When last we left our lovely vampires and hunters, Chris foolishly teased Mila for hooking up with a vamp, Kenjirou lost what was left of his damn mind and killed his progeny Hideki while someone was watching at the door . . .

Now without further ado (sorry it's STUPID late), let's continue our tale:

wakizashi - a smaller, katana-like sword. Samurai would often carry both a wakazashi and a katana.

saya- is the scabbard, the sleeve that protects the blade and the person carrying it.

Chap 24 - Nothing to Lose

~Sometime in the late 18th Century at the Minami Estate~

"Nee-san!" Kenjirou ran up to his elder sister, positively beaming.

"Kenji!" Hana smiled, her dark eyes sparkling in the bright afternoon sun. She was wearing her favorite sakura patterned kimono which matched the gorgeous spring day around them.

"You're back!" Kenjirou squealed in delight as he slammed his small body into his sister. "I missed you."

"I missed you too Kenji," Hana sighed, breathing in her little brother's familiar scent and gently stroking his short hair.

"Oh!" Kenjirou pulled back with an excited squeak. "Look look!" He cried, happily skipping over to the fountain in the middle of the courtyard. "While you were gone," he rolled up his sleeves and stood as tall as he could, "I learned a few things." He grinned, his fangs that never quite retracted all the way hanging out over his lower lip slightly.

Hana had missed him desperately, but she had been called by her dear friend, the prince, to aid him in his quest to rid the world of the most vile humans. While Hana abhorred violence, even she agreed that it was a noble pursuit to aid those who could not protect themselves from the fangless monsters of the world. "Show me then," she smiled warmly at the rambunctious youth.

Kenjirou closed his eyes tight and began to concentrate. Slowly, a small jet of water sprouted from the side of the fountain in the shape of a snake. He opened his eyes and spun to face his sister, beaming. "Look!"

Hana clapped with a proud smile on her elegant face. Suddenly another's clapping joined her own and she turned to see the prince approaching from the main house.

"Well done, water has long been my favorite element," Yuuri nodded towards his friend's little brother. "You must be Kenjirou, your sister has told me so much about you."

Kenjirou's jaw went slack at the sight of his highness in his parent's garden and his water snake disappeared behind him. The prince was wearing a dark Chinese style jacket with tasseled buttons down the center of his chest and a high collar. His long raven hair was tied at the nape of his neck with a simple black cord. Kenjirou lowered his head and bowed respectfully. "You- your highness!" He shouted out, his entire body shaking from the powerful scent of the prince and his cheeks reddening from how attractive he found the man.

"Yuuri!" Hana flung her arms over the prince's shoulders and pulled him into a crushing hug. "Why didn't you tell me that you two were planning to follow me? We could've traveled together you goof." She pulled back and slapped him on the shoulder.

"Oww Hana," Yuuri whined, rubbing his shoulder where she had assaulted him.

"Your highness." Aoi and Kentaro Minami bowed as they walked into the garden.

"Aoi! Taro!" Yuuri exclaimed, striding over to shake the head of the Minami household's hand and place a chaste kiss on the back of the Lady of house's hand.

"Master!" Phichit cried hoarsely as he emerged in the garden behind the Minami's. He looked ragged, with branches and leaves sticking out at odd angles from his short ebony colored hair.

"Ah there you are Phichit," Yuuri smiled goofily, rubbing the back of his neck. "Aoi, Taro, allow me to introduce my progeny, Katsuki Phichit." He motioned to the haggard looking Thai man behind them. The Mianami's bowed. "Phichit, these are Hana's parents, Minami Kentaro and Minami Aoi."

"It's an honor to meet you," Phichit bowed deeply with a hand over his chest, attempting to remain dignified despite his disheveled appearance.

"The honor is all ours," Aoi cooed with a warm motherly glow. "To think that little Yuuri has finally created a progeny." She placed her hand over her heart and sighed adoringly towards the aforementioned prince.

Yuuri went red. "Aoi!" Yuuri cried in embarrassment, covering his face.

Phichit stifled a laugh, barely, at the sight of his all powerful master turning an impressive shade of crimson.

Aoi turned to Phichit and took hold of his hands. "You'll have to forgive me dear one, your master's family and my husband's have such a long history together that I feel like Yuu-chan's big sister at times." A tender smile graced her face, making her even more attractive. Her long cascading ebony hair practically touching the ground at the bottom of her elegant red silk kimono.

