Disclaimer: Digimon does not belong to me.

Notes: Part one of #digiOTPweek2k17.

Title: Café au miel
Rating: G
Genre: Friendship/Romance
Prompt: Every fandom needs its coffee shop AU.
Word Count: 2,000


On Monday mornings, Yamato doesn't even look up when the bell chimes. It is one of the busiest days of the week and half their customers are groggy, more asleep than awake while the other half is buzzing with excitement and energy and he isn't really sure which is worse. He focuses on keeping track of all orders and not making a mess of himself, which helps the day go by faster and keep Yamato sane.

This is also why he doesn't really care about being in charge of the orders while Sora takes over the register, too slow to handle hot items so early in the morning. Being in charge of taking orders can be a challenge, especially when clients often stutter or stare (popularity comes with a hefty price, alas).

"Latte with a little honey, please. Oh, can you add that before the milk? Otherwise the foam is too sweet and the coffee is bland..."

"Can you get that?" Sora asks and Yamato is already on it. He trickles two teaspoons of pure honey into the cup and adds the piping hot espresso, making sure to mix it well before pouring the milk and foam. He throws a smattering of cinnamon on top and slides the drink up to Sora.

"Ja ne, Yasuo-san. Sora-san."

He barely catches a hint of pink and rolls his eyes.

Probably an art student, or something.


Sora is great with customers, she remembers their names, draws cute things on their cups and often gives them just a little extra whipped cream on their orders. She has a kind smile, the sort that girls return happily and boys receive dumbly, which in turn makes Yamato roll his eyes to the far side of his head. But every once in a while a boy will come in and make of her a fumbling mess and these are moments he treasures dearly, because it's so rare to see her look so decidedly flustered.

Yamato is usually polite and has a very good memory, which is an advantage when it's a busy day and everyone's queuing to be responsible for his headaches. But he's also impatient and sometimes downright refuses to engage with anyone outside strict protocol. This makes him an unfortunate target for high school girls who come and sit for hours at a time, ogling and giggling and sometimes writing down their numbers on napkins he doesn't even pretend to read.


The girl before him is very pretty and Yamato is for a moment, completely taken aback by this fact. She's not looking into his face, instead concentrating on the extensive menu behind him and he has to make a conscious effort not to sigh.

"Would you like a few more minutes to look at the menu?" he asks in his best, most neutral voice. The girl shakes her head and smiles widely at him.

"No, that's okay. I'll have some raspberry-mint iced water, please."

"Coming right up."

"Can you crush the mint leaves? And give it a good shake before adding the raspberries."

He turns around to deliver her order and ring her up. The girl takes it and with the briefest of glances at his name-tag, shakes a hand saying, "Thanks, Yamoriko-san!"

Sora sneaks a glance. "Yamo-riko?"

Yamato makes an irritated, tsk sound. It's only Tuesday and he's already about to give up.

"Don't even think about it."


On Wednesdays Yamato takes the late shift because he's got evening class and needs his mornings to both rest and advance on his assignments. These are usually good shifts, fairly busy because it's also the day he checks on storage levels and next week's schedule for part-timers. It's not really his job, but his boss, Nadeshiko-san, has figured the other employees are kind of afraid of him so she won't budge.

He's finishing up the schedule when she comes in and he only recognises her due to the unusual, dreamy pink of her hair. She's holding several books in her hands and looks tired and still very pretty and Yamato forces himself to smile back when she does, peripherally, before settling in a table for two right by the window. It doesn't take long for her to be joined by a tall young man with short, dark hair and clear glasses. The girl looks happy to see him but Yamato looks away, searching for Sora.

She's staring at the scene as surreptitiously as she can, but a fierce blush betrays her face.

Yamato smirks. "Do you want me to take it?"

"Don't be silly," she snaps, scowling. It's not a good look for her. "I don't care."

He dodges a slap on his arm as he chuckles low at her denial. He catches the girl's eye for an instant and she smiles vibrantly at him, so much it flusters him into moving to the back office until she's gone.


She comes by again on Thursday, wearing a yellow dress and a cute straw hat. Her shades are shaped like hearts and Yamato is ready to bet good money on her asking for the pink and sparkly frapuccino on sale. He's about to suggest as much when she glances briefly at him, waving at Takuya in the back.

"Welcome, what can I do you for today?"

"Japaccino," she says brightly. "Extra whipped cream!"

"No problem, but we'll have to—"

"Don't worry, I know it's extra," she slides him her payment and winks as he hands over her order. "Thanks, Yamaguchi-san!"

Yamato's eyebrow twitches. She is the definition of 'extra', if he ever saw it.

"It's not—,"

But she's already waving with her back turned to him, leaving him amidst a shower of barely-contained giggles.


It's Friday afternoon and the café is packed with college and high school students and a few friendly neighbours. He wasn't supposed to come in today but Izumi called in sick and he had time (the extra pay doesn't hurt and it's always good to have Izumi in one's debt), so he's helping out behind the counter while the rest wait the tables. The girl with pink hair is back again and this immediately annoys Yamato. She's sitting pretty at the table near the window, directly within his range of view. The same guy from before accompanies her and Sora doesn't take long in bringing in their order (green tea and chocolate cake for him, café au miel and a slice of carrot cake, presumably for her).

