Disclaimer: I do NOT own The Mortal Instrument series; sadly, that honour goes to Cassandra Clare!PLEASE READ: Just a quick note, I understand that most people don't review stories and I appreciate that, however when I don't get any reviews on my chapters it makes me feel demotivated to carry on as I feel you don't like it. So PLEASE review.

Chapter 12

Clary sat in the center of the floor in her bedroom, surrounded by the boxes that had been somehow forgotten about. With all that had been going on with school and Jace she hadn't managed to get round to unboxing them. A soft smile graced her face as she went through one particular box which was full of pictures and nick-nacks that she had brought from home.

"What you doing Clare-bear?" Alec asked, popping his head around the door of her room.

Clary rolled her eyes at the nickname that Alec had somehow decided befitted her, "I was just trying to get round to these boxes" she laughed looking around her room. Even though she had been busy she had managed to put her own spin on the room. Her paints and easel were in the corner, a half finished watercolor among them. The window ledge was overflowing with a variety of plants and a patchwork blanket made by her grandmother was thrown across the bed. Combine that with the variety of fairy lights she had hung around the room it provided quite an arty feel which Clary loved to relax in at the end of the day.

"Want some help?" Alec smiled walking in and plopping himself down next to her. Without waiting for a response Alec reached into one of the boxes and pulled out a picture. "Aww look at ickle Clary" he crooned, turning the picture so that Clary could see which one he was talking about. Groaning Clary hid her face in her hands, trying to hide the embarrassment that was evident on her face.

"Of all the pictures did you have to find that one" she laughed into her hands, the sound slightly muffled. Peeking through her fingers she looked at the picture again. It was a school picture from when she was around 6. Her mum had tried to give her a haircut the night before the photos were to be taken and the best way to describe the end result was a bowl haircut. Clary reached over and took the picture from Alec's grip. "I think that's one that can definitely stay in the box".

Standing up Alec went over to another box which had been moved against the wall with 'storage' written across it in black marker. From what he could see it was an assortment of bits ranging from posters and cushions to fridge magnets and books. "You know Clary, this is your home too. You are more than welcome to put some of this stuff around the apartment instead of putting it in storage" Alec stated, reaching into the box he pulled out one of the fridge magnets. It was a picture of Clary with her mother Jocelyn and her brother Jonathan.

"No, I mean I couldn't. I have only been here for like 5 minutes, it's fine" Clary smiled shyly.

"You can and you will!" Alec insisted sticking his tongue out, before Clary could say anything else Alec had picked up the box and was running out the door. Scrambling to her feet Clary made to follow him. By the time she caught up with him he was in the living room.

"Alec… really… you dont hav..OOMPH" Clary was stopped mid second by a pillow flying at her face. As the pillow fell to the floor Clary finally got a look at the room. On the sofa where there used to be a couple of ratty grey pillows that had probably seen better days there was now Clarys bright pillows that she had brought from home. On the bookshelves in the corner there was now a pile of Clarys books on one of the shelves, and by the front door Alec was putting up one of the posters of her favourite bands The Infernal Devices. Walking over to him Clary threw her arms around his waist from behind "Thankyou" she mumbled, feelings slightly embarrassed. Alec just grinned and finished putting up the poster. Just then the front door flew open and Izzy walked in with a takeout from Taki's Diner, Jace not far behind her.

Clary groaned, her stomach feeling like it was about the burst with the amount of food she had just eaten. They had all finished the food Izzy had brought home from Taki's and were all in the living room. Izzy lay on the rug in front of the television, Alec was lounging in the hanging chair and Jace was sprawled out on the sofa. Clary herself sat with her back resting against the sofa.

"Where did those cushions come from?" Izzy asked, only now noticing that the old gray cushions were missing

"Uh, they are mine. I hope it's alright? Alec said it's cool.." Clary said nervously, thinking that Izzy didn't like the pillows.

"Of course it is, they are awesome! We should get some other bits to match and maybe do a bit of redecorating. I know, we can go shopping!" Izzy squealed excitedly.

"Bagsy not the donkey" Alec quickly shouted, Clary looked at him confused then heard a groan from behind her. Looking over her shoulder she could see that Jace had buried his face in one of the pillows.

"Am I missing something?" Clary asked confused,

"It's a thing the boys do to decide who has to come carry the bags" Izzy explained, "I don't see why they hate it so much, I always buy them something" she grumbled.

"Izzy, last time you bought me a bright pink leather jacket. PINK!" Jace exclaimed, "What on earth made you think that I would want a pink jacket?". Izzy quickly jumped in with a reply but at that point Clary had blocked them out. She had got used to these little spats between Izzy and Jace and knew it was best to just let the siblings hash it out.

A couple of minutes later Clary was brought out of her reverie by Izzy's voice, "So that settles it! We will all go shopping tomorrow, minus Alec of course" Looking up realised Alec, Jace and Izzy were all starting at her waiting for a response.

"Sure, I need to get some bits for my room anyway. How bad can it be?" Clary shrugged.

Hi guys! I know it's been a while and this chapter isn't the best but i'm trying. There are a couple of things I wanted to talk to you all about.

I'm looking for someone who can bounce ideas around with me about the story, to help me get pumped about writing this again. If anyone is interested please please please message me on here and hopefully it can be the start of a beautiful friendship xD

I'm also looking for a Beta, someone reliable and preferably who has read TMI which i'm sure most of you have. I have been trying to keep the characters as true as I can and hopefully with a Beta's help and some criticism here and there I can make this into something I'm proud of.

Thank you!