Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and BBC Merlin.
A/N: Thank you to all those who favorited, alerted, and reviewed the previous chapters! I should really be studying right now but I wanted to finally finish this story to put me at ease.
This chapter contains a sex scene and I'm not quite sure if it's detailed enough or too much, so you decide :)
Part V: Spring, Again
The snow had melted as spring came. Together with the change of season was the birth of the Pendragon heir.
"You what?"
Merlin might have heard it wrong, but Gwen was smiling at her brightly, little Gilbert slumbering in her arms, and Arthur was looking at her with amusement on his face.
"I said, Merlin," Arthur repeated, with obvious exasperation, "that in case something happens to me, or to my wife, I am naming you as the official guardian of my son."
"But… but why?"
"Because I trust you, you idiot," the King said with a roll of his eyes. "If something happens to us, I want my son to be taken care of by the right person."
"And it's me?"
King Arthur groaned. "Must I spell it out for you?" he snarled, now clearly annoyed. "We can also appoint Le - ."
"No!" she exclaimed loudly, startling Gilbert awake. Her cheeks colored as the babe started crying in surprise while an amused Gwen appeased him. "No, no, I'll be honored."
Arthur, to her surprise, smiled at her.
"You better do a great job, Merlin," he warned, but there was fondness in his voice, and Merlin felt her heart swell in happiness.
"I will, Arthur," she swore. "You know I will."
"Have you ever thought of having children?"
Merlin's eyes almost bulged out from their sockets as she looked at Draco. The blond, languidly stretched on Gaius' vacant cot, gave her an amused look.
He laughed. "Relax, Merlin," he said. "It's not as if I'm asking you to have children with me."
This made her ridiculously blush more because oh sure, she did think of having babies with him and Draco did not really need to know that little part. "Ye-yes," she sputtered, willing her cheeks to return back to their normal color. Draco looked highly amused and she cursed him for making her feel this way. "I mean, I love the relationship I have with my mother and I thought I'd love to have that bonding too with my children in the far future."
She was quite sure Arthur's destiny of uniting Albion had only just started. Morgana was still out and about and Merlin feared that if she built a family, they would be a target of Morgana's fury. This thought successfully paled her a little, desperately trying to put those wicked fears at the back of her mind.
"I don't think I'll be a great father," he confessed, snapping her attention back to him.
"Yes, you will!" she interjected with a passion without even realizing what she said. Her eyes widened as her claim sank in and sheepishly smiled.
She half-heartedly shrugged in reply.
His eyes shown in amusement. "I didn't have the same relationship as you had with your mother," he then continued. "I'm not… I don't really know how to become a good parent when I never knew how it felt to have one."
"Your mother was good," Merlin said, defending a dead woman who sorely loved his son.
This made him smile. "Yes, she was," he concurred, eyes softening in sadness as he remembered his mother. "But she was withdrawn. Father would be mad if she coddled me too much, so I always found comfort in the House-Elves."
"In the what?"
"House-Elves," Draco repeated. "They're like servants, but you know, elves."
Merlin frowned. "You let elves work for you?" she asked. She remembered a particular encounter she had with the same species before and swore they were nowhere near pleasant.
"They're docile creatures, really," he reassured. "Very friendly and loyal, too."
"Oh," she said, imagining little Draco playing with these so-called house-elves. Her daydream Draco then turned into a small tot, who was the spitting image of Draco, but at the same time had blue eyes and too-large ears. Merlin reddened, realizing what she was thinking and scowled. Blast Draco for putting ideas inside her head.
"I think you'll be a great mother."
His claim made her blush once more.
"Your future children will be lucky to have you as their mother."
"Our," she corrected inaudibly, too quickly.
Draco was away for a mission in Mercia and Merlin had never felt so lonely before.
She got so used to having Draco in Camelot it made her feel strange to not feel his presence now. Sure, there had been a time when he was so busy training with Arthur and the other Knights of the Round Table as a newly appointed knight, but at least he was in Camelot. The idea that she would not be able to see him in the Training Grounds, or in any place in Camelot for that matter, made her extremely uncomfortable.
"It's just three days, Merlin," Queen Guinevere said with an understanding smile on her face. She shifted Prince Gil in her arms. "He'll be back soon before you know it."
Merlin sighed and curled miserably on the plush chair in the royal couple's room. "How can you bear it?" she asked, her voice slightly muffled by the chair's armrest. "I know they're just delivering some things and not travelling for war. But you know, the world is a cruel place and we don't really know what might happen along the way."
Gwen laughed, mindlessly rocking her baby back and forth. "When did you become such a pessimist, Merlin?"
"I'm just trying to think of the possible scenarios to ready myself," the maidservant defended with a frown. This habit had developed ever since she discovered she and Arthur were two sides of the same coin in the first place. Levity aside, this had helped her in saving the king's life in more times than she could remember.
