AN: What's up everybody It's NerdAlert, bringin ya a brand new chapter!

BAWV: And this is BAWV and may I just say your guys fast response busted my butt into high writing gear? I loved reading your beautiful reviews and I'm sure NerdAlert agrees!

NA8910: Oh I thought your responses were great, and I'm excited to see what y'all think of this chapter.

BAWV: We figured after the last tear jerking angst ridden chapter we would need some fluff and heart warming Poppy being Poppy. You can also expect some emotion and vulnerable Branch in this forecast. And back to you NerdAlert!

NA8910: Basically we're sorry (not sorry) for hurting your feelings, here some digital chocolate.

BAWV: Well NerdAlert is sorry. I'm not, in fact I get great pleasure out of it. :D

NA8910: Sicko, anyway schadenfreude aside we own nothing.

BAWV: If we did they would've been together from the start and there would've been Juniper in it.

NA8910: Oh how I wish Lil' J was cannon. (Ugly crying noise)

BAWV: Don't we all? Well readers please continue on to sooth the pain we caused you from the last chapter. It's going to take me a bit to get NerdAlert to stop crying.

Chapter eleven: Reconciliation

As Poppy watched Branch walk away in a huff from their newest addition to a long list of arguments she knew without having to look that her mark was wilting again. She and Branch had been doing so well lately that she hadn't felt it in a good while, 'I would've been perfectly happy never feeling it again.' Poppy thought with a disheartened sigh.

As Poppy sank down on the hospital bed she stared down morosely at her wounded knee with a sick feeling churning in her gut. 'We haven't fought like this in months… I thought we had finally moved past this.' As she gently rested her hand on her injury she thought of the last major fight they'd had. When she had tried to kiss him, it seemed so long ago now. She truly thought they had finally worked out their issues, apparently not.

'Now that I think about it Branch has been acting different lately. Ever since we first fought about the traps being in the village. He use to come over for dinner with Juniper and I. He made a point of it because he knows we love seeing him, but for the last two weeks he hasn't eaten with us once.

He's also been even less affectionate than normal, although I kind of expected that with our disagreement still hanging between us. That doesn't mean I don't miss the few and far between kisses and hugs I got. If it were just that I wouldn't mind because it's between us but it's not staying between us is it?

Now that he's not stopping by anymore, Juniper doesn't see him and when they do see each other Branch doesn't act the same toward her. She's probably so confused right now, I'm in the hospital, Branch isn't acting how she knows him to, and we're fighting. I'm going to need to talk to her and try to explain after I go home.'

Poppy gave one last exhausted sigh as she slowly lowered herself onto the bed. Turning on her side with her injured knee resting on a pillow she pushed her face into the stiff uncomfortable pillow as she let a few tears slide down her cheeks. As she fell into a fitful sleep her last conscious thought was, 'I wish things could just go back to the way they were before all of this.'

Poppy's dreams were much happier than her reality at the moment. Her, Branch and Juniper were out on a picnic. Branch and her were cuddled together watching Juniper frolic and play in the flower field with Peppy. However out of nowhere Poppy felt an intense panic, as if there was something horribly amiss but as she worriedly scanned the area she saw nothing out of the ordinary.

She looked up at Branch to check if he felt anything only to see he was no longer there. Now thoroughly worried, Poppy jumped to her feet and began looking around wildly for her lost partner. Finally spotting him a ways away in what seemed to be an out of the way part of the garden. If she had looked closer her surroundings had changed so the previously blue sky was dark and grey, the lively forest was replaced by dead limbs, and the bright green grass was now dry and brittle.

Not seeing the change because of her relief she walked over to Branch and sighed in relief. "Geez you shouldn't scare me like that! I was about to ask you if you felt like there was anything wrong? It's probably just me but I figured if anyone would know it would be you." As she finally reached him she was frustrated with his lack of answer and quickly became irritated, "Hey! Branch, what are you ignoring me for? I didn't do anything."