"Dear," Kentaro came up behind his wife with a fond smile, his hand caressing the small of her back. "I think you have sufficiently embarrassed our prince, let's go for a walk and let the younger ones chat." His eyes locked onto his wife's, showing the depths of his feelings for her. They weren't soul mates, but as good as. The love that they shared was a thing of enviable beauty.

"You're no fun," Aoi scowled playfully and then turned back to Yuuri. "Yuu-chan I do hope that you two will be staying with us, tonight at least?" She half asked, half demanded with her stern look.

"Thank you for your hospitality. We'll stay for the night." Yuuri nodded, knowing that he had little choice in the matter. As much as Hana knew how to boss him around, she was nothing compared to Aoi, who Yuuri had known for most of his existence.

"Phichit!" Hana skipped over to him. "Come on," she tugged him by his arm over towards the fountain. "You have to meet my adorable little brother!"

Phichit went, as if he was strong enough to push off a pure blood. His eyes landed on a slight boy, with startled caramel colored eyes and cute little fangs that peaked out over his lower lip. He didn't look anything like Hana or her mother, this boy more closely resembled his father, Kentaro.

"How do you do," Kenjirou bowed deeply upon Phichit's approach, Yuuri following behind.

"Oh stand up Kenji, Phichit and Yuuri aren't into formalities," Hana scoffed.

Slowly Kenjirou raised his head, his eyes locking onto the prince's. He had never seen or smelled anyone quite like his elder sister's best friend. He had yearned to meet the sole male heir to the thrown for quite some time. Pureblood vampires aged slower than humans or watered down vampires. Though Kenjirou was quickly approaching his centennial, he knew that he still held the form of an adolescent. That fact never frustrated him until now.

"Sorry our long awaited introduction got interrupted," Yuuri laughed, holding out his hand to Kenjirou. "Mind if I call you Ken?"

Kenjirou shook his head, unable to remember how to accurately form sounds, let alone words. He cautiously extended his hand to shake Yuuri's. As soon as his fingers made contact, a powerful surge rushed through his body, his eyes tinted, and his fangs descended of their own freewill. He stilled in utter mortification.

"Whoops!" Yuuri pulled his hand back and took several steps away from Kenjirou, while Phichit snarled defensively at his side.

"Calm down Phi," Yuuri commanded, not wanting his progeny to cause even more of a scene. "I umm usually refuse to meet a new pureblood until they are over one hundred because ah . . . that can happen." He motioned towards Kenjirou with a remorseful expression. "Sorry 'bout that," he laughed nervously.

"Master," Phichit hissed under the weight of Yuuri's command. "He might've attacked you." Phichit narrowed his eyes and warily stared at the young vampire.

Hana surveyed her brother with a critical stare, but said nothing.

"I'm so sorry your highness," Kenjirou fell to his knees, begging for forgiveness. He knew that to bare his fangs in the presence of royalty was a punishable offense. Though he had heard from his sister that the prince was merciful to a fault, he didn't think that testing the powerful man was a wise plan. Still he couldn't shake the strong emotions that were rushing through him, desire, lust, hunger. He had never felt any of these yearnings so strongly before.

"Oh come on now, none of that," Yuuri attempted to diffuse the situation and assuage the young man's misplaced guilt. When Kenjirou remained stubbornly in his submissive position on the ground, Yuuri could feel his patience waning. "Stand up!" He commanded, his voice dipping low. He wasn't as powerful as his father, but he was still royalty.

Kenjirou found himself on his feet in the blink of an eye, unable to understand how he got there. He blinked and looked to his sister for guidance.

"Ok that's enough," Hana stomped over to Yuuri, took off her zori, and whacked him in the head with it.

"Ouch!" Yuuri flinched, his anger dissipating in an instant.

Phichit could only grin, he was used to Hana beating on Yuuri and it never failed to amuse him. He had come to think of her as his own big sister in a way. She was one of Yuuri's guard during their missions of cleansing. Phichit had traveled with Hana, Otabek, Sara, and Leo around the world ever since he was turned over a century and a half ago. The other pure bloods would switch off every ten years or so to visit their families and take a break, but not Yuuri.

Twice now Kenjirou had witnessed his sister acting incredibly improperly with the prince, even physically assaulting him. He found himself oddly jealous at their easy relationship and familiarity. Both because he missed his sister terribly and because he longed to share that closeness with the prince himself.

