Sorry it took so long! Please read the author notes at the end of the chapter after you finish the chapter!

Hinted at Yuri because I couldn't bring myself to introduce any O Cs for the digi girls. It just sounds like friendship most of the time though so take it like you want too.


"Come on in!" Mimi cheerily said as the guests began to arrive. She knew that the others would bring guests, but she had been hoping that just the digidestined would show up. She had not got to hang out with them in a long time.

"Mimi come sit down! Just because you're the hostess doesn't mean you have to greet everyone at this kind of party!" Sora called from the kitchen.

"But.." Mimi began, but she was cut off by a glare from Sora. "Fine!"

Yolie laughed at the two, and pulled Kari into the kitchen where they were. Koushiro and Jou soon followed. Tai, Matt, Daisuke, Takeru, and Ken usually arrived together, and they weren't here yet. Iori couldn't make it to this party.

Everyone had been to the concert, and it was tradition that afterwards there was a party. Mimi was the one to normally host them. Sometimes just the digi gang was invited, and other times everyone they knew brought everyone they knew and so on till there was a ton of people that no one knew. This time the digidestined were just bringing a few friends, so there wasn't too many people there.

The digidestined gathered in the kitchen to have a few moments to their selves, while the rest of the guests continued to enjoy the party.

Suddenly a loud cheer irrupted from the entryway, and the gang shared a smile. That cheer was reserved for Yamato, meaning everyone was now here. Sure enough the boys soon entered the kitchen. Taichi and Daisuke led the way, and Takeru and Ken were right behind them, but Yamato wasn't there.

"Hey guys! Did Yama get mobbed again?" Mimi laughed as she asked even though she was completely serious.

Tai grinned. "That depends on how you look at things"

Mimi and Sora raised their eyebrows, while Daisuke and Takeru cracked up laughing.

There was a bit of yelling outside the kitchen door, and everyone could hear Matt saying something. While they couldn't understand the words, they could understand the tone. He was trying to ditch a few fans.

The door opened, and Mimi and Sora expected Matt to be in an annoyed mood since he had just got finished dealing with fans, but instead they saw a smiling and cheerful person. A smiling a cheerful Matt with someone getting a piggyback ride on his back? Now what was wrong with this picture?

Not a thing.

"Hey everybody I want you to meet someone, this is Yugi!" Matt smiled again, as said person slid of his back. Yugi stood behind Matt for a moment, to shy to meet everyone.

"Hey Yugi! Nice to see you again!" Koushiro grabbed Yugi out from behind Matt, and Yugi was put at the mercy of the digidestined.

"Hey you are right Kou!! He is cute!" Jou laughed at the brightly blushing Yugi, and Yugi was pulled toward the girls. Mimi put him in her lap saying something about a 'kiss for the hostess' was the only polite thing to do. At that statement everyone began to bombard Mimi with kisses, and Yugi got pulled into Hikari's lap.

"Nice to meet you!" She smiled, and Yugi immediately liked her. She was about to introduce everybody when the kitchen door burst open.

"Yugi help!!" Ryou shouted. He ran over to Yugi and Hikari.

"What's wrong?"

"THE YAMIS GOT HIGH!!" Ryou was in full panic mode, and Yugi could understand why. Last time this had happened both yamis had disappeared for a few hours. To this day no one knows what they did, but the police had a couple warrants on their heads that they only got out of by Yugi's puppy dog eyes. Anyway, they had been found the morning after, dressed in panda suits and up the tree in the front lawn. The lesson: Ancient Egyptians can't handle their illegal substances! Don't forget!

Anyway, at Ryou's outburst everyone had looked at the two boys confused. Yugi quickly thought of a way to explain.

"YAMI HIGH IS WORSE THAN ME HYPER!" That worked. Well at least on Matt, Tai, Davis, Ken, and T K. They had all seen Yugi hyper.

Ryou looked around the kitchen, found the cupboard with the pots and pans, and passed out 'helmets' to everyone. Some took them appreciatively (Yugi, Matt, Tai, Davis, Ken, T K) while others looked a little confused ( Hikari, Yolie, Mimi, Sora, Jou, Koushiro). The entire troupe peeked out the kitchen door.

It wasn't too bad, yet. Joey had Yami under pretty good control.

"How did they get high so quickly? They have only been here a few moments." Matt questioned and stated.

"Never under estimate the power of a yami." Ryou said matter-of-factly.

"Why do you call them 'yamis'?" Hikari questioned. "Doesn't that mean Darkness?"

"Well, yes" Yugi shifted a little nervously, "but now isn't the time to explain."

"Wait! Where is Bakura?" Ryou looked around panicking slightly.

There was a crash from the kitchen. Ryou and Yugi ran like their lives depended upon it to the room.

