Hey, guys. Sorry this one's so shitty, but I was only half awake when I wrote it since I spent the previous night staying awake, because of reasons. Any who, this story was done upon as a request by a fan of the series, but I can't remember who they were and I can't seem to find their name among my private messaging pile. So enjoy.

Ichigo x Hikifune

The next week

On the Way to Kirio Hikifune's Royal Palace

There were not many things in life that Ichigo Kurosaki could say he hated. He did not hate hollows. He used to, but between understanding the nature of those who helped them invade Las Noches, and learning the nature of the one inside of him, that hatred died away, because he could not hate a race for being itself. He did not hate Aizen; he was simply protecting Karakura from the man, and was angry with him from for trying to destroy it in the first place. He even understood him to some degree. He did not hate Grimmjow for fatally injuring Rukia, because Rukia almost dying was becoming practical, and it was a part of war. He didn't hate any of the people he called his friends, because in spite of how they occasionally made his life hell, they really were his friends to him. But, if there was one thing that the hybrid could say with certainty that he truly, absolutely, 100% hated, it was the method of transportation in the soul king's palace that, somewhere along the line, required him to be LAUNCHED ACROSS TO THE NEXT FUCKING PALACE OVER, COUNTLESS MILES ABOVE THE ACTUAL GROUND BELOW!



Fortunately, he did not miss the landing, and with a little more than a lack of grace, he successfully arrived at the personal Palace of Kirio Hikifune.

"God dammit!" he yelled as he scooped himself up from the crater he had left as a result of his harsh landing. "They could at least place cushions at the supposed landing points!" He quickly dusted himself off and went on his way, a content mood quickly returning to him.

Ichigo was in a better mood than he would normally be after a crash landing. This was because Kirio Hikifune herself had invited him over via hell butterfly. The sometimes-stout-sometimes-gorgeous member of the royal guard wished to give him a congratulatory feast in celebration of his achievements in the war, and in general. The orange-haired swordsman was all too enthusiastic at the idea. Not only was Kirio's food essential for them to survive, it was delicious! He had secretly regretted not finishing the mountain that was before him and Renji when they had been there the first time. Now, he could eat all of it without any regrets whatsoever.

Ichigo looked around, hoping to find the woman in question. Unfortunately, he saw nothing, but he heard, smelled something wonderful. His ears caught the sound of sizzling pans, running water, and what sounded like several industrial-strength kitchen appliances. But when he stuck his nose into the air… it was paradise; there were spicy smells, something grilled, and if he focused really hard. He could detect something particularly sweet. It was almost as good as Yuzu's cooking.

The substitute wasted no time in making his way towards the trail the scent practically formed. Eventually, he came to a curtain divider that he recognized as the entrance to the dining area. Moving it to one side, he gaped shamelessly as he was blessed with the mountain of food that could only be Kirio's masterful cooking. A huge thick plate carrying big, juicy meats from all kinds of animals; a bowl with the most appetizing salad he had ever seen; a mountain of rice; another bowl holding fresh fruit; and at the center of it all was a set of deserts that were more gorgeous than anything the teenage soul reaper had seen in his life and- he was certain- would ever see again. It was almost filling just to see; it was also just as starving to keep looking at. Ichigo wanted to pounce at the godly banquet before him, but he knew better. It was unwise to simply betray Hikifune's hospitality and eat when she wasn't even present, so he decided it was best to simply wait until she made her presence known. So there he was, standing there at his wits end as he tried with every fiber of his being not to eat the taste of paradise that stood before him without permission, at the expense of his own body punishing him with loud rumblings for not taking this golden opportunity.

Fortunately, he did not have to wait long. "Oh." Hearing a surprised noise, Ichigo looked to see another figure present. Emerging from what was likely the kitchen was Kirio Hikifune herself in her slender form. Apparently, she had just noticed his arrival. "Hello, Ichigo-chan," She said smiling at him, in her undeniably sweet voice, "I see you made here on your own. I'm sorry I wasn't there to greet you when you landed here."

The addressed inwardly chuckled. "It's alright, Hikifune-san." He reassured her. "It was worth the trip here."

The Squad Zero cook's smile widened. "I'm glad you feel that way, Ichigo-chan." Her smile suddenly turned teasing. "I can't help but notice you haven't eaten any of my cooking yet. Could it really be that bad?"

