
Summary: Igneel; The Fire Dragon King knew he'd die soon and he performed his ultimate spell to create two opposite forces. The forces that can bring peace to world and destroy his fierce enemy. Will Erza manage to get Natsu out of the dark and bring harmony to their lifes again?


A/N: Hey guys I am back from a looong vacation, hope you enjoy this story. As always I am waiting for your reviews.




"Extend your hand, sun." An inhuman – mighty voice echoed in the dark cave.

The little girl with scarlet shoulder lenght hair raised her hand, revealing the black sun shaped tattoo on her palm.

"Extend your hand, moon." The same voice, a voice that shaking the earth.

A boy smirked as he outstretched a hand to the girl, his pink hair ruffled with effect of the tremendous creature's breath.

"Form as one." The boy pressed his moon mark onto the girl's palm. "to find peace and harmony."


"That was what dad said but things haven't progress like that." Erza aka Scarlet– with the surname of her father's – Dragneel walked down to the guild.

"We split up." Her long scarlet hair was gathered in a ponytail today. She was wearing a black sweater and pale red skirt, her legs were covered with black tights. It was pretty cold this time of year.

"Whatever I promised that I'd go to a mission with our new guild-mate Lucy today. She must be waiting for me" She pushed the doors of the wizard guild Fairy Tail.

Hello everyone!" She greeted as always, she was a type of person who tries to keep everyone's mood up. Eventually she was answered with "Hi Erza!" "Welcome back, scarlet!" "

She made her way to the bar just to see her friend certain Ice Mage, Gray Fullbuster - as expected he was nude and freaking out the girls of the guild, especially Lucy.

"For God's sake Gray..." She facepalmed. Gray was surprised.

"Hey Erza!" Then his face paled. "I am naked again right..." After gaining a nod from Erza he left to find his clothes. Erza sighed and turned her face to Lucy, who is staring at her.

"Hey Lucy!" She approached.

"Hello Erza, welcome back." Lucy smiled. Erza crossed her arms under her chest.

"So are you ready to take a mission?" She asked. Lucy felt excited.

"O-Of course!" She clenched her fists and motivated herself.

"Very well." Soon Gray joined them and they found themselves in front of the mission board. It took a while to choose an easy mission and leave, it was Lucy's first wizard mission after all.


"So what's the plan, how do we take down those rogue racers?" Lucy asked with an immense excite, making Gray and Erza smile.

"We don't need a plan, we go, we beat!" Gray smirked but Erza wasn't that type of person.

"Nope." She placed a hand on the Ice Mage's shoulder. "Lucy is right, we do need plan." Gray sighed tiredly and kept walking. Lucy looked at them with slight blush on her face.

"Ano, actually I thought a plan." She stated shyly. Erza smiled.

"That's good, tell us." She gave some courage to her. They stopped walking.

"Okay, here it is. One of us will sneak in to their group and request for a race, they won't decline an offer like that. When their and our racer are waiting for the competition to start, we're going to capture them." She explained, then waited for their comments with stars on her eyes. Erza grinned.

"Well done, Lucy. That should work." She approved her newest friend's idea. Gray turned his face to Erza.

"Erza do you know how to drive that magicpowered cars?" He asked. The expression on Erza's face told everything.

"What car?"

Gray waited for second then sighed.

"Then I am the racer..."


Eventually, they ended up in a race car. Gray was driving, he was wearing fancy clothes and blue sunglasses. The girls were sitting on the back, can't be seen by the other people because of the filmed windows. The car approached to the grocery, Gray outstretched his head out of the car and pushed his glasses down.

"Hey old man~ did ya see some punks outta here, I got a race to do with them." He pretended like an actual punk. The innocent seller stepped back a bit, then finally answered.

"T-They had a race with a guy. I think that he was from the magic council." He pointed the car trails on the asphalt. Erza jumped out of the car, her face full of curiosity.

"Tell us everything!"


"Boom! That was great man!" One of the punks cheered as his friend made another drift in the public. His car was armored and expensively modified.

"Check this out!" His friend made another 720 degree drift.

"COOL!" The other one sitting next to the driver drunk his beer harshly. It didn't take a while that another magicpowered race car approached from behind. The car stopped right next to the punk car, drawing their attention.