She moved forward and grabbed his arm, turning him around to face her and the sight she saw chilled her to her core. Branch looked absolutely terrified, his beautiful blue eyes were wider than tea saucers, the pupils blown wide in fear, his whole frame was lightly quaking, and the single most disturbing thing was the tears leaking silently down his face in never ending rivers.

Now completely alert with her earlier irritation forgotten she tried to get his attention, "Branch! What's wrong? There's nothing there Branch!" When her words failed to reach him she tried to physically drag him back to reality only for him to flinch and whip around with a wild look in his eyes. Backing away quickly Poppy felt true fear as she looked in Branch's eyes and saw no recognition when he looked at her, only a paralyzing fear that seemed to hold him captive.

Feeling helpless tears well in her eyes she desperately wracked her mind trying to think of what she could do to make whatever demons were plaguing him leave him be. Suddenly an old memory came to her of when Peppy was once explaining Soulmates.

A young Poppy sat on King Peppy's knee happily shooting questions a million miles an hour. Chuckling quietly Peppy gently shushed his child, "Easy Poppy I can only answer so many questions at once. I have to leave soon to help build a hut but you can pick one question now and I'll answer the rest after I finish okay?"

Poppy nodded her head enthusiastically and she put her little hand on her chin in her thinking pose. She had to choose a good question since her others wouldn't be answered yet. She beamed as she made her decision, "I know what I want to ask! Daddy, you said you and Momma use to feel each other's emotions through your bond. What else could you guys do that others can't?"

Peppy felt both grief at the thought of his deceased Mate and happiness that his Princess wanted to hear more of his and her mother's bond. "You always pick the good questions my dear. I'll try to keep the answer as simple as I can. As you already said you can feel one another's emotions. Sometimes when your mother was having a bad dream I would feel it in my own dream. I would be having a perfectly normal happy dream and then I would feel a terrible fear. I couldn't understand where it came from since there was no visible reason for it. It took me waking up and seeing your mother having a nightmare for me to understand. She had somehow sent her feelings through our bond while in a panic trying to reach out to me. I don't know if you could share a dream when neither party is under stress though. It was one of the things we wanted to test before…"

Peppy's eyes became misty at the thought of his Queen and all the lost opportunities and plans that never had a chance to come to fruition. Seeing her Daddy looking pained Poppy was quick to hug him and say, "I love you Dad! Please don't cry! Mommy wouldn't want you to cry!"

Peppy looked down with a smile at his panicking daughter, "You're right munchkin, she wouldn't. Now I need to get to the town square and you need to go to school!" As Poppy was jerked back to her current situation she suddenly understood what was happening. 'Branch is having a nightmare! That's why I felt those feeling before and why he looks so terrified now! I need to wake up and help him!'

Determined now, Poppy tried to focus on waking up only to realize she had never had to try to wake up and she didn't know how to at will. Feeling her desperation to get to Branch rise she thought fast on how to get out of this dream only to be interrupted by a horrible, low sound that she hoped to never hear again. A soft, deep sob from Branch that had her heart ripping into small pieces in her chest.

She swung around to see the previous terror had shifted completely to an absolutely heart broken look of total despair. The look of sorrow on his face as he slowly sank to the ground with his hands gripping his hair and tears flowing in rivers was enough to have her sobbing along with him. His sobs continued getting continually louder as they went until the sobs became words.

"No, no, no, no! I can't lose her, not like this, not again! It's all my fault! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" Poppy didn't understand what he was talking about but in the midst of his sobs she caught her name and that's all she needed to know. Moving fast, she sprang over to his side, since she couldn't wake up on command maybe if she comforted him here he would feel it on his side?

Willing to do anything to stop his heart wrenching sobs and pleading Poppy dropped to her knees in front of him and wrapped her arms around him securely. At first he jerked wildly back and forth, not seeming to know it was her until he slouched into her arms completely emotionally exhausted. Sighing in relief Poppy opened her mouth to ask if he was okay only to feel a sensation as if she was being pulled away.