"Wha - nonononono," Ichigo said, almost looking genuinely guilty, if she didn't know any better, "It's not that, Hikifune-san. I just didn't want to just dive in without permission."

The on-and-off buxom woman giggled inwardly. What a silly thing to worry about. "Oh, there's no need to worry about that, Ichi-kun. It is why I invited you in the first place. Though, I do appreciate you decided to wait for me."

The hungry substitute sighed in relief, not taking note of the infectious pet name he had just been granted. "Oh, okay. Most hosts wouldn't want their guests to start until everyone was there. So… may I?" He said, apparently still waiting for confirmation. Kirio had to hold back a sigh.

"Of course." She responded merrily.

The orange-haired reaper needed no further invitation. He practically flew over to the banquet she had set out. He constantly switched between the meat, the rice, the fruit, and the salad, respectively. He found that all of the fruit was seedless, so he could eat all of that with abandon. The rice was split between brown and white, and he slowly evened out both sides. Naturally he went for the dessert last, although some things were still left over.

A few hours later, the enormous table was occupied only by filthy plates, destroyed napkins, and some silverware. There wasn't even a speck of food left. And the one creature responsible for it all was currently groaning like he was dying, while the one who had made it as it previously looked at the barren sight in approval.

"My goodness, you have quite the appetite." The goddess of culinary arts complemented. "You must be doing an awful lot of growing." She looked at her orange-haired guest, her eyesight slipping downward. Three quarters in, he complained inwardly that his bulging stomach was extra uncomfortable straining against his shihakusho, so he had slipped the top off to create an illusion of comfort. So now he was sitting there, practically unaware of his surroundings, in all of his shirtless sculpted glory for her to see. She was quite aroused by the sight before her, especially with the way he was covered in grease, panting so heavily. It was a good thing a divine dinner was secondary to the motives she'd had in mind when she sent the hell butterfly. Her cheeks turned slightly pink as she suddenly realized that she was the one doing the staring. At least she had slimmed down completely, so she was prepared. It was time to act.

"Sooooo," she started, "How did you like it?" She wasn't exactly good at broaching the subject of sex - since she didn't exactly do it often, and it had been a while - so she decided to take it slow.

Regaining the small losses of his senses, Ichigo looked over to the buxom cook and tried to respond as coherently and politely as possible, given he had the best kind of stomachache. "It…," he began, "was… the best meal I've ever had." He proved to have recovered enough for normal speech. "I doubt I'll find anything that good in any lifetime." He turned to face her. "Thank you very much, Hikifune-san."

She felt absolutely giddy at his praise. No one in the squad had openly praised her food like this; normally the other royal guard members would eat, thank her, and leave without any particular word of praise. Perhaps their lifestyle of constantly guarding the lynchpin of worlds demanded they be on duty at all times, and they couldn't even be bothered to spend a moment on words. Hearing it from this delightful young man made her want to "reward" him all the more.

She decided to try flirting a bit more, and her tone turned slightly sultry. "You're very welcome, Ichi-kun." She said moving closer tracing a finger along the table, and proceeding along her side. "But you know… there is something else I wanted to do to thank you." As she moved closer, she could tell he was following her movements very closely. "Would you like to know…" she was now in front of him, bending over to give him a perfect view of her cleavage, "…what I had in mind?"

Ichigo was currently only half there, the first half taking advantage of this amazing view while the other was off in wonderland counting his kingdom of blessings. He couldn't believe he was so lucky that this gorgeous woman would openly invite him to his bed. He knew the last three relatively well, but this woman was practically a stranger by comparison. But enough of those hesitant musings, the though, let the tent do the talking. "I think I may have a few… experienced theories." He decided to be a tease, and was taken aback (though he did his best not to show it) to see no look of surprise cross her features.

"My, goodness, Ichigo-sama," She said calmly, "It seems your recent carnal behavior has actually made you much more perceptive. Or were you expecting this from the beginning?" She teased.

Ichigo didn't even bother hiding his bafflement. "How do you even…"

"Ichibe let me see." Was her simple response.

He sighed inwardly "Figures."

"So," She continued, "What do you…"

"Let's get to it!" He answered right away. His pants were already straining from the site. It needed attention now!

The gorgeous squad zero member seemed pleased by his eagerness to begin. It seemed there was not a moment to be spent on words, save for some very strict commands.