"I think that's his girlfriend," Sora declares glumly. It's normal to develop crushes on some of the regular customers, especially for someone so friendly like Sora. Megane-kun (as Yamato often refers to him) seemed to be friendly, a little spacey, med-student and veritable Good Guy, also the sort of man someone like Sora would be unable to resist. Unfortunately for her, he also seemed to be very taken by the pretty girl sitting with him (Yamato doesn't care about this, no matter how bright her smile is).

Yamato shrugs. "Most likely."

"You're supposed to cheer me up!"

"When have I ever? Besides, if you really wanted, you could just ask him out."

Instead of flipping him off (he would've expected nothing less of anyone but her), Sora loads her tray and turns back to their clients while the rest of the team pours, mixes, shakes and garnishes beverages of various types and sizes. Yamato has just finished handing over six double frothy capuccinos to a group of teenagers and is startled by a shock of pink hair that accompanies a permeating floral scent. It mingles wonderfully with the coffee, something he notes and then dismisses with flustered alarm.

"Can I help you with something?" he asks, not unkindly.

The girl leans on his counter, chin in hand. She's looking over at her table, where Sora is nodding at the young man who continues to shake his head and hands—they both look very flustered. "He's hopeless when it comes to these things. Do you know we've been here every day this week, just to see Sora-san?" When Yamato doesn't answer (he's too shocked to do so), the girl grins wickedly. "If this doesn't work, then nothing will. I knocked over his tea."

His mouth opens and then his lip curls. "We—she thought you were his girlfriend."

"Yeah? I hope he has a mind to clear that up." she says, laughing. Her eyes crinkle at their corners and Yamato tries not to stare. "Well, I'll be having a honey coffee to go then, please. You can add that to his tab."

He glances at Sora, who's shuffling her feet awkwardly while Megane-kun fumbles with his glasses. His friend seems to be more amused than malicious and so, despite himself, he serves up her order and writes it down on his own tab.

"Much obliged, Yaku-san."

"I'm not—,"

"Let me know how it goes!"


To his credit, he's actually prepared for her this time (or as prepared as he can be, considering), so when she strides purposely to his counter (it's no coincidence he's on the register today, too), Yamato greets her with a cool, knowing smile.

"Welcome, what will you be having today?"

She eyes Sora in the background, who gives her a tiny wave that makes her brush prettily and when she looks at Yamato, she's remarkedly less composed.

"Jyou said he didn't pay for my coffee," she cuts right to the chase and Yamato nods, impressed.

"A token of Sora's appreciation."

"Sora-san didn't pay for it, either," her eyes narrow. "I checked."

"Our hospitality, then."

"I didn't know you were so giving."

"We're a magnanimous business. It was nothing."

"Well, in that case ... thanks for nothing, Yakamochi-san."

This is what he's been waiting for and judging by the roll in his eyes and the amused glint in hers, so has she. "It's Yamato."

"What is?" her eyelashes are so long, they brush her cheeks when she blinks. He thinks it must be on purpose and no-one should have the right, really.

"My name. Not Yaku, not Yamaguchi, not—,"


"Especially not that."

"I see," she says, tossing caramel rose curls over a pale, thin shoulder. "Well, ja ne, Yamato-kun."

Their fingers (his, mostly his, but she doesn't recoil) linger and never has the warmth of a steaming cup of coffee seemed sweeter. "You won't tell me your name?"

She leans over the counter, tip-toeing to kiss the air around him, just close enough for him to see the smatter of freckles on her nose and cheeks, smell the sweetness of her lip gloss. Too far.

"Sunday. Ask me again, Yamato-kun," and she touches her ear twice, grinning as she leaves the coffee store and he swears the air around her shimmers.


"Espresso, steamed milk, honey and a just the right amount of cinnamon."

"A fine drink, if I say so myself."

"My compliments to the chef," she nods, taking the warm paper cup from him.

"Barista. I don't cook, really."

"At all?"

Yamato shrugs as he slides into the chair opposite her table, a macchiato sitting between them and saving him from being too idle. "I'm not averse to it."

"Where's your apron, Mr. Perfect Cup?" she asks, eyeing him with interest. He's wearing a crisp white shirt and dark blue jeans, ankle suede boots that give his casual look just a touch of dressy-enough. She looks devastating in a short denim dress, a pink cardigan around her shoulders lending to the blush in her cheeks and bringing out the highlights of her hair.

"I'm not working today." He's hiding behind his cup, taking a small sip and pondering over the next course of action. "Would you like to take a walk with me?" And he pauses, his smile working its way into his clear blue eyes. He touches his ear, twice. "Mimi-san."

Mimi is all smiles, white teeth and red apples in her cheeks. The taste of honey is sweet on her tongue. "I'd love to."