Branch seemed to notice as well because he immediately began struggling again begging her not to go. She couldn't reassure him that she wasn't going anywhere as she obviously was whether she liked it or not. Her surrounds were becoming hazy as she realized she was waking up she only had the time to hold Branch a little tighter and whisper into his ear.

"It's okay Branch, you need to listen to me right now okay hun? This is a nightmare and you need to wake up okay? I know it feels real but whatever you're seeing it's not. I'm fine and as soon as I wake up I'm going to c-" She couldn't finish her statement as she faded completely from his arms only to wake with a sharp gasp.

As she looked around she noticed that she was back in the hospital and not with Branch, that needed to be fixed immediately. She shifted to the side of the bed only to remember a minute too late that she was hurt. She had swung her leg onto the ground only to get a painful reminder as to why she was in the hospital when she put too much pressure on it without thinking.

A sharp shot of pain jumped through her knee and crawled up her thigh and down to her feet. Taking a deep breath, Poppy blinked pain filled tears from her eyes. The mental image of Branch curled into himself, sobbing his heart out felt like a burning metal rod was shoved through her chest cavity.

'I have to get to him, I refuse to let him be alone through that! Our argument's can wait until after I comfort him, nothing is more important than making sure he is okay.' Poppy nodded her head determinedly as she slowly climbed out of bed, this time mindful of her injured knee. Once she was shakily standing up straight she set about the painstaking task of making her way to Branch's bunker.

Branch, for his part, has no idea what is going on. All he knows was that he had been in the middle of a terrible nightmare about his grandmother's death, not something completely irregular, however somewhere in the nightmare his grandmother's figure seemed to shift into Poppy's bright pink one. Instead of pushing him out of the way and getting caught Poppy seemed to be caught by something and couldn't dodge away from Chef's grabbing hands.

Branch had tried to jump in front of Poppy only to be too late and had to watch as Poppy was taken and eaten by Chef. As he watched in horror a soul deep ripping pain shot through his chest. He slid to his knees in complete defeat, his only reason for living on had been taken from him. Something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye, it was one of his traps and it was covered in Poppy's blood.

Branch felt like he was going to purge everything in his stomach as he came to the realization that Poppy had died because she had been caught in one of his traps and unable to escape. Branch completely broke down completely disregarding his surroundings, no longer caring if the bergen ate him, what was the point now anyway? Full body sobs were ripped from his frame as he rambled.

"No, no, no, no! I can't lose her, not like this, not again! It's all my fault! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" As he held his own bloody trap with all of his hope gone he felt a strange sensation. Like someone was hugging him, but there was no one there that he could see. On instinct he began struggling to get away only for a familiar warm presence to wrap around him.

The second he recognized the warmth he immediately stopped struggling. He'd know that warmth anywhere, that was Poppy's warmth. Before he could completely relax he felt her start to fade causing him to panic once more, he didn't know how she was here when she was eaten and he couldn't see her but he didnt care.

What mattered was that she was here and not dead and he couldn't bare to part with her, "Don't go! I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all of it! Please don't leave me alone again!" Branch normally would've been appalled at his begging but right at that moment his only concern was keeping Poppy with him.

His pride could die in some hole for all he cared, his want to not be alone overroad it. He felt her tighten her grip as she whispered in his ear, "It's okay Branch, you need to listen to me right now okay hun? This is a nightmare and you need to wake up okay? I know it feels real but whatever you're seeing it's not. I'm fine and as soon as I wake up I'm going to c-"

And with that she completely disappeared, leaving him curled into himself on the cold ground with confusion beating at his mind. A nightmare? This all was a nightmare? If that was true how was she there and comforting him? He could still see Chef for goodness sake!

...But now that he thought about it she seemed to be frozen and not doing anything. Maybe she was right and it was a nightmare, Branch took a deep breath to center himself. Feeling a small bit calmer Branch made his decision, 'I don't know what's going on but Poppy wants me to wake up, so I'll wake up . Simple as that. Even if this is a dream I need to check on her myself.'