Inside Bakura hadn't managed to do too much damage yet. "Uhh.." He grinned stupidly. "Hello Hikari and Pharaoh's brat"

"Who is he talking to?" Kari didn't think she had ever met this man before, but somehow he knew her name.

"Us" Yugi and Ryou said at the same time. While Ryou tried to keep Bakura away from the knives, Yugi quickly explained. "Since Bakura is a yami, Ryou is his hikari. That's kind of confusing, but anyway he calls me Pharaoh's brat."

"Why does he call you that?" Matt questioned.

"Well.." Yugi once again began his nervous dance. "you see... uh. Bakura calls Yami a Pharaoh and Yami calls Bakura a tomb robber. It's just a stupid game they play." Yugi smiled, pleased with his explanation.

Matt looked like he was about to ask something else, but a figure burst through the door and latched itself to Yugi.

Yami sat on the ground quickly dragging Yugi along with him. He put Yugi in his lap, and much to Yugi's embarrassment, Yami started to pat Yugi like he was some sort of adored pet.

"You're so soft, and huggable." Yami cooed. "Have I told you today how much I love you?" He asked. "You are my light" He continued "My precious little light." Yami continued to stroke Yugi's hair.

Yugi squirmed and tried to get away from the overly affective Yami. Yami just squeezed him tighter.

"Yugi?" Matt glared at Yami. "Do you want me to get him off you?"

While it was tempting to say yes, Yugi knew that Yami would probably end up sending Matt to the shadow realm.

Joey came in at this moment, quickly analyzed the situation, and grabbed Matt back. "I wouldn't try to separate Yugi from Yami right now. Yami can get pretty possessive and violent if Yugi isn't around." Joey said. "He only gets like this when he is high, hyper, or drunk."

"Right" Matt said a little uncertainly.

A scream interrupted them. Everyone turned to see Mimi run behind Sora.

"Bad Bakura!" Ryou screamed while wrenching a pair of scissors away from him.

"What happened?" Hikari questioned.

"He cut my hair!" Mimi squealed, and sobbed into Sora's arm. When they finally got Mimi to turn around, everyone saw a small bald spot directly on the back of her head.

"It isn't that bad Mimi" Sora tried to comfort her.

"Comb over works wonders." Koushiro put in.

"Very pretty" Yami mused as he buried his face in Yugi's hair. "Though never as pretty as my dear sweet aboui's hair."

"Y'all sure have a lot of weird nick-names for each other." Hikari mused.

"Yeah they sure do" Joey agreed.

"Dogs don't talk Joey" Bakura laughed.

"HEY! Lets not go there!"

"Why not pup?" Yami joined in.

"Bad Yami! Down!" Ryou and Yugi both slapped their yamis simultaneously.

Joey laughed, "Whose the dog now?"

Through a bit of gesturing and mouthing words, Matt got the message from Yugi. "Bad dog! Down!" Matt slapped the back of Joey's head.


"That's it Bakura!" Ryou had finally lost his patience. "I don't want to see you for the rest of the night! Go to the ring this instant!"

"Wait Ryou!" Yugi called, seeing the problem with this command. "I don't think you should do that in front of everyone." Yugi whispered in his ear.

"But what am I supposed to do with him?"

"I don't know. Yami seems to be getting along fine though, so maybe you should encourage Bakura to behave like him."

"That won't work!" Ryou protested.

"Definitely not!" Yami appeared out of nowhere. "Especially since I am not going to behave anymore!"

"What are you talking about Yami?" Yugi sighed.

Yami grinned darkly. "Watch!"

Yami walked over to where Matt was standing and sharply tapped him on the shoulder. Matt turned around with obvious confusion written all over his face.

Yami took his 'stance' and the eye appeared on his forehead. "MIND-"

"NOO!!" Four people ran across the room and tackled Yami to the ground.

"Bad Yami!" Joey, Yugi, Ryou, and Bakura screamed.

"Bakura? Why did you stop Yami? I thought you liked it when he went evil." Ryou asked curiously while Yugi and Joey made sure Yami wasn't about to try that again.

"Well," Bakura looked thoughtful for a moment. "Normally I do, but he was about to kill the cool guy."

"The cool guy?" Ryou raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, he understands that Joey is an dog, and he hit him!" Bakura grinned stupidly.

Ryou sighed and shook his head lightly. "Come on yami, let's go out here for a moment" "Oohh some privacy eh?" Bakura grinned and followed.

"Sure, whatever" Ryou dragged him out the door and into the hallway. There was a brief flash of light, and Ryou walked back into the room, alone.

Yami laughed. "Oh poor tomb robber got sent to his room!" Yami mocked. "Is he crying?"

"No" Ryou said calmly. "but he says you will be if you don't shut up"

"Let's see him try." Yami challenged.

