
Two households, both alike in dignity,

In fair London, where we lay our scene.

From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,

Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.

From forth the fatal loins of these two foes

A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;

Whose misadventured piteous overthrows

Do with their death bury their parents' strife.

The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,

And the continuance of the two side's rage,

Which, but their best one's end, nought could remove,

Is now the few chapters' traffic of this story;

The which if you with eager interest attend,

What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.

Chapter one

Sky was dark, deadly blue when he came.

The clock ticked 4 a.m. when door, somewhere in the big, ancient house slammed with such force that Hermione jerked, opening her eyes immediately, her right hand instinctively searching for her wand which she kept under her pillow. It was a habit she acquired during these dark and lifeless months.

'How can it be, such darkness, enternal midnight, no moon, no stars. Sun detained in dark cell. That's what Voldemort's soul is like.'

Ever since Dumbledore's death, they've been staying at the Grimmauld Place. It was Harry's wish to which Ron and her happily consented. She knew it was because of Sirius and it tore her heart a part. Shortly after their arrival, others came too. Room next to her was Luna Lovegood, mysterious and oddly calming blonde Ravenclaw. At the end of hallway were their Gryffindor friends; Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, Neville Longbottom and Ginny Weasly, Ron's pretty red haired sister and Hermione's best female friend. Ron and Harry's rooms were on the other side of the long hallway. On the floor above theirs were few Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws but they all left with time. Only Luna remained so she moved to the Gryffindor floor. All of them were close and they all stood next to Harry, always giving him assuring smiles and trying to cheer him up but only person who seemed capable of that was Ginny. Her and Harry's relationship has become public thing ever since they moved here. And Hermione was deeply happy for them, they had at least a little bit of peace in those dark, night hours, comforted only by blankets warming them and each other's presence. After few weeks, some professors and, suprisingly, Kingsley Shacklebolt started coming quite often, holding the Order's meetings here, with students present. They've repeated them few times how they aren't children anymore. Hermione couldn't agree more with them…When few meetings were held, it was decided how couple of folder wizards should be here too, in a case of emergency. It came as a very pleasent surprise when Tonks and prof Lupin showed up next morning. Along with them came Mad-Eye, giving all of them many instructions which Hermione found very useful. Beside those instructions he declared, with a very jeering smirk, how they should prepare couple of rooms for their new guests.

Even if she had hundred times to guess she would never guess who those guests will be.

When Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Millicent Bulstrode and Astoria Greengrass showed up, it's not enough to say it was one hell a shock. Mad-Eye explained how they refused to follow Voldemort and his Death Eaters but have nowhere to go. Gryffindors naturally weren't very pleased with the idea of Slytherins staying with them and vice versa so they came up with mutal agreement that they can stay as long as they don't cause trouble and mind their own business. Hermione especially pittied Astoria who has lost her sister 3 weeks ago. Daphne was in Hermione's class and although she didn't particularly like her, she couldn't help feeling sorry for her younger sister.

Slytherins took the floor above where Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaw's used to be. They kept their promise as told. If we neglect few minior quarrels between Blaise and Theo and Seamus and Dean. Even that won't be problem 'cause Gryffindor duo is leaving in two days. Their mothers called them home. On safe, they said. Hermione doubted there was a place in England safe right now. Or maybe later in the world, if Voldemort wins.

They weren't expecting anyone these days and that's why Hermione felt even more startled with sudden noise. She dressed quickly and with wand in her hand and caution in her mind she got out of her room. First thing she noticed is that no other room's door was opened. She was always a light sleeper. It all got deafening quit and it made her even more nervous. Her eyes flew to Harry's door where she knew he and Ginny slept soundly and then to Ron's. She ignored the need to wake them up and together with them go and see what's going on down there. Carefully, she got down the stairs and headed to the kitchen. Her whole figure jerked all of sudden when light of someone's wand became visible to her. Her breathing became rapid and her heartbeats fast. Step by step, she came closer and closer to the interloper. 'Or more of them.' she thought, 'Oh come on Hermione, get your Gryffindor courage.'

Just in the moment when she intended to step in the kitchen familiar voice made her freeze in place.

'Come here Miss Granger. Just keep it quit for Merlin's sake. No need to wake up the others before time.'

Without thinking, she stepped in the room and when two face were recognized she started quietly but upsetly.

'Professor McGonagall, professor Snape, what is this all about? Why are you-

She stopped suddenly when third face, placed deeply in the darkness of the room became visible to her.


That one, single word left her lips. Not as a question, or shocked howl. Just a pure statement.

As she blinked few times, she realised it was indeed Draco Malfoy, sitting in a chair, in front of her.

'Well hello, Granger.', silent acknowledegment of her presence sounded heavy in a too full room.

It was really him. Same blonde hair which almost shone in the dark, same piercing, deep, gray eyes, same too handsome for his own good face. He was here. He's alive.

After the realization she expected a wave of anger, insults, recoil. But it didn't come.

'Professor, what is going on?', she asked calmly, addressing the professor only with her words, 'cause her eyes kept staring at him.

'Same as before. This young man is seeking shelter in this place-

'Shelter? Here? With all of us?'

'Oh do be quiet Miss Granger. Let professor Snape finish his thought.', hissed McGonagall.

Blonde Slytherin just turned his head away, looking through the kitchen window, ignoring the conversation.

'As I said, he has nowhere to go and we want him to stay here. Also Miss Granger, it'll be your task to keep an eye on him. He's a very obstinate boy and I do not doubt he'll try to do some trouble here.', Snape said those last words while looking at him with that Snape gaze, specific only for him.

'So he'll be staying here. With us. I don't think that's a very good idea, professor. The others-

'We'll talk to the others right after you escort Mr Malfoy to his room. Pick him one of the rooms on the second floor. He should feel comfortable there.'

'B-b-but wait a minute! Where have you been, what happened to you after…you know?', Hermione steped closer to him, wanting to see his face more clear through the dark.

'Mr Malfoy will tell you all after he rests a bit. That's all for now, Miss Granger.'


'That's all.', confirmed Snape after which Hermione gave up.

'Come here. I'll show you your room.', she said to Malfoy, waving her hand, indicating him to follow her.

He obeyed quietly, very…unmalfoyishly. Their steps on the stairs seemed very heavy and loud and the stairs alone much longer than in reality. She stayed quiet all the way to the room. She chose one on the end of the hallway, a bit isolated from all the others, but she had a feeling that that's exactly what he wanted right now.

'This will be your room. It has tiny bathroom inside, clean sheets are in the first drawer. If you don't like them I'll bring you new ones tomorrow. The others are on the other end of the hallway so their noise won't disturb you so much. I mean, you know there are other-

'Yeah, I know.', he confirmed, exhaustion taking over him.

'That's it then, I guess. Have a good rest, Draco.'

'I certainly will, Granger.', he opened the door slowly.

She turned her back and when she got to the stairs, tiny whisper passed her lips.

'Good night.'

But his only reply was a quit, cringey sound of doors closing.
