"So, aside from kunai throwing, what's going to be our first course of training?" Yasuko asks, kicking pebbles as she and Jiraiya walk down the gravel road.

"Eager now aren't we." Laughs Jiraiya. "We've only just left the village."

Yasuko balances on her heels and clasps her hands behind her back. "I know, but- "

A toad suddenly drops from a puff of smoke and lands on Jiraiya's shoulder, handing him a scroll."

Yasuko furrows her brows. "Weird." She mumbles.

"What is?" Jiraiya asks without looking at her, his eyes scanning over the scroll that contained information he already knew about thanks to Yasuko and Inoichi.

"Well, in my vision, you were sprawled on the floor of your apartment when you got the messenger toad." She explains, imitating what he would've looked like.

He coughs and laughs sheepishly. "Right… " he says, wrapping the scroll up before placing it into the sleeve of his cloak.

Yasuko stifles back a laugh. "But… " She starts. "Once you realize the instances are different, it means that the timeline is already changing. Small things so far, yeah, but small changes can lead to larger outcomes."

"The Butterfly Effect essentially."

"Pretty much... " She pauses and stares down at the ground solemnly. "The biggest change though, so far is the fact that I even exist here." Yasuko glances up at the sky and watches as a flock of four birds pass overhead. "In the visions I had, I wasn't in any of them." She squints her eyes at the one bird falling back behind the rest. "Not a single one."

The bird Yasuko's watching suddenly starts to descend abnormally, falling, and the other birds up ahead don't notice.

"A lot of things are changing." She murmurs, staring back forward down the road as she listens to the sound of the rustling trees around her and the sound of gravel beneath her feet.

Up in the sky, the falling bird is approached by a larger bird from behind that helps it land safely on a nearby tree branch.

"Maybe that change could be for the best." Jiraiya says.


Jiraiya throws a kunai knife in front of Yasuko's feet. "Alright, I know we tested it before, but that was in a closed, controlled environment." He gestures to the swaying forest around them. "Here, we'll let mother nature have a say in whether you'll hit the mark or not." He points to one of the many nearby trees. "Now aim for the trunk, take the wind, its force and its direction in as a factor."

Yasuko leans down and plucks the kunai out of the dirt, watching the sunlight glint off the blades before pointing it towards the tree. She glances upward at the leaves swaying towards her right, before taking her aim and pulling her hand back as she throws the kunai, lodging it into the trunk of the tree. "Like that?" She grins, turning towards Jiraiya.

Jiraiya chuckles before throwing another kunai in front of her feet and pointing to a different tree. "Can you do it one after the other though?"

She plucks the next kunai out of the dirt and takes her aim again, taking note of the direction of the wind and throwing her knife.

It hits the trunk with a solid thud and she smirks.

"Don't get too excited." Jiraiya warns.

Yasuko glances back at him in confusion before hearing something drop behind her. "Again… " She winces.

Jiraiya pulls out four more kunai. "Accuracy is important, sure." He chucks the kunai knives swiftly towards the tree, all hitting the trunk. "But so is force and speed. You keep holding back on your throws. If you can't solidly hit your target, then you're just wasting your energy and your weapons as well as leaving yourself open for attacks afterwards." He continues, giving her a stern look to make sure she understands just how important it is. "Keep practicing hitting the target until you can get each one lodged into that tree. When you're done, repeat. Once I know you've mastered it, we'll move on to the next lesson."

Yasuko nods her head in understanding before walking over to grab the stray kunai and grabbing the five lodged into the tree.

"Oh, and you can use these too." He adds, throwing a beige pouch towards her. "Practice with the shuriken while you're at it."

:: :: ::

"Demon wind shuriken!"

. . . . .

"Ninja Art: Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu!"


She picks the pouch up and opens it, scanning the contents.

Inside, there are more kunai for her to use as well as what she had learned were shuriken which looked like metal stars.

"You can keep those for yourself." He adds, heading over to rest underneath the shade of a tree. "I have plenty more."



"Your name is Gamakichi, right?" Yasuko asks, throwing the next kunai in her hand. She watches as it hits the tree before grabbing a shuriken.

"Yep, and you're Yasuko. I remember seeing you in the forest when the boss told me to carry you." He remarks.

"So you did." She laughs nervously, running over to gather all the weapons. Him seeing her in the forest also meant he saw the damage she caused. She cringes. "I hope I wasn't too much trouble."

