A/N: Well here it is. The last and longest chapter. It's amazing how this developed from a silly idea to make Jareth a sexy librarian to what it is now. I really never expected it to be this long or this well received. Thank you all for the loving reviews and loving support! I promise to eventually finish my other fics, but first I have a book to finish before my editors hurt me. But fear not, his Glitterness will not be losing a scribe. I'm his, always and forever. His stories will continue to be told for a long time.
Chapter 23
Oberon sat in the small office that now belonged to him. He now knew what was going on, but hadn't returned to the Underground just yet. He was trying to think of how to tell his wife, and more importantly Jareth, what had happened. It was possible that Jareth was aware, but he doubted it. If he had known he wouldn't have let Oberon separate them for so long.
He could simply erase Sarah's memories, but Jareth would still be linked to her. He'd know everything she felt for the rest of her life. While the idea of making Jareth suffer appealed to him, he knew Titania would never forgive him.
Sighing, Oberon ran his fingers through his hair. He had hated Jareth for years, mainly because he was jealous of the Goblin King's popularity. He had banished him to the Goblin Kingdom to limit his time at court, but he was still the most desirable bachelor. Oberon wasn't lacking in the romance department, but he disliked hearing all the whispers about the younger Fae. "I suppose I made Jareth suffer enough." He stood and with a wave of his hand, opened a portal to the Underground. As soon as he stepped through all memories and traces of Dr. Alberto Berron vanished.
Back at his castle, Oberon found his wife waiting for him. "Welcome home, husband." She smiled sweetly. "Did you find out anything about Jareth's mortal?"
"I did, but you knew I would, didn't you?"
Titania feigned ignorance. "Why would I know anything about it?"
"You always know when I'm wrong, wife. And you take great pleasure in watching me see my errors." Oberon grumbled as he sat on his throne. "I'll let you deliver the news to the Goblin King."
"Which is...?"
"I'm revoking my punishment and allowing Jareth to travel Above as needed to get his mortal. I'll even allow her to undergo the change and become one of us if she wishes to do so."
Titania walked over and knelt by his throne. "I knew you'd make the right decision, my love." She grinned.
"Leave me, you infuriating woman," Oberon said as he waved her off. "Go help your nephew make arrangements."
Titania kissed his cheek and whispered something in his ear that made him turn red. Before he could respond, she vanished. Sighing, he stood and headed for his chambers. "That woman will be the death of me."
At the Castle beyond the Goblin City, Jareth was pacing the throne room. It had been almost a week since he went to see Oberon. He wasn't sure what would happen when the High King found Sarah or what he might decide to do. All Jareth could do was wait and see. He still felt Sarah's sadness, but she hadn't called out for him anymore.
He turned to see Titania walking in. "My Lady." He rushed over to greet her.
"No need to be so formal now, Jareth." She said in a scolding tone. "We're not at court and Oberon is nowhere near. Besides I come with good news."
"What is it, Auntie?" Jareth held his breath.
Smiling, she embraced her nephew. "He changed his mind," she whispered in his ear. Jareth pulled away to look her in the eyes. "He spoke to your mortal and figured it all out. It was just as I suspected."
"He spoke to Sarah?" Jareth's eyes lit up. "Is she well? Can I send a messenger to her?"
"You may do more than that, my dear boy," Titania smirked. "You may go collect your wife."
"My wife..." He stared at her dumbfounded for a moment. "Oberon is allowing me to bring her here? To wed her? Is that what Sarah wishes?"
"She wishes it so much that it is already true." His aunt said as she hugged him. She whispered in his ear and what she said had him grinning like a fool. "Now go on, your beloved is waiting."
Jareth hugged her once more and quickly turned into an owl. Flying as fast as his wings would carrying him, he hurried to Sarah's dorm.
Landing by the window to her dorm, he gazed in but found it wasn't her room anymore. "Right, it's a new school year. She would have been assigned a new dorm." Jareth thought as he ruffled his feathers.
Flying off, he headed to the one place he was certain to find her, or at least find out when she would be there. Landing in a secluded area by the library, Jareth disguised himself as a delivery man with a large bouquet of flowers in his arms.
Walking in, he glanced around and saw it was empty except for Mrs. White, who was at the check out counter. Sighing, he approached the desk. "Excuse me, ma'am." When the older woman looked up, he smiled. "I have a delivery for a Miss Sarah Williams. I was told I might find her here."
Standing up, Mrs. White examined the flowers. "Well, she's not here right now. She'll be in later this evening. I'll sign for them if needed."
Jareth handed her the phony invoice and watched her sign. "Thank you very much."
"I don't see a card. Who should I tell her these are from?"
Jareth reached in his pocket and pulled out an envelope. "Sorry about that. I forgot the card."
"I'll see that she gets these when she arrives for her shift this evening." Mrs. White said as she carried the flowers to the office.
