Entry #4
Daddy has to calm down!
My friends were over today and we were skateboarding in the driveway. I don't have my own but dad said he would take me to get my own and of course all the safety equipment, gloves included this week because unfortunately I really can't get cuts because I don't much of an immune system. Being able to breathe is a great trade-off though. Anyway, I saw Cori watching us through the living room window. I don't how long she had been there. My friends said she was really cute and why don't I bring her outside and let her play with us for a while?
I was going to do that anyway. When I went inside and asked Cori if she wanted to sit on a skateboard while I pushed her around she didn't even bother to ask. She ran and got her shoes. While Dad stood there looking nothing short of horrified, dad told us to go ahead, to make sure Cori wore a Jacket. (Her immune system is bad too.) My little sister was fussed over by my friends, even the ones who were only meeting her then. Cori happily squealed, putting her arm out, saying "I'm an airplane!" I got a video on my phone, it was really sweet.
Honestly Daddy does let us do stuff we never got before, especially before my lung transplant. Cori's too small for a skateboard I agree with that but I hope dad can convince daddy to get her a bike with training wheels. It would be good for her strength and her joints. Dad can usually win daddy over on this stuff and he does it anyway most times.