"You worry too much."
"It's the first time he left Camelot."
"Gods, Merlin, it's Sir Draco," Gwen pointed out with an amused smile. "He has proven to be a wonderful swordsman. He can take care of himself."
The young sorceress stretched lazily on the couch and looked over at her friend. "You're not worried about Arthur at all?" she asked.
"Of course I worry!" she exclaimed, slightly affronted. "He's the King, for heaven's sake! Between him and Draco, enemies would feast on my husband's demise more than the knight, no offense."
"Good point," Merlin said.
"I just learned how to not make it too obvious," Gwen explained with Merlin's unspoken question. "When the king leaves his throne, the kingdom is at its most vulnerable. As queen, I have to stay strong for my people in case things happen, Merlin."
The maidservant smiled. It still amazed her how maidservant Guinevere was the Queen Camelot rightfully deserved.
"Besides, you know how recklessly stupid my husband is," Gwen pointed out. "Draco is in good hands."
Merlin grinned, completely concurring. "You're right," she said with a sigh. "Gods, Gwen, you are so much better at doing this than me."
"At doing what?"
"At… you know," Merlin said, lightly blushing, "being romantically involved and all."
Gwen looked highly amused. "Oh, Merlin. I think you're doing a brilliant job."
"If my eyes do not deceive me," Gwen started, "I'd say the knight is completely smitten with you."
'I love you, Merlin.'
The maidservant furiously blushed, a secret smile growing on her face. She remembered that moment clear as a day, and stupid her froze stupidly on the spot. Draco, not waiting for any reply at all, laughingly pulled her back to Camelot. Merlin never had the chance to bring up this sudden revelation at all because Draco was then called to Mercia.
"Gwen," Merlin said seriously, "I know you will laugh at me for asking this and all, but I really, really need to know."
"Go on."
"How did you know you love Arthur?"
Merlin swore Gwen's eyes started twinkling.
"You love him."
"I didn't say that."
"Oh gods, you do." A wide, victorious grin appeared on Queen Guinevere's face. "Now Arthur owes me five pounds."
Merlin's jaw slackened. "You had a bet on our relationship?" she asked, almost shrilly. "Is that even legal?"
Gwen waved her hand in dismissal. "It's a silly game, Merlin," the queen said, prompting the maidservant to glare. "Besides, it's amusing to see you dance around Draco and your feelings." If it was possible, Gwen's grin widened. "I knew you would be the first one to admit defeat. And by that, I mean, finally confess that your feelings for him run quite deeply."
She could not help but scowl. "Yes, well, sorry to burst your bubble, but I'd say Arthur won this time," she snapped, annoyed that her friends were playing games about her relationship with Draco behind her back.
"What?" Gwen exclaimed, startlingly Gilbert awake. "Oh, hush, love, I'm sorry for waking you up." Gwen rocked her baby until he fell asleep once more.
"He told me he loved me, Gwen," she whispered, feeling strangely humbled.
"That's brilliant, Merlin!"
The maidservant smiled shyly and blushed. "It's just… I've never expected for someone as wonderful as Draco to fall in love with someone like me."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Gwen demanded with a small frown.
Merlin sighed. "I somehow recall I'm lacking in the beauty part," she pointed out, prompting Gwen to roll her eyes.
"That's ridiculous and you know it," the Queen said vehemently. "And I don't think Draco is too shallow for fickle things such as beauty."
This made Merlin smile. "I never thought I'd be discussing my woes on love with the queen," she confessed.
"What are you going to do about it then? Have you told him you love him, too?"
"I don't" – Gwen narrowed her eyes – "I mean… I haven't got the chance, you know. He's in Mercia."
"Then once he comes back, don't even think of hesitating!"
Merlin made a face. "I don't know…"
Gwen's glare darkened.
"All right, all right," Merlin said with a chuckle. "Gods, Queenship did change you, Guinevere."
Merlin knew if Queen Guinevere weren't holding Prince Gilbert right now, Gwen would have thrown a huge pillow her way. This thought made her smirk, reckoning that the queen was somehow picking up Arthur's habits. But then, she caught herself smirking, something that Draco was so fond of doing, prompting her to widen her eyes.
Gods, she really do love him.
A Patrolling Knight told them someone got injured in King Arthur's band of knights due to an unexpected altercation with vengeful smugglers and mercenaries on their way back. That person was still unidentified for the knight merely saw them from afar, and Merlin was worried sick. Even Guinevere started showing signs of worry despite what she had told Merlin three days ago.
They estimated that the returning knights would be back by nightfall. Merlin was restless, cursing the sun that was still innocently sitting in the clear, blue sky. She could not wait for night to come.