As that thought cemented itself Branch noticed his surroundings fading like Poppy had as he felt he was being dragged. Only to bolt upright in his bed in his bunker. Taking gasping breaths he jerkily fought his way out of his sweat coated blankets in a panic. He hit the floor with a soft thump as he finally disentangled himself enough to stand. He took stock of himself once he was successfully standing.

He was soaked completely with sweat as were his sheets and bed, he was still shaking from the intensity of the nightmare, and by the scratchy feeling on his face and his scratchy throat he didn't need to check to know he had been sobbing not just in his dream but in real life as well. Releasing a sigh of relief he though, 'At least I don't have neighbors to hear me. That'd be awkward.'

Still having trouble calming down with the images of his worst nightmare still running wildly through his head Branch turned and began to make his way to the surface. He needed to see Poppy and know she was okay before he stood any chance at sleep. As he made it to the top floor just before his entrance he stopped with his hand on the handle of the door.

'What am I doing? Poppy won't want to see me, the last time we talked we were shouting at one another not to mention what I told her and the fact that it was my fault she was injured. She especially won't want to see me like this, covered in a panicked sweat and probably looking insane...But I need to see her, I need to know she's okay. That my nightmare was just that, a nightmare...No!

I won't go and see her like this, she has already had to deal with my too big ears and heavier than normal weight she is not going to see this too! She might come to her senses and leave me and while that would be better for her I can't let her go. Tomorrow I'll go see her after a bath in the river and I'll apologize for what I said.'

Even as he thought it Branch could feel his panic increase exponentially as the images picked up speed in his mind. He felt his breathing coming more rapidly as he let go of the door only to back against the opposite wall and slide down with his head between his legs and his hands over his ears, desperately trying to block out the thoughts running rampant in his head.

That was the sight Poppy was met with when she walked into his bunker. Seeing Branch in the middle of a panic attack sprang Poppy into action. She knelt in front of him and gently wove her arms under his armpits and behind his back until she was basically sitting in his lap with her arms wrapped around him. She hummed a low tune her father always used to calm her down and she stroked a hand through his hair.

As she untangled his knotted hair she could feel the sweat that his hair seemed to be saturated in, 'What could he have dreamed about that could cause him this much fear?' As Branch slowly came back to himself he was overcome with both relief that Poppy was there and safe, and shame that she had seen him yet again at his worst.

Curled up in a pathetic ball, soaked in sweat, and his hair probably looked like a rats nest. She didn't seem to mind any of that though, in fact she was acting as if there was nothing amiss in the situation. Their eyes locked and Poppy's seemed to stare directly into his soul searching for something specific, she apparently found it as her eyes lit with understanding.

"Branch, it's okay. You don't need to feel ashamed, being scared is a natural thing and just so you know, no matter what is happening in our lives at that moment I will always be here for you. I don't care if we are in the middle of an argument, it doesn't matter we can pick it back up later, what matters is that you are mentally, emotionally, and physically okay. Anything past that can be negotiated, but never those."

Branch was completely speechless as he processed her words, Poppy mentally squealed at the look he had. The circumstance could definitely be better but he looked adorable with his face scrunched up in confusion like that! 'He probably isn't going to want to talk about it so I won't ask. I think I've got the gist of it anyway, and there's no need to make him go through that unless he wants to. He looks considerably calmer but not completely there yet. Hmmmm I know!'

With understanding shining in her eyes Poppy tightens her hold on him and snuggled closer to his chest. Branch began to relax as her comforting weight in his lap calmed his frantic mind. He shifted her legs so he could free his arm to return the hug only for Poppy to let lose a sharp "YELP!" Branch flinched back to look at her properly, she was biting her lip and holding back tears...OF COURSE! He had forgotten about her injury!

Now with all previous fear gone Branch slid his arm under her knees and as gently as he could, he lifts her and begins walking toward his bedroom. Once they are in his room he gently puts her down on his bed, mentally cringing at the sweat soaked sheets and how gross that must feel for her, and propping her knee up with his pillow. "Stay still and don't move until I get back. I'm going to get my first aid kit and re patch up your knee. How you even made it here with that I will never know or understand but next time please don't hurt yourself further just to get to me okay?"

