Jing- Intelligence Department.
The Intelligence department of Jing was to many citizens rarely thought of though many in the ninja ranks were curious only hunter ninja or those who had uncovered significant information were typically seen heading into the area. And for Kiba Inuzuka he had to admit that the set up was very nice and something his clan was beginning to enjoy.
Batting her eyes at him and smirking Kiba saw the girl at the desk Saki and he had to admit that she made him more glad that he came to Jing as she was proving to be a very good partner to trade barbs with.
''Hey Bato the brave how's it going?''
She asked Kiba chuckled at the name she had decided to throw a glancing blow at him with a name of a small dog that fiercely growled and dragged several people to his owner who was holding on to a branch in river for dear life.
''Ha ha I'm not that small and al to more fierce Saki I've got another one or more for the Intelligence division.''
He said with a smirk as he tossed her the scroll she raised an eyebrow before opening it and seeing sixteen targets in the scroll land said.
''A bit more then regularly these damn mercenaries are just a step above bandits and they're still consider fodder for the tigers you get paid for this job too?''
Grinning Kiba said to her.
''How about I take you out for a meal and you can see then.''
Sighing she put a finger to her chin in mock contemplating before shrugging saying to him.
''Why not? Besides It seems like things might get a bit more heated up from what I hear the damned cats are stirring and if that old Hawk Tanzo is getting knee deep in war Kosumi and us might get dragged into it.''
Hearing this Kiba sighed then said to her .
''Me and my clan were hoping to avoid a conflict like that but we won't shy away from it if those cats want a fight they've got it if it's samurai we'll just have to adapt.''
The Inuzuka said making the woman smirk and say.
''Cats and Dogs just can't stand each other huh?''
She asked and at that the Inuzuka growled but bit it back smirking as he said.
''And the same isn't said between you and Sasame huh? Shuriken and Kunai have a natural enmity huh?''
At this the girl scowled and grunted at the Inuzuka as he brought up her family name of Surikunai literally meaning ''sly kunai '' her family a family of smiths and the apprentices of samurai , they had reacted interestingly when the Fuma clan came and after they worked, trained and drank together the two had a natural rivalry form . The two sought to outdo each other and while not to ridiculous lengths the rivalry was noted to be competitive and similar to the one between the Hyuga and Uchiha clans as both had thread based techniques the Fuma using chakra threads and the Surikunai using ninja wire with several blades to attack from a distance.
Replying back to the smirking Inuzuka she said to him with a grin.
''Not as much as you might think but at least we can stand getting splashed we've got that much in common just like you do with cats.''
Hearing this Kiba laughed and shook his head saying to him.
''That only happened last week because I didn't' see the lady coming out with the bucket to wash her porch by the street.''
Laughing at this Saki said to him taking the scroll of the desk where he put it and putting it into one of the bins nearby for transport.
''No retort you must be getting rusty?''
Smirking the Inuzuka said as he heard her stomach growl.
''And I guess you're hungry a lot more than me I dropped Akamaru back at the Den so if you want to grab a bite to eat we can.''
Blushing in embarrassment as her stomach growled again she said with a smile.
''Sure why not besides it might prove to be enlightening experience watch you go somewhere without your dog I'd love to see how you work with the better half of your mind gone.''
Growling the Inuzuka said to her .
''Oh I so cant' wait to spar with you after dinner it's going to be great showing you how wrong you are.''
Smirking she said to the Inuzuka male.
''Without Akamaru confident aren't we? We'll see how well that goes for you after our spar.''
She said as the Inuzuka nodded and waited out the remaining time ten minutes before both headed out to eat.
With Naruto current Time.
''You know in hindsight getting you all together might have been a bad idea.''
Said the blonde to himself while the women smirked after finishing their laughter as Naruto wiped the means of the water balloons off his face while the women Toki,Koyuki , Ryuzetsu, Sasame and Haruna were all joyful as Sasames smirk was the widest as she said.
''A ninja should always be aware of their surroundings Naruto especially around so many kunoichi.''
Sighing the blonde shook his head not even bothering a counter argument to that he merely said.
''I'm going to go wash off and head to the intelligence department they've called me in for something important not enough for you to worry and cut your break Ryuzetsu chan.''
He said as Ryuzetsu had quickly jumped up preparing to head back to her post and subordinates before calming down and sitting back in her seat nodding.
Sighing Sasame said to the rest.
''He really needs to lighten up he works so damn hard it's a shame that he doesn't have a lot more time to himself.''
She said to herself and at this the others watched as Ryuzetsu nodded and said .
''True we've tried to keep his stress down but it's been rising al to more lately than usual.''
Hearing this Toki smirked then asked them innocently.
''So does it rise like the sea around you? Is it tall like the mountains on the land?''
Both girls blushed with Koyuki blushing with them as Haruna laughed then turned her head with Koyuki saying.
''T-that's personal! Way too personal to ask when we just met Toki chan!''
She said and Toki smiled at Koyuki and pulled her to her and said.
''She's soooo innocent! Just imagine it in full makes herb lush I have to admit though all joking aside I want to know how is it being with him?''
She asked and at this both girls sighed with Ryuzetsu saying.
''Well for one thing it's rarely dull and he's always trying to come up with new things to do to surprise us little gifts, breakfast with our favorites, fresh fruit in baskets .''
She said and the other girls seemed to be razor focused as Sasame jumped in turning their heads to her she smiled and said.