Gaius had already prepared for the possible worst. To distract Merlin from worry, he appointed her to collect the necessary bandages and ointments for wounds ranging from small, superficial scratches to large, horrifying ones that needed immediate attention. Merlin prayed that Draco's wound would fall on the former. Or better, he would have none at all.
The maidservant spent the remaining hours sitting stiffly on the steps in front of the castle, her eyes never leaving the gates.
She had worried herself for Arthur's wellbeing countless times before. The King was not exactly accident-free, and trouble seemed so fond of him. Merlin was somehow hardened by Arthur's constant injuries and almost near-death experiences but this did not prepare her for the possible fact that it could be Draco this time. Her usual rational brain was a jumbled mess and Merlin swore to the heavens above she did not know what to do.
"You should get back inside."
"In a minute," Merlin reassured Gwen, although both she and the queen knew the maidservant had no plans of leaving.
To her surprise, Queen Guinevere sat down beside her and mimicked her stance. Merlin looked at her friend at the corner of her eyes and saw the deep worry in her.
"They'll be all right," she whispered, trying to convince both her and Gwen.
The queen did not answer and merely stared at the gates.
Merlin knew they looked ridiculous, two women waiting restlessly for the love of their lives to come back unscathed. Some nobles were already shooting them disapproving looks, especially at the queen, but blast them and their judging stares. They had no idea how it felt like to be worried sick for a person that was most likely mortally wounded.
The sun soon was slowly making its descent and Merlin never felt so happy to see the moon up above before. She choked back a sob, spying Draco's constellation up in the sky, and prayed to anyone that could hear her that he was all right.
'I haven't even told him I love him,' she tearfully thought, bunching the material of her dress to keep her emotions at bay. It would do her no good if she suddenly released bursts of magic due to her distress.
She and Gwen were then jerked in surprise as the great rumbling of the citadel gates announced Arthur and his knights' arrival. Merlin quickly scrambled onto her feet and helped Guinevere up, too. The castle doors were now fully opened and the sounds of pattering hooves echoed in the suddenly silent courtyard.
It was Arthur she saw first and Merlin heard Gwen's monumental sigh of relief upon seeing that the King was relatively unscathed, save from a small scratch on his face.
"He'll live," Merlin murmured, prompting Gwen to chuckle as she dashed towards her king, leaving propriety and etiquette out of the window. The council would have a fit, but Merlin knew Gwen was just relieved to see that King Arthur was alive, yet again.
The king caught her easily in his arms and the royal couple was soon lost in their little world.
Merlin waited with bated breath as the knights soon flittered inside. Her eyes frantically scanned the small group, noting with alarm how some had nasty bruises on their cheeks and some long cuts that disappeared underneath their armors.
Finally, Merlin saw the familiar blond hair and grey eyes. Draco brought the rear, and as soon as he stepped through, the castle gates were closed.
Merlin's eyes had widened, noting that it was Draco that looked the worst amongst them all. A makeshift bandage was slung around his neck, nursing an incessantly bleeding left arm. Blood was already soaking through and the paleness on Draco's face would confirm that he had relatively lost a lot of blood. He sported a black ring of bruise around his right eye, too, and he had a busted lip.
The maidservant trembled, reckoning he did not look good at all.
"Draco…" she called, her voice barely above a whisper. But then, his eyes instantly settled on hers and he gave her a reassuring smile.
Merlin blindly jumped down from the stairs, ignoring the sudden burst of pain up through her left leg from a bad landing. She reached Draco in lightning speed he was driven to look at her with amusement.
"Blimey, Merlin," he said, a hint of humor in his voice.
"W-what happened to you?" she gushed out, her eyes eerily large and round.
Draco made a face. "I take it I look the nastiest of the lot, eh?" he cajoled, trying to make light of the situation but Merlin would not allow it.
"You're bleeding," she hissed through gritted teeth. "A lot."
His eyes softened as he gingerly grasped her hand with his uninjured hand. "I'm okay, Merlin," he said with a reassuring smile. "Sweet Salazar, no need to look at me like I'm dying."
'But you could have,' a voice whispered against her ear and Merlin trembled once more.
"Come on, let's take you to Gaius," she then said, quickly turning around and pulling him inside to hide from him a few wayward tears that escaped from her eyes. Merlin mentally kicked herself for overreacting, then mentally kicked the knight who warned them beforehand and making her worried sick for the worst.
Thankfully, nobody stopped them as Merlin navigated him towards the Court Physician's bedroom. She never let go of his hand, earning some curious looks from some of the servants and nobles alike. Merlin did not have time for their ridiculous decorum.
"I've had worst, Merlin," he reassured.
She tightened her grip. "That's not helping me at all," she snapped, voice unnaturally high and shrilly.
Draco gave a strong tug, prompting her to stop in her tracks. "Gods, Merlin, I'm really okay," he said. Merlin still refused to look at him. "One fucking bandit almost offed Arthur and thank the gods I had the sense to protect him. He was a pretty nasty one, I guess, and did not leave without a fight. Hence, the broken and bleeding arm."