"No" Yugi interrupted. "Yami if you don't stop, I will make sure that you go to your room too"

"Humph" Yami crossed his arms over his chest and pouted childishly.


Long ago had the digidestined stopping trying to understand the new comers. If fact after the hair cutting incidence, they had pretty much ignored what Yugi, Yami, Joey, Ryou, and Bakura did. However, with Bakura gone things settled down considerably.

"You know" Kari began as everyone sat down at the table. "All of you act kind of weird. Not that anything is wrong with that or anything, but I would like to know the story."

"story?" Yugi asked innocently.

"Yeah," Kari answered. "You know, how you became friends, and that stuff. I would also like those crazy nick-names to be explained."

"Alright, but only if we get a story from you" Yugi laughed at his own corny suggestion.

"Fine" Kari laughed too.

"Well, it all started with this puzzle," Yugi held up the puzzle, while Ryou and Joey gasped. 'Is he going to tell everything?' They both wondered.

Yugi ignored them and continued. "While I was building it, I met Joey. We became friends, and shortly after that Ryou came along. He has a ring that resembles the puzzle, because they were made at the same time period. We went through some rough tournaments together, and became pretty close."

"That is vague." Mimi yawned, earning her a light punch from Sora. "What kind of tournament?" She asked while glaring at her red headed friend.

"Duel monsters" Yugi simply said.

"What?" Several people asked.

"How could you not know what that is?" Koushiro demanded of his fellow digidestined.

"I know" Yamato and Jou said at the same time.

"You have told me all about it several times before" Jou stated.

"Yugi kind of showed me what it was the other day." Matt added.

"Well some of us are too busy saving the world" Daisuke stuck her tongue out at the three.

"You mean saving the bed from getting cold." Izzy mumbled to himself.

"Care to repeat that?" Davis growled.

"Nope!" He smiled.

"Right" Daisuke stared into space a moment. "You know, I still have those goggles."

"Really?" Mimi asked. "I still have my pink cowgirl hat."

"Oh, I loved that hat!" Sora exclaimed. "I still have my lucky hat too."

"I have that same computer even though it is outdated and severely scratched."

"The medicine and supply bag is in the top of my closet." Jou added.

"I still have that old harmonica" Matt said proudly.

"I thought I threw that away!" Tai whined.

"No, you threw away an extra!"

"Aww man, all that yelling for nothing" Tai sighed. "I think I have that blue headband I wore with those goggles."

"That headband was almost as bad as that hat I used to wear," Takeru stated. "I still have that awful hat too" He mused.

"I have that camera I carried everywhere." Kari smiled. "The pictures are still on my computer as well."

Everyone turned to Ken. Ken smiled. "I have a few dark rings and spirals."


"Oh yeah," Ken leaned back in his chair. "They are really fun to..." His sentence was cut short as a very red T K covered Ken's mouth with his hand.

"No one needs to hear that" Takeru mumbled softly, while everyone else gaped.

"Especially me!" Matt exclaimed, as he ran out of the room.


A little later found Matt and Yugi trying to escape the loudness of the main party. Yami had calmed down a lot and was currently being 'entertained' by Joey.

Matt and Yugi sat in an empty hallway side by side.

"Yami and I can never be to far apart." Yugi said suddenly, breaking the silence.

"What do you mean?" Matt asked, puzzled by this odd statement.

Yugi sighed heavily. "I haven't been completely honest with you. I have wanted to tell you a lot of things but I just haven't had the chance."

"Now is a good time. So talk"

"Just remember to keep an open mind and don't call me crazy till I am done"

Matt nodded wondering what all of this was about.

Yugi took a deep breath. "I'll start with this story. There was once an Egyptian Pharaoh, who sealed away the powers of a place called the shadow realm in seven items. These powers had threatened to destroy the world through a game. His soul was sealed with one of the items. 5,000 years later the game was re-constructed for modern days, and the threat resurfaced. A boy found the item in which the Pharaoh was sealed within, and their souls combined. Together these two saved the world from the evil which threatened to take it over. After the threat was defeated the spirit received his own body, but the connection with the boy remained."

"Okay" Matt said slowly.

"Is that too weird for you?" Yugi asked worriedly.

"Not exactly. The weirdest story I have ever heard is about these 8 kids. They went to a summer camp together, but ended up in a different world. Together with creatures they met, they were forced to save the other world and their own. It happened twice." The two sat in silence a few moments.

Yugi inhaled deeply. "My story was true."

"So was mine" Matt said without a moments hesitation.

"Sure explains a lot" Yugi stated.


"So now what?"

Matt paused a moment before answering. "I think we should win an award for being oddest couple"








Takeru turned to Ken. "You think you are the evilest villain?"

"Yeah, just think about it."