''I remember when he handed me my kunai and then asked me did they seem different as if they were his and I noticed they were sharpened he told me he had gotten the cities best Blacksmith to sharpen them and a lightning jutsu user to store some of his chakra into the seal Naruto made which takes chakra from my environment and uses it to sharpen and cover my kunai in electricity! And on top of it he linked them to a sealing scroll so whenever I lose them I activate the seal and it seals them back into my scroll at a distance!''
She said with a grin and though the daimyo seemed a bit shocked but when they thought of the cost Haruna said.
''It must have been extensive he really cares about you to put in such a gift give you many upon the days leading up to it and still give you such well made strong blades .It is much akin to a daimyo giving his kunoichi wife a blade made by the experts in Iron country.''
She said and it was quite true the two acts were very similar and the other daimyo women knew she was immediately talking about the honey daimyo who had married a kunoichi from the Land of Hot water and presented such a blade to his wife for their anniversary. Needless to say many had seen her appreciation when they ended up with twins the right after new year's several months later.
Nodding Sasame took out said blades and began to show them to the daimyo as Koyuki seeing her fellow daimyo looking them over asked Ryuzetsu .
''So how do you all manage with him being the leader of a nation it must be difficult being on different schedules .''
She said and at this Ryuzetsu nodded but smirked saying.
''Yes but given the fact that Naruto can make many shadow clones he can be several places at once and he uses that to substitute at work taking mini breaks to check on us when he can via body flicker occasionally .And we also do have date nights after work though we try to go to them under henge to avoid being interrupted.''
She said with the daimyo raising their eyebrows and Sasame sighed saying to them.
''You know how it is to be beloved or loved by your people each of you Naruto helped to use several connections to friends and allies to establish this place when so many were branded criminals or sacrificed by their villages or nations in plausible deniability , this cases a large number of ninja who were at the blood prison were not guilty but were still sentenced to be imprisoned in grasses international prison. Naruto included amongst them so many of them see him as a beloved figure for them and many of the children look up to him.''
She said with a smirk as she remembered what happened when he had visited both the hospital and the academy's youngest classrooms with him getting so many thanks as well as well wishes it had ironically made the blonde a lot shyer then he usually was being unused to such praise . Needless to say the girls laughed imagining their friend in such a predicament and though a bit stiff at first the meeting between the women met well and fast friends formed between the daimyo and kunoichi as they discussed ,life ,love ,the engagements, and other things besides politics they were nonetheless happy they had such an opportunity to meet.
Dango Jar-Current Time.
''Ha ha ha!I cannot believe that happened you must be joking Naruto-dono!"
Sighing the blonde let out a laugh and shook his head saying to the man the wave daimyo Konjou who's samurai guards though they had neutral looks stood guard vigilantly as Naruto said.
''No and at the end of it after chasing the Post ninja it turned out the Fang daimyo was of all things a fan of the book series and canceled the war because of it.''
He said relaying one of the most embarrassing missions he had ever been on to the man and if he was honest it was all because the man had asked him a simple question.
''I see so they would be the ones to talk to about forming my own intelligence department with a more localized expert besides the one you are willing to provide me Naruto-dono.''
Nodding the blonde had no grudge against the ninja postmen and with some of their intelligence division members on retainer to the Wave daimyo it really was a win-win scenario as he said.
''They're the best at protecting information and if the strange ninja prowling near your country are form the Land of Keys it means either someone has hired them to gather intelligence for them on your nation or they wish to personally blackmail you themselves for a large tribute .''
HE said and Konjou's guards faces tightened their sword grips on their katana's tightening much to a number of ninjas wariness though it had been generations many knew what a trained samurai could do with a blade that Ninjutsu could not stop in time with seals. And clearly the samurais' narrowed eyes gave an opinion on what they thought of such a thing.
Lord Konjou looked at Naruto in the eyes observing the man carefully before sighing and saying.
''Your being brutally honest a lot more than I expected and you were not even effected by the alcohol are you?''
He asked the only thing on his face red was a barely visible line above his nose but his face showed no other signs of drinking while Naruto 's own face had been completely absent of any drink whatsoever .The blonde gave the man a smirk then said to his fellow daimyo and new friend simply.
''I have a high tolerance for poisons I learned that in my youth when I took a kunai to the hand in a blood pledge against some missing ninja on my first mission .After my sensei gave me the anti-venom a bit late I had it taken to a medical ninja they were surprised I survived so long after getting the anti-venom late apparently it's a special property I possess.''
Hearing this made the daimyo curious but he nodded to the logic his samurai looked at the blonde for a minute before looking away all the while the blonde smirked in his head thinking.
'Maybe that will make the old war hawk think twice and step a bit lighter those men are the same ones from his village that watched e summon Gamakichi.'
He thought looking at the two cloaked men near the private booths who were seemingly having a very animated conversation it was unfortunate for him that when the villagers back home had begun to whisper things under their breath around him as a child he had went to the library and rented out books on lip reading and similar skills.
Needless to say he was reading every bit of their real conversation the orders the old man had given , the secrets they were to find ,and what knowledge he wished to know about the toad summons needless to say Naruto had the two men the spies where he wanted him and it was much to his boon that his luck from his ninja career had held up to this point .All the way form finding Tsunade, to escaping the giant snake, to finding Jiraiya at the chunnin exams and many more events. And though many would call it fool's luck he had Naruto was one to call it a two way street he was just someone who happened to learn to luck both ways twice even though on the surface he seemed like he didn't. A trait obtained when studying under a perverted and as Naruto learned paranoid spy master of a Toad sage something he had unwillingly picked up himself.