Merlin closed her eyes. "That was stupid of you," she admonished, still refusing to look at him.
"It was bloody brave of me," he said, his scowl heard clearly in his voice. "Bloody Gryffindor of myself and – can you please just look at me?"
The maidservant shakily sighed and slowly turned around to look at Draco. Still, she refused to meet his eyes.
Draco sighed himself and let go of her hand, using his now free hand to grasp her chin. He tilted her head until she had no choice but to connect with his grey eyes.
"It is my duty to protect the king and you know it," he said, that small, handsome smile on his face again.
"You idiot," she reprimanded, trying her best not to cry.
"I learn from the best," he joked. She thought it was unfair he could still look disarming when he was pale and sickly.
Merlin choked back a sob and launched herself into his arms, careful not to press too hard to hurt him. "Idiot, I was so worried," she whispered.
"I'm still alive and kicking," he pointed out in reassurance.
All she answered was a tighter embrace.
"You do realize we'll always find ourselves in this position, yes?" he asked. When Merlin did not answer, he continued, "I somehow believe our roles would be reversed more, you know, especially because you have this stupid destiny obliging you to stupidly protect the king."
"I hate my life," Merlin murmured, prompting him to chuckle.
"So, I really want to engage in this drama and shit, but I think I've lost too much blood to stay upright in a few more minutes. Besides, my arm hurts like hell."
Merlin gasped, remembering that Draco was injured, and proceeded to drag him until they were inside Gaius' room. The Court Physician immediately tended to Draco, giving him a potion to alleviate the pain and to replenish the blood.
"Brackium Emendo," Draco said, pointing his wand at his broken arm. A sickening sound of cracking bones resounded in the whole room. "Mother of…" Even Gaius looked sickly with the sound.
Draco took deep breaths through his nose until color finally returned to his face. He slung a new, clean bandage around his arm once more. "They knew I got a broken arm," he said, answering Merlin's unspoken gaze. "It would be too suspicious if they found out it is healed the very next day."
"You should rest," Gaius said. "I can tell Arthur to give you a few days off to recuperate."
The blond frowned. "I am well, Gaius," he said, but the Court Physician was not having any of it.
As Gaius left them to seek for Arthur and heal the other injured knights, Merlin sat down beside Draco on his cot.
"Are you really all right?" she asked, worried.
"I'm as good as new, Merlin," he said with a grin.
Merlin sighed and worriedly grasped his uninjured hand.
"You gave me quite a fright."
"I know."
The sorceress blinked back her tears as she looked at Draco. "I love you, Draco," she suddenly blurted out.
His eyes widened in surprise, but he did not say anything back.
"I just… I thought," she said, lightly blushing. "We're not exactly the most accident-free people here in Camelot, Draco. This whole fiasco proves my claim. I mean, you're a blasted Knight of the Round Table and I am Emrys. I…" She steadily met his gaze and gave him a small, sad smile. "I will hate myself forever if I never told you I love you and you have – ." She could not bear the thought of him gone, much less complete her sentence.
"I won't leave you, Eltanin."
Merlin's eyes widened. "What did you just call me?"
Draco mirrored her expression, but this time with red cheeks. "Did I say that aloud?"
She nodded her head. "Isn't that…?"
He sheepishly smiled. "Yeah."
Merlin felt like her heart would burst free from her chest.
"I'm sorry, I won't - "
Draco blinked. "What?"
"Why did you call me that?"
His cheeks reddened, but his gaze turned fond.
"Because," he said, "in my constellation, you are the brightest star."
"What are you looking at?"
Arthur knitted his eyebrows. "What?"
Merlin bit down a smile as she turned to her king. "Draco," she repeated once more, knowing that it only made the king more confused.
"I don't see him anywhere, Merlin," he replied, clearly annoyed.
Merlin sighed as she lifted her finger and pointed at the constellation of the blond she loved. "It's the constellation," she explained, tracing her fingers through the stars that made up the dragon. Her heart skipped a bit as she lingered at Gamma Draconis, remembering how Draco called her that once.
"A what?"
"Never mind."
King Arthur looked at her strangely as he placed his heavy armor and sword on top of her awaiting arms. "The knight made you strange," he said with a frown.
Merlin rolled her eyes.
"I'm not strange," she interjected.
He merely raised an eyebrow as he turned around and unbuckled the saddle from his horse. "You do know that if he messed up, the other knights and I won't let this pass, right?"
Merlin's eyes widened. "Was that a threat?"
Even though he did not turn around, Merlin could see how the king reddened.
"Are you worried about me, Arthur?" she asked sweetly, secretly flattered that the king worried for her heart.
"Shut up, idiot."
"So, you and Draco?"
