Chapter One: Parent Day

It was parent-teacher day at Orange Star High School an annual even on the school roster so so parents could see where their money was going for their child's education as well as talk to the teachers about any concerns. A day where parents attended classes that their children generally attended for the day.

Being Gohan's first year at school after years of being home schooled, this would be Gohan's first parent-teacher day. He walked into his homeroom with his mother who was fussing over him the whole time. Chi Chi Son was pointing out potential wives every time a new girl walked past as well as the girls he should stay away from and why. A few of the girls beamed at Chi Chi deeming them wife worthy other's looked like they wanted to run as far away as possible.

"This is my homeroom," Gohan announced. Together they walked through the door where other students and parents had already arrived. "I usually sit in the back."

"Shouldn't you sit in the front so you can pay attention to the teacher? I want you to be learning as much as possible." Chi Chi asked her son. The thing she wanted for her son was the best education possible, which was why he was finishing his schooling at an actual school instead of at home with her.

Gohan was nervous before he admitted. "I haven't learnt anything new, yet lesson-wise. I learnt more from you than I have from teachers. I have learnt a lot about interacting with other students."

In the back corner where Gohan sat, he saw a crowd of parents and students. From the centre of the crowd, he heard roaring laughter. It which sounded familiar to Gohan but he couldn't work out why. He noticed that Videl was standing in the back corner. He looked around for his other friends. Erasa wasn't here yet, and Sharpener had come in just behind himself and his mother.

"There sure are a lot of people in your class kid," Gohan heard the person that looked like an older version of Sharpener. Considering Sharpener was standing with him he assumed that he was most likely Sharpeners father and if not his father, a close relative.

"Not all of them are meant to be in this class," Sharpener said in reply. "Most of them are in here because of Mr. Satan."

Gohan turned back to the man who had the majority of the attention. "Oh, so that's why that laugh sounded familiar," Gohan replied with a nervous gulp. He turned to his mother, he hoped that she still didn't want to assassinate the World Champ.

"I'm going to kill him," Chi Chi shouted, starting to push her way through the crowd.

Gohan sighed, she did still remember that she wanted to kill the man and the exact reason why. He pulled his mother back away from the crowd. "Mum, you can't kill Mr. Satan." Especially with witnesses around, he thought to himself.

"Why would a lovely young lady like you want to kill a man like Mr. Satan?" Sharpeners father asked in amusement. "It was not every day that you had someone declare so publically that they were going to attempt to kill the saviour of the world." The fact that it happened in a school classroom from another child's mother he found rather amusing.

"That fraud discredited all the work my husband did." She replied with venom. Gohan sighed again; he was glad that his mother didn't mention him. As it was she'd still revealed too much information. At some point, Videl had come over, interested in the parent who shouted they were going to kill her father.

Videl sneered at Chi Chi. "Lady, my dad doesn't discredit anyone; it was probably your husband that's the fraud! My dad doesn't even know you so why would he even do that?"

Sharpeners father stepped in before Chi Chi, or Gohan could say anything. "Young lady, that's no way to speak to one an elder."

Chi Chi smiled when Sharpener's father stood up for her, it was the type of smile that Gohan hadn't seen on his mother's face since before he was kidnapped by Raditz. A smiled that had always been reserved for his father when he'd been a child.

Hercules moved through the crowd towards his daughter. "Videl, what's going on?" He then noticed Chi Chi who was still glaring at Videl. "What are you doing to my Videl to upset her?" He stood in front of his daughter defending her from a woman he didn't realise could potentially defeat him.

"Sir, your daughter was rude and disrespectful of this ladies husband. I'm Pencil, Graphite." Mr. Pencil replied, holding out his hand to Hercule, who ignored him.

"My Videl wouldn't do that!" Hercule defended his child with the same ferocity that Chi Chi would do for her own children.

"Just like you wouldn't take credit of beating Cell from someone else," Chi Chi said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Mum!" Gohan was near panic mode, it had been seven years, and the public didn't know he was the one that beat Cell. He didn't want anyone else knowing. If that ever came out there would be a media field day, something that the Son family didn't want to deal with. The reason why Gohan had let Hercule take the credit in the first place.

"Right," Hercule laughed nervously a slight amount of sweat dripping from his face as he looked at the woman in front of him trying to work out exactly what she knew.

At that moment the bubbly blond of their group entered with her equally blond parents. She missed the tense atmosphere from everyone else, or if she noticed, she ignored it.

"Mum these are my friends Son, Gohan; Pencil, Sharpener and you already know Videl," Erasa smiled as she introduced her friends.