"Well then, Ichi-sama," she purred, taking him by the hand, "if you would walk this way with me." Ichigo stood up from his chair as they walked hand in hand towards the royal chef's bedroom. Kirio quickly pulled back the curtain to reveal a bedroom that was mostly bed, with little room to move to either of the side tables at the other end of the room.

They crawled onto the soft enormous bed, and then turned to face each other. The substitute, still topless, quickly moved in to roughly kiss the woman. She complied with much enthusiasm, instantly complying as his tongue demanded entrance to her mouth. As his pink organ slipped past her lips, their tongues met, sliding against one another as the two of them moaned. Ichigo's make-out experiences with Lisa and Mashiro were quickly paying off, as he slid his tongue against Kirio's own, quickly defeating it as he dominated her mouth. As they made out, his hands traveled to the split in her shihakusho, his hands brushing against the revealed part of her monstrous bosoms. Even though he only grazed them, he could easily tell they were a special kind of soft, as if yielding before the slightest touch. To return the gesture, Kirio pressed her right hand against his muscular torso to feel the body that had been perfected over years of training, while her left hand brushed against the tent in his hakama, earning a groan from him. "Ichigo…" she moaned. His bulge twitched; how did his name sound so sexy coming from another person.

She was trying to get a reaction out of him, he realized; no m=way in hell would it be before he got one out of her. He quickly gripped the inside of the split and took off her robe and haori all at once, instantly leaving her nude before him, causing her to blush furiously, and she made a futile to cover her breasts with her hands. Huh, it really had been a while since anyone had seen her like this.

Ichigo released her mouth from his own to take a moment to observe the sexual art before him. In this form, she was the perfect woman, from her breasts that were actually bigger than Rangiku's, to her slim waist that made them seem even bigger, to her soft, juicy thighs and her dainty hands… he couldn't help but joke that she probably tasted even better than her own food. He honestly found it cute how she was being so shy at this point. He was also displeased his new dessert was denying him. "Let me see them, pet," He growled, "and I'll let you have your prize." Sighing in defeat, the soul cook slowly released her breasts from her hands. Ichigo gaped openly at the sight before him, drooling slightly at the sight of the smooth, pale titties, topped off by large purple nipples. They were nice and bouncy, he could tell, as each small movement got a small shake out of them. The purple haired cook blushed once again at how her strawberry master stared at her so openly. It had been too long since a man had looked at her like that. I made what would happen all the more worth it. She knew what he wanted to do with them.

Finally regaining control of himself, the hybrid's brown eyes hardened with his next command. "On your back, Kirio." She complied immediately, her breast quivering with every movement. Making an effort to stand up on the mattress, he removed his confining pants and hakama. Hikifune let out a gasp as her new lord's manhood sprung to life. She'd had a feeling when she saw the bulge a moment ago, but now she knew for certain she was in for a rough ride. She had expected him to straddle her there and then, but…

"Spread 'em." The command had taken her off guard. Nonetheless, she complied, allowing him a view of her tight pink lips, crowned by a purple patch of hair. She stared at the ceiling, not certain what he was planning… until she gasped as she felt some slender digits enter her treasured area. If she could see over the slop of her magnificent bust, she would be able to make out her master sticking three fingers into her slit, while simultaneously stroking her pearl with his other hand. He then spread her open, licking her with a great deal of vigor. Kirio's eyes rolled into the back of her head as she felt the young man get her off orally. She hadn't felt this for quite a while, so she knew it wouldn't be long before she came. She bucked her hips once, and the teenage reaper stopped abruptly. She moaned in disappointment. "You should hold still, skank." Ichigo said huskily. "You wouldn't want the pent up stress to get to you, now."

That was all she needed to know. From then on, she made every effort to hold still as Ichigo roughly finger-fucked her. She quickly learned that every time she so much as twitched, he would stop for a full minute. Or was it an hour? She didn't know. She just needed him now, and she was only making things worse for herself. Soon enough, she couldn't take it anymore. She had kept denying herself release, so she learned to stay still instinctively. To do this, she simply ignored the pleasure, which only made it worse. Such was the roll of a sub, she supposed.

It wasn't long after that that she could feel herself coming undone. She decided to warn him, or he would likely be angry with her for doing it without warning. "G-goshujin-sa-sama," she struggled to speak, "I'm ab-bout to c-cum!"