Before Poppy could object Branch spun on his heels and jogged out of his door, leaving her alone in his room. It only took him a few minutes to find and retrieve the kit and before Poppy could get a word in he was sitting next to her on the bed with her knee on his lap as he gently worked on it. All of his focus was on her knee as he disinfected it and rewrapped it to his satisfaction.

Through the entire spectacle Poppy stayed silent as she marveled over how gentle Branch was being. She had been starting to believe she had imagined this side of him. She was happy to be proven wrong. Once he finished he still seemed to hover as if not sure what else he could do but not wanting to leave either. Poppy smiled and solved the problem for him by announcing, "Well since I'm spending the night here I finally get to have a sleepover with you! I'm so happy!"

Branch was dumbfounded at his girlfriend who was beaming at the thought of spending the night, not like that!, with him in his bunker. Shaking his shock off Branch reminded himself that this is Poppy he was talking about and focused his attention on more important matters. Like changing the sheets on his bed and at least changing out of his sweat soaked night clothes. Turning to Poppy he exclaimed, "I'm going to go get some new sheets, you don't want to sleep on those trust me. While I'm gone I'll change into different clothe-"

Poppy interrupted him by excitedly putting her input in, "That's an awesome idea! We can make a blanket fort and sleep in it! You're a genius Branch!" She looked down at her knee and frowned, "Although I can't really help much right now." Seeing her pout did strange things to Branch that he was in no emotional or mental state to deal with right now.

He shook his head and reassured, "It's fine. I built this bunker I'm pretty sure I can make a simple blanket fort big enough for us. Just stay off your leg okay?" Poppy reluctantly nodded her ascent as he left to go collect all the blankets he had in his bunker to turn them into the best fort Poppy had ever seen. He had built his bunker on his own, how hard could a blanket fort possibly be?

"You have GOT to be kidding me!" exclaimed an exasperated Branch as one end of his fort fell again. A quiet giggle floated to his ears, causing them to stretch in the direction of the bed trying to hear more of one of his favorite sounds. Flushing brightly at his failed attempt to impress Poppy with a well built fort, he turned to ask her what he was doing wrong since he was obviously missing some piece of information only to be stopped by a sight that warmed his entire body, Poppy was curled into the new sheets he had gotten and looked to be completely tangled in them however she wasn't trying to escape them.

Seeing his confused look Poppy answered sheepishly, "I kinda got tangled but you looked like you were having enough problems so I didn't want to distract you. Besides your sheets have a really nice scent. What do you use to wash them?" Branch flushed darker as her comment registered in his mind. 'I wonder how she'd react if I told her that the scent she is smelling is me since I haven't had the chance to wash anything, those sheets are just the least dirty ones I have…'

Deciding not to answer he redirected the conversation with an eye roll, "Why does that matter you weirdo? Only you would be tangled completely in blankets unable to move and asking what I use to wash said sheets." Branch made his way over to help her untangle from the knot of blankets with a sigh. "Besides it looks like the blanket fort is going to take awhile for me to finish at the rate I'm going."

The now free Poppy smiled at his defeated look, "I can do that you know? It isn't strenuous or hard work. I'm sure if you did it with me a few times you'd be just as good at building blanket forts as you are at building your bunker!" Branch grimaced at the thought of letting her get up and walk around but even he had to admit that as long as she didn't go outside of the room he could keep an eye on her and if there was something that needed to be done that would aggravate her injury he could do it for her.

Heaving a defeated sigh Branch told her, "Okay fine you can do it but if there is something that you need to lift above your head or anything that will stretch your injury to much I'll do okay? That is my only condition for you helping." Poppy beamed at his mother henning as she happily agreed and swung her legs off the bed to start on the fort only for Branch to jump forward to help her.

She'd be lying if she said she didn't feel good seeing Branch worry about her like this. She had been seriously worried with how he had been acting before, this just shows that he does care and it was a much needed reminder. Once she was safely standing with Branch hovering at her elbow Poppy set to gingerly moving around collecting all of the blankets and positioning them to make a decent sized fort with an opening in front to get inside.