Gamakichi waves one of his webbed appendages and smiles. "Nope. Not a problem at all."

Yasuko smiles softly. "So, you're a summon, right?" She wonders, changing the subject, as she walks back over and continues her practice.

"Mhm, a toad summon to be exact."

She twirls a kunai in her hand. "So, if I were to sign a contract with the toads, I could summon them?" She guesses, throwing the blade and glaring at it as it misses the tree.


She turns towards Gamakichi, confused. "But then how many summons are there exactly? I mean, I know a couple like toad, snake, slug, turtle, and dog summons, but how much are there in all? Not everyone can sign a summon, but those that do can't all be in contract with the same summon, right?"

Gamakichi looks up in thought, a hand on his chin. "Well, toad, snake, and slug are the 'top three', but there's probably a summons for each animal." He answers, shrugging his shoulders. "I guess you'll have to ask the boss when he gets back."

"Oh. Alright, then." She replies, continuing her training.


Yasuko throws the last kunai in her hand, before glancing over at Jiraiya. "So… " She drawls, heading over to grab all the weapons and start again.

"Out with it." Sighs Jiraiya, further unwrapping the scroll he has in his hand.

"Alright alright." She chuckles. "So I was thinking."

"Oh no." He mutters, dropping the scroll and rubbing his temples.

Yasuko crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. "Ha ha… anyway, I was thinking. Since you can summon toads to assist you, do you think I could do the same thing?"

Jiraiya looks up. "You want to learn the summoning jutsu?"

"It wouldn't hurt to learn it, right?"

Jiraiya narrows his eyes in suspicion. "Where is this coming from all of a sudden?" He accuses.

"You left Gamakichi to watch me while you went off to who knows where, curiosity doesn't stop until it finds a host." She defends, arms akimbo. "I would've found out sooner or later either way."

Jiraiya taps his chin in thought. "Well, that is true… " He mumbles. "But, still. Unless you can learn the very basics and master them, then I'm afraid you won't be learning the summoning jutsu anytime soon." He finishes, going back to reading the scroll.

She sighs, turning away and continuing her training. "If that's what it takes then I'll master the basics in no time. Just you watch." She smirks, throwing the next kunai.

"You missed."

"I can see that."


Jiraiya crosses his arms. "Alright, it's been a week. You've been doing nothing but training. Now, show me what you've got."

Yasuko grabs three kunai and three shuriken from her arsenal. "Got it." She says, throwing all six weapons at the tree, grinning as they all hit their mark.

"Impressive." Compliments Jiraiya. "Now, let's see if you can hit moving targets."


"Wait, ok, wait! What if I accidentally hurt you?!" Yasuko shrieks, shakily gripping the kunai.

"It's a shadow clone." Reminds Jiraiya. "Just throw the knife."

She hesitantly brings her hand back and throws the kunai towards him, eyes shutting suddenly.

"Don't close your eyes in front of the enemy. We've gone over this."

"I know that!" She plops down on the ground, hands pressed against her face, as she wipes the sweat off her forehead.


"Besides you... everyone else is dead."


"I just, I can't, alright… " She murmurs, staring at the ground.

A hand rests on her head, ruffling her hair.

Yasuko peeks up slowly before looking away. "Sorry… " She mutters.

The real Jiraiya sits down in front of her and crosses his arms. "Look, I know you're afraid of killing more people, and I hate to say this, but you have to know that in the world we live in now, it's either you kill them or they kill you."

"I know." She mumbles, drawing circles in the dirt with a twig she pulled off of her shirt. "That doesn't make it easier though."

"Well, I didn't really expect it to." He laughs. "I'm just telling you that there's rarely a choice for you to not kill. Most of the time, every battle ends with one end dying." Jiraiya looks down and sighs. "Sadly, that's just the way it is these days… "

She glances over, noticing his crestfallen look, before sighing and getting up. "If it means helping the Child of Prophecy, then I suppose I can make an arrangement."

"Why am I not surprised that you know about that?"

"I'd be surprised if you were surprised."


Yasuko scans over the field, throwing the kunai towards her right and smirking as it hits the clone, dispelling it into a puff of smoke. "Got you."

Jiraiya claps his hands slowly, noticing that despite Yasuko's laid back demeanor, her hands were definitely shaking. "Well done." And he meant it, progress was progress no matter how small it may have been.