She didn't see it, but Ichigo grinned evilly. "Hold it in for the next 20 seconds, you pathetic slut," the rough young man ordered, "then you'll be fully punished." What followed was probably the most torturous twenty seconds of Kirio's life. She knew she still had to hold still, but it was painful. Then again, that was the point. She wasn't in control, and if she slipped up now, all of her efforts for bringing him here, for persuading him, would go fruitless. But it still hurt so dang much! How long had it been since…


Her vision went white. Before she had even fully comprehended his command, she had cum harder than she could remember ever doing in her life. She could vaguely feel his tongue brush against her still-sensitive honeypot as he lapped up her continually gushing juices. She didn't know how long she had cum for, but she did know that after she had come down to feeling a great weight on her torso. She looked up to see Ichigo mounted on her stomach.

"Hold them together, Kirio." He ordered her brusquely. Doing as she was told, she pressed her hands to the sides of her heaving breast. Ichigo grabbed Kirio's nipples, earning a soft moan from the woman, and thrust his beast into her pillowy mammaries. He made no attempts to restrain himself as he fucked Kirio's tits. And from how she was moaning unabashedly, she wasn't exactly opposed to it. Ichigo decided it was safe as he threw his head back, enjoying Kirio's paizuri via his own rough thrusting as they shook vigorously with every thrust. He quickly came (hardy har) to decide that this was his favorite way of getting off before the actual main event. He made a mental note to do this as often as he could when with a woman of similar… endowments as Hikifune.

"Fuck…" he threw out as he continued to have his way with her breasts. "That's a good girl, pet. You love it when your master uses your tits like this, don't you?" It was obvious he expected an actual answer.

"Y-Ye-Yes," she shamelessly admitted, "I love taking my master's big, hot cock in between my titties! Please take them, Ichigo-sama!"

"Not that I needed your permission bitch!" Her master said with barely restrained anger. He smacked her ass to make his anger much more clear. He then continued to please himself, using her unrivalled bust as his fuck-toy. He decide to remind her who her master was. "And just who is your master, you slut?"

"It's you." she said, her voices rather small for the situation.

"I'm sorry," Ichigo demanded, his patience draining, "who's big, hot cock do you love having in your titty pit?!"

Kirio broke there and then. "Ichigo-sama's! I love it when my master pays attention to my slutty body! Especially my tits! I never want anyone else using me like this but you, Goshujin-sama." Seemingly satisfied with her answer, Ichigo continue to indulge in her body. The cooking soul reaper decide to further her master's pleasure by licking the head of his weeping cock every time it poke out of her cleavage.

As much as he loved the paizuri he was getting, he could feel himself getting close by how his dick began to throb harder with every thrust he sent straight into his purple-haired slave's massive jiggling titties. He decided to avoid telling her, and let it be an unpleasant surprise, before picking up his pace.

Before long, he came with a loud moan, blasting a huge load of his white spunk all over her face, while some got into her mouth, her neck, and her hair. Her face, if not covered in white, would be obviously flushed red as she sat there stunned.

Her substitute dominator, however, did not take all too kindly to her idle behavior.

"Are you just going to sit there," He snarled, "or are you going to spread your legs back open, you worthless cur?!"

The purple-haired cook panicked before quickly working to fulfill her order, Kirio revealed her nether regions to him once again. He quickly straddled her, sinking his enormous cock into her awaiting hole. She moaned openly as she quickly made and attempt to adjust to his size, with little progress. It had been a long time, and it didn't help that she had never had one as big as he was. The strawberry in question wasn't doing that much better. Kirio was tighter than any of his other partners! She didn't quite grip around his cock the way the others did; it was more like his member was being smothered in an opening jammed with velvet pillows. And he absolutely loved it. After taking several moments for both of them to do just a little bit of adjusting, the master quickly set a pace, allowing her pussy to better adjust to his sabre. Before long, he had sped up to a pace where the bed beneath them was quaking as he fucked his slave rampantly. After that, he had sped up to a point where the cook had little hold over her rational thought as her master fucked her stupid.

As he rammed into Kirio, the substitute soul reaper's vision was drawn to the sight of his pet's bouncing breasts, which move every which way with each rampant thrust into her core. For further stimulation, he quickly palmed each of her juicy mammaries with his hands, drawing involuntary moans from his submissive body pillow. It was quite apparent to him by this point that not only was she extremely shy due to her inactivity, but she was also very sensitive. It was clear stimulating her wouldn't be too hard, even when he only intended to stimulate himself.

