"What are you doing here Jaqen?" Arya asked curiously after following Jaqen to a deserted alleyway near the Quill and Tankard so that they could talk alone.

"A man is here for a mission to help the girl," came Jaqen's vague answer as he leaned back against the wall.

"Help me with what?" She said, crossing her arms in front of her.

"Help the girl become a Faceless man without going to Braavos." The assassin replied.

"But how did you know that I need help with that? And who I am, and where I am for that matter?" She inquired.

"Because a man is told to do so by the Order of the Faceless Men." The man responded in a voice loaded with mystery.

"And why would they want to help me?" Arya asked.

"Since the Faceless Men believe in dreams, and dreaming is a little death where you hear the whispers of the Many-Faced-God. The Faceless Men has ordered this man to come to the girl's aid due to these strange dreams of a terrible morrow. That is all the girl needs to know." Jaqen said to her.

Brynden's work again, I presume. Arya thought in exasperation. Still, this means that I don't need to go to Braavos anymore and learn the secrets of the Faceless Men. Not when Jaqen has found me.

"So how do you intend to help me?" She inquired, her eyes narrowing.

"A man has already help the girl." Jaqen said, giving Arya a disarming smile, which she found suspicious. Immediately, her guard was up as she listened to the man's next words. "With the coin in the girl's hand, this man has already given the Order's blessing. A blessing for the girl to serve the Many-Faced-God."

"You mean this iron coin is all it takes for me to become the servant of the Many-Faced-God?" Arya said in surprise as she glanced at the coin in her hand.

"Yes, the iron coin is given only to potential acolytes, for it is anointed with the holy oil that the Order use to change Faces. Once the girl has taken the coin, the girl will become one of us," Jaqen informed her. "However, for the girl to be truly accepted by the Order, the girl must face a certain test."

There was a short pause while Arya allowed Jaqen's words to sink into her mind.

"Let me guess, this test involves me killing a person?" She asked dryly.

"Yes, you must take a life of a person and claim his face. That's the test that the girl must undergo. This test is to see if the girl has what it takes to kill a person in the name of the Many-Faced-God."

"That seems easy enough," She remarked as she met Jaqen's amused green eyes. "So who should I kill?"

"No one of importance. Just an old man who calls himself as Maester Walgrave."

"You only want me to kill a Maester? That's all?" Arya said doubtfully. "Are you certain of this?"

"Yes, this man is certain. After all, this test is only to prove that the girl can kill without remorse. The girl doesn't need to kill someone important to prove her worth to the Many-Faced-God."

"Well, if that's the case, consider it done. I will kill the Maester tonight." She stated.

"Then, may you have the blessing of the Many-Faced-God, sweet girl." Jaqen told her as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "This man will see the girl on the morrow then once the girl has done the deed. For this man has something to give the girl afterward."

"Of course," she said to him. "Tomorrow it is then. Same place and same time?"

"Yes," Jaqen said as he let go of her shoulder. "This man shall meet the girl here at noon."

"Alright." she said, nodding her head.

"Until tomorrow then," Jaqen stated as he threw his hood up. "Valar Dohaeris, Lyanna Stark."

"Valar Morghulis," was Arya's automatic reply.

Afterward, she watched as Jaqen silently stride away with his hood pulled over his face.




Killing Maester Walgrave was easy, while donning his face and replacing him was not as difficult as she had imagined. Arya made certain that she hid the body where no one could find it while she took over the Maester's identity. Meanwhile, she could now sense the Faceless Men's magic on her as she wore the Maester's dead face.

Of course, Arya used this opportunity to enter into the Forbidden section of the library and acquiring the books that she needed. Arya had also stolen most of the money from the dead Maester and some of his valuables that she could use once she escaped from the Citadel, which she intend to do so after she met up with Jaqen.

By the next day, Arya was already packed and ready to leave the Citadel with the things that she had stolen. However, she must still meet Jaqen and tell him about her success in killing the Maester.

"The deed is done," was the first thing she said to him when she met him in an alleyway outside the Quill and Tankard at noon.

"Well done, sweet girl." The assassin said while smiling. "As can be expected from a experienced killer...And now that the girl has pass the test, this man must give the girl a gift before departing."

"A gift? What kind of gift?" She said shortly, her eyes landing on something behind Jaqen's back.

"A gift that the girl may find useful in the future." Jaqen responded as he took out something hidden beneath his cloak and gave Arya a wooden box.

Arya took the box and slowly opened it. Inside the box was vials of liquid and powder, which she suspected were poisons.

"First, a selection of poisons at the girl's disposal. A good way of eliminating potential threats for the girl's mission," came Jaqen's comment as Arya continued to gaze at the box containing different kinds of poisons in her hand.

"Second, a sturdy and reliable weapon for the girl to wield in her journey." Jaqen then hand the wrapped object that he had carried on his back.

Arya took the object from Jaqen's hand and immediately sensed what was inside the wrapped cloth.

If she guessed correctly, it was a wooden staff that Jaqen gave her.

"A staff?" She asked as she felt the wrapped object with her hands.

"Yes, a wooden staff carved out from a weirdwood tree," was the man's response. "From this man's understanding, you know how to wield it."

"Yes, I do know how to use the staff. I was trained in using it during my years as an acolyte of the Faceless Men." Arya informed him.

"This girl is fortunate then, to have acquired such a gift from the Order," Jaqen commented. "The girl must use these gifts well, and serve the Many-Faced-God to the best of the girl's abilities."

"I shall serve the Many-Faced-God as best as I can, Jaqen." Arya said. "So thank you for everything,"

"The girl is always welcome." Jaqen told her. "And now that I have given the girl the gifts. This man will be bidding his leave. This man's task here is done."

"Where do you plan to go next?" Arya asked.

In response, Jaqen H'gar just smiled mysteriously before he said, "The girl must ask the same question to herself. Where shall the girl go next?"

"Me?" She said, sounding surprise at the question. "I think I shall go back to King's Landing."

"Then, this man bid you good fortune in all your endevours, Lyanna Stark." Jaqen said, reaching out to touch Arya's cheek. Jaqen's hand was warm and full of calluses, but it was a gentle touch that made Arya think of the past where Jaqen was still her teacher.

"As I do wish you good fortune in yours, Jaqen." She finally replied, smiling up at him. "I hope to see you again though,"

"And the girl shall, but this man shall be wearing a different face when it happens." The man replied, grinning widely.

Arya just let out a soft laugh and said, "Then, I shall be searching through a crowd of strangers for you."

"The girl can only hope that you shall recognize this man among the strangers," came Jaqen's amused answer.

"A girl can only hope, indeed." She said, "Well...this is farewell then, my friend."

"Yes, farewell Lyanna Stark." Jaqen said as he let go of her face. "One day, this man and the girl must meet in the same road."

"Yes, we shall," She responded.

"Valar Dohaeris," The man said to her finally.

"Valar Morghulis," was the last thing she said to him right before she watched him leave.