"Her shift? I thought she was a student."
"She is, but she also works here part-time." Mrs. White responded. "Hopefully these will cheer her up a bit. The poor dear has been extremely depressed lately."
Jareth turned his head and gritted his teeth. He knew exactly why she was depressed. "I'm sure she'll smile again soon." While he wanted to see Sarah as soon as he could, he decided waiting would be best. He'd make their reunion as special as he could, especially since he now had all of his usual magic at his disposal. He quickly left the building and hurried to make arrangements for their reunion that night.
Sarah sat in her small apartment with her friends and former roommates, Tammi and Dani. Since she no longer lived on campus, Sarah didn't see them as much and had to actually plan time to see them. Sarah had invited them to lunch with intentions of yelling at them for something, but for the life of her, she couldn't remember what that was now.
"So I know you are going to say no, but there's a new club that just opened and we were planning to go check it out tonight," Tammi said as she searched Sarah's cabinets for her stash of candy.
"If you know the answer, why do you bother asking?" Sarah questioned as she reached into the cabinet over the refrigerator and took out the bag of Hershey's kisses and tossed it at Tammi.
Grinning, Tammi grabbed a handful and sat down beside Dani. "Because you need to get out and live a little. Right, Dani?"
Dani took one of the kisses that Tammi held out to her and nodded in agreement. "She's right, Sarah. It's not good for you to stay cooped up in here or at the library all the time."
Sighing, Sarah flopped into her recliner. She knew they were right, but she really didn't want to be in a crowded place with strange people. She still remembered what happened the last time she let them drag her to a party, but then it hadn't been all bad. She smiled a little thinking about Jareth, but soon sighed and tried to push those thoughts from her head. He was gone, and probably not coming back.
"Sarah, I know you're still holing out for what's his name, and while we think it's odd there's no proof that he's even real, you have to face the facts, hon," Dani said plainly.
"Yea, it's been what? 10 months? I'm sorry but if he's real, he'd better have one hell of an excuse for not contacting you all this time. And honestly, does he expect you to wait forever?" Tammi asked before tossing three kisses into her mouth.
"Sarah, you're a beautiful, intelligent woman. You deserve to be happy. I say you go out with us and try to have fun. Who knows, maybe you'll find a date. And IF that guy ever shows up, deal with it then. He honestly can't fault you for moving on after all this time."
Sarah looked at her friends and then at the ring that her hand was playing with. "Maybe you're right."
"Of course we are." Tammi beamed.
"I'm not sure a club is a good place to start though. What would I even wear?" Sarah questioned.
Her two friends exchanged looks and then turned to her smirking. "I'm sure we can find something for you to wear," Tammi stated as she stood.
Sarah followed them into her bedroom and watched them dig through her closet. In the back, on hangers, they found the outfits that Jareth had given her before he left. "Woah! Sarah, where did you get these?" Dani inquired.
"And why haven't you worn them?" Tammi added as she noticed the price tags.
"They were gifts," Sarah replied as she sat on the bed. "From Jareth. I wanted him to be the first to see me in them..." She said sadly.
"Well, his loss." Tammi held the silky blue dress up. "This has my vote for you to wear tonight."
"I agree," added Dani. "If he wanted to see you in them, he should have gotten his ass back here. Now let's find you some sexy shoes and a matching purse." The two dove back into her closet looking for the perfect accessories.
That afternoon, after her lunch with her friends, and after classes were complete, Sarah made her way to the library. She felt a little better that day, though she wasn't sure why. Maybe lunch with her friends had been exactly what she needed. When she entered the building she sighed. While she loved the library and books, she couldn't help but think of Jareth every time she was there. "I must be a glutton for punishment." She mumbled to herself.
"Sarah," Mrs. White called out to her as she started walking over.
"Afternoon, Mrs. White," Sarah replied.
"A delivery came for you earlier."
"For me?" Sarah blinked in confusion. "Are you certain?" She asked as she followed the white-haired woman to the office.
"Unless you know another Sarah that is here all time time." She stated as she handed to card to the girl. "Have to say I'm a little jealous. Those are the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen." Mrs. White commented as she admired them once more.
Sarah studied the flowers. They looked familiar but she had no clue what any of them were. "Do you know what they are?"
"No, I'm afraid I don't. I wasn't really into botany." She watched Sarah for a moment before leaving the room.
Once she was gone, Sarah opened the envelope.
I would be delighted if you would join me for dinner tonight. I'll be waiting for you at P3 at 7 pm. If you don't show up, I'll know your answer.
Love always,
Your devoted slave
She read it three times trying to figure out who it could be. Her first thought, of course, was Jareth, but she pushed that aside. "Surely after all this time he would just show up sweep me off my feet." She thought. "No this isn't him. No point in getting my hopes up." Still having no clue, she sighed. "Maybe I should go out and get on with my life. The girls are right. Its been almost 10 months and no word from him. I think its time I move on and try to forget him. I can't wait around forever." She put the card in her purse and leaned over to smell the flowers. Smiling she felt a weight lift from her heart. "So I guess I have a date tonight."