Keeping to her promise whenever she needed something put in a higher or just a difficult spot to maneuver with her knee she explained what she wanted done and stepped back so Branch could do it unhindered. With them working together it only took an hour and by the end they had a blanket fort worthy of a prize.

Poppy beamed as a thought occurred to her, "We should do this again with Juniper! She would love to build a fort with you. Lately she's been sad that you haven't stopped by and played with her. I tried to explain but she would still like a visit from you." Branch's previous warmth dimmed as cold guilt gripped his heart.

'I was so caught up in Poppy and my argument I didn't even think about how Juniper would feel about my disappearance. I'm going to have to go explain myself to her and make it up to her later. I don't want her to think that I'm mad at her or anything.' Branch nodded to Poppy's question, "Yes we can do that. I didn't even think of how my not showing up would affect Juniper. I'll still need to apologize but this is a good start."

Poppy beamed as Branch agreed to her plan and also to going to make amends for his absence lately. She knew she and Branch still had issues to work out but as long as he kept in mind that he was a part of Juniper's life and no matter what was going on between them he needed to treat her the same then Poppy would be happy.

Shaking herself out of her thoughts she set to setting up the bed inside their fort so they could get to sleep. It had been an exhausting day after all. Poppy sent Branch away with the reassurance that she would only be setting up their bed so he could go and set all of his defences for the night, as he walked away an idea came to Poppy's mind. An impish smile spread across her face as he set her plan to action.

'I doubt this is going to work but it's worth a shot. Hopefully he won't get mad at it…' Taking a fortifying breath Poppy set to work on her hopefully successful plan. When Branch returned to his room he could hear Poppy rustling around as she set up their beds for the night. He walked over to the entrance and slipped inside only to freeze in shock at the sight that greeted him. Poppy was sitting innocently off to the side as if she had no idea what had made him freeze.

It wasn't Poppy that made him hesitate though, it was the nest of blankets in the middle of the fort that was obviously supposed to be a bed however instead of there being two there was only one. Mind it was big enough for two people but only just barely and with his bulk being bigger than that of the Princess he was worried about rolling over on her and crushing her especially with her injury as new as it was.

"Poppy why is there only one bed?" Poppy gave a hesitant smile as she explained. "I thought it'd be nice to curl up together when we went to sleep. That way if you had a nightmare again I would be right there." Although not the complete reason it was all she was willing to disclose to him at the moment, poor Branch's mind would probably short out if she told him that she had been wanting to fall asleep listening to his heart beat for a long time.

Better to stick to the less likely to embarrass her loved one for now, after all they were already in uncharted territory and Poppy knew Branch didn't like being out of his comfort zone. Branch while nervous at the thought of sharing a bed with Poppy also couldn't deny he liked the idea of having Poppy next to him not just in case of another nightmare but also because though he would never admit it he had thought of waking up in the morning with Poppy's bed head greeting him and the thought was definitely appealing.

There was still the issue of him crushing her on accident while he slept, that risk was even greater with her injury all he'd have to do is nudge it in her sleep and heaven forbid she get stuck underneath him… Seeing his worry Poppy tried to reassure him in the hopes of him agreeing, "Branch, we're both adults and dating so it's fine if we share a bed. The only reason I haven't suggested it is because I didn't want to push you out of your comfort zone. Besides I don't think either of us are ready for anything more so that isn't a worry either."

Branch was amazed she had managed to pinpoint the other thing he had been nervous about, he'd been sure he had hid it well enough. Then again Poppy was always good at seeing anything he didn't want her to know. Branch was in a mental war that was tearing him apart. 'Maybe if she sleeps with her leg elevated and a little space between us it might not be an issue…'

Just as Poppy was about to give up and make a second bed Branch slowly started walking toward the bed. He climbed in and shifted until he was comfortable against one side of it, then he looked toward Poppy and asked expectantly, "Well are you coming or not?" Poppy quickly snapped out of her stupor and moved to the nest.

