Snail Chat

Title: Snail Chat
Rating: T
Fandom: One Piece
Summary: While Law is chained to the Heart Seat, his Den-Den Mushi and Doflamingo's Den-Den Mushi argue.

Law had regained conscious a few minutes ago and quickly realized he was chained to the Heart Seat with seastone. "Damn it!"

"Fufufu," Doflamingo grinned. "Seems like your plan didn't work out back on Green Bit, didn't it?"

Law just narrowed his eyes and glared at the Shichibukai. A baby Den-Den Mushi crawled out of Law's pocket and onto his shoulder. "Law, is that pink bastard dead yet?"

The Donquixote Pirates present in the room froze, shocked. "Law, who are you calling?"

"Does it look like I can call anyone right now?" Law growled.

The baby Den-Den Mushi waved to the Donquixote Pirates. "Hi guys!"

"Since when could Den-Den Mushi talk when not being used to call?" Doflamingo asked, surprised.

"Aren't you Corazon's Den-Den Mushi, Speedy?" Doflamingo's Den-Den Mushi popped his head out of Doflamingo's pocket.

"I used to be until your damn owner killed mine!" Speedy snapped. "Law's my new owner now, Prince! He's way better than the flamingo bastard!"

"Still here," Doflamingo reminded the two snails that everyone in the room was listening to the conversation.

"I'm surprised you're even still alive, Speedy," Prince snorted. "I thought for sure that Corazon roasted you when he set himself on fire or crushed you when he fell,"

"I am offended!" Speedy gasped. "I'm not one to die easily!"

"What? Did Corazon also say that?" Prince smirked. "Because I'm pretty sure that klutz is dead,"


"Prince you shut the hell up!" Law agreed.

"Fufufu, did I strike a nerve?" Prince mocked.

"Once I get free, you're escargot!" Law threatened.

Prince fake gasped. "You're threatening a baby Den-Den Mushi! What would Corazon think!?"


"Law, you're threatening a Den-Den Mushi," Senor Pink reminded.

Law froze at the realization. "Law let me handle him!" Speedy said. "I'll beat the crap out of that mollusk!"

Both snails jumped down from their current spot and landed on the floor with ease. They narrowed their eyes and started charging towards each other. It looks fast for a snail's perspective but to the humans, they were moving at the average speed of any snail.

"I've done way more risky things than you!" Prince claimed. "I've been in way more fights with the crew! What have you done? All you did was serve as that traitor's method of communication!"

Speedy shook his head. "You don't know half of what I've been through!" He declared. "I've been with Roci for almost my entire life! I was put into a training camp run by Garp's Den-Den Mushi! I did a risky prank and slimed all over Akainu's paperwork! Akainu's snail nearly caught me! You haven't suffered half as much as I did!"

Finally the two snails collided, punching and tackling each other. "Take this!" Prince imbued his limb with armament and punched Speedy's shell. "What the—no effect!?"

Speedy grinned. "I had to adapt or else I'd have been killed by Rocinante's clumsiness," He tucked himself into his shell and covered himself in armament. "Shell Smash!" He tackled Prince, knocking him on his side.

Prince struggled to right himself. "I'm stuck!"

"Hey Law," Doflamingo asked. "What are we doing with our lives, watching our snails fight?"

"Finish him off, Speedy!" Law cheered.

"Aren't you worried about your current situation?" The family sweat-dropped. "You're still chained up,"

I was watching a video where the Youtuber had a pet snail. That's how this story about Den-Den Mushi was created.