"You and Phichit should go get cleaned up, you both stink like sweaty old men," Hana crinkled her nose in mock disgust and waved a hand in front of herself to shoo away the supposed smell.

Yuuri rolled his eyes, but grabbed Phichit and headed into the main house. Once they were out of sight for several minutes, Kenjirou took a deep, clean breath. As soon as Hana heard him, she rounded on her little brother.

"I know," Hana murmured quietly.

Kenjirou blinked and cocked his head to the side. "You know what?"

Hana stalked toward her brother and wrapped her arms around his head, pulling him into her ample chest. "That you have just met your soul mate," she whispered.

Kenjirou stilled in her arms, shocked. "My what?" The silk of her pink kimono with gently falling sakura muffled his voice.

"I know you Kenji, Yuuri is your soul mate, but I know Yuuri too," she sighed. Hana began to stroke his hair condolingly, "it isn't requited sweetheart."

Kenjirou pushed back, freeing himself from his sister's comforting embrace. "You think? I couldn't! He's the prince! How do you know?" He babbled, unable to complete a single thought.

Hana schooled her face, something she had become increasingly good at. "Yuuri may be oblivious, but I'm not. I saw how you reacted, it wasn't a simple hero worship, respect for his position, or reaction to his thick pure royal blood. You want him, in a way you have never wanted anyone before right?" She asked quietly, as calmly as she could. When she received a curt nod from her brother she continued. "His smell was unlike anything you have ever smelled and you struggled to physically keep yourself from jumping on him and draining him dry, correct?"

"How did you know all that?" Kenjirou asked in a small, scared voice.

"Because I'm a scholar Kenjirou, I have read numerous accounts of soul mates meeting one another for the first time. If Yuuri would have felt the same way as you do, well let's just say that mother and father would have been supremely embarrassed walking into the garden just now." Hana placed her hands on her hips and took a deep breath, not that she physically needed it, but more as a mentally stabilizing action.

As his sister's words sunk in, a blush crept across Kenjirou's cheeks. He was now deathly afraid that his sister could read his mind and see all his depraved thoughts regarding the handsome prince. "What do I do?" He asked shakily.

"That's up to you little one," Hana frowned. "Our family and the Katsuki family have had an unfortunate past with unrequited soul mates. You should look up your namesake, our great-great uncle Kenjirou, in the family archive before saying anything to Yuuri. I will support whatever decision you make Kenji."

"What am I going to do Hana?" Kenjirou began to breakdown on the spot as visions of the prince scoffing at him came to mind and of accounts he had heard about vampires going insane from an unrequited soul mate.

Hana caught him in her strong, sure arms. "I will always be here for you Kenji, always." Warm tears filled her eyes at the prospect of the loveless future that her little brother now faced.

She knew that Yuuri, dear, sweet, kind hearted Yuuri, would do everything he could for her brother. That he would devote himself to him even if he felt nothing for Kenjirou. Ironically her parents had been begging Yuuri to take her as a bride for years now. Sure she loved Yuuri, but there was no passion, no romance. It was a familial love, Yuuri was her best friend, but she would never have romantic feelings for him. She had always preferred the company of a woman over that of a man. Hana knew full well that Yuuri would much prefer the company of a man over a woman. Thus, they were ill suited for romance. But they were biologically well suited to carry on their noble heritage and rich bloodlines.

"What about you nee-chan? Don't you love the prince?" Kenjirou sniffled, clutching to his sister's kimono as though it were an anchor.

"Not like that. We have talked about getting married and producing heirs for traditions' sake," Hana sighed. "But we agreed that if we ever did get married, we would each be free to pursue love outside of our union. With the only stipulation being that no bastards were produced of course." She chuckled at the memory of having that conversation with a very inebriated Yuuri years ago.

"I can't tell him," Kenjirou decided. "Not yet anyways, maybe after my centennial."

"Ok little one, we'll figure this out together," Hana whispered into his hair.

"Thank you Nee-san," Kenjirou sniffled into his sister's kimono.

. . .


Vii-chan had followed Lord Fang and Hideki after he passed them in the hall. He thought that they were acting strangely and he'd been correct. With his small head pushing the door ajar to Lord Fang's quarters, he had seen the whole thing.

