Happy Labor Day! Here it is, I present to you the final chapter of 'Worst Sister Ever.' Sorry if this seems rushed, that's because it kind of it. I had a busy and sort of stressful week which kept me occupied, but I didn't want my chapter to be late.

Thank you for reading so much so far, I hope you enjoy the conclusion

After her talk with Lincoln, the day had declined in activity. Before Lori knew it, the world was pitch black and eerily silent. Lori Loud was in the fetal position in her bed, falling in and out of sleep. While she was known around the house to be rather dramatic, it was surprisingly difficult for her to be touchy-feely about her issues. She had kept replaying her conversation with Lincoln in her head, stressing over whether or not she was being embarrassing, or if she was overreacting. She feared Leni and Lincoln thought she was just being pathetic, and were just pretending to care. She knew it was stupid, but as a high school senior with ten siblings, it wasn't abnormal for her to be filled with anxiety.

She decided to do what she normally did whenever she was buried in layers of insomnia and boredom: Use her phone. Sure, she wasn't supposed to be using it late at night. However, Lori had Lisa construct a replica of the device to give to her parents at night so they would think she didn't have it.

She opened up her phone.

3:55 in the morning.

Lori groaned, a little louder than she meant to. She winced, afraid she had awakened Leni from her slumber. 'I'd better check on her.' Fluttering her eyelids, she rolled over, only to find an empty bed. Her fatigue completely evaporated as she jolted out her bed, pulling off Leni's sheets to see if she had trapped herself underneath again. Nothing. The seventeen year old ran her fingers through her hair, her brain scrolling through possibilities as to where she could be.

She prayed she hadn't sleep walked. Last time Leni had sleep-walked, she had ended up at the lake murmuring things about mermaids. It took FOREVER to find her, it was the event that inspired Lisa plant tracking devices on them in the first place. Panic festered inside her, she was so close to waking up Lisa and demanding her to track her. She took a deep breath, deciding it was best to check the whole house before jumping to conclusions.

She rushed out of her room, nearly sliding on her side as she swerved towards the staircase. The teen stumbled down the stairs and immediately ran into the kitchen. She clenched her chest as she saw the younger blonde, exhaling with relief.

The fashionista was sitting on the counter next to the fridge, her legs swinging back and forth as she scrolled through her phone. Her hair was brushed to perfection, even a bit curled. Lori noticed the girl struggling to keep her eyes open, every time they began to flutter she'd jolt back upwards and the cycle would repeat. Lori opened her mouth, preparing to tell Leni she had to go back to bed immediately. However, the eldest began to falter. Her and Leni, alone. With no one else awake and no one around to hear their conversation...Just what she needed.

"Hey, Leni" Lori cleared her throat. Leni's head jolted upwards, gasping when she found the owner of the voice. Her eyes darted side to side with worry. Lori had a very strict rule that no one was ever allowed to talk to her before eight am. She looked at her phone clock. It was four in the morning. Was that before or after eight? Screw it, Leni didn't want to take any chances. Was it a test? Was she finding an excuse to throttle her? Lori, as if reading her feeble mind, gave her roommate a soft smile, "Don't worry about it. You can literally talk to me."

Leni exhaled with relief, "Okay." She the slapped her hands over her mouth, "Wait, is this a test? Cause I didn't study."

Lori sighed, "Leni, I can assure you that it's not," She walked up to her younger sister, putting her hands on her dangling knees, "What are you going up?"

Leni frowned, "Well, I forgot when school started, so I got all ready just in case." She gestured up and down from her perfectly done hair, to her backpack on the floor. She had even done her face. Lori frowned at the sight. The only thing Leni was wearing on her face was clear lipgloss and a bit of mascara. A pit in Lori's stomach formed. She had to cake her face with concealer and put on layers and layers of everything to keep from being insecure. How could Leni be so naturally pretty? Lori gently placed a hand on her face, almost horrified she wasn't wearing any makeup herself.

"Leni, for the millionth time, you wake up when the alarm goes off," Lori hissed, anxious of her parents catching them red handed. Leni shrugged, smiling sheepishly.

"My bad," Leni admitted, "But it's a good thing I got ready, right?"

Lori leaned against the side of the fridge, "You still have some time, Leni" An understatement, but true.

Leni nodded. Lori was standing close to her, rocking on her feet. She opened and closed her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but kept hesitating.

"Do you want to say anything?" Leni offered, knowing Lori would never let it out without Leni's invitation.

Lori sighed, "Actually, yes. I wanted to thank you for helping me with my problem."

Leni placed her phone on the counter, "So, you admit I had a good idea?" When Lori nodded, Leni pumped her fist in the air, "WOO HOO!" She yelled.

Lori winced, bringing her index finger to her lip, "Shhhhh..."

Leni grimaced, "Sorry," she whispered, "I'm just so proud of me." She hopped off the kitchen counter, "And you, of course," she grabbed Lori's hands and held them. It was too dark to see anything but their dim outlines, so when Leni held her hands, Lori felt secure. "I'm, like, super super proud of you."

Lori's heart fluttered at her words. Leni was easy to please, it was part of her ditzy and giddy nature. If Leni didn't love someone, that person would have had to be a spawn of Satan, or be wearing socks with sandals. But despite all that, Leni announcing how proud she was of her made Lori feel accomplished. If her little sister was proud of her, she knew she must have been doing something right. "I also wanted to apologize to you," Lori squeezed her sister's warm hands, "I'm really sorry that I was so eager to turn down your idea. I discussed my problem with you just to get it out of my system. Yesterday I saw you as nothing but someone to vent to. I didn't think you would actually be helpful. I even got angry at you when your offered me advice, because that wasn't what I came for. I'm sorry that I underestimated you."

