In the flashbacks Sonic is younger and is not fully thinking about the consequences of his actions. He made mistakes and now he is trying to learn from them.
This chapter is more from Tail's point of view.
Chapter Five
Tails spoke with Sally about their next plan of action over the phones. He could almost picture Sally pacing up and down the room as she talked.
"That's all sounds good," said Sally "Do you know were Eggman and Robotnik are currently based?"
"My guess they still in the Eggcarrier," said Tails, as he look though a file on the computer. "They haven't made an obvious base on the ground yet, but they will do.. " the Eggcarrier was too small for two supervillians, and Robotniks plans were never small.
"Keep an eye on that," said Sally,
"Are you coming here?" asked Tails, he wanted to see Sally and the others again. There was an paused on the other end. "Aunt Sally?"
"You haven't call me that in ages." Sally sounded sad, and all Tails wanted to do was hug her. "I still got jobs that need doing here - I can't just leave. But I will support you are much as I can." they was a another paused "How are you holding up Tails,?"
Tails knew this was about his birthday and his parents more than Eggman and Robotnik. "I just want to stop them."
"Why are you and Sonic auguring so much?" asked Tails looking up from his book, as Sally started to cook in the kitchen, he hated seeing people he look up too so much fight.
Sally blinked and look at Tails "It's complicated."
"Tell me please, I'll understand." Tails understood more than others his age. He knew he could understand what's going on with Sonic and Sally as well, if they just told him instead of trying to hide it from him.
Sally smiled, it was kind of a sad smile that grown up do. Tails didn't like that look. "Without Sonic we can't stop Robotnik," Sally said "But Sonic doesn't alway think before he dose things. I am scared that one day he is going to hurt someone by accident."
"Sonic say he dose the fighting and everyone else dose the thinking," said Tails at once.
Sally shook her head a little "He would say that," she said to herself. "Do you remember when I taught you to play chess?" Tails nodded his head, they wasn't many broad games in Knothole "Well, if you are lucky you might win by change. But if you are playing against someone who knows all the moves, who always knows all the tricks, who alway plan ahead...well you won't win...and Robotnik knows all the tricks...and Sonic's luck will run out."
Tails frowned, he understood some of what Sally said, "Sonic knows lots of tricks as well."
"But sometimes trick aren't enough, Tails..."
Tails had been working for hours on his old inventions that might come in handy, you never knew what the emery was planning. You had to plan for the unexpected. He hear footsteps closed by he paused. He tried to work out who they belong too. Not Amy, not Cream, definitely not Big the cat. Maybe Wave - but she was forces on her own stuff. "Sonic, is that you?"
Sonic stepped into the room, "How did you guess?" He asked lightly
"I know you too well," said Tails looking up from his work, Sonic looked he wanted to say something. "What is it?"
Sonic close his eyes for a moment "Tails, do you remember the night we left Knothole?" Tails nodded his head, he couldn't forgot that night."I told you to go back, I begged you to return. I told you that you were safer with Sally. I said horrible things to you hoping you would go back - but you didn't, why?"
Tails blinked "You know why."
"Tell me."
Tails frowned not seeing were this was going. "Because you are my brother, we are a team. I didn't want you to be alone..."
Sonic laughted, "Sometimes I wonder who the older brother is..." Sonic signed "Tails, I want you to return to Knothole."
"No Sonic!" Said Tails at once, not believing his ears. After everything they had been though, he wasn't going to be send back to Knothole now.
"Sonic, I am not going anywhere. I'm more useful here. The tornado is here, my inventions, my computer... You can't talk me into going back..."
Sonic step closer to Tails and hugged him tightly, "I don't deserve you, little bro. I must of done something in good in another life... Why have you stuck by me so long, Tails? You know better than most what I have done..."
"What happen was a accident. Accidents happen... " said Tails quietly.
"I was a accident waiting to happen, Sally kept warning me someone was going to get hurt..." Sonic trail off
"Anotine was okay." Said Tails "He forgive you, you know, he told me. He said it wasn't entirely your fault, part of it was his and part of it was Robotnik..."
"But it was me who caused the damage..." Sonic signed "Tails, I am doing my best to protect everyone...I couldn't bear it if anything happen to you..."
Tails open his mouth to speck but a alarm on his computer went off. Tails rush to the monitor as quickly as he could. "Sonic, Eggman and Robotnik are in the Green Zone..."
"Well," said Sonic, standing straight "We need to be ready to fight."