Merlin froze and slowly turned around, a cautious look on her face as she beheld Gwaine. She was just about to leave the armory, having placed Arthur's belongings, when the said knight suddenly cornered her inside.
Sir Gwaine had a strange look on his face as he waited for Merlin's answer.
Sighing, she knew it was pointless to beat around the bush. "Yes."
His eyes flickered for a bit, and Merlin swore it was of sadness, but Gwaine's face morphed into his usual carefree expression.
"I knew it."
A wide grin stretched on his face. "If he hurts you, you know what I'd do," he lightly said, though his tone was thick with warning.
She offered him a small smile of her own. "Not if I punch him first."
He boisterously laughed and playfully ruffled her hair. "You are one of a kind, Merlin," he earnestly said. "Sir Draco is lucky to have you."
Merlin swallowed a lump in her throat. "Are we… are we okay?"
"Yeah," he said, too quickly, but a pointed look from Merlin made him sadly smile. "We will be."
Merlin hoped he was right.
It gave her a surprise that Hunith visited, but Merlin already had this inkling her mother would brave the roads and travel to Camelot after Merlin finally told her about her relationship with Draco.
Thankfully, the blond was away for the whole day for another errand from Arthur. Merlin could already feel her mortification if Hunith interrogated Draco and his intentions for her daughter. After all, she was not growing any younger and Hunith already wanted grandchildren.
Gaius was gracious enough to give them some space, but Merlin knew he did not want to be with them as they talked about Merlin's eventful love life.
"Mother," Merlin said, cheeks already reddening as Hunith merely looked at her daughter happily.
"He is a fine choice, Merlin," her mother reassured. "Very handsome, too."
"This is embarrassing, mother," she groaned, hiding her red face behind her hands. Never in her whole life did she imagine she would be put in this place. All Merlin knew was her magic and adventures and saving King Arthur's life and to finally be in this position, she was at a loss.
"Does he know?" she then asked, her voice laced with worry.
In spite of herself, Merlin smiled and nodded her head. "He does," she reassured, "and... well, we're still together. Besides" - a conspiratorial smile bloomed on her face - "we're not exactly that different, mother."
Hunith looked confused for a while, trying to digest what Merlin told her, when her eyes suddenly widened in surprised understanding. "Oh," she merely said, the smile on her face now reaching her eyes. Merlin smiled at the obvious happiness, remembering when Draco once told her she got her mother's eyes. They were the pretty blue shade, and Merlin was eternally grateful she inherited them from her mother.
"I am happy for you, my love," Hunith said, drawing her into her arms. "The things you had to go through in the past..." Her mother's arms tightened around her. "I wish both of you happiness."
"Thank you," the daughter replied, her eyes already slightly dewy from sentiments.
Hunith then gazed straight into Merlin's eyes, a look of warning on her face. "Your... arrangements are not exactly proper, Merlin," her mother said, serious. "But I trust you and I know Gaius will keep an eye on the both of you."
Merlin's eyes widened in horror at Hunith's words. "Mother!" she gasped.
The older of the two suddenly grinned. "So, when will I have a grandchild?"
"You had an eventful week."
Merlin looked at Draco in surprise.
"I heard it from Leon, who heard it from Gwaine, who heard it from Arthur, who heard it from Gwen," he narrated with a wide grin.
The sorceress rolled her eyes. "The rat," she grumbled, thinking of giving Gwen an earful, blast her title.
"I was sorry I wasn't here to meet your mother," he whispered, sliding down on the bench beside Merlin. Gaius was already slumbering on his cot so they had to speak softly.
Merlin scowled. "It was a good thing, trust me," she said, prompting him to grin.
"I'm sure she liked the fact you are with a devilishly handsome knight."
"Your resemblance with Arthur is really uncanny, you know."
"I'd take that as a compliment," he grinned. "So what did you talk about with your mother?"
Her cheeks colored. "I'd rather you not know," she murmured, remembering the laughter that escaped from her mother's mouth at the expense of her daughter's embarrassment.
"I know things here have some propriety and decorum laws, which I think are complete bull," he said with seriousness. "And I know society deems it improper for us to be living under the same roof, much less under the same room with only Gaius to keep us apart, but I hope your mother is not worried I'd do… inappropriate things to you without permission, no matter how much I want to, really."
Her eyes widened at his implication, making his grin widen.
"I… err… gods, Draco."
Boisterous laughter escaped from his mouth, jerking Gaius awake, prompting him to angrily shoo them out of his room.
Draco was surprised, about to go to bed, but Merlin had to tell him. She had researched and researched for days, and now that Gaius was away, spending another night in the infirmary in the village (leaving with a pointed at the couple), she knew she could not contain this information to herself any further.
"What is it, Merlin?" he asked, pure curiosity in his eyes.
