
I guess…

Bella awoke to the sound of thunder and howls, her heart racing as she attempted to see through the piercing darkness. It was the middle of the night, and judging by the chill in the air, she guessed that the fire had gone out a long time ago. Sluggishly, she moved from the bed as another howl sounded, the chain around her ankle heavy and loud as it hit the floor. She moved to the window, but saw nothing but trees. She knew she wasn't crazy – that the howls she heard belonged to wolves that sometimes walked on two legs. Maybe it was the way the ache in her chest eased, or maybe it was just a feeling in the pit of her stomach, but Bella knew without a doubt that Paul was close. Another clap of thunder sounded, but the air looked too still outside for a storm. It dawned on Bella as she grasped the ledge of the window. Those were the sounds of vampires smacking into each other. She had heard it when the Cullen's had taken her to watch them play baseball. Her heart raced in excitement and fear as she backed away from the glass, her hand moving protectively to her stomach.

"He's here." She whispered to the child within her as tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. "I told you, little guy… I told you daddy would save us." She breathed as she sunk into the mattress. Why did she always find herself sitting on the sidelines completely useless in times like these? Oh right, because she befriended and fell in love with vampires and werewolves. Bella jumped as the door to the cabin swung open, letting in a cold breeze. "Jake… Jasper…" She smiled wearily at the pair as the moved quickly to her, Jasper already unlocking the cuff around her ankle with the key he must have stolen from Edward. "Where's Paul?"

"He's fighting Edward." Jacob said tightly. Something about his tone made Bella think that it was not going well. "We have to get you out of here. Once he knows that you're safe, he'll be able to focus." Jacob breathed, scooping her into his arms as the chain fell from her ankle.

"Move along the south ridge. Carlisle will lead you to Seth who'll show you the quickest way home." Jasper spoke quickly, his years in the military shining through. "Alice won't be able to see you as long as you stick with the wolves, Bella." The pain in his voice was evident. He still loved Alice, despite what she had become. "Run as quick as you can. Get'er to tribal land. Even Edward isn't stupid enough to break that treaty. He still cares about the rest of us."

"Jasper…" Bella frowned as she reached for his icy hand, squeezing it once. What else could she do? "Thank you."

As Jasper promised, Carlisle was waiting just beyond the ridge to guide Jacob back down. The wind was freezing, but Bella curled into the fur of Jacob's wolf as he ran with her on his back. The further they got from the fight – and Paul – the more worried Bella became. Something was wrong – something they weren't telling her, but she knew there was nothing she could do. If she got anywhere near the fight, it would just get people hurt.

It felt like they ran for hours through the ice and snow. Slowly, the air became thicker, and the trees a bit greener. Bella nearly sighed as Sam's house came into view, but she was too preoccupied with shivering. She looked to Jacob as he stopped on the back porch, allowing her to stiffly slide from his back. He shoved her once with his nose before turning and running back the way they had come. Was he going back to fight?

"Bella!" Emily nearly cried as she and Kim came rushing from the house. Kim immediately wrapped Bella in a blanket as they led her inside. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"I'm alright." Bella shivered as they moved into the living room. "Cold and worried, but alright."

"Mommy!" A familiar voice cheered. Bella felt a sob work her way out of her throat as Wyatt ran to her, his hands outstretched. She didn't thing twice as she fell to her knees, scooping her son into her arms.

"He's been crying for you and Paul for hours." Kim smiled sadly. "Where is the pack? How are they doing?"

"I don't know." Bella sniffled as she smoothed down Wyatt's hair and kissed the crown of his head. "Jacob turned around and ran right back… I'm worried."