"Hey, get outta here yer ruining our drift party!" The beer man yelled at the driver of the 'normal' car.

"I heard you're quite crazy racers." The driver looked at the group, not revealing his face. "Wanna race?"

The purple haired punk stepped on the gas, making the motor roar.

"Have a dead wish huh? We're the best magicpowered racers around." He stated. Suddenly the silencer of the newcomer's car boomed and began to vomit flames.

"Wanna race?" The same voice, the same tone. The racer was shocked for a second then he gritted his teeth in fury.

"You asked for it!" He stepped on the gas again and pointed the traffic lights 200 meter away from them."To the lights!"

People around them notice this and made a way for them, for their own safety though.


Both of the cars, took off with a drift. 100, 110, 120 they were literally flying. Even thought the newcomer's car was still next to the racers'. It didn't take a while that smoke began to come out from his car. It was too much for a car like that. But being next to their car was enough to piss the racers off."Just who is this guy!"

The newcomer's car boomed again but this time it engulfed in flames, it was burning.

"Now he's done it. It's going to explode!" The punk turned the wheel, stepped on the brake and stopped. As expected the car exploded after it passed the lights. Everyone around ran away from the zone with screams.

"D-Did he die?" Purple asked his friends and gulped. He couldn't recieve an answer, the other ones were so busy looking around like they saw giant spider. But the most shocking thing hasn't happened yet, from the explosion a figure walked towards them, a shadow with a smirk.

"Seems like it's my victory, don't ya think?"


The storyteller was interrupted, Erza held him from his shoulders with an unreadable expression on her face.

"Can you describe him, how did he look like?" She asked. The old man gulped.

"He was a young man, had a scar on his cheek down to the throat. Pink hair! His hair was pink!" He wasn't sure about his safety anymore. Erza let go of the man and took a deep breath.

"lt's him."


Magic Council's Front Garden

"Man you guys are so goddamn fat." A guy was dragging three fainted man behind, they were in a bad shape. Only conscious man was the certain pinkie, he was fairly tall, not enough to look straight at Jura Neekis's eyes though.

He was wearing a sleeveless black shirt that exposes some of his muscular body. For his lower body there was long baggy pants which was covered with boots in the lowest parts.

"Wait a second?" He froze, eyes full of surprise.

"Why I took this guys again?" He wondered, strecthing his head. Fortunetely, his only friend saved him.

"They are criminals, you are working for Magic Council now and this was your first mission." An inhuman voice, the owner of the voice was the 2.5 meter guy walking next to Natsu, he was extremely fat at least 300 kilograms, though his arms were muscular. There was a hog-head shaped gas mask on his face, hiding all of it. The thing that created his name was the giant hog-face tattoo on his giant belly.

"Ah, thanks hog." Natsu smiled warmly. He started walking again just to see some rune knights there.

"Hey you fellas workin here?" He asked, drawing their attention. They looked at the villian looking pinkie.

"Yes, who are you?" One of them - the superior asked.

"Doesn't concern you. Take them." He trew the unconscious bodies forward to the ground. The superior raised an eyebrow.

"I will not obey someone who is just walking past here." He was strict. Natsu made a 'huh' voice. Eventually, a sound interrupted them.

"Listen to him, he is our new combat-force. Let me introduce you, 10th Wizard Saint Natsu Dragneel." Crawford Seam – the chairman of the Magic Council stepped out of the building, eyes narrowed. The instant they heard 'Wizard Saint' the knights stepped back as they bowed their heads.

"Our apologies." They quickly took the criminals and got away as fast as they could.

"That's more like it." Natsu smirked then raised his face, looking at the old man.

"Who are you by the way?" He asked with a wondering expression. The chairman was literally shocked, his eyes widened.

"What do you mean?" He re-gained his calm yet serious face. "I am the chairman, we had a talk yesterday and I found you worthy to take your current position?"

Natsu waited for a while with a frown on his face, not giving color. He whispered to his friend.

"Hey hog?" The answer was already ready.

"Yeah, he is telling the truth. Go buy yourself a new brain." Hog replied with his usual voice, the voice that enough to freak people out without trying.