As soon as Kenjirou heard the creak of the door behind him, he disappeared from the scene of the crime in a puff of Pomeranian shaped smoke. Yuuri materialized with Viktor before the shapes completely dissipated.

"What in the world Yuuri?!" Viktor shrieked, attempting to cover his naked form. Well at least he brought me with him this time. They had been vigorously celebrating their recent engagement when Yuuri had stilled and transported them without uttering a word of warning.

Yuuri spun on his heel to face the small poodle in the doorway.

What happened?

Master! Viichan bound over to Yuuri, whining. Yuuri leaned down and scooped Viichan in his arms, looking him over to make sure that he wasn't hurt.

Are you hurt? Where's Ken? Where's Hideki? What the hell is going on? Yuuri's mind was racing, he couldn't sense Kenjirou nearby.

"Yuuri," Viktor gulped and reached over to tap his fiancé on the shoulder. Once Yuuri turned to see what Viktor wanted, he pointed towards the far side of the room. "I think another vampire was killed Yuuri."

Yuuri wordlessly made his way to the far wall which had a large scorch mark upon it and a pile of ash on the floor. "Hideki," Yuuri barely choked out in a whisper. He was afraid to say it too loudly, lest his fears become real.

"Who?" Viktor asked, slowly making his way to his fiancé.

Yuuri sank to his knees, depositing his familiar back onto the ground. "Kenjirou's progeny," Yuuri explained in a daze, reaching out to sift through the pile of ashes. He had to know if this was truly Hideki's remains, he had to be sure. Soon his hand brushed over something solid in the pile of smoldering debris. Yuuri gulped and pulled out a wakizashi. The ornately decorated ebony saya was missing, no doubt burned off, all that remained was the blade.

"How in the world did that steel blade not melt?" Viktor asked in astonishment.

"It isn't steel, it's made of tungsten. Kenjirou gave it to Hideki as a present when he turned him," Yuuri answered in a detached voice, never taking his eyes off the metal in his hands, even as it burned his palms. "Here," Yuuri turned the blade over and pointed at an emblem that had been etched into the hilt. "It's the Japanese character for the Minami Clan."

He was deranged, unhinged master. I would have attempted to stop him, but I never imagined that he would kill his progeny. I . . .

It's not your fault my friend, it's mine. Hideki warned me, I should've done something . . .

Master. The letter! You must read it!


As Yuuri stood and walked back over to his fiancé, his barefoot made contact with paper and a crinkling noise met their ears. "What is this?" Yuuri leaned down to retrieve the letter, but when he saw the writing upon it's weathered surface he gasped and dropped the blade. It rattled as it hit the floor.

"What's wrong Yuuri?" Viktor rushed to his side, attempting to read the paper, only to find that it was written in Japanese. "What does it say?" He asked, aggravated with his inability to read it himself.

Yuuri didn't respond, he allowed his eyes to skim over the letter once, twice, three times until he was satisfied that he had gleaned every last drop of information that the ink could provide him. It had been addressed to him, from Hana. He had never been given the opportunity to read it, if he had things would be different. He could've helped, now it may very well be too late.

"Yuuri," Viktor knitted his eyebrows at his lover's prolonged silence. "Please Yuuri will you tell me what's going on?" He attempted to keep his voice even, not wanting his inner frustration to show. Viktor didn't enjoy being left out, of anything.

Yuuri's eyes went red, his pupils mutating into narrow feline slits. "Minami Kenjirou, Lord Fang, has slain his progeny and is most likely the one who murdered Lord Shadow as well." Yuuri could feel deep, dark emotions bubbling to the surface as he grit out his reply to Viktor. He knew that he had to be careful, with his new found powers that he had yet to master, it would be entirely possible to inadvertently hurt Viktor if he let his temper out now.

Viktor didn't know what to say to that. He knew that Lord Fang was one of Yuuri's friends, another pureblood. He also was aware of the fact that he was the younger brother of Yuuri's late fiancé. To think that his friend, someone he trusts could betray him like this. Viktor mused for a moment, not daring to speak. He could see that Yuuri was struggling to keep his composure and Viktor didn't want to say anything that would make matters worse.

Master, the others, they must know.

I . . .

MASTER! Viichan yipped from the floor at Yuuri's feet.

You're right. Yuuri blinked rapidly, his control over his jumbled emotions slowly returning.

"Yuuri," Viktor whispered, his voice sounding louder in the tense silence of the room.