After a boring shift at the library, Sarah went home to prepare for her date. She gave Tammi and quick call to let her know that she would not be accompanying them to the club, as she had a date. Tammi didn't believe her and tried to argue, but Sarah promised to bring her proof on Monday and hung up on her. After a quick shower, Sarah searched her closet for something to wear. She debated the blue dress that Tammi and Dani had wanted her to wear to the club. She loved how it looked and felt, but it had been a gift from the man she was supposed to move on and forget. Sighing she pulled the blue dress from the closet. "Well I certainly haven't forgotten about him yet," she said to herself as she played with the ring hanging around her neck.
Ignoring her feelings for the moment, she put on the dress and tucked the ring safely under the fabric. If things went well with her mystery man, tonight might be the last night she wore that ring. After doing her hair and makeup, Sarah grabbed her purse and put on her shoes. Taking one last look in the mirror, she nodded and headed out the door.
Sarah drove across town to the restaurant. As she drove she tried to keep her nerves under control. Part of her wanted to turn around and go home, but something told her she had to see this through. As she parked in the lot by P3, Sarah noticed how empty it looked, which was very unusual. P3 was the best in town and reservations were hard to get. Her stomach was in knots as she went inside. "How will I know who he is?" She thought.
Once inside, she was surprised to find it was empty except for one table in the center of the room, set for two with candles. "Miss Williams?"
"Yes?" Sarah looked up to see an older gentleman dressed all in white approaching her.
"Welcome to my humble establishment. My staff is at your service for the night. Anything you want, just name it and it is yours." The older gentleman, who Sarah assumed was the owner, said as he walked her to the table.
Sarah sat and looked around. It was a beautiful room with dazzling lights, amazing art, and soft jazz music playing. "I must be dreaming." She said to herself.
Her heart nearly stopped when she heard a familiar tune come from her purse. She rushed to retrieve her phone from her purse. She stared at the screen, unbelieving the name that appeared. My slave. Standing up, Sarah answered it and tried not to cry. "Jareth?"
"Hello, Precious."
Tears starting running down her cheeks when she heard his voice. "Where are you?"
"Right where I should be." He said quietly, but it wasn't through the phone that she heard his voice.
Sarah turned around slowly, to see him standing a few feet away, dressed in a dark blue suit. His hair was longer but not as wild as it normally was in his true form. His Fae markings were hidden, but his blue eyes were shining. Dropping her phone, Sarah ran over and threw her arms around him and kissed him with all the pent up emotions she had been bottling up since he left. They only separated when they had to for air. She hugged him tightly, tears flowing freely down her face. "You're really here? Please, oh please, don't let this be a dream." She sobbed as she clung to him.
Jareth held her tight and kissed her forehead. "I'm really here, Precious. I'm sorry I took so long to return to you." He said before kissing her tenderly.
Smiling she gazed into his eyes and saw the same emotions she had seen in them the night he left. Thinking of how hard the last months had been, she pulled away from him and punched his shoulder as hard as she could. "I was starting to think you weren't coming back!" Sarah yelled as she wiped her eyes. "I called for you so many times, but you never answered."
"I know," Jareth replied as he rubbed his shoulder. It would bruise, but he didn't care. He couldn't blame her for hitting him after all she went through."I heard you and it killed me not being able to come to you." He placed his hand on her back and guided back to her seat. He pulled his chair around so he could sit closer.
"What happened? Why couldn't you come back? Did you use too much magic?" Sarah had so many questions for him.
"A lot happened once I returned to the Underground, and I will tell you all about it in good time." He smiled and let his eyes wander over her body as he sat beside her. "I knew that dress would look splendid on you."
"I haven't worn it or any of the clothes you left me, well other than your clothes. I wore them as long as they held your scent, but soon that faded away, just like everything else about you did." Sarah said as she looked at the floor.
Jareth reached over and lifted her chin until she looked at him. "Forgive me, Sarah, my love." He caressed her cheek and smiled when she leaned into his touch.
"Of course I do." She said as she gazed into his blue eyes. "I love you."
Jareth's mouth opened in surprise at her words. "You do?"
Nodding she took his hand in hers and held it to her chest. "I wanted to tell you before you left, but I just couldn't get the words out until it was too late."
"Is that what you were saying when I looked back?"
"Yes, I want to tell you so badly, but... no matter how hard I tried I couldn't say it. I thought maybe you didn't come back because I never told you how I felt." Sarah confessed.
"Oh, Precious," He leaned over and kissed her cheek. "I knew you cared. Your actions said what your words couldn't. But hearing you say it," he paused and grinned like the lovesick fool he was, "I can't tell you how happy it makes me. I love you, Sarah."