She narrows her eyes and crosses her arms. "I know you were going easy on me though. As if I'd believe that you'd get taken down by a kunai, especially one coming from me." She scoffs.

Jiraiya laughs. "You got me."

Yasuko tilts her head, surprised that he'd admit it, before smiling. "Well, it was pretty obvious. There's no way that one of me could defeat two of you, even if they were just clones. But nevermind that." She says, waving her hands. "Did I master it?"

Jiraiya taps his chin in thought. "Well it did take you almost a week and a half to finish... "

"It felt way longer than that." She mumbles.

He laughs. "That's usually what happens when you focus on a task for so long, it ends up feeling like it took centuries once you're done." He says, smiling. "But I'd say despite the short time, you did really well." He assumed past experience might have contributed to her quick learning, but if she wasn't dedicated to relearning it, then the past experience would've meant nothing.

"Then again, it's more like you've made it to a tolerable level than mastered it." He teases.

"I'll take my victory as it is." Yasuko beams. "Now, we celebrate!" She claps. "Karaage for everyone!"

"I see my food preferences have rubbed off on you. " He laughs.

She stops and turns towards Jiraiya pointedly. "Lets hope that's the only thing that rubs off."

"What's that supposed to mean?!" He accuses.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about."

"I'm telling you it's research!" Jiraiya defends.

"Sure it is… "


"You may have a lot of chakra, but if you don't know how to control it then that chakra is worthless so now we focus on chakra control." Coaches Jiraiya.

"Alright. How do I start?" Yasuko asks, already interested.

"First, let's try to see if you can walk up trees." He says, walking towards the tallest tree he can find. He figured she'd be able to pick it up pretty quick. Or rather, he hoped.

"I'm sorry, but did you just say 'walk up trees?'" She questions, now confused. "I've seen it in the visions, but you're saying that it's actually possible?"

"Well, yeah." He scoffs. "Watch." He says, placing one foot on the trunk. He brings his other foot up as well and then starts walking up the side of the tree while still standing straight, defying gravity.

She gasps, amazed. "I thought jumping onto buildings was cool, but this takes the cake." She awes.

Jiraiya looks down from his standing point on the side of the tree and laughs. "Wait until you learn how to walk on water."

She jogs over to the tree beside him and places her foot on the trunk. "One at a time." She places her other foot on the trunk only to lose her balance and fall on her back. She groans, rubbing the back of her head but making no move to get up.

"Did you even concentrate your chakra?" Scolds Jiraiya, crossing his arms.

"I think?" Yasuko laughs sheepishly. "Maybe, I don't know."

He shakes his head and sighs. "This… is going to take a while."


"Are you even concentrating?"

"I'm not closing my eyes and doing hand signs for nothing." Yasuko defends.

"Closing your eyes and forming hand signs alone don't control chakra." Jiraiya explains. "You control the chakra, imagine the chakra flowing through your pathways."

"I get that, but it seems like my own chakra hates me." She opens her eyes. "Or rather, his chakra hates me." She realizes, tapping her chin in thought. "Or maybe I'm just not accustomed to it… "

"What are you talking about?" Puzzles Jiraiya.

She drops her hands and turns towards Jiraiya. "Remember how I mentioned the guy with the Rinnegan I saw?"

He nods his head. "Yeah?"

"Ok, well, I may or may not have seen him a couple more times since then." She says avoiding Jiraiya's deadpanned expression at her failure to report the things she was supposed to be reporting. "And he mentioned that he 'bestowed his chakra upon me' so maybe it's because of that?"

He blinks. "Wait, you possess the same chakra as the Sage of Six Paths?"

She shrugs her shoulders and nods. "In a way, I guess."

"The Sage of Six Paths? The one who is revered as the strongest being to ever exist?"

Yasuko furrows her brows, and glances to the side and back. "Um… yes?"

"Do you know what this could mean?!" He gushes. "You could become just as strong as him! The possibilities!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop, wait!" She exclaims, waving my arms in defense. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I was told I have a portion of his chakra, not all of it." She clarifies. "And even so, I can't become as strong as someone like that." She insists, crossing her arms.

"Not with that attitude." Mutters Jiraiya.

"I heard that… "

Jiraiya points his finger at her in annoyance. "Get back to training!"



Yasuko marks the tree with a cut from her kunai and pushes herself off, landing safely on the ground. "What is it?" She asks, picking off the stray twigs on her clothes.