"Haha, of course you old shi-" Natsu interrupted with slap on his back from hog. "-man. Old man. I finished my first mission, gonna rest now." He turned back and began to walk away. The chairman was frowning.

"Rest well, you're going to have another mission soon." He gained a vawe from the 10th Wizard Saint. He waited till he disappeared then turned back into the building, just to see 2nd seat of the council Org.

"Why would you give a Wizard Saint that simple mission?" He asked with a serious expression on his face. The chairman stroked his beard.

"He indeed has high power level but..." He frowned. "I had some people watch him, he caused an explosion in the city even thought it was an easy mission."

Member raised an eyebrow.

"Then what, we can discuss this matter in the council and fire him. If it wasn't for you, he wouldn't be here in the first place." He stated. The chairman looked at the member's eyes.

"No, we will make him useful. We can't just let a dangerous man like him, walk around freely." He pointed, then they started walking to inside.

"Tell Milkovich accompany him, that woman can gain everyone's trust." He ordered. The member slightly bowed his head.

"Of course."


"I promised to father that I will put Natsu in the right way." Erza has entered the Oshibana Town an hour ago, she was walking towards to the certain place, the place that she needs a lot now.

"But will I be able to do that?" She questioned herself, then she remembered the moment she felt the harmony in her veins, the moment she touched her other half's palm.

"No. I will keep my promise no matter what." She erased the frown on her face when she was standing in front of a house's door. She took a deep breath and knocked the door.

'I hope they're home.'

It didn't take a while a beautiful woman in her 30's opened the door. Her hair was vawy and same colored with her eyes, brown. She was wearing a green sweater on her milk skin, with long cream colored skirt. Her eyes widened when she saw the scarlet haired girl.

"Erza!" She quickly pulled her in an embrace. "It's so good to see you!"

Erza smiled as she wrapped her arms around the woman. "I am back, mom."

The woman was not her actual mother but while she was training with Igneel the mighty Fire Dragon King, this family had accepted to adopt them. Just because of this, the children managed to learn how to live with humans.

Suddenly a rumble heard from inside of the house. "What? Erza!"

A blonde man ran to the door, his eyes widened just like the woman. He didn't wait for second to hug her.

"Welcome back my best girl." He started crying in joy.

"See Masaki? She became a beautiful woman." Masaki nodded and let go of Erza. The dragonslayer sighed happily.

"Come on, I was here a month ago..." She deadpanned. Father wasn't satisfied.

"It felt like... 10 years!" He wiped the tears away.

"Two happiness in one day, I can't be happier." Erza choked her head aside in confusion.

"Two? What happened?" She wondered. Masaki removed his husband from Erza.

"I thought you'd know." Erza's confusion deepened. Father grinned.

"Natsu came home." He answered. Erza's eyes widened in shock.

"What?" She didn't know what to tell. "How was he?"

After this she mentally facepalmed. 'Really Erza?'

They entered and took seats in the living room.

"He didn't stay long." Masaki started. "But he is fine I guess."

"Of course. He has always been a strong child." Father stated, excited. Masaki sighed.

"Come on Seiki, you should have noticed. He's always been a strange kid, and he's changed... to something stranger." She always loved her childeren equally and she didn't want to say it but the scene was before her eyes. Seiki tilted his head.

"I guess you're right..." He admitted but quickly raised his face.

"Erza, your flame is about to die down." He said, yes it's been a month till she put her flame. The women in the room smiled. Erza stood up.

"Okay, I will ignite it again." She made her way to the other room, she wasn't aware that her parents were looking at each other and smiling.

She stepped in the room and noticed the bell glass with her name on it on the table. She looked at the scarlet colored flame in it. It was having a hard struggle to live. She ignited her finger with dark-red flames and feed the little flame.

When she was about to leave, she noticed something unexpectable. There was a flame in Natsu's belly glass. She approached quickly with widened eyes. It was a big gray colored flame dancing in the glass.

She unconsciously extended her hand like she wants to touch a flower. Not surpising, his flame was cold. The same weird feeling, nothing like her own flame. Her flames always made her feel strong but Natsu's flames were the exact opposite.

She shook her head then pulled her hand back.

"Weirdo." She couldn't help but smiled.