As InuYasha's eyes fell on Sesshomaru standing next to Rin, a slight growl came to him. Why was his so-called brother here and why did they both look so at ease next to each other? Surely the woman knew Sesshomaru was a youkai, since he wasn't hiding his appearance. "Mind telling me why you're here, Sesshomaru?"

With a flick of his fingers through his long silver hair, Sesshomaru replied with a dark grin. "I'm here for the sword little brother, or have you forgotten?" InuYasha only started laughing a deep hard laugh at his so-called half brother's words. "I am glad you find my demands amusing, but if you fail to listen I'll simply have that toy of yours fired."

Crossing his arms and turning his back, InuYasha growled out. "I don't have the damn sword, I threw it away weeks ago. And besides, like that human woman would help you. She knows Kagome is a hard worker around here. I can imagine she'd turn her back on her."

Placing a clawed hand on InuYasha's shoulder, Sesshomaru left his poison claws burn into his brother's flesh. "The woman is my wife and is quite loyal to me. I doubt Mrs. Rin will miss this Kagome woman." InuYasha gave a deep growl as he moved from his brother's deadly claws. This time InuYasha wouldn't be so easily mocked. "Interesting you dare challenge me here and with my mate next to me? Those are indeed unwise growls and gestures you're giving me." Sesshomaru was about to attack when Rin stepped in front of him. "Rin do not stop me, he has challenged me."

With a gentle touch, Rin shook her head no. "You will challenge him and fight away from the office and the people of this city. I do not wish to stop you, but I will not have all I have worked for over these hundreds of years destroyed." Sesshomaru nodded, he understood and placed a kiss on her forehead. Her words were true and he loved her enough to respect her wishes. "Thank you my lord and husband."

"Very well the fight will not be today, but I will have the sword and destroy you another day." It was all Sesshomaru said, before turning to leave with his mate. Until…

"Keh!" InuYasha mumbled out. "As if you'll find the damn thing and what's this you'll destroy me. Furthermore, why do you want a sword that has a barrier which doesn't allow you to hold it?" He wasn't going to fear his half brother, at least not while he had the upper hand. Well he would if the sword was by his side. Little did InuYasha know the unbelievable power his brother held. Sesshomaru's true form was that of a huge dog youkai. Something that was never seen by InuYasha.

Sesshomaru stopped and without looking back at his weak half brother replied. "It matters not if I can wield the sword. My son is old enough to fight with it and honor his half youkai blood with it. Even though my son is a hanyou like you, he will be more powerful than you could ever imagine with our father's sword. He will do something I only dreamed of, rule all the youkai and hanyou's that walk this horrid earth."

InuYasha had no real words to say except. "So your son is a hanyou, and yet you consider me weak? Your son is no different than me, with or without a sword it doesn't matter. Plus I find it hard to believe your mate has lived hundreds of years. She's a human and has the lifespan of one. There's no way she can live as long as you?"

Sesshomaru chuckled. "Only when a full blooded youkai and a human mate can a human live as long as the youkai partner. As for you hanyou, you will simply watch your mate die of old age. This one and the next, until you die as well, such is the way of a pathetic creature like yourself." Still InuYasha found Sesshomaru's words meaningless, after all he had a hanyou son. Did that mean he thought of his own son in the same manner? This wasn't over between the two and the next time they met, InuYasha was going to make sure he was the one holding the Tessaiga.

With the words between the two brothers now over, InuYasha made his way to the main lobby door. It was there he found Kagome looking even more confused as to why it took him so long to come from her office. "InuYasha, what on earth were you doing all this time? I was starting to think you were going to stay here all night." He didn't respond and simply took her hand and led her from the building and waved down a taxi. "InuYasha?" She questioned, becoming more worried by his behaviour.

From the top floor two figures watched the pair leave, as two others approached. "So Kouga, I've heard that the woman with my half brother was to be your future mate and wife. Tell me, do you still wish to have her as such?" Kouga only growled. He wasn't in the mood to talk, he wanted action not talk. "You must be patient wolf, you will have what you desire in time. And you Kikyo, will have what you desire. I've heard you crave to make the hanyou moan your name? Well before I kill him I will allow you this, but only after I have the sword will I give you these rewards." Both Kouga and Kikyo looked at each other and nodded yes, they would take part in finding the sword and once they were done would enjoy the reward. "Very good now be gone from my sight, and don't show yourself till you bring what is mine."

Once Kouga and Kikyo had left the office, Rin approached her mate. Her arms wrapped around one of his and her head lovingly rested on his shoulder. "My lord, why do you show such hate towards your brother and the woman Kagome? You know they have done nothing wrong. And why must you speak so poorly of hanyous, when our son is one? I have never seen you like this in all my years standing beside you."

Placing an arm around her Sesshomaru explained. "That is because in the past hundreds of years we have been together, a youkai war has never surfaced. The wolf and human woman that were just here are not part of the war and are only fools after revenge. I have no doubt in my mind that InuYasha will surely handle these two easily. This is why I sent them to look for the sword. InuYasha knows I still want it and will surely try to find it before me. I care not about the sword anymore, but to win the coming war and InuYasha will need to be able to handle such power. If he can not our son will take his place." Sesshomaru pulled Rin tight against him and kissed the top of her head. "My father's lands will not be taken from me."