Merlin hesitated. Although nothing was sure, the hope she felt upon reading was too immense to be ignored. She just hoped that in case it did not work, Draco would not be too crushed to revert back to his original self. "I… really should have told you," she started.
"Uh oh, that doesn't sound good."
"Hush," she said, lightly smiling as he threw one of his dashing smirks at her direction. Merlin then took a deep breath, before continuing, "Ever since you told me about your… mark" – she gave his hidden left forearm a glance – "I have been researching ways on how to permanently remove it."
He froze, his eyes widening. "It's… it's impossible to remove, Merlin," he said, a frown gradually growing on his face. "It's permanent."
The sorceress sighed. "I know, I know," she said, "but my instincts told me that there is a way. I needed to know for sure that it will stay permanent and I just can't stay put."
To her disappointment, the indifferent mask of his slipped into place. Merlin had actually quite forgotten how it looked like.
"I-I'm sorry, I should have told - "
"What did you find out?"
Merlin blinked.
"I'm sure you wouldn't be bothering me late at night if you do not bear any good news," he pointed out. Merlin swore she could detect nervousness in his voice.
"Nothing's for sure," she slowly started, slightly hesitating. "But… someone once told me of a crystal cave." Her memory briefly brought her to Taliesin. "He said that magic was born there and I tried to research about it from some of Gaius', well, obscure books."
Merlin nervously wrung her wrist as Draco continued to look at her indifferently.
"The Old Religion spoke of this place with utmost reverence," she continued. "They said that magic in this cave is in its purest, most powerful form. And I thought… what if it can undo any magic, no matter how powerful it was?" She swallowed and nervously smiled at Draco. "You said it takes a dark, powerful wizard to give that wicked mark but… I don't think your Voldemort stands a chance against the Old Religion and the very source of the magic that courses through our veins."
Draco merely stared at her, and Merlin had no idea what he was feeling. She wondered if she did a good thing, or if Draco would hate her for instilling a hope that wasn't even confirmed yet.
"I… err… I came across a spell already and if I just practice - "
Her words died as Draco suddenly shot up from his cot. In three, big strides he reached Merlin and desperately crushed his lips against hers.
"Eltanin, Eltanin," he murmured in between his searing kisses and Merlin could not quell her tears anymore.
He pulled away as their lungs screamed to be filled. His eyes were bright and shining from suppressed tears and Merlin breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing that his mask had slipped, replaced by a wide grin on his face.
"You're not mad?" she nervously asked.
"Why would I be mad?" he asked, pulling her close as he nuzzled his nose against her neck.
Merlin could not hide the shiver his ministrations made her feel. Against her neck, she felt Draco grin. "It's not… well, I'm not sure it will work," she confessed. "I thought you'd be mad for giving you false hope."
"It was the best news I'd ever received, Merlin," he said, pulling away to fondly look down at her.
"What if it doesn't work?"
His smile faltered bit. "We'll cross over that bridge when we come to it," he reassured. His full-blown smile came back as looked down at Merlin. "Gods, I can't believe you did that."
She gave him a fond smile of her own. "I'd do anything for you, Draco," she whispered earnestly.
An unreadable flicker grew ablaze in his grey eyes as he swooped down and kissed Merlin once more. This time, they were soft and sweet and Merlin swore she was growing breathless with every movement of his mouth.
Draco suddenly released a strangled groan as he pulled away. His eyes were dark with passion and an emotion Merlin had never seen before. She could feel that uncomfortable tugging in her navel again and she swallowed.
"Merlin, I swear, you have to get back to your room," he whispered huskily, dipping his head as he trailed kisses on her neck. Her body alit with fire and she gasped, his lips brushing a particularly sensitive spot just above her collarbone. "I don't trust myself enough to hold back this time."
She bit back a moan when his lips brushed against that spot once more. All rational thoughts seemed to leave Merlin all together. She replied, "Then don't."
He paused in his trails, quickly looking back at her. "What?"
"Don't," she whispered in repeat, cheeks flaring. "Don't hold back."
His eyes darkened as his grip tightened around her. "I am not kidding, Merlin," he warned.
"So am I."
"Are you sure?"
"Gods, Draco," she said with a laugh, shakily grasping his warm hand and tugging him towards her bedroom.
She closed her bedroom behind her and she saw Draco wordlessly flicking his wand at it. Merlin heard a click while she watched Draco placing his wand on her bedside table.
"I'm giving you another full minute to think about your decisions, Merlin," he said with ridiculous seriousness in his eyes. "I don't want you to think I'm taking advantage of you, or pressuring you to do things you are not comfortable with."
Merlin sighed but did not respond. Instead, she closed the remaining space between her and Draco and gave him a kiss.
He was experienced, that much she deduced.
"I… I have never…"
"I know," he said, slipping her heavy dress down onto the floor whilst trailing kisses on her shoulder blade. "I'll be gentle."