"If I think about it I realize Myotismon was controlling you."

"Then why do you think Devimon was more evil?"


"No, no, no!" Bakura screamed at the arguing group. "I am evil! I am the worst! Fear me! I demand some respect!" He stomped his feet loudly.

Yami raised an eyebrow in his direction. "Marik." He stated with finality.

"Gah! You just say that because he tried to kill you and Yugi."

"Duh! I don't see you trying to kill me or Yugi."

"Is that what you want you blasted Pharaoh?"


"Fine!" Bakura turned around and everyone thought he was defeated. Alas, this was not so. "HAHAHA!" He cried as jabbed a butcher knife his Yami's direction.

Yami dodged and the two ran around the room playing their deadly game against everyone's pleas.

"Both of ya are wrong" Joey said as he and Ryou pulled the yamis apart. "Kaiba is the worst."

"Why do you keep saying that Joey?" Yami sighed. "He never really did anything wrong."

"Ya sang a different tune when he went out with Yugi."

"Never mind that. What is your reasoning?"

Joey sniffed. "He started the whole calling me a dog thing!"

"That makes him an evil villain?" Matt questioned.

"That makes him one to point out the obvious." Bakura said.

Everyone laughed while Yami tried to comfort Joey between his own laughter spurts.

"I think we have had more villain problems than you!" One of the digidestined exclaimed.

"Maybe" Yugi agreed. "But have you ever had to deal with mind reading, soul stealing, or mind control? What about people seeing into the future?"

"Yeah," Joey added. "That mind control is pretty freaky business."

"We once had our bodies taken over." Jou defended. "Puppetmon used dolls or something to control our bodies."

"Are we comparing a puppet to the millennium rod holder here?" Yami asked annoyed.



"I love you."

"Are you sure you mean love? Love is such an overused word."

"True." There was a pause. "How about adore? Cherish? Can't stand a moment out of your favor or sight."

The other paused. "really?"

"no doubt"

"HE is telling the truth!" Two loud female voices called from another room. "The crests glowed! Sincerity and Love!" There was a brief giggle. "He 'truth'fully 'loves' you!"

"Hey bro! My crest didn't glow very bright! You need to be more optimistic! More 'hope'ful!"

"Ours didn't glow!" Two voices called. "No knowledge, Yamato. Shame, shame."

"Hey mine just glowed! Here that Yugi? He's reliable!"

"Reliable in his l~o~v~e!" Sora yelled.

"Hey Yugi! You should slap him! He didn't need too much courage to tell you that! He deserves to be rejected for his overconfidence!"

"What are you talking about Tai?" A voice demanded, coming from the same room. "It could have blinded somebody it was so bright! Call him a wimp Yugi! It took a lot of courage to do what he did!"

"I don't think mine did anything. There was no kindness involved." Came a sad voice.

"Yes there is! The kindness in l~o~v~e!" Sora called again.

"Oh yeah! It glows!" Ken cheered, and there were sounds of T K's laugh as a victory dance was done.

"Mine won't glow till you tell him you love him too!" Hikari called. "It has something to do with the fact that Yugi is a light half or whatever. Come on Yugi I don't hear anything! WOW!! That is a bright glow!"

"Dang it Kari. With all your yelling we missed the three words!"

Yamato sighed into Yugi's hair. "why do they have to be so loud?" He whispered softly.

"Mimi!" Matt yelled loudly. "Why do you have paper thin walls?"

"The better to hear you with my dear."

"You are going to regret that."

"Why? Wait, you are NOT suggesting what I think you are! No, no, NO! Bad Yamato, bad!" Mimi hollered.

There was general laughter heard around. "Why Matt, I feel sorry for Yugi." It was Tai.

"I suggested nothing" Matt answered coolly. "It is your own dirty minds that come up with this stuff."

"Besides," he continued. "Tai is the loud one, and Daisuke screams a lot."

There was laughter and sounds of protest screamed at Yamato, but Matt and Yugi ignored them. They two cuddled against each other resting peacefully.

Yugi suddenly shifted so that he could whisper into Matt's ear. "I love you too."

The End

Corny. I can't believe how long it took me to write this! It was really hard! I am sorry for the blunt explanations between Matt and Yugi, but I couldn't think of another way to do them.

There is another cross-over idea I have floating around in my head, which I think sounds much better than this one, but I don't know if I should write it. It involves basically the same characters, but the romance is different as are the pairings. Would anybody be interested in it? How about a sequel to this one? I don't have any ideas for a sequel, but if anyone wants one, I am sure I could do it.

Please read and review some of my other stories! 'The Grape Revolution' and 'Meet the Relatives' are very lonely. The don't get any reviews.

If you are a digimon fan and like Taito (Taichi and Yamato) you should read my 'Wolf' story!

Please review!!