"I love you too," Sarah whispered as she leaned forward to kiss him. They shared several long passionate kisses before Jareth finally stood and pulled her into his arms. "Please, don't ever leave me like that again."
"Never," Jareth stated as he kissed her forehead. Gently they swayed to the music and he rubbed soothing circles on her back.
"So what happened?" Sarah asked as she laid her head on his shoulder.
"The High King showed up at my castle just as I got my strength back," Jareth told her. "He punished me for coming Above and interfering with humans."
"That's why you were delayed?"
"That's why I almost didn't get to return at all." He hugged her close, never wanting to let go. "I thought I'd lost you forever." He whispered.
"What?" Sarah tried to pull away to look him in the eyes, but he only tightened his hold on her.
"Lord Oberon declared that I was forbidden from seeing you again. I wasn't supposed to be able to see you in my crystals, visit your dreams, or even hear you if you made a wish." He explained.
"That's not fair," Sarah mumbled against his chest. He nearly laughed at her use of her old favored phrase. "Why would he do that?"
"He knew it would punish me more than anything else he could do, including killing me." Jareth sighed and finally let her go. "Come on, let's eat and I'll explain everything." He kissed her softly and walked back to the table. They took their seats and the waiter brought their drinks.
"If he said you couldn't see me, why didn't Hoggle or anyone else come tell me?" Sarah inquired.
"Because Oberon declared no one from my Kingdom was allowed to have contact with you." Jareth sipped his wine and reached his hand out towards Sarah.
Taking his hand, she squeezed it gently. "So I was to suffer as well? This Oberon sounds like an ass, punishing me for no reason. I'd like to give him a piece of my mind."
Jareth smirked at her comment. "He can be, but I believe it was more punishment for me. He knew that not being able to send a messenger to you would lead to your heartbreaking when I didn't return. That knowledge would make my suffering even greater. But he didn't count on you having such a strong devotion to me."
"So because I wouldn't give up hope, he let you return?"
"Not exactly..." Jareth said quietly as he waved the waiter over. "I'll take the chicken parmigiana with pasta fagioli." He looked at Sarah and smiled. "What would you like, my love?"
Sarah laughed, shaking her head. "I haven't even seen a menu."
"No menu needed. Whatever you want, you'll have it." Jareth told her.
"I honestly have no idea." She looked at the waiter and shrugged. "I guess I'll have the same thing."
The waiter nodded and went to the kitchen with their orders. Jareth took Sarah's hands in his and caressed the back of them with his thumbs. "I can't begin to tell you how much I've missed you, Precious."
"I've missed you too." Sarah smiled. "So why did Oberon change his mind?"
Jareth broke eye contact and looked around nervously. He was still unsure of how to tell her what really happened. Clearing his throat, he decided to at least try and tell her most of the details. "Well, a week ago I went to see the High King. Despite him saying I wouldn't be able to hear your wishes, I still heard them. It was more than just your wishes though. I heard you anytime you called my name. I felt your sadness, your loneliness. I thought it was another way for him to torment me. I couldn't take it anymore. I begged him to let me send Hoggle or another messenger to you. I could resign myself to that fact that I would never see you again as long as I knew you weren't suffering." He explained.
"Jareth..." she brought his hand up to her face and kissed it. "If Hoggle had come to tell me that, I probably would have made him take me to the Underground to find you. I don't care if he is High King, he has no right to keep you from me."
Jareth shook his head, smiling. "That's my Sarah. Still headstrong and stubborn. Auntie is going to love you."
"Your aunt?"
"Oh yes, I forgot to mention," He paused to sip more wine, "Oberon is my uncle. He's married to my mother's sister." He grinned.
"Your own uncle did this!" Sarah's eyes widened in shock.
"He has no love for his wife's side of the family. My auntie on the other hand, well she is very loving and always doted on me when I was small." Jareth stated as the waiter brought their bowls of soup.
Sarah picked up her spoon and shook her head. "I have a hard time picturing you as a child."
"Why's that, Sarah? I grew up just like any other being. I wasn't hatched from an egg as a fully grown Fae." He joked.
"I know, it's just..." she gazed into his eyes. "I don't know... You've always been this perfectly beautiful, magical being that I dreamt about. I just can't picture you as a screaming baby."
"Well I promise you, I was a screaming baby, just like young Toby, once upon a time. You can ask my mother if you don't believe me." Jareth said before eating his soup.
They chatted quietly as they enjoyed their meal. Jareth did his best to keep the conversation away from Oberon and his reason for changing his mind. Jareth intended to tell her, but he wanted to find the appropriate time and way to do so.
After their plates were cleared, Jareth stood and held his hand out to Sarah. She took it and he pulled her into his arms, swaying slowly to the music. Sarah wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head against his shoulder. "So what happens now?" Sarah asked.