Jiraiya rolls up the scroll in his hand. "Can you communicate with him?"

She pauses, confused about who he's talking about, before snapping her fingers in realization. "Oh, you mean the Sage of Six Paths, right?"

He glances over cautiously from his position under the shade of a tree. "Who else would I be talking about?"

"Eh?!" She bleats in surprise, waving her hands in defense. "I'm just making sure! I wouldn't lie to you guys like that! Honest!"

Jiraiya burst into laughter. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding! You should've seen your face!" He cackles, wiping away tears of laughter. "But seriously, can you talk to him?"

She rolls her eyes at his attempt at humor and crosses her arms. "Well, I guess I can. I've only met him once in person though." She blinks as she suddenly recalls Hagoromo's wording when they met.

"I'd think it was about time we met in person again, don't you?"

Again? Why'd he use the word again? He couldn't have possibly been talking about those times he spoke in her head, so what was it?

She twirls the kunai in her hand in thought. There wasn't much reason to mull over it however, she didn't have any memory and had no idea how to get it back. Whatever first time they had met, she wasn't going to remember it that easily.

"Well, not really in person now that I think about it." She finally answers. "More like in my mind really."

"What happened?" He wonders, taking note of her unusual pause. "What'd he say?"

"Confidential information." She says with a despicable smug look. "There are some things that I just really can't tell you y'know. Future is changing enough as is, I wouldn't want it to be barreling out of control."

"Come on. Just one." Insists Jiraiya. "Or all."

She stares blankly at him.

"One it is then I guess."

She drums her fingers on her arm, contemplating on what to tell him. "Ok." She sighs, sitting down with her legs crossed. "One thing he mentioned was that he's the reason that I can see the past and the future. He said something like 'your ability is just as remarkable as I intended it to be' or something like that… "

Jiraiya leans back and props his leg up, resting his hand on his knee. "Did he say why he gave you that ability?"

Yasuko laughs dryly resting her face in her hands. "I actually asked him that and he said that he couldn't tell me. Something about it being 'a price for my abilities?' He was extremely cryptic and vague about it all and said that I'd 'find out when the time was right' whatever that means… I just… " She leans back onto the ground, arms and legs splayed apart in the dirt, and sighs in frustration. "I don't know." She murmurs, watching the clouds pass by.


"Where do you think you're going?" Yasuko huffs, wiping the sweat off her forehead. "You're supposed to be keeping track of my training."

Jiraiya stops in his tracks and turns around. "Researching for my new novel, obviously."

"That's not researching." She deadpans.

"You just keep practicing your chakra control!"


"So?" She wonders, pausing her training and walking over to Jiraiya who has a scroll laid out.

"It seems as though the mission was a success." He answers. "There were some casualties, but the Kazekage is alive and well."

"And the one tails? Shukaku? What happened to him?"

"Unfortunately, the Akatsuki managed to successfully seal him… " Jiraiya wraps the scroll up and pushes himself off the ground, dusting the dirt of his clothes. "We'll start heading back to the village for now. You can train along the way."

Yasuko nods her head in understanding. "Got it."


"Well?" Yasuko looks down and smiles from her standing point on the side of the trunk. "How'd I do?" She asks, leaping from one tree to the next.

"Well done." Compliments Jiraiya. "Next we teach you how to walk on water."


"Concentrate your chakra evenly to the bottom of your feet."

"Got it." Yasuko replies, trying to stand steady on the surface of the water. "I think I'm doing it!"

"Water doesn't stay level like that all the time." Jiraiya forms hand signs and places his hand on the surface of the water.

"What are you doi- whoa!" She yelps, falling into the river. She pokes her head up out of the water. "What was that fo- and he bailed on me… " Yasuko pulls herself out of the water and sits by the edge of the river.

Two weeks… it had been about two weeks, maybe three… most likely three. She wasn't even keeping track.

Some things have stayed the same according to what she had heard from Jiraiya. The Kazekage was still safe, Chiyo still died, Kankuro was still alive, Sasori was still dead. The only difference is that Deidara not only lost both his arms, but he also lost one of his legs. Inoichi being there helped with that, as he used his mind destruction jutsu to quickly try and immobilize Deidara before he got too far out of range as Kakashi used his kamui on both Deidara's leg and his clay bird. As a result, Deidara tumbled down into the forest.