When she lifted her knee to get in Branch offered a hand to help her with his head turned and a flush once again crawling up to his ears. Gratefully, Poppy took his hand and settled in, only to look over and see him as far as he could physically get from her. 'That won't do! Looks like I'm going to have to make the first move in this situation.' Without further delay Poppy scooted over to Branch and once she was right next to him she waited until he relaxed from his tense position.

Once he had relaxed his muscles just enough for there to be room Poppy immediately shuffled her body until she was partially under him with one of her arms wrapped around his chest squeezing them closer together and her injured knee rested on the edge of the nest. Branch began stammering in shock at her bold move, "What- What are you doing?!"

Poppy ignored him as she squeezed half of her body under his so she could comfortably cuddle against him in his chosen position. Once she was comfortable she answered flippantly, "I'm getting comfortable. I don't know why you chose the very edge to sleep on but I can make it work. You're really warm you know?" Branch wasn't sure his face would ever not be flushed after tonight.

Before Poppy could put anymore of herself under his weight he lifted his body up so he was hovering over her. Looking down Branch saw confusion in Poppy's eyes, "Listen Poppy, I know you think I'm not heavy but you need to understand that if you are under me then all of my weight will be resting on you and while you may not think it's much trust me you'll want to get out when it starts to feel heavy."

Understanding lit in Poppy's eyes, 'I got it now. He's worried his weight will hurt me! We've been over this before he's not that heavy! Guess it's time to remind him again.' Poppy smiled gently up at him trying her best to project understanding, "Branch, you seem to be under the impression that you way three of you. I know you don't believe me so how about this, you lay back down and if I feel like you're too heavy then I tell you and we can switch to me laying on top of you okay? Besides I actually prefer having someone's weight on me, just one limb or their whole body, it reminds me that there is someone there even when I'm asleep. And just between us? I know for a fact that with you here nothing will ever harm me, because you will never allow it."

Branch felt all of his breath leave him in one big exhale, he felt overwhelmed with disbelief that she truly believed what she said and alongside that disbelief he was deeply touched at what she proclaimed. To think he'd have someone who thought of him like that, no one had ever thought of him as a safe place, a home. He had of course thought of his grandma like that but this was different. Very different.

Branch who is still hovering over Poppy through his mental debate was spooked as she gently tugged on him to get his attention. He stared down into her eyes, looking for even a speck of uncertainty only to see nothing but patient understanding, with a sigh he acquiesced, "Okay, but if I'm hurting you or are to heavy for you then you have to tell me. I mean it! I refuse to be the reason you are hurt."

Receiving an eager nod from Poppy along with more impatient tugging Branch unsurely lowered himself until he was laid on top of Poppy. He kept an eye on her reactions as he lowered more of his weight until he was totally on top of her. Poppy for her part was tucked comfortably underneath him, of course there was pressure from him but she enjoyed feeling him wrapped around her like he was.

Looking up and meeting eyes with Branch, Poppy beamed to show that she was perfectly fine with their current position however Branch still refused to relax, still tensed and ready to jump off of her at a moment's notice. Feeling warmed all the way through at his worry Poppy smiled and wrapped her arms around his shoulders and firmly pulled until all of body was rested on her with his head on her shoulder.

When she showed no signs of discomfort after a few minutes Branch relaxed until he seemed to melt into her. Poppy tickled his ear laughing when it twitched as if batting her hand away, and ran her hand through his hair before dragging it down to rub his back. Deep down Poppy knew he still wasn't over his nightmare and he would never admit to it so she helped in the only way she could. She had made sure that when she pulled him down he was in the perfect spot to hear her heartbeat, that along with her constant touches and steady breathing we physical proof he could feel to show she was fine.

Both Branch and Poppy started dozing off in their ball of warmth, both not to be disturbed by nightmares for the rest of the night. Branch has always been an early riser so it came as no surprise to him when he was the first awake the next morning. What did come as a surprise was instead of starting his morning routine as he usually would he found himself content to relax and enjoy the warmth his nest partner gave off.