"Well, I was planning on dancing with you for a bit then taking you back to my castle for the night, unless you need to be somewhere in the morning."
Sarah smiled at his thoughtfulness. "No. No plans for the weekend. I'm all yours."
"Splendid." He beamed and he tightened his hold on her waist. He snapped his fingers and suddenly a very familiar tune started playing. "There's such a sad love, deep in your eyes..." he sang to her as they danced.
Sarah's hands played with his blonde hair as she danced with him, his voice filling her with warm magic of its own. When the song ended, Jareth kissed her tenderly and swept her off her feet. She let out a surprised yelp as he lifted her off the ground. "What are you doing?" She asked her voice filled with laughter as he spun her around.
"Enjoying having you in my arms, my love." He stated once he stopped spinning. "I may never let you go."
"I'd come back you even if you did." She assured him.
"Close your eyes." He whispered.
Closing her eyes, Sarah felt the world around her shift. It was a strange feeling, but Jareth kept his arms wrapped securely around her. When the world stopped moving, she slowly opened her eyes to see Jareth gazing lovingly at her. "What happened?"
"I brought us back to the castle."
Sarah looked around and found she was in a large bedroom, with a grand fireplace. The grey stone walls were the same as she remembered seeing when she had stormed the castle in search of her brother. There were few decorations in the room, much like Jareth's apartment had been. Feeling Jareth tug on her hand, she followed him to the glass doors on the other side of the room. He opened them and motioned for her to go through them.
Stepping outside, she walked over to the railing of the small balcony and looked out. It was the most beautiful sight she had ever seen. The sun was setting over the Labyrinth and the normal purple sky was filled with reds and golds. "Oh, Jareth..." She stared in wonder at the view.
"I knew you'd love it." He whispered as he wrapped his arms around her from behind.
"I do." She turned her head to kiss him. "Almost as much as I love you."
He captured her lips as she turned to face him, her hands tangling themselves in his hair. "Sarah," he moaned her name as he started kissing down her neck.
Leaning her head to the side, Sarah closed her eyes enjoying the feel of his lips on her. "God I've missed you." She purred when his hands began to wander her body.
"And I've missed you." He responded as he lifted her into his arms and carried her back inside. He placed her back on her feet beside the bed and slowly pulled down the zipper of her dress as he kissed her. Letting the fabric fall to the floor, he stepped back and admired her almost nude form. "So beautiful, my precious Sarah." His heart swelled with adoration when he saw the ring on a chain around her neck. "You're wearing the ring?"
Sarah picked it up and smiled. "I've never taken it off. I wore it around my neck to avoid the awkward questions it would have created."
"I understand." Jareth removed the necklace and placed it on the table with care.
Sarah stepped out of the dress, removed her bra, and pushed her panties down, letting them join the discarded dress on the floor. Laying down on the bed, she motioned for him to join her. He climbed on the bed and kissed her as his hands began caressing her breasts.
Sarah started tugging at his shirt until she pulled it free and started trying to pull it over his head. Jareth broke their kiss long enough to help her and tossed the garment on the floor behind him. With a wave of his hand, the rest of his clothes vanished and Sarah couldn't help but stare at him. He was the sexiest man she had ever known, with or without clothes. Not wanting to wait any longer, Sarah pushed him back and climbed over him. He was already fully erect and ready for her. She rubbed herself against his tip, teasingly.
"Oh Precious," He groaned as she grabbed a hold of him and eased him inside.
Sarah rode him slowly at first, enjoying the feel of him filling her so completely after so long. She knew months ago she would never find someone that would make her feel the way he did, and she never wanted to. "Jareth..." she moaned his name as she rotated her hips above him.
Jareth resisted the urge to thrust upwards and take control. He wanted her to take her pleasure as much and as long as she wanted and needed. He was overjoyed just to have her in his bed once more, and he hoped it would be the first night of many many more.
Sooner than either wanted, they both reached their climax and laid there, still joined together, as they calmed their breathing. Jareth was the first to speak. "No matter how many times we do this, it's always better than the last."
Sighing, Sarah nodded, her whole body tingling. "Did you use magic this time?"
"Only to keep you safe." He whispered as he kissed her shoulder, his hands rubbing up and down her back.
"Safe?" Sarah sat up with a questioning look.
"I simply prevented you from becoming pregnant. Unless..."
Sarah kissed him before he could finish his sentence. "Not yet. One day, but for now I think we have enough on our plates without a baby."
Sarah shifted, sliding off him and laid beside him, her head resting on his chest. Waving a hand over them, Jareth cleaned them both and pulled a sheet up to cover them. "So does that mean you want to stay here, and one day have a family?"
Sarah considered his question. She certainly didn't want to be separated from him again, but was she ready to move to the Underground permanent? "What about my family? My friends?"
"We can visit them anytime you wish, and they may even visit us here occasionally. I would never ask you to leave them forever."