But then a third Akatsuki member appeared, one that looked like a large plant as Naruto described seeing as how he was the only one who saw them with how far ahead he headed.

The new Akatsuki member in mention helped Deidara escape.

However, now Kakashi was out of commission for the next couple of weeks due to overexerting his Sharingan meaning that two new members would be joining Team 7…

Yasuko sighs and pushes herself back up, placing one foot on the water's surface again.


"A bit later than I expected, but it's good to be back." Smiles Jiraiya. "We'll go check out how Kakashi's doing first." He says, turning to me. "You can follow me up to Kakashi's room by yourself, right?"

"I didn't do all that training for nothing y'know." Yasuko smirks.

"Alright, then. Let's go." He says, scaling the hospital's structure.

"Got it." She replies, following after.


Jiraiya opens the window, crouching on the windowsill. "Don't you look silly." He laughs, jumping into the room.

"Master Jiraiya." Says Kakashi.

"Well, no more than usual, I suppose, but it's not just me."

Yasuko peeks over from the side of the window. "You really shouldn't overuse your Sharingan, Kakashi." She points out, stepping inside as well and closing the window behind her. "Especially since it was the Mangekyo Sharingan you were using, wasn't it?" She hints, leaning back onto the wall in front of his bed, arms crossed.

"Well, I shouldn't be surprised that you know that… " He sighs, pushing himself up and grimacing from the pain.

"Slow down." Jiraiya says, rushing over to his side. "Don't force yourself. It doesn't look like you're going anywhere for a while." He slaps two books on the table next to Kakashi. "A get well gift. Both volumes of Makeout Paradise, the deluxe editions. I'm sure you've read them, but it'll help pass the time. If you know what I mean." He chuckles.

Yasuko rolls her eyes and sighs.

Kakashi glances over at the books before turning back towards Jiraiya. "Thanks, but you didn't come back to the village just to see me, did you?" He queries.

Jiraiya crosses his arms and leans back on the shelf of the window. "Let's wait for Tsunade and our man to get here. I'll fill you in on everything."

"Our man? What do you mean?"

Jiraiya turns towards the window. "I believe that he'll be going by Yamato for this mission. You'll know him when you see him."

:: :: ::

One of Orochimaru's previous 'experiments'

. . . . .

Wood style release

. . . . .

Real name: Tenzo


Yasuko turns towards Jiraiya cautiously. "Should I be staying here?" She asks, remembering what Tsunade said about a week ago about keeping her presence a secret for now.

"You probably already know who he is just by hearing his name, don't you?"

She nods.

Jiraiya turns around and smiles. "I'm sure he can be trusted with something like this."


Kakashi sets his book down.

Yasuko pauses from organizing her weapons pouch and looks up from her place on the floor.

"Well, sounds like you're finally here." Says Jiraiya.

Yasuko frantically rushes to shove everything back into the pouch, cursing under her breath as the blades cut her fingers. She stands up, hands behind her back and pouch at her side, just as the door opens.

Tsunade, Shizune, and Yamato step in, shutting the door behind them.

Yamato smiles. "Long time no see, Kakashi."

"You?" Marvels Kakashi. "So this is the Yamato you were talking about..."

Yamato glances over at Yasuko from the side. "May I ask who this is?" He wonders, turning to Tsunade.

"Oh, this kid?" She asks, also turning towards Yasuko. She glances over at Jiraiya who nods his head. "Well, I guess I'll put it simply. She's a very important person with a special ability." She turns towards Yamato. "I'll fill you in on the rest later, but to put it simply, while keeping you interested, she can see into the past and future."

Yamato blinks a few times in what seems as surprise before glancing back towards Yasuko. "Um, alright." He answers cautiously.

Yasuko smiles and gives a small wave, immediately regretting the last part as a concerned Shizune rushes over.

"What happened to your hands?" She worries, pulling Yasuko's hands towards her and examining the bleeding cuts.

Yasuko laughs sheepishly, watching as she begins healing. "It's just the training I did, guess the wounds reopened."

She stares at her pointedly. "These were just recent."

"So you can tell that too, huh?" She says, cracking a nervous smile.

Jiraiya sighs. "She cut her hands when she shoved weapons back into the pouch just as you guys walked in." He sighs. "She's stubborn when it comes to admitting injuries."

"Am not." She mutters.

"There." Says Shizune. "I've healed the cuts, but I think you should wash your hands from the blood."

