Donna was standing on the roof of the building that housed Pearson Litt. It was cold, too cold to be out there in just a short dress as she was wearing, but this day she didn't care.

A bit over twelve years had passed since she had last seen Harvey Specter. Harvey Specter. It was curious how she sometimes found herself calling him that instead of just Harvey.

When she had come to his condo the day after their argument, hoping to somehow make him forgive her, he had already been gone. He hadn't taken much, only his favourite suit and some clothes, but he had never come back.

The first year had been hard. She had desperately tried to find him, had spent all day wondering where he had gone. It was hard when someone who you had seen pretty much every day for twelve years just disappeared. Not that he wasn't right. She had betrayed him. But she had never thought that that could mean he would leave her forever.

Sometimes she wondered if he still called Louis every now and then, but although Louis had forgiven her, he refused to talk about anything concerning Harvey. He wouldn't even tell her if he was still alive.

"Donna." She didn't need to look up to know that it was Jessica joining her.

"Jessica," she replied without turning around, eyes still fixed on the New Yorker skyline.

"I see you brought the Scotch."It was Harvey's favourite, one of the insanely expensive ones. "He would have turned 50 today," Jessica added.

Donna nodded. "You know the first few years I kept thinking that he might call one day... that I might find him at my doorstep, ready to forgive me..."

"Harvey's never been the forgiving type," Jessica pointed out rightfully. When his mother had died three years ago, he had not shown up for the funeral. It was then that Donna had given up all hope to ever see him again.

"So he hasn't even forgiven you? You had nothing to do with it after all."

Jessica shook her head. "I never heard from him after he left that day…"

Donna didn't need her to continue; she knew that Jessica thought that Harvey was long dead, that the lack of communication was not a punishment, but the simple lack of ability.

But somehow Donna couldn't believe that. Even after all those years she thought that she would know if Harvey Specter was dead.
She poured herself and Jessica a glass of Scotch.

"To Harvey, wherever he might be," she said rising her glass.

"Wherever he might be," Jessica agreed, solemnly turning her eyes towards the cloudy sky. It would be raining soon.

He could hear the children squeaking as they splashed each other with water, hear the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore, feel the cool autumn wind ruffle through his hair and the scratchiness of the sand he was lying on.

All of that didn't change the fact that he felt that there was a thin layer of fabric between him and the world. Sometimes it was so thin he hardly noticed it, other times everything seemed muffled, all the colours dulled.

"Papa! Thomas ne me donne pas le bateau!" Dad! Thomas won't give me the boat!

2Sh, Alice, papa dort! Thomas, donne le bateau à ta soeur, il faut le partager!" Sh, Alice, dad's sleeping! Thomas give your sister the boat, you're supposed to share!

He wasn't sleeping and he knew that Monique knew he wasn't. But she recognised the mood he was in. She always did. That was one of the reasons why he loved her.

He felt her reaching out for his hand and gently squeezed back as she did.

"Tu veux retourner à la maison?" Do you want to go home? she whispered. "La mer te rend toujours triste." The sea always makes you sad.

He shook his head. He didn't want to go just yet. Monique didn't know that somewhere across this ocean lived his son, a boy he had only seen once. She didn't know that he had a brother, a niece and a nephew. She didn't know that he had been a lawyer once, that he still had a bank account with millions of dollars.

All that he had ever told her was that he had left the States because of a woman's betrayal.

For a few more minutes Harvey Specter listened to the waves, allowing himself to wonder what had become of the people he had left behind.

He could have found out if he had wanted could have looked up the firm, he could have called them. He should have. They had not all betrayed him. Louis, Jessica, Marcus, James, none of them had done him any wrong.

But he couldn't bring himself to do it. Because calling them, finding out what had become of them would have forced him to think about Mike. About the future the kid had never had because he tried to safe him.

He could think of a million mistakes he had made all of which had led to Mike being on that plane. If only he hadn't walked out on him that evening. If only he had stayed in the hospital. If only they had taken some more time before they flew back. If only he had never hired him in the first place. All of that would have been more reasonable than what he had done.

"Tu vas bien?" You're all right? Monique asked quietly and he could hear the concern in her voice.

"Oui… J'ai seulement pensé à quelqu'un que j'ai perdu…" Yes… I just thought of someone I lost.

"Tu sais," You know Monique said resting her head on his shoulder, "un jour il faudra que tu me racontes ton histoire." one day you have to tell me your story.

"Un jour," he confirmed. But it wasn't this day.

The End

So that's it... The end. I know that many of you were upset about Mike's death and I'm sorry for killing him. I didn't plan to do it all along but it was where the story took me.

I would like to thank everyone who wrote a review, favourited the story or set up an alert, it was always great to know that people actually liked this. If you want to write a final review now that you reached the end, feel free to, I will continue to read and feel happy about them!

Also I would like to thank Zimdan19 again for her beta work, for finding all the small mistakes I made and for her continued support!