"It's all my fault," Yuuri sighed and hung his head in grief. Guilt for not noticing, not being more aware of his friend's plight. He should've been the one to help Kenjirou, not Hana or their parent's. Yuuri allowed himself a moment to wallow in self pity before raising his head once more.

"How in the world is this your fault Yuuri?" Viktor asked, worry evident in his tone.

"All my fault," Yuuri sighed, took Viktor into his arms, and wrapped them both in a veil of shadows before disappearing from the room.

. . .

Flashes of tree, darkness, more trees, small homes, dirt roads, more darkness.

Kenjirou continued to transport himself again and again, fleeing the estate and the area around it. He had never been able to transport himself very far, not like his sister could. Hana had always been the more gifted of the two. It was yet another thing that he grew to resent her for.

It wasn't until he was out of range of the King's influence that he stopped to rest. He slumped down next to a dilapidated building on the out skirts of the nearest town, and suppressed his presence. He would need to feed to restore his powers and his strength. But first . . .

"I have nothing to lose, and so much to gain," Kenjirou smirked to himself as he riffled in his pocket to retrieve the syringes. Each was supposed to have a very different effect. He had already tested the concentrated silver concoction from the hunters, with great success. He carefully selected the appropriate syringe and without further ado, shoved the long needle into his chest, directly into his still heart, and slowly pushed the plunger down.

Kenjirou immediately released the syringe and started to convulse. He could feel his internal organs begin to heat up, his skin burned, and his eyesight faded. He curled in on himself and wailed in agony. It was painful, it was meant to be. He wasn't changing so much as being reborn. He had been told that this syringe would allow him to tap into powers he had yet to know, that it would give him the ability to block out the King's commands, that he could give his own commands, that it would make him stronger than any vampire had ever been.

His body crackled and sizzled as though it was being cooked over an open pit. His mind went blank, all the pain of his past, the longing to be Yuuri's soul mate, the rejection, the hate, morphing into one clear feeling, power. Power to control, to subdue. There was a smile on his lips as he passed out and everything went dark.

. . .

Yuri was attempting to steady his breathing, but failing miserably. Even though there had been no penetration of any kind, he and Otabek had managed to find various ways to stimulate one another. Yuri had no idea what he had been missing. He had over heard far too many sexual escapades tales to count, but not one of them could have prepared him for what he had just experienced at the capable hands of his new vampire lover.

"Are you alright kitten?" Otabek raised his head from where it had been resting on Yuri's chest to ask in a deep, satiated tone. He had never been so satisfied in his existence. Otabek knew that the bond between soul mates was strong, but he hadn't been prepared for the level of intensity that being intimate with his kitten would ignite within.

"I'm fine," Yuuri snorted, trying to seem cool and aloof even if inside he was a wreck. Fuck! I'm so screwed. He's fucking amazing! But dear god I don't think I will ever be able to fit that huge cock inside me! Oh but wouldn't it be amazing to try? No Yuri! Damn it! What the fuck am I doing!?

"Did I hurt you kitten?" Otabek traced his fingertip over Yuri's firm abs absentmindedly while casting his warm, loving eyes upwards.

"Don't be stupid," Yuri scoffed. "I'm not some weak woman." He curled his lip and tried to remain indignant. A feat that was made infinitely more difficult when he looked into his lover's tender gaze. From his slightly propped up position on the pillows, he could see the vampire's well toned ass and the strong curve of his spine. His mouth felt suddenly drier than it had a moment ago.

"Oh I have never had an illusions about your gender kitten," a sly smirk played at the corners of Otabek's mouth as he shifted his leg over Yuri's crotch, rubbing his muscular thigh purposefully over Yuri's rapidly growing length. "And if I had, surely when you demanded that I . . . how did you put it?" Otabek trailed off, feigning forgetfulness. "Ah yes, when you demanded that 'I suck your cock,' I'm pretty sure that would've cleared up any remaining confusion in the matter." He smirked openly as a light rose color began to break out over his kitten's cheeks and trail down his pale chest.

"Sh -shut up!" Yuri snapped, flinging a nearby pillow down at his lover.

Otabek couldn't suppress his laughter as Yuri pummeled him increasingly harder with pillows. "Alright, alright," he giggled in between the assaults. "I won't tease you anymore kitten!"