Merlin nodded, successfully tugging his tunic off his head, and let her wandering eyes appreciate his pale, toned body. She gingerly traced the nasty scar on his collarbone and he shivered with her touch. "What happened to this?" she asked.
"My father was not pleased with me on that day," was his mere reply.
Her eyes then travelled onto his bare left forearm. The ink was stark against his pale skin, seemingly out-of-place and Merlin desperately prayed to all those who could hear her that her plan would work.
She reached out for his dark mark but Draco latched onto to her wrist.
"You'll get burned," he whispered.
Merlin gave him a meaningful look, his grip soon slackening. She then proceeded to reach out for his mark once more, touching all of it with her small, shaking hand, and the sensation of burning engulfed most of her arm. She bit back a groan of pain, knowing Draco had stiffened under her touch.
"I love you," she whispered, her dewy eyes connecting with his grey ones. A lump lodged in her throat as she slowly lifted his left forearm and placed a soft kiss against his mark. "I love you," she whispered once more, ignoring the pain the mark elicited against her lips.
She cursed his father, the dark lord, and the fate that he was thrusted into. He did not deserve to live the life he used to have back in his past world. But of course, Merlin knew how Destiny could be steadfast with her decision and Merlin fervently thanked her Draco found his way in Camelot instead, in her awaiting arms, promising redemption.
Merlin returned her gaze back onto Draco. A myriad of emotions swirled in his grey eyes as he gingerly pulled Merlin close to kiss her once more.
"Eltanin," he huskily whispered, removing her remaining clothing, fully exposing Merlin to himself. His eyes roamed all over and Merlin suddenly felt a little unconscious, trying to shield her body from his piercing gaze but he held both of her arms. "Gods, you are so beautiful."
He did not wait for Merlin to reply for he kissed her once more and led her to her bed.
His hands brushed against her breasts, simultaneously placing kisses on her neck. Merlin released a moan, squirming slightly underneath him as that uncomfortable feeling on her navel grew and grew. She could feel his hardness with her hips and Merlin's body ached with want.
Suddenly, Draco slipped his fingers inside her and Merlin swore stars exploded in front of her eyes. Her moan grew louder as his fingers grew frantic, his thumb now rubbing the spot that made her pant like crazy.
"Oh… oh gods," she moaned, clawing his back, his mouth now capturing one of her nipples. He nipped and tugged and Merlin was slowly losing control.
She was near, and Draco knew it. She moaned in disappointment as all of his ministrations stopped. Through half-lidded, lustful eyes, Merlin watched Draco finally remove his breeches and bared all of himself to her. She felt her cheeks redden, both with embarrassment and ridiculous fascination. She had never seen a naked man in her whole life before.
"Like what you see?" he huskily asked with that handsome smirk of his. Her navel gave another uncomfortable tug.
Draco drew her legs apart as he positioned himself in front of her. Slowly then, without breaking his gaze with her dark, wanting eyes, he slipped inside. Merlin gasped, sharp pain clouding her vision, with Draco thrusting as gently as he could.
She clenched her teeth, the pain now ebbing fully as unadulterated pleasure surged through her body. Her moans grew louder; his thrusting grew frantic. Merlin locked her legs around his hips and Draco swore loudly, pulling her closer to him so that he could fully fill her inside.
Merlin's eyes grew wide, her pleasure escalating and escalating. Draco rubbed his thumb on her spot again a with one, two, three strokes, Merlin released a shout as pure, wonderful bliss electrified her wholly. Her back arched, her bare chest flushing fully against Draco, and tried desperately to muffle her loud moans of pleasure but failed in the end.
Draco soon got his own release, his moan almost matching Merlin's, until they both collapsed on her bed in a tangle of sweaty legs and crumpled sheets.
The sorceress felt spent but so utterly contented. Draco lazily draped an arm around her waist and pulled her flush against him, burying his nose against her neck as he expelled a soft, contented sigh.
"I love you, Eltanin," he fondly whispered. Merlin prettily blushed; his new term of endearment for her never failed to make her giddy inside.
Merlin pulled his face to look him squarely in his eyes. "I love you," she replied, memorizing his face as it brightened with her words.
"Gods, I don't deserve you," he said, clearly exasperated, as he tucked a stray curl against her large ear.
"Nobody deserves The Great Merlin," she teased, placing a quick kiss on his jaw as he chuckled. "But I love you, so you have no choice but to accept it."
"You are too good for me, Merlin," he warned, but she was having none of it.
"I love you," she insisted, his eyes softening with the feelings he returned.
"I am not good."
"I love you."
"I am broken in so many places."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Merlin smiled. "That's better."
Draco was silent all throughout the journey, but it was understandable. Merlin kept shooting him nervous glances, but his indifferent mask was back on his face. It was frustrating to see that he was hiding his feelings from her. He did not need to show it, however. Merlin already had enough idea to know how Draco was feeling right now.