As they continued to fuck, Ichigo got an idea from when he first fucked Rangiku. Releasing his hold on her breasts temporarily, he gripped her meaty thighs and lifted them to the point where they were near her head. "Hold on to your legs, Kirio," he ordered, "and if you let go I will punish you worse than I did for squirming." Once again, Kirio complied wordlessly, grabbing her tender thighs. This allowed the orange-haired dominator to fuck her at a deeper angle. Like he wasn't already a beast. Kirio let out a cute squeak each time her brown-eyed lord slammed into her core. It suddenly felt like someone was poking her stomach with a dagger. At first, she didn't know what that was, but then she realized that sensation was actually coming from below her stomach.

Oh god, he's striking my womb, she realized. Now she almost felt like this was a bad idea, but she couldn't deny being invaded like that made her feel like a woman. Ichigo regained his grip on her tits, and somehow ended up ramming her even harder than before. Kirio couldn't help but buck her hips into his thrust with efforts to match him.

She didn't know if it was a reward for effort, but she suddenly felt her master latching onto her left nipple, while pinching the other, instead of simply gripping them like he was doing before. His tongue swirled around her gumdrop-sized areola, as he sucked on her like a new born baby. His thumb replaced his two fingers on his other nipple, pressing into her nipple. Kirio felt like cumming then and there, but she decided it would be a good idea to wait a little longer, lest she suffer her master's wrath. Her musings were cut off as she felt his teeth graze her left bud. Instead, she decided to take pride in the new sensation her master would taste if he kept this up.

Suddenly, Ichigo felt a hot sensation rush past his lips and down his throat as he suckled on the cook's breast. He shot her a confused look, and got the feeling she would be giggling if she wasn't so short on breath. "I see …you… you noticed I-chigo sa-ma…" she panted, "but my breasts are… full… f-full of milk. Do you like it?" She asked hopefully. He didn't answer verbally, instead choosing to suck harder on her, simply enjoying the taste of her breast milk. Once he was done with the bruised nipple, he switched to her neglected right nipple, and suckled her as milk began spouted from it, while the other continued to leak milk despite having been released. He just couldn't get over the taste of the beautiful cook's breast milk. He could safely say dairy would never be the same to him again.

Before long, Kirio was unable to hold it in for much longer, and decided to tell him. "Goshujin-sama… I'm about to cum again." She really hoped he didn't…

He released her nipple from his teeth to look her dead in the eye. "Hold it in, until I do pet," he barked, "if you know what's good for you!"

God dammit!

Kirio held in as best she could, but luckily, she wouldn't have to hold out for nearly as long as she thought. A few seconds later, he suddenly pulled out of her stroking his cock like his life depended on it. With a loud groan, he blew his load all over her breasts and stomach. Somehow, the sensation was just enough for her o cum like she wanted to, and for a moment, she saw nothing but white and a high-pitched noised passed through her ears, all as though she had been hit by a stun grenade. Once again, cumming harder than she ever had in her life, she could not tell for how long she had been sitting there, and in the back of her mind she realized what a mess she was, her master's seed covering her face, stomach breasts, and hair. But it was totally worth it.

As she sat there, enjoying the feeling of his hot seed on her front, she suddenly felt him lift her up. She turned to look at his, face, which had lost all semblances of dominant intent. "Where's your bathroom," he asked, not unkindly. As soon as she pointed him in the right direction, he set off, and she couldn't help but ask what was going on. "Oh, well, I wanted to continue, but eating all you delicious food had already worn out." was his honest answer. "So I decided we should just get cleaned up and we could just cuddle for now.

She didn't complain. She was certain she was sore from the rough treatment, and she would need time to adjust properly to the feeling. So with that, she just went along with it, and the result was a warm shower and the best sleep Kirio had had in a long time.

I hope Whackybiscuit doesn't mind me using the milk bit. It might be a while before I post another chapter, everyone, so unless you are also a My Hero Academia fan, you may not hear from me for a while. Writing for multiple franchises at the same time is stressful. In the meantime, please enjoy this as it is, and I'll write for ya later. Please Read and Review, and be nice.

Oh, and a late happy New Year.