Emily and Kim convinced Bella to take a hot shower once Wyatt had finally fallen asleep in her arms. It had been hours since she arrived back in La Push, and there was still no word from the guys. Leah patrolled the woods around the house, but hadn't shifted back to keep them updated. Maybe she was afraid that Edward would make his way to them. Maybe she didn't want to tell them that someone had gotten hurt… Bella squeezed her eyes shut as she pulled the sleeves of her borrowed sweater over her hands. She leaned forward to kiss Wyatt's cheek, only causing him to stir for a moment before slipping back into a deep sleep. On the other couch, Emily hummed and rocked Mikala, who only tolerated being coddled because she too had fallen asleep. Kim simply stared out the window, twisting her new wedding ring around in endless circles. They didn't speak – each worrying for their respective wolves. Still, it was nice to have them.

They all jumped as the back door swung open and Leah barged in wearing a simple oversized t-shirt, despite the cold. "It's over. They're on their way back."

"How are they?" Emily asked, her arms tightening around Mikala a bit. "Sam…?" It was obvious she still felt awkward asking her cousin about Sam, despite how the tension between them had eased since Leah imprinted.

"He's fine…" Her eyes flickered to Bella, and she felt her mouth grow dry. "Paul was bit." Tears instantly filled her eyes as Kim's gasp broke the hollow silence. "They managed to get the venom out, but he lost a lot of blood. The doctor leech says he'll be fine, but they have to carry him back."

Bella hadn't felt such a mixture of pain and relief since Wyatt was born. Paul was hurt… but he was alive. "Are Alice and Edward…" She couldn't bring herself to say the word. She felt guilty, because part of her wanted them to be dead. She didn't want to have to worry about her children or Paul being hurt by them ever again.

"Yeah." Leah sighed with a nod. "The doctor is going to check on Paul in a few days, and then they're leaving town. For good."

The next few hours were painfully slow. Around seven, Wyatt woke up practically demanding his usual breakfast, and Bella was running to the bathroom. The morning sickness was bittersweet. With all the stress she had been through, especially being without Paul, she didn't want to have to deal with vomiting, but it was assurance that their baby was healthy. She had just finished brushing her teeth when she heard them file in. Wyatt's cry of 'daddy' was enough to make Bella tear up as she tore from the bathroom and down the stairs. She paused when she reached the first floor, Paul standing out amongst all the noise and celebrations. His skin was a bit paler, and he looked like he hadn't slept in days, but despite that, he moved quickly and gracefully towards her. He didn't seem to care about the blood-soaked bandage around his bicep, or the room full of people. He scooped her off of her feet, his lips wordlessly finding her own.

Kissing Paul was like coming home. Any tension that had been left in her body melted away as the noise seemed to fade leaving just the two of them in this moment. "You scared the hell out of me, Isabella." He breathed, his voice horse and deep.

"Right back at you." She tried to laugh, but it came out as a sob. His large hands cupped her face as his forehead rested against her own. "I thought that-" Another sob cut her words off as his hand drifted to her stomach. So, he knew. "Don't do that Paul. Don't leave me. Ever…. I love you, you idiot."

Paul breathed a laugh, his beautiful face a mixture of relief and pain. "Well, then." He sighed, brushing his lips against hers quickly. "I guess we're gonna have to get married. Because I love you too."

Bella always thought that the idea of marriage was terrifying – that she would sooner die then walk down the aisle. She laughed as his thumbs swiped at the tears that rolled over her reddened cheeks. "Yeah. I guess we're going to have to." She hardly heard the cheers and teasing comments from the pack as Wyatt's tiny hands clutched at her shirt and Paul's lips covered her own. She didn't always believe that coming back to La Push was a great idea. She had worried that when she had gotten pregnant, she would be reduced to a single mother, never living out her life like she had intended. Instead, she got the life she never knew she needed. Everything that had happened - everything that weighed on them was meant to be. All roads led her back here, to her family... to Paul.

AN: Okay guys! This was the last official chapter, but there WILL be an epilogue! I can't believe it's almost over. Thank you so much to everyone that hung in there with me. I'm still working on Beautiful Trauma, those chapters just take a bit longer due to length and the focus I'm putting into them! Thank you again, guys! I'm super excited to write the epilogue and give them the happy ending they deserve!