"I'm Stationary, Kei and this is my wife, Hitomi." Erasa's father introduced himself and his wife, also missing the friction between the other adults of the group.

"Son, Chi Chi."

"Paper, Graphite."

"Satan, Hercule."

The parents all introduced themselves looking between the four teenagers who'd managed to become friends.

"Gohan, you didn't mention that you were friends with Mr. Satan's daughter or this lovely lady," Chi Chi said in a sickly sweet voice.

Gohan gulped nervously. He didn't mention his female friends because he didn't want to end up married to one of them or his mother challenging Mr. Satan.

At that moment the homeroom teacher came in informing anyone that was not meant to be in the classroom to leave and for everyone to find seats. The argument between Chi Chi and Hercule put aside for now.


Gohan and his friends made their way to their usual seats, with their parents sitting with them. Extra chairs had been brought into the classroom for the day. Their homeroom teacher explained what subjects they would be doing that day which was Japanese, English, Math, Sport and whatever extracurricular subject their child had chosen which for Gohan was History. The lessons were to be followed by individual parent-teacher interviews after school was finished for the day.

The first interruption to the class was when Videl's watch beeped.

"What do you need my help with, chief?" Videl said into the watch.

"We have a hostage situation at the Finks Pharmacy." The crackled voice of the chief came through the watch.

Chi Chi snatched the watch of Videl's wrist before she even knew what was happening. Videl blinked at her wrist noticing her watch was gone without her seeing.

"Are you really asking a young girl to help you with your job?" Chi Chi yelled into the watch.

Videl turned to Chi Chi surprised to see her watch in the older woman's hand. She looked back at her wrist wondering how she'd got it off without her seeing despite looking at her arm at the time it was stolen.

"Videl's the best we've got." The chief defended.

Everyone in the classroom watched with interest as Chi Chi argued with the police chief about Videl assisting the force.

"Why don't you do your job properly instead of relying on a young girl to do your job for you? Are you getting paid to sit on your backside all day, while watching a young girl risks her life just because you couldn't do your job?" Chi Chi continued scolding the Chief of Police for a further five minutes. "She will not be coming out today or ever again if I have my way."

She disconnected the call before turning her attention to Hercule. "And how dare you just sit there and let your daughter go into dangerous situations like. As a father you should be protected your daughter, not allowing her to go out into dangerous situations. If anyone should be helping the police it should be you, but you won't because that will expose you as the fraud you are because you are less capable than your teenage daughter."

Gohan sighed, it sounded like the fights his mother used to have with his father when his father was still alive. Such as about not letting him fight against Cell and the androids and some of the training that he'd done over the years. He was surprised when Graphite and Hitomi both agreed with his mother on the subject of Videl.

"I've been thinking the same thing for a long time," Hitomi commented. "But have been too afraid to say anything about the issue. It's not my place to judge how you raise your daughter, but you shouldn't be putting her in deadly situations like that."

"Parent can you please calm down," the frustrated English teacher shouted as more parents got involved in the argument about how Hercule was raising Videl. People on both sides of the argument.

Parents who were not involved in Chi Chi's fight with Hercule had started fighting over their child being the best at school work and sports to the embarrassment of the students.

Once the teacher had managed to get the parents calmed down they brought out school work that they would be doing for the lesson which was to also be done by the parents if they choose to participate.

"Schools a lot harder than I remember," Graphite laughed with Kei when the work was handed out.

"I don't think I can even answer the first question," Hitomi said with confusion, turning the page to a new angle as if that would help.

"I'm a fighter, not a scholar." Hercules laughed proudly. "How about you Mrs Son?"

"I find all the answered are simple," Chi Chi answered. "I've answered them all. Gohan have you finished yet or even started your answers?" Chi Chi asked sternly.

"I haven't started yet," Gohan replied, getting out a pen so he could answer all the questions.

"The rest of you should be doing your answers as well," Hitomi said the children in a kind manner.

Gohan was finished with his answers within minutes of starting and handed them to his mother to check.

"Is this all they are going to hand out for the lesson?" Chi Chi asked not realising that the other parents and students were struggling to answer the questions.

"Gohan normally does all his work in the first ten minutes of class and then sleeps through the rest of class," Erasa told Chi Chi.

Gohan groaned, he was going to get grounded for life because of that comment. "Erasa," Gohan said her name in a way that she knew that was something she shouldn't have mentioned in front of his mother.

Chi Chi gave her son a look that meant she would be talking to him that night. Gohan gulped, he wished he could go home with his friends.