When she asked Arthur to excuse Draco from his training session for the day, Arthur was suspicious. Even the other knights mercilessly teased them, but Merlin ignored their words despite her embarrassment. She had finally mastered the spell and the movement to try to remove the Dark Mark and she knew Draco wanted to know if it worked as soon as possible.
They already passed the Valley of the Fallen Kings. Merlin could already spot the Crystal Cave. The ethereal glow from its opening was unmistakable.
She shivered, the air already thick with raw magic. Beside her, Draco tensed.
"You feel it, too?" she softly asked.
Draco gave her a sideway glance and wordlessly nodded.
As they drew nearer, Merlin's heart thudded louder and louder. She had spent nights mastering the spell, yes, but she could not shake the fear of failing Draco. She fervently prayed to the Old Religion, to whoever could hear her now, to make this theory of hers work and finally set Draco free.
They dismounted from their horses a few meters away. Their walk towards the Crystal Cave was tensed and slow. Merlin had to stop herself from grabbing Draco in fear that he could bound away and refuse to step foot in this place ever again.
"Are you ready?" she whispered.
Again, he merely nodded.
Merlin took a deep breath and stepped inside the glowing entrance. She could feel Draco's presence behind her, but she did not turn around. She tried her very hardest not to stare too hard at the crystals in fear of what the future might bring. She had enough problems to face in the present. The future could wait.
She stopped walking once they were in the middle of the cave. Slowly, she turned around to face Draco. Their eyes instantly connected and Merlin could finally see the pure, unadulterated nervousness and fear shining through his impenetrable mask.
"Hold out your left arm," she instructed, and Draco stiffly complied. His Dark Mark looked darker and starker, the skull's beady eyes once more blinking in Merlin's direction. Her skin still crawled every time she looked at it. She could already anticipate the burning sensation if she touched it.
'Come on now, Merlin,' a voice cajoled and gingerly, Merlin steadied his arm with her left hand. Her right hand then slowly pressed against the offending mark. Searing pain shot through her arm and Merlin had to grit her teeth to hold back a scream. She had this inkling the dark magic inside Draco felt that it was about to be vanquished.
Draco's eyes never left her face. Merlin gave him a small, comforting smile, which he did not return.
"I love you, no matter what," she whispered.
She looked at the mark once more. Then, after taking a deep breath, she said, "Dimnesse béo geleoren. Alétan sé sáwol ahreddan. Áclænsae sáwol ond béo clæ edníwan [1]."
Her eyes turned into a blinding shade of gold as a white, bright mist engulfed Draco's forearm. He loudly gasped, but Merlin was not sure if it was because of surprise or pain.
She intently watched the white mist, trying to see if it had removed Draco's mark. Merlin could feel Draco's tension from her grip, but she did not dare look away from the mist.
Her eyes widened as the white mist slowly turned into grey until it was an eerie shade of black. She flinched, a figure of a mask forming from the mist as it released a loud deafening cry, before it slowly turned into pure white once more then completely dissipating into the air.
With bated breath, she looked at his left forearm and almost cried with joy upon seeing that it was unmarred once more.
"I-I can't believe it actually worked."
Merlin shifted her eyes on Draco, who now was unashamedly crying because of the freedom he had always wanted.
She threw her arms around him in happiness and relief. "It worked," she cried, a huge grin stretched widely on her face.
He cradled her face and pressed kisses all over her face, murmurs of gratefulness and awe and love whispered reverently.
Draco had not let go off her as they journeyed back to Camelot. Some of the knights they passed curiously looked at their glowing faces, hands tightly clasped together as they walked into the castle. But all their stares were ignored.
"Thank you, Eltanin... Merlin."
His demeanor had completely changed. Merlin reminisced back to the Draco who first came in Camelot and reckoned somehow, this blond, magnificent knight had changed. With the mark of evil, his mark of cowardice, completely gone, Draco finally could start anew. And Merlin quietly, unwaveringly promised she would be beside him no matter what.
"I'd do anything for you, Draco."
[1] Darkness, be gone. Let the soul break free. Cleanse his spirit and be pure once more.
A/N: So done! Drop a review!
I've always thought that Draco's ultimate redemption was to remove the Dark Mark on his forearm. So, I thought it was fitting for the Great Merlin herself to remove it for our beloved blond.
This is the end of the story and I know there are still some possible subplots I could have used like Morgana and magic reveal and whatnot, but I really want to focus more on Draco's relationship with Merlin, and his redemption, so that's that. I hope this fic, no matter how weird and new the ship was, could be a baseline for Draco/Merlin fics in the future because seriously, I fervently think they match each other. AGAIN a Dragon and a Dragonlord, I mean come on!
With love,