Disclaimer: I do NOT own The Mortal Instrument series; sadly, that honour goes to Cassandra Clare!

Chapter 1

Clarissa Fray turned the corner and found herself on yet another street that looked exactly like the last. Reaching into her bag, she pulled out the section of newspaper that she had saved with local listings. She rechecked the address and repeated to herself as she made her way down the street, checking the numbers on the doors as she went "34 E 3rd street...34 E 3rd street... 34 E 3rd street". 10 minutes later, and what felt like half a mile later Clarissa sighed in relief as she finally found the address that she had been searching for.

It was a large building and looked to be a converted townhouse. She climbed the steep steps, having to clamber over a push bike that had been left at the bottom. Once she reached the top she straightened her clothes and tucked the flyaway bits of hair behind her ears. Lifting a hand, she was just about to knock on the red peeling paint on the door when it flew open. Startled Clarissa, stumbled backwards, only just managing to save herself from falling back down the steps.

"Oh, shit sorry" she heard a voice say, she looked up to see a boy no more than a year older than her in a pair of ripped jeans and black t-shirt

"Are you okay?" He asked, taking a step towards her "Yes..um..is this 34 E 3rd street?" She heard herself ask, her eyes still taking him in. He looks like a model she thought to herself, he had short blonde hair that curled just above his ears and golden eyes that felt like he was looking right through her.

"yes, you must be here to look at the room" he grinned before turning and going back into the house "IZZY! A GIRL'S HERE TO LOOK AT THE ROOM" he shouted up the stairs. Clarissa faintly heard a voice shout back before the boy came back out pulling a bag onto his back.

"Sorry I have to get to class I'm late, Izzy's just coming" he smiled before rushing down the steps and climbing onto the bike. He waved at her and then he was gone, racing up the street and around the corner.

The sound of someone else coming down the stairs had Clarissa looking back into the house, a girl with long black hair and blue eyes walked towards her "Hi, I'm Izzy. Come on in" she smiled, gesturing for her to step into the house.

"I'm Clary" she nodded shyly stepping into the house and looking around. From what she could see it looked like the bottom floor was a small apartment with its own entrance just inside the main door.

"That's Mrs Whitmore's apartment" Izzy stated appearing next to her after she closed the door "we are up here, we have two floors to ourselves" she explained as she climbed the stairs followed quickly by Clary.

As they reached the top of the stairs they came to another door that provided some privacy between the two sets of tenants. As they entered the apartment Clary's mouth fell open, it was beautiful and huge. They had entered the living room which had two big squishy couches positioned around a large flat screen tv and a number of game consoles. It was all open plan and the kitchen joined on with only a small kitchen island separating the two sections. The island was covered in what looked to be fashion sketches. "Sorry about the mess, I was just doing some work ready for when my classes start" Izzy said seeming embarrassed about the mess, she walked over and tidied the sketches into a pile.

"Don't worry about it, this place looks great!" Clary said enthusiastically running her hand over the back of one of the couches.

"It's not much, as you can see this is the living room/Kitchen and that's all there really is to this level. The bedrooms are up those stairs over there" Izzy said showing Clary to the stairs and starting on up to the next level. "There are 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, if you do decide to take the room me and you would share one bathroom and my brothers Alec and Jace would share the other... this would be your room" Izzy said coming to a stop outside of the only open door along the hallway.

Clary stepped into the room that was lightly furnished with a bed and a dresser, her mouth falling open as she immediately fell in love.

"Its $500 a month along with the agreement that you will pay for the food shop one week out of the month and I forgot to tell you we have a cat" Izzy said as she went over to sit on the double bed that was by the window and stroking the cat curled up there. Clary walked over to the bed and sat next to Izzy, holding out a hand tentatively for the cat to sniff. "He likes you" Izzy grinned as the cat rubbed his face against Clary's hand "his name is Church" she continued to say before standing up.

"So other than showing you the bathroom and introducing you to the boys that's it, would you like to go and sit in the living room so we can have a chat and get to know each other a little better until they get home?" Izzy asked standing up. Clary nodded and they made their way back down to the living room

Hello, thank you for reading this. It's just an idea I'm throwing around and trying. Please review!