Kissing his chest, she sat up and looked into his eyes. "Could I stay here? What about Oberon? He's not going to try and come between us again is he?"
Jareth sat up and took her hands in his. He was as nervous as could be, but knew it was time. Kissing her hands, he climbed out of bed and walked over to the table to retrieve the ring. Sarah watched him with interesting, unsure of what he was up to. Kneeling on the floor by her, he held the ring out to her. "I gave this to you almost a year ago without a word about it. It wasn't how I intended to do it, but it felt right at the time. I wanted you to know I was serious and that I would return for you."
"It was the only thing that kept me from giving up hope..." She whispered as she reached out and caressed his cheek.
"Sarah, my champion, my love, my life," he paused and took a deep breath. "Will you stay here and rule by my side? Will you be my Queen?"
"Jareth..." she stared into his eyes as tears filled her own. She hesitated but only for a moment. Nodding she leaned down and kissed him.
Jareth placed the ring on her finger once more and then wiped her tears away. "I have something I have to tell you, Precious."
"What?" She asked.
Moving to sit beside her, Jareth wrapped his arm around her. "You asked if Oberon would try to come between us again. Much to his dismay, he can't. At least not permanently." He stopped to kiss her. "Now I want you to know I didn't do this intentionally. I had no idea this would happen."
"What would happen?"
"Remember the night I taught you a few things in Gaelic?"
"Of course. I still remember what you taught me." She smiled and recited some of it from memory.
Jareth grinned and kissed her tenderly. "I told you what those phrases mean, right?"
"Yes. There's a line about only calling out your name at night and waking to your face in the morning." She cupped his chin and rubbed her nose against his. "It was all very sweet and romantic, especially while you were doing such amazing things to me with your hands and mouth."
He chuckled lightly and held her hand. "Yes, well what I didn't tell you was those lines are part of a ritual. I had you say them out of order and not even the complete versions of them. I didn't think it would do anything. I just wanted to hear you say the words."
Sarah pulled her hand away and stood. "Jareth, what did you do?"
Sighing, he stood and with a wave of his hand two robes appeared. He put one on and handed the other to Sarah, which she put on as she watched him go sit by the fire. She followed and sat on the other chair. He was silent for a while and then after running his hand through his hair, he spoke.
"You cannot command me for I am a free person But I shall serve you in those ways you require And the honeycomb will taste sweeter coming from my hand. I vow to you the first cut of my meat, the first sip of my wine, from this day on it shall be only your name I cry out in the night and into your eyes that I smile each morning; I shall be a shield for your back as you are for mine, no shall a grievous word be spoken about us, for our marriage is sacred between us and no stranger shall hear my grievance. Above and beyond this, I will cherish and honor you through this life and into the next. Ye are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone. I give ye my Body, that we Two might be One. I give ye my Spirit, 'til our Life shall be Done. You cannot possess me for I belong to myself But while we both wish it, I give you that which is mine to give." He recited it as he stared into the fire, worried about how Sarah would react to what he was telling her.
"Are those...are those wedding vows?" Sarah blinked as she stared at him, her mind beginning to understand.
"Yes, they are."
She thought back to his proposal earlier. He had asked her to be his Queen, not his wife. "Are you telling me that by reciting a few lines of that, we're married?"
"It would seem so. If I had known I wouldn't have told you the words." Jareth put his head in his hands.
Moving to kneel in front of him, she pulled his hands away from his face. "Look at me." She commanded. "Is that why Oberon let you come back?"
He nodded. "I guess he figured it out when he spoke to you."
"I never spoke to him," Sarah argued.
"He probably removed all memories of his trip to the Above. All I know is Auntie showed up a week after I begged him to reconsider and told me to go get my wife. She said that you and I are bonded already and not even Oberon can break that bond." Jareth explained as he brushed her hair from her face.
"I don't understand how saying a few words, especially when they are out of order and incomplete, can make us married."
"Its old magic. I didn't think it would hurt anything. You hadn't even said you loved me. The words only work if you mean it."
"And you didn't think I would mean any of it?" Sarah asked softly.
"One day, perhaps, but not at the time," he admitted.
Sarah stood and paced the room in silence. Jareth felt his heartache as he watched her play with the ring on her finger. "That's why you could hear me, even though Oberon was preventing it, isn't it?"
Sarah thought about the last year and how much she had been through. "For richer or poorer, in sickness and in health." She mumbled to herself.
"What was that Precious?"
Sarah walked over to Jareth and sat on his lap. Jareth blinked at her in surprise as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "How did it go again?"
"Tell me the entire vow. One line at a time."
Jareth felt his heart pounding in his chest. He said each line in Gaelic and once she repeated it, he said it in English for her before giving her the next line. After they said the last line, Sarah kissed him with as much passion as she could. When she pulled away, she rested her head against his. "I mean every word of it, Jareth. I love you. I think I have for a long time. I just wasn't ready to admit it."