Branch took the rare opportunity to gaze at his girlfriend when she was calm and not running around like that ball of never ending energy she was. Her hair was adorably mussed from sleep, her mouth was open with a small puddle of drool, and soft purring sounds came from her. All in all Branch decided sleeping Poppy was one of his favorite sights and he had to resist the urge to go find a camera so he could look on this moment again later.

The content smile slipped off his lips as his eyes drifted down to Poppy's bandaged knee. 'We never talked about that. To be fair we were kind of busy what with my nightmare but this can't be put off any more than it already has been.' Giving one last long look at Poppy's peaceful face Branch gently nudged her awake. "Nhug- what is it?" Poppy asked as she cracked open one sleepy eye.

Branch smiled at her and said, "As much as i didn't want to wake you we need to talk." That caught Poppy's undivided attention, she sat up as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "Alright, what are we talking about?" Branch swallowed hard as he tried to put his words together to get his point across. "About my traps. First off, I'm sorry about how I acted before. My traps injured you and you have every right to be angry about that. However you need to know why I was so insistent about keeping them."

Poppy sat across from him listening attentively. "Go on. And just so you know I wasn't angry that I was injured, I was scared because Juniper was almost injured." The thought of Juniper being injured by one of his traps made Branch flinch and his stomach rolled. 'Thankfully Poppy saved her. I would've never forgiven myself if J got hurt.' Branch took a deep breath and continued his explanation,

"Remember how I went out scouting a few weeks ago? Well, I found something disturbing but you have to promise to take me seriously when I tell you. I found bergen footprints. They're a little while away but it's searching for us and it wouldn't take much for it to find us. So I increased the amount of traps. I was worried about the kids since I know they go out to play in the forest, I added more traps there but I didn't think about how they arent old enough to see them and avoid them. Now I would prefer to keep the traps out but maybe as a compromise I make a secret path through them for you and juniper to get to my bunker and I'll pull them back from the kids play spot. Sound good?"

Poppy had listened carefully throughout his explanation and she had to admit she was sceptical about Branch's bergen sighting. He had thought he'd seen them before only for it to be something else. 'No, Branch asked me to take it seriously so I will. Besides worst case we're more cautious for a minor thing. It wouldn't hurt anyone and it'd make him feel better so it would be worth it.'

Poppy took Branch's hands and nodded, "Yes that sounds perfect. Also since the footprints are close I'll hold off on the parties for now, how about for a few months? That way if there is a bergen they won't be alerted from the sound and a few months is more than enough time before it'd be safe." Branch felt shocked to his core, he had never expected Poppy to not only listen to him but to actually promise to not throw any parties until it was safe.

It was honestly more than he had hoped for and he was overjoyed that she was taking this as seriously as she was. "A few months should be more than fine. Thank you Poppy. For believing me and taking precautions." Poppy swooped forward and kissed his cheek, "I'd do anything for you Branch. If not having any parties for a bit makes you feel more secure than we won't have parties simple as that."

Branch flushed darkly but didn't disagree with her action. Instead he tugged on her arm so they were both lying back down. "Alright, we've talked now. Go back to sleep, this is too early for you and if you don't get more sleep you'll be grouchy like me later. The village cant handle both of us being grouchy." Poppy immediately cuddled against his chest with no complaints, he was right after all. She wasn't a morning troll and would probably never be.

AN: Well there you all have it, and no I wasn't crying for 45 minutes straight...

BAWV: You're right. It was more like an hour.

NA8910: Shut up...

BAWV: I don't hear you denying it. :P

NA8910: Subject change, what did you all think? Leave a review and PM if you have a song or one-shot suggestion, it helps keep BAWV busy.

BAWV: It also keeps me happy and what with my crippling issues lately that is very much welcome.

NA8910: So we'll see you guys later, and stay awesome!

BAWV: See you later and hope to read more of your reviews!

NA8910: Cyber High-Five!

BAWV: Cyber High-Five!