Leni was a little hurt hearing Lori basically tell her she didn't think she was capable of good advice at first, and gave her a small frown. But, her apology was sincere, and it wasn't every day Lori revealed her soft side. "I totally forgive you. I, like, wasn't even mad. I just wanted to help. Plus, I'm used to it anyways."

"Well you shouldn't be," Lori said, "You have some good ideas in that head of yours."

Leni's eyes lit up, "Yeah, like my idea to start selling diet water! I know drinking water is super important, but I'd be inspired to drink more water if my water had less calories."

Lori sighed, "Some of your ideas are better than others..." she murmured to herself.

"Or my idea to put jewelry in contact lenses-"

"That's enough, Leni," Lori took a step back, exhaling deeply. She locked eyes with Leni, spreading her arms outwards as an invitation for an embrace. Leni giggled at her awkward gesture, bouncing up and down before catapulting herself into her roommate's arms. The fashionista tightly wrapped her arms around her sister's torso, lifting her off the ground and swinging her back and forth.

As her squeeze became tighter and tighter, Lori began to feel like she was about to pop "Leni, too tight!"

"Whoops," Leni let go of the suffering girl. Lori doubled over, hands on her knees while gasping for air, flickering lights circling her head. Contrary to what many would believe, Leni had an immense amount of strength. While Lori played the role as the intimidating commander, Leni could take her down without splitting a hair. The younger girl had once dislocated a guy's arm at school while arm wrestling, a fact that had marveled Lori for the longest time.

"I feel like you squeezed the soul out of me," Lori wobbled, still recovering from Leni's bear hug.

"You should see Lucy about that."

After Lori recollected herself, she leaned against the counter. Deciding she wanted everything to go back to the way it was before, she decided to change the subject. "So, you will never believe what Carol said to me-"

An eerie CREEK coming from the stairway made the two girls jump out of their skins. Lori pushed Leni behind her, just in case the source was a dangerous intruder. The eldest turned on the lights, finding Lincoln Loud frozen in place like a deer caught in headlights. Lincoln squeezed his eyes shut, as if he believed they couldn't see him if he couldn't see them.

Lori and Leni both exhaled deeply.

"Lincoln," Lori groaned, irritated at her brother for frightening her, "Why are you up so early?"

Lincoln loosened himself, "I had to wake up early if it ever meant getting to school on time in this house," Lincoln explained, he walked into the kitchen, "I'm a little disappointed that I'm not the first one up, but I'd rather it be you two than anyone else."

Lori sighed, "I guess that's okay. But if you plan on continuing to do this, you have to go to bed early," her inner parent emerged.

Lincoln gave a quick nod, before rushing to the counter to construct peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the twins. When Leni realized what he was doing, she quickly pushed him onto the floor. "I, like, totally got this."

Lincoln yelped as he hit the ground. He pulled himself up, grinding his teeth in irritation, "You don't have to-"

"I insist!" Leni demanded, already spreading the peanut butter onto a slice of bread.

"Let her do it, she's on a care-taking power trip," Lori tossed her younger brother a smirk.

Lincoln returned the smile. He had already put on his usual attire, an orange shirt and jeans, his backpack over his shoulder. With Leni and Lincoln both all ready for school, Lori felt a tad bit underdressed with her pajama shorts on and her hair in a messy pony tail.

"Leni that's not jelly, that's soy sauce," Lincoln sighed in exasperation, walking over to Leni to explain to her what jelly was.

Lori's face stretched into a smile as she observed her two most kindhearted siblings juggle with PB and J ingredients. She couldn't help but think about how lucky she was to have these two around. She knew it was awful, but she did not always realize how much these two were basically her life jackets. Scratch that, Leni would never want to be compared to a life jacket. Lincoln was her life jacket. Leni was her hot pink pool floatie.

"I don't deserve these weirdos," She said to herself, chuckling at their antics. After a peanut butter sandwich was finally conducted and packed into a bag for Lola and Lana, they made their way back over to Lori.

"So, for the first time ever we're the first three up," Lori noted.

Leni whooped, as Lincoln pumped his fist in the air.

"A few more hours of peace," Lincoln said, imagining the possibilities.

"You guys wanna see what comes on T.V at three in the morning?" Lori asked, gesturing to the TV room.

Leni and Lincoln exchanged a look, their faces stretching into a grin as the two raced to the couch. On their way to the living room, Lori overheard Leni ask Lincoln for his opinion on 'diet water.' Lori rolled her eyes, a smile plastered on her face as she walked slowly to the sofa. The seventeen year old sat smack in the middle of Lincoln and Leni. Leni leaned on her shoulder almost instantly, Lori knew she'd be out cold in a number of minutes. Lincoln turned on the TV, the light from the tele illuminating the room as he flipped through channels.

When Lincoln heard a soft snore come from Leni, Lincoln knew it was safe to give Lori her present.

"Psssst, Lori," Lincoln nudged her shoulder. When he had received her attention, Lincoln pulled out several pieces of paper, stapled together, printed in the format of an essay. He handed it to Lori, who took it.

The title read 'Why Lori Loud Rules!'

Lori gave her brother a grin, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. She turned to Leni, who was knocked out, a path of drool swimming down her chin. In a way, she was almost glad she was asleep. Leni had seen enough of her soft side in the past twenty-four hours.

Lincoln snuggled up against Lori's chest, causing Lori to become a Leni and Lincoln sandwich. The three siblings spent the remainder of the morning on the couch, two becoming absorbed into the television, and one fast asleep.

The end. Thanks for reading :)