A/N: I'm sorry for the long wait for this last drabble to complete the collection! I used up a lot of my writing mojo after December 2017 I think. Then I fell sick (very sick) and had crazy months at work after I recovered until I got this break... Anyway, here is the final piece for Gruvia Week 2017, woot woot!


Prompt: Future plus prompt 11 "You can have half" and prompt 15"I made your favourite" from 100 ways to say "I love you" because I was seriously out of inspiration on how to write this.

Disclaimer: Gray, Juvia, and bishi-kun (whom I'll call "Arashi" here) are owned by Mashima. I just love them a lot and want to write something that has all three of them in it, haha.

[Setting: Post-canon, obviously. Otherwise, how does bishi-kun come into being, ohoho ;)]

"Juviaaaa!" he felt his voice going hoarse, but she was getting pulled away. He tried to reach out and grab her hand –

"Daaaddd! Time to get up!" a loud voice echoes through Gray's dream, and his eyes opened.

Not a second later, a big weight landed on his stomach, waking him up completely, "Ooof!" Gray chuckled and sat up, "I'm up, I'm up," he ruffled his son's midnight blue hair. "Morning Arashi."

"Morning dad! Mum told me to come and get you for breakfast!" Arashi greeted him back, still sitting on his stomach.

"I'll be down in a bit," Gray let his hand stay in his son's hair, though not for long as he felt Arashi rolling off his stomach and his bed.


He smiled in the direction that Arashi had ran off and got out of bed himself.

Gray made it to the bottom of the stairs as Juvia turned around with all their mugs on a tray, "Ah, Gray-sama good morning! I made your favourite today!" she smiled as she put all the mugs in front of their respective seats at the dining table.

"Eh?" Juvia blinked at the half-empty plate that had her husband's breakfast just a few minutes before.

She glanced sideways to her son who tiptoed to his own seat, a few stains and sauces around his mouth, "Arashi-kun!"

"I was still hungry!"

Juvia had her hands on her waist, giving their son a stern look, "Finish your breakfast!"

Arashi pouted but did as he was told though Gray heard him mumble a "fine" as his son took a seat beside him. Though seconds later he sees Arashi turn to him, his eyes gleamed and sparkled from the morning sun coming from the windows. They remind him a lot of how Juvia's does the same, as Arashi offers, "You can have the rest of yours and half of mine, dad!"

"Thanks," ruffling his son's hair again.

"Gray-sama, are you alright?" Juvia sat down beside him, observant and concern laced in her voice as ever, whispering, "Was it your nightmares again?"

Though not low enough for Arashi to ask, "Did you have a bad dream, dad?"

"I did. But…" he paused, as he tried to remember what had occurred before Arashi had woken him up.



Gray couldn't hold back his chuckle, the resemblance in his wife and son were uncanny, "It seems I've forgotten it already. Don't worry."

Juvia's shoulders noticeably relaxed, and Arashi's eyes gleamed, "Did I help dad?"

"You sure did."

He looked to Juvia, who smiled at him in return and thought, both of you have.

A/N: I'm really not feelin' it with this drabble. I remember doing previous drabbles in this collection and aiming to reach for higher word counts than my first attempts in the Gruvia Week 2016 prompts... I think I managed to do that with the first six, but after a long break and coming back to this, I'm back to writing a snippet or snapshot into how their life is with their son, haha. I apologise for this one being on the short side after such a long wait, haha. I will be honest, I was in a little rough spot when drafting this. I am feeling slightly better about it after taking some days off! Although I still think I need a break from writing… As always, how was the drabble? Too short? Just right? Hated it? Loved it? Let me know your thoughts! ^^