Mike had to admit he was sort of excited about their trip to England. He had never left the US before as Granny never had enough money and now that he made money he lacked the time. And even if the trip was just for business - a rather big merger between a British company and an American one- it was certainly better than to stay at the office all day.

"Hey," he greeted Harvey cheerfully as he joined him in the check-in line.

"Hm," Harvey returned, hardly acknowledging Mike's presence as he flipped through their tickets and passports. Mike couldn't quite point the finger at it, but he had the feeling something was off. Then something else got his attention.

"I thought we were going to be there for three days…"

"We are," Harvey replied, sounding annoyed. Mike frowned, wondering what justified Harvey's annoyance.

"Why did you bring such an enormous suitcase then?" Mike asked, pointing to the monstrous trunk next to Harvey.

"Why? What did you bring?"

His gaze fell on Mike's medium sized suitcase.

"How many suits did cram in there?"

"Uh, two. On top of the one I'm wearing now. Plus a jeans and a few shirts…"

Harvey snorted. "Well, that certainly explains it. Contrary to you I care about my appearance."

"Hey, I do too!" Mike protested. "How many suits did you bring?"

"Five. Which is one for every day."

"Stills seems a bit excessive. I'm sure you could have them dry cleaned there…"

Harvey just shrugged, giving Mike again the impression that something was off. They waited in line in silence, Mike's futile attempts to make conversation being shot down by mere shrugs.

"Did I do anything?" he asked at last.

Harvey frowned. „No, why do you ask?"

"Because you've been ignoring me for the last half hour. It feels like you're punishing me for something, I just don't know what for."

"I'm not. I'm just not really in the mood for talking at the moment."

"Anything happened you care to share?"

"Nothing happened, Mike. Seriously."

Mike decided to let it go but when they went through security and Harvey took off his jacket he noticed the patches of sweat under his armpits. It was strange for it wasn't too warm outside and the airport certainly was well air-conditioned.
On the other hand Harvey was wearing that stupid vest of his...

They passed security and settled in the business lounge where Harvey grabbed a news paper and Mike got out some files he had not come around to read yet. Of course, this was a business trip, and you were probably expected to read files during those, but Mike couldn't help being a bit disappointed.

"Hey." A few minutes later Mike felt a soft touch on his shoulder. "Why don't you get us some coffees and then we talk about those restaurants Rachel picked out."

Mike looked up in surprise. He had not thought Harvey had listened when he had mentioned that earlier.
Now the lawyer was smiling softly, quite opposite to his earlier behaviour.

"Great," Mike said, feeling his face lighting up a little. He had arranged himself with sitting next to a brooding Harvey for the next few hours, but that had not been what he had been looking forward to.

He got the coffees but Harvey payed for them - his way of saying sorry. Harvey listened attentively when Mike started to go over the rent outs Rachel had given him but Mike still picked up that Harvey was not saying much himself, but relying on Mike to carry the conversation. Or maybe he was just being paranoid.

Anyway, Mike was in a much better mood when their flight was called. He bonded to his feet immediately.

"Hey, no hurry. We have assigned seats," Harvey pointed out. „Everything getting there early is going to do is have us wait in line."

"Uh, yeah," Mike said unsure if that meant he should sit down again. „Maybe we get an upgrade if we are there early though…"

Harvey raised an eyebrow. "The only way to upgrade our seats would be putting us in the cock-pit, Mike. So relax, wait for the last call and then we can get right to our seats, spending as little time in the plane as possible."

"Fine," Mike muttered, sitting back down again. What if they missed their flight? Jessica would certainly be furious…

"I really think we should go now…" he said after ten more minutes. He was starting to get nervous, and probably Harvey wasn't the only one with patches of sweat under his armpits anymore.

"Fine," Harvey allowed with that generous smile of his. Only it seemed a little strained…

They did not miss the flight and Harvey had been right about there not being a line anymore.

"Wow, these seats are comfy," Mike said, as he fell into his. Harvey had not allowed him the one next to the window, but flying first class was still pretty cool.

"Wait until you have spend a few hours in them," Harvey replied grimly.

"Don't be so pessimistic. Have you been across the pond before?"

To Mike's surprise Harvey shook his head. "No. Never got around to it."

"Pity that we're not going to Paris. Would be a way more romantic first time that way…"

Harvey did not dignify the comment with an answer.

Despite them being amongst the latest for boarding it still took a while before the plane actually started rolling. Mike used the time to settle in, taking of his suit jacket and getting a book out of his bag. He also observed the people around them, all businessmen probably tired after a day of work. They were one a red-eye flight, with the sun already starting to set over New York.

"What time do we land again?" Mike asked, wondering if it would be in darkness.

"You've seen the tickets you know." Harvey's tone was back to annoyed and when Mike glanced over to him, he noticed the older lawyer had his eyes closed and his jaw slightly clenched.

"Harvey? Are you okay?"

"What? Yes, of course I am," the reply was just a little to sharp and when Harvey's head snapped around his eyes were screaming murder. All in all not a sign that he was okay, but rather one that Mike had touched a sensitive spot.

"Hey, I was just asking… No need to snap at me like that."

Harvey's features softened a little but his jaw remained clenched. „Sorry, I didn't mean to."

They were interrupted by the safety brief, which Mike followed attentively even though he had been on a plane before and remembered it perfectly of course. Harvey had closed his eyes again. He had probably heard it a hundred times already and didn't deem it worth listening too.

It was when the plane finally stated taxing that Mike truly noticed that something was wrong with Harvey.
His eyes were still closed, his jaw definitely clenched now, and his hands were clinging to the arm rests.

"Harvey?" Mike tried again, hoping not to have his head bitten off this time. The lawyers breathing was unsteady and Mike could see a pearl of sweat form on his forehead.

"What?" Harvey grunted.

"Are you sure you don't want to tell me what's going on?"

Harvey did not reply to Mike's question but in response to the plane accelerating he pressed his whole body into the seat and even in the dimmed cabin light Mike could see his skin glittering with sweat.

Then, suddenly, as the plane's tires left the ground and Harvey gave a soft whimper, it hit Mike.

"You're afraid of flying!" he blurted out, so loud that a few heads turned towards them.

"Don't be ridiculous," Harvey muttered through gritted teeth, but Mike could see him fighting to keep his calm.

If anyone would be willing to beta this, feel free to contact me!