"Alright." She replies, heading towards the door. Using her elbows and forearms, she begins opening the door, making sure the blood from her hands doesn't touch it.

"You need help." States Jiraiya.

"I've got this." She insists. "You guys just talk about what you were going to talk about." She pulls the door open and steps out.

:: :: ::

"What we're about to tell you is the main reason you were selected as Kakashi's replacement." Says Jiraiya.

"Is this about Naruto, sir?" Asks Yamato.

Kakashi nods his head. "Exactly."

. . . . .

"There are times where the nine tails chakra will leak out of Naruto's body and take on the fox spirits form. We've been referring to it as the nine tails cloak."

. . . . .

"When he's overcome by his emotions, the fox spirits chakra begins to surface, engulfing his entire body revealing the nine tails cloak."

. . . . .

"Judging by the shape the chakra was taking, the number of tails will probably grow and eventually… there'll be nine."

. . . . .

"Master Jiraiya? How many tails have you seen?" Wonders Kakashi.

"In all my years of living, I've come close to death only twice. First time, I broke six ribs, both arms, and ruptured a handful of internal organs. That was when I was caught doing research at a hot spring and Tsunade beat me like a drum." He chuckles.

Tsunade rolls her eyes.

"The second time… " He continues. "The second was back when Naruto and I were off training together and… a fourth tail appeared." He answers, revealing a large scar on his chest.


"Besides… I already know what it'll be about." She finishes, shutting the door behind herself.


Yasuko twists the faucet off and rests her head in her hands, elbows on the side of the sink.

The chakra cloak. It completely slipped her mind. She saw it in the visions, but to think that she had forgotten about it so easily?

She supposed she could blame it on how many visions I saw. Perhaps, the overload of info played a part? But either way, it still bothered her.

She stares at her reflection in the mirror, through her fingers.

At this rate, instead of preventing bad things from happening, she'd probably be making more problems for everyone. She just… she had to do something at least… surely there was something she could do right now...

:: :: ::

"Ten days at the Tenshi bridge."


Yasuko blinks. "The mission!" She rushes out of the washroom quickly, yelping as she crashes into something, rather someone, and falls backwards. "What in the-"

"What's got you so worked up?" Asks a familiar voice.

"My bad." She groans, standing up. "Are you ok… " She trails off as she looks up towards the person, coming face to face with Ren. "Oh, it's been a while, how are you?"

Ren glances down at her in confusion. "What're you in for this time?"

"Believe it or not, I'm actually not the patient this time." She says with a smug smile, crossing her arms.

"This time." He points out and repeats.

Yasuko chuckles, rubbing the back of her neck. "What about you?" She asks, switching the focus off of herself. "What are you in for?"

"Check up." He says, before walking off. "You seemed like you had somewhere to go, so focus on that, alright?"

Yasuko blinks, and turns to face him only to see him exiting the hospital. "Um, alright." She turns and heads back towards Kakashi's room. She wasn't expecting him to answer her question with an honest answer. She figured he'd deflect it like the first time. And sure, he didn't exactly go into detail, but compared to last time this was definitely different.

She slides the fourth hospital door to the right open and steps inside to see Yamato, Tsunade, Shizune, Jiraiya, and Kakashi still there.

"You took a while." Notes Jiraiya.

"Yeah." She admits, laughing nervously. She smiles. "Just met a familiar face is all."

I… am guilty as charged for being missing for a while. QwQ. I was focusing on classes for a while, then covid happened, then schooling online, and just chaos in general as well as my own procrastination issues, but I'm here with a new chapter now!

I hadn't even opened the site for a while until recently, but then I saw reviews asking nicely for an update and I suddenly got motivated again. T^T

Some changes here, some changes there, and viola. Old chapter revamped to this.

Also, I know it seems highly unlikely that someone could complete both kunai training and tree walking training in two or three weeks, but basically Yasuko had been doing nothing but training for that entire time. After all, it didn't take Team 7 that long to do the tree climbing exercise despite their mission, right? (^_^) a few other things potentially played a factor, but that's for later chapters. Like, waaaaay later.

Don't worry, I already have almost all of this planned out… *smirks* (most of it at least… ish... ^^;;) I just have to sit down and actually write which is the hardest part. T.T

Other than that,

Thank you to those that read, reviewed, followed, favorited, or just took the time to just check this out!

Thanks for reading!