Jareth held her tight and peppered her face with soft kisses. "I love you," he whispered over and over as he continued kissing her.
Sarah pulled away and pressed her finger to his lips. "You still owe me a proper wedding though, with all my friends and family present."
"I'll give you 50 weddings if that is what you desire, my love."
Laughing lightly, she kissed his nose. "One will be plenty. Though I think we better tell everyone about you before we start planning a wedding."
"Agreed. And I want you to meet my mother and Auntie, and I supposed I can let my idiot brother meet you too," he smirked.
Jareth stood with her still in his arms and carried her back to bed. "All of that can wait though. This weekend I'm not letting you out of my sight, or my bed, at all."
After a long weekend spent together at the castle, Jareth returned Sarah to her small apartment so she could continue her studies. Sarah didn't think it was important anymore, seeing she was going to be Queen instead of getting a job, but Jareth insisted. He told her it was also to give them time for him to meet her friends and family. He knew from experience how protective some of her friends were. He was positive her parents would be worse.
Tammi and Dani had been easy to deal with. Jareth simply gave them their memories back and he and Sarah explained to them what happened with the High King. They did leave out the fact that they were technically already married by Fae law. After a brief adjusting period, the two friends were thrilled for their friend and began planning her bachelorette party. Sarah assured Jareth that he had nothing to worry about, the only person she wanted to see strip was him.
Her parents had been easier than expected. Karen was thrilled that Sarah had a such a charming gentleman and Robert stopped giving Jareth dirty looks after he promised to let him come and inspect his home and office. Toby just stared at him the entire visit. Just before they left he pulled Sarah to the side and whispered, "Sarah are you sure you want to be with the Goblin King?"
"Toby, how did you know he's the Goblin King?"
"I remember him," Toby stated plainly.
Sarah nodded and assured her brother that, yes she did want to be with Jareth and that she loved him as much as he loved her. The boy simply shrugged and gave his approval.
Jareth's family was the easiest of them all. His mother adored Sarah and promised to teach her to make all of Jareth's favorite foods, and how to keep the rascal in line. Titania had immediately hugged her and given her blessing on their union, going so far as to wish them well on conceiving their first heir. Sarah had laughed it off, while Jareth tried to hide his embarrassment.
The last person Sarah was introduced to was Oberon, who tried to act like he didn't care to meet her. Titania drug him in and elbowed him when he was rude. Despite his dislike for Jareth, he couldn't deny that Sarah was a good match for him. And much to his, and everyone else's, surprise he actually found Sarah to be a sweet child and gave her his blessing as well.
Several weeks after they had made the formal introductions and secretly started planning the wedding, Sarah woke to find herself alone in their room. While she was still attending the University at Jareth's request, she requested that he stay with her at her apartment during the week, and she stay at the castle on the weekends. It was an arrangement he was more than happy to make.
Grabbing her robe from the end of the bed, Sarah made her way down the halls of the castle in search of Jareth. After searching for close to 20 minutes, she found him in the library sitting on the couch, with a book in hand. Grinning, Sarah walked over and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Should have known I'd find you here." She kissed his cheek. "You're as bad as me about always being in the library. I have no idea how you manage to get any work done. You're always here or in bed."
Chuckling, Jareth placed his book down and looked up at her. "What can I say? I'm a born librarian with a sex drive."
"A very healthy sex drive." Sarah agreed before kissing him.
Jareth grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap, his hand starting to untie the belt of her robe. "And what about you, my love, however did you get any work done while surrounded by books?" He asked as he kissed her neck.
"Well, I got a lot more done when I didn't have the sexy librarian distracting me."
Jareth laughed as he pulled her robe open and kissed down her chest. "You did a marvelous job of ignoring me at first."
"That's what you think...mmmm" Sarah moaned as he massaged her breasts. "I kept glancing around looking for you."
"Did little Sarah want Jamie to ravish her right there on the table?" He asked teasingly.
"Maybe..." She closed her eyes enjoying the feel of his tongue against her hard nipples.
"Should I ravish you here, among the books, right now?"
Sarah opened her eyes and met his gaze. His eyes were dark and lust filled. "You can ravish me anytime you want, beloved," Sarah responded as she started unbuttoning his shirt.
Jareth lifted her into his arms as he stood and carried her to the nearby table, where he sat her down. He pushed the robe from her shoulders and let his eyes take in every inch of her naked form. "So beautiful, Precious." He whispered as he knelt in front of her.
Sarah watched as he removed his gloves with his teeth and tossed them aside. She reached down and ran her fingers through his blonde locks, her nails scraping his scalp gently. Her eyes closed and her head leaned back the moment he began licking her most sensitive area.