Gohan started drifting off in the classroom even after the stern look from his mother. He could tell that even she was getting impatient with not getting given any more work. Then when they marked all the questions the teacher then started explaining the questions that most people had trouble with. Gohan had dropped off to sleep completely, and Chi Chi was getting frustrated with how simple the work was and the lack of understating of the work everyone else had. Was school always like this? Chi Chi herself had been homeschooled by the best tutors money could buy since too many people knew who she was when she'd tried to attend school.

"He's not going to learn everything sleeping like that," Hercule said disapprovingly to Chi Chi since she didn't seem to be doing anything about her son sleeping through class.

"Yet he still manages to get one hundred percent on everything." Erasa boasted.

"Gohan got one hundred percent on the statewide exams that were held recently," Chi Chi beamed, liking the young blond girl who was boasting about her son's achievements.

Some of the parents laughed thinking that Chi Chi was making up her son's school results. They could only see a lazy child and not the genius he actually was.

"Gohan's the only student to ever get one hundred percent on the entrance exams for the school isn't he?" Angela who sitting in the middle row asked the other students.

"I remember the teachers all making a big deal out of it," another student spoke up.

"I wish I was as smart as him and not pay attention in class and still do well." Another student said. The chatter starting about the intelligent boy who slept through or skipped most classes. Chi Chi already knew about the skipping thing since he was playing super hero, something she didn't approve of.


During lunch break, Gohan and his friends sat at one table while the parents sat at another table nearby though not long after the parents sat down Hitomi and Kei both had to leave. Erasa's younger sister had an accident at school and was now in the hospital, Erasa leaving with them. Hercule was only at school for the morning so after eating lunch had left for a press conference leaving only Chi Chi and Graphite at the parent's table.

"Your wife not here today?" Chi Chi asked. "Oh, sorry that was impolite of me." She apologised moments later.

Graphite replied. "I don't mind, Megumi died when Sharpener was nine years old. A car accident on the way to school to pick Sharpener up. I was at work at the time. Meg was pregnant, two months away from having our second child. Sharpener was so happy at getting to be a big brother, so it was devastating; he lost his mother and his only chance of being a big brother. Found out when they were doing the autopsy that the baby was a little girl. We wanted to keep the gender a surprise."

"I'm sorry about your wife and daughter. My husband died when Gohan was eleven. He was one of the people fighting Cell and one of the few people that didn't come back after Cell died." Chi Chi explained. "I found out two months after my husband died that I was pregnant with our second, Goten such a sweet boy and he looks so much like his father. Gohan and I both weren't coping with Goku's death. Goten gave us both hope again."


Videl was glad her father had left because he probably would've made a big deal about her sitting alone with two boys. She was still annoyed at Mrs. Son for stealing her watch and not allowing her to attend any police work. Anytime she'd try to leave Mrs. Son would instruct her to sit back down.

"Your mother is a handful," Videl said, a glance over at the parent's table.

"Tell me something I don't know," Gohan replied.

"My dad seems to like her," Sharpener stated.

Gohan turned around to watch his mother and Graphite talking he gulped as he saw that smile again.


Lunch was over quickly and the next lesson for the day was sports. Parents vs Students in a game of baseball. Baseball was something that Graphite was very good at and proud to show off.

"I used to play professional, was on the same team as the Baseball Bandit. Nowhere near as good as him, I don't think anyone on the team ever was." Graphite boasted to Chi Chi as they walked onto the field. The students were batting first and working out the batting order. He was proud that his son and Chi Chi's son both being put in a spot to clear bases.

"Yamcha's a friend of the family," Chi Chi replied. "I've known him since I was a child before he went professional. He taught Gohan how to play baseball. Not that Gohan needed much teaching, he's a natural at most sports even though he doesn't have an interest in them."

The students won the baseball match, but not by much. Chi Chi and Gohan both proving that it wasn't just academics they were good at. That Chi Chi hadn't been lying to Graphite about Gohan's sporting ability. They were both good at sports as well.

"Well well well, that was a surprise," Graphite said as they walked towards the locker room to get changed out of their sports gear. "Smart, athletic and good looking, is there anything that you're not good at? Let me guess, cooking."

"I actually pride myself on my cooking, the thing I consider myself best at," Chi Chi replied with a slight giggle. "You should try it some time."

Afternoon classes went rather quickly but Gohan was glad when they were over, he didn't like how close his mother seemed to be to Graphite Paper during the school day. Only one day and they were acting like they had known each other a lifetime.