Yuri huffed and pushed Otabek off of himself so that he could sit up. If I keep laying there I'm not sure what I'll tell him to do to me next! When he noticed where Otabek's eyes were lingering once he sat up, Yuri growled and snatched a pillow to hide his umpteenth erection.

"Now you're teasing me, hiding yourself from my eyes," Otabek purred out with a smoldering look.

"Stop it!" Yuri turned his head to the side, unable to resist the stupidly attractive vampire's charms.

"Stop what kitten?" Otabek cooed, shifting closer, but not touching his kitten.

"You know what damn it!" Yuri growled and turned to face the vampire he was sharing a bed with.

"But kitten," Otabek leaned in to hover next to Yuri, his breath hot over the shell of the hunter's ear. "I only followed your orders, only did what you told me to do." He pulled back with a smug grin on his face.

"Fuck you!" Yuri spat, more angry at himself and his own apparent lack of control than he was at the vampire.

"Is that your next order kitten?" Otabek demurred.

"No it's fucking not!" Yuri closed his eyes and blushed like an idiot.

"Oh no!" Otabek winced. "Not again," he sighed and grabbed a hold of Yuri as he enveloped them both in darkness and disappeared from their bed.

. . .

"Again? Really Yuuri?" Phichit squealed, as he slid off of Seung Gil. His fiancé had transported them onto the cold tile floor of his foyer still conjoined, mid-coitis. Phichit had the supreme pleasure of being surrounded by some of the strongest beings on the planet that he had known for centuries while he pulled himself off of his fiancé's extremely hard cock. He had been riding his lover quite vigorously when he felt Yuuri's command and saw Seung Gil's eyes glaze over beneath him, both of them unable to disobey. As he shakily got to his feet, he noticed that most of the other vampires were in similar states of debauched.

Yuuri stood in the middle of the assembled vampires with a blanket wrapped around himself and Viktor. Queen Smoke and Lord White were both dressed, but their clothing looked rumbled and some buttons had been done up crookedly. Lord Leo and Lady Violet were dressed as well and looked to be the only ones present that weren't caught with their pants down when the command to come to foyer was given. Lord Gold and his little blonde hunter were completely naked except for the pillow that the hunter was attempting to hide himself behind.

"Lord Fang has betrayed us. I fear that he was the one responsible for the death of Lord Shadow as well. He may be working with the hunters." Yuuri wasted no time getting down to the heart of the matter. He addressed his fellow purebloods with a cold, detached voice as a collective gasp went around the foyer.

"Kenjirou?" Sara choked out. It was true that her brother and Lord Fang had never been very friendly to one another, but Sara wouldn't have called them enemies. "Why?" She sobbed, her eyes filling with tears once more.

"I believe that Kenjirou has lost his mind due to an unrequited soul mate and lack of said soul mate's blood," Yuuri sighed, tightening his arm around Viktor's waist. He was holding his fiancé to his side, it was the only thing that was preventing him from drowning in grief and rage.

"Who is Lord Fang's soul mate master?" Phichit asked the obvious question when everyone else remained quiet.

"Me," Yuuri admitted.

Author's Notes:

There seemed to be a lot of confusion after the last update about soul mates in my fic. So, I'll attempt to explain it better ^^;; sorry

Ok only pureblood vampires can have soul mates.

Just because one vampire imprints essentially on another, doesn't mean it is mutual. An example of this is Yuuri and Kenjirou.

Yuuri Viktor. (Viktor, being human, doesn't technically have a soul mate)

Kenjirou Yuuri

So Yuuri is Kenjirou's soul mate, but Yuuri's soul mate is Viktor. Thus it is an unrequited soul mate relationship, like Yuuri's Aunt and Kenjirou's great great Uncle had (See chapter 3 for a refresher on that history), when one has the connection, but the other does not. When two pureblood vampires have an unrequited soul mate relationship, it's particularly difficult. I hope that helps clear up any lingering confusion, but please feel free to ask any questions you might have ^.~

Without going into a lot of detail, suffice to say I have been very busy in rl. Death in the family, helping my sister in law move across town, school stuff, summer shenanigans, ect. I will absolutely finish this fic! I am sorry that my updates have been sporadic and spread out though ^^;; thank you everyone for sticking with me and I swear I read all of your comments, I just haven't had to time to write, let alone respond! They do encourage me to keep going though, so thank you!

come check out my tumblr: kawaiiusagi2