Jareth's tongue circled her clit as he slid one finger inside her slowly. He sucked softly on her, his teeth grazing her sensitive flesh. He groaned as he felt her hands grip his hair and pull him closer. He licked her in long slow strokes, driving her crazy.
"Jareth..." She practically purred his name.
He slid a second finger inside her as he quickened his pace. "That's it, Precious. Let me hear you." He returned to stimulating her clit with his tongue as he curled his fingers inside. Sarah's moans grew louder as he brought her closer and closer to the edge.
Feeling herself getting closer and closer, Sarah wrapped her legs around him, wanting him as close as possible. A few minutes later her juices flowed freely over his fingers as she came hard.
Jareth lapped up every drop like a starved animal. When he was satisfied, he stood and kissed her soundly. The taste of herself on his lips only turned her on more. "Delicious as always, Precious." He whispered. "Now shall I take you on the table or against the bookshelf?"
Sarah didn't have time to respond. Before she could fulling comprehend the question, he had pulled her to her feet and was kissing her hungrily as he pushed her back against the bookshelf. Feeling her back hit the sturdy wood, she realized he had been asking himself, not her, where he should take her.
With a wave of his hand, his clothes vanished and he lifted his love into his arms once more. She wrapped her legs around him and he groaned as he felt her warmth rub against his already hard cock. "Do you know what you do to me, Precious?"
"I have a pretty good idea," she grinned as she rotated her hips, causing very pleasurable friction between them.
He kissed her again as he thrust himself deep inside her. He stayed there for a moment, savoring the feel of her around him. When she nipped his bottom lip, he smiled and started moving. Sarah was often impatient, especially if he teased her too much before giving her what she truly wanted, which was to be joined completely with him as they both found bliss. He pulled out and slammed back into her, slowly at first, but gradually increased his pace.
Sarah leaned back against the bookshelf as he pounded into her. Several books fell to the floor as his pace got wild and erratic. They ignored the mess they were making and held onto each as they climbed the peak together. Sarah raked her nails down his back as she climaxed. The slight pain she caused only added to his pleasure and helped to send him over the edge as well. He held her there for several minutes, both breathing heavily and sweaty as they held onto one another, neither wishing to let go.
Jareth closed his eyes and with a snap, they were instantly back in their chambers, Sarah laying on her back with him still buried deep inside. "Tired, my love?" She teased as she relaxed against the soft mattress.
"A little." He kissed her nose. "You exhaust me." Slowly he pulled out and laid beside her.
Sarah felt his magic wash over, cleaning them both instantly. "At least clean up is easy."
Jareth laughed and pulled her into his arms. "Very true. And I don't miss those damn annoying condoms."
"Oh, they aren't that bad. They can actually add to our pleasure." Sarah told him as she snuggled on his chest.
"I fail to see how that is possible."
Sarah traced lazy circles on his chest as she thought about it. "Well, there are many different types. Some have ridges, some have special lubricants that make things warm and tingly. There's even some that are flavored."
"Yes." She sat up and kissed him softly. "Maybe I should buy some next week just so you can see what I'm talking about."
"Is there a book about these things? I could always use magic to simulate the effects these condoms have, then we wouldn't need to use them at all." Jareth suggested.
"Not everything can be found in a book. And not everything in books is helpful." Sarah stated. "I read a lot of steamy sex scenes in high school, but none of them came close to how sex really worked."
"Oh?" He questioned. "Is that why you were so awkward in your dreams?"
"What do you mean awkward?"
"Well the first time you decided you wanted in my pants, you nearly ripped them off me and you didn't seem to care that I couldn't move easily with my leggings around my knees."
Sarah laughed as she remembered what he was talking about. "Perfect example. None of the books ever mentioned how important it was to completely remove your clothes."
"Yes, well thank the gods for magic." Jareth mused as he brushed her hair from her face. "Makes things like that much easier. Though I will admit there is something truly magnificent about stipping you with my own hands. I love watching you get excited as I remove each piece of clothing."
"Mmmm." she moaned softly as his hand snaked around her waist, his fingertips ghosting over her bare skin. "Maybe I should write some books and let people know how sex really works."
"With or without magic?" He grinned as he squeezed her ass.
"With. I don't think any mortal can do the things you do, even without magic." Sarah stated before kissing his chest. "But it will be lots of fun if I ever need a little inspiration. I'm married to one hell of a lover after all."
"Flattery will get you everything you desire, my Queen."
"I have all I desire right here." She sat up and kissed him tenderly. "I have an incredibly loving, sexy, and talented man that loves me and spoils me daily."
"And I have all I ever wanted and more." He rubbed his nose against hers. "I have my best friend, my equal, my love, my life, my wife, my Queen." He kissed her and then gazed into her green eyes as he caressed her cheek. "I have you, my precious Sarah. What else could I ask for?"
Sarah smiled as she hugged him. "I love you, Jareth."
"And I love you, Precious."