This is a WIP

Firstly: I do not own Harry Potter, it belongs to the wonderfully talented J K Rowling!

Secondly: I deeply apologize for the very long delay. I have been recently completing a Psychology degree with the Open University and have had very limited free time, with working as well. I will now be working through all my stories, editing them and making them better and removing those stupid plot holes etc and trying to make the characters more in character apart from the ones who need to change due to the plot, for example, Hermione and Ginny in this story.

My main focus for this rework is going to be Dark Daughters and The Truth about the Gryffindor Princess. Once these are done I will work on the others. Some of my stories will be deleted entirely and not re-appear (basically the ones with no plots etc).

So welcome to the re-work of Dark Daughters. Oh and this is a complete revamp by the way.


14 Years Ago

The wind whistled down a dimly lit street, as an oddly dressed old man appeared seemingly out of nowhere with the sound of a faint pop. The old man had a long white beard which was hard to distinguish from his equally long white hair. He was wearing what could only be described as a bright multicoloured outfit that belonged in a children's cartoon, not in the middle of a street in the London Suburbs in the middle of the night.

The man's eyes sweep the street looking down towards the small kids play park at the bottom of the hill and then up towards a t-junction at the end of the road. There were twenty houses on the road, ten on each side but there was only one house the man was interested in. The man walked purposefully towards the play park at the end of the street, stopping two houses away. Reaching into his pocket the man and pulled out what looked like a lighter. As the man pressed the top of the lighter, the street lamps which littered the street went out one by one. Surrounded by darkness with only a dull glow of the half moon and a few stars in the sky the man waited. Not a moment later the sound of a faint pop could be heard. The old man looked in the direction of the sound to see a young man dressed as what would appear to a normal person as a vampire. He was wearing a black cloak and had shoulder-length black hair. Standing beside the man was a small girl who looked to be two years old, she had black hair and was wearing a pair of green pyjamas. In the man's arms was a baby who looked to be no more than a few hours old.

"Severus," the old man greeted.

"Albus," the man who was called Severus responded, 'it was as I expected."

"Of course," Albus responded, "your closeness to Adria Noć made you the most suitable candidate to be named the guardian of her children in the event of her and Tom's deaths.'

'Riddle,' Severus responded shortly, "Adria Riddle."

The man named Albus nodded, and he bent down so that he was level with the girl holding Severus' hand, "What's your name child?" he asked using his best Grandfather voice.

"Aday," the girl responded, moving closer to Severus.

"Adanya, this is Professor Dumbledore," Severus calmly said to the girl, "He is the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Adanya held out her hand to shake, and Albus shook her hand.

"This is Leilah," Severus said nodding to the girl in his arms.

"They take after their mother," Albus responded, waving his wand he cast a nonverbal sleeping charm over Adanya and caught her before she hit the floor.