rolled it over her palm.
"I was trying to get to your house, after the fall. But my legs gave out near the school. She was there and-" Derek stopped to dodge to poker that came flying at his head. He looked at her cautiously, her eyes were red again, and she was breathing heavily.
"What makes you think I want to hear this" Liv asked in a growl.
"I told her to drive me home and call you. I was only thinking of you" Derek said. Another poker came at him, then another, then a photo frame came next. Derek dodged each one, then looked up to see Liv crying.
"Were you thinking of me when you slept with her?" Liv yelled, tears streaming down her face. "You asked me to marry you Derek, then you go and screw the next woman who finds you even remotely attractive" she was shaking, the wolf wanting to come out and play.
"No!" Liv snapped, cutting him off. "Enough excuses. Enough second chances; you didn't have faith in me, and now you're unfaithful" Liv yelled.
"You broke up with me" Derek yelled back this time. Liv was furious. She walked closer, stripping off her shirt and kicking off her shoes.
"You. Are. Dead" Liv growled, then let the wolf free. It came out snapping at Derek's legs, then aiming for his neck. He quickly dodged each attack. Knowing that Liv had lost control of the wolf, it would kill him if it got the chance. He had to keep her inside – let her attack him.
"Liv, stop. If you let go, the wolf could kill innocent people" he warned.
'Just you' Liv thought. She snapped at Derek again, catching his ankle, pulling him closer and then put her paw on his chest. She moved her snout closer, snapping at his face.
"Stop blaming me, you're part of the problem too" Derek snapped, punching the wolf's snout. Liv stumbled backward, getting her bearing again. She ran at him and bit at his side, taking a chunk of flesh. Derek yelled as he felt the flesh tear. He looked to Liv who was holding it in her mouth, blood around her snout. "This isn't you. You don't kill" he said, shaking his head. Liv spat the flesh on the floor and shifted back.
"Maybe your tactics are rubbing off on me" Liv snapped.
"How did I cause you this much pain" Derek asked.
"You're a killer, I begged you to stop. We've had one ordeal after the other Derek, and did you ever stop to think how much that weighed on me? How much pain I was in? I was kidnapped multiple times, forced to watch multiple people I love die. I almost died giving birth to our son. Only a few weeks later, you're kicking out a kid that's like a brother to me and you're sleeping with another woman" Olivia explained through tears.
"I never thought of it that way" Derek said. He was already starting to heal from Olivia's attack.
"I know" Liv said softly.
"What can I do to help" he asked.
"It's too late, there's nothing you can do, Derek. You screwed up one too many times, I can't do this again" she said softly, meeting his eyes. She noticed Derek's eyes watering, she'd only seen him cry once or twice before. "You can still see Mike, I won't stop you. But us; we're over. I'll work with you to take down Deucalion, but we're not the same pack – just two Alphas co-existing" Liv sais, then sniffled and wiped the tears from her cheeks.
"I love you" Derek told her. Liv nodded.
"I know" she said, then turned and walked out the door.

NOTE: Don't kill me! I had to give their relationship a shake-up.