I do not own

"Five thousand years ago a fierce warrior known as the Scorpion King led a great army on a campaign to conquer the known world. After a vicious campaign which lasted seven long years, the Scorpion King and his army were defeated and driven deep into the scares desert of Ahm Shere. One by one, they slowly perished under the scorching sun until only the great warrior himself was left alive. Near death, the Scorpion King made a pact with the dark god Anubis that if Anubis would spare his life and let him conquer his enemies, he would give him his soul. Anubis accepted his offer and spared his life. Anubis accepted his offer and spared his life. Anubis gave the Scorpion King command of his army, and like an evil flood, they washed away all the lay before them. When his task was done, Anubis forces the Scorpion King to serve him for all time. His army was returned to the sands from whence they came, where they wait, silently, to awakened once again." Kagome said as she tucked her six year old son in bed

He had asked her to tell her a bedtime story before he went to bed and she decided to tell him the legend of the Scorpion King.

"You don't think they'll be awaken again, right mommy?" Bari asked

"No, darling, but even if they did, we the Medjai, will fight them off." She said




In Hamunaptra there were digger that were all over the place as men in red uniforms guarded the land with guns. Not far from the dig site there was a tent with a man and a woman inside that looked to be in charge of the dig site.

"The Book of the Dead gives life." The man said as placed the black book down on the table.

"And the Book of the Living…takes life away." The woman said; and blew the dust off the golden book and placed it on the table as well.

"I thought that was my job." The man smirked

The woman smirked back at him as she sensed that was they were getting close to what they looking for. Suddenly, the ground started to shake and in the middle of the dig site something was emerging from the ground. Once, whatever, it was reached the top scarabs came out of the hole and started attacking the diggers; eating their inside.

"We're getting very close." The woman smiled as she and the man enter the car to take them over to the dig site.

It wasn't long till the guards started killing the man eating bugs with flame throwers. Then at another dig site the diggers called over to their leader; saying that they found Him. Everyone rushed over to the second dig site with joy as the crane picked up the object and placed it on the ground.

"Step aside here. Out of the way!" The leader ordered as he, the man and woman rushed towards the creature. "Imhotep." The leader smiled "It's him. It's Imhotep."

The woman look at the creature greed and love as she wave her hand over its face.

"Now we must raise those that serve him." The man said

"Get out of my way."

Three men pushed their way through the crowd.

"Get out of my way or I'm gonna shoot you in the face." The short one said

"He means it. He shot someone before." The skinny one said

"Give it to me." The leader ordered

"The, uh, opportunity passed us by." The short one said

"We need that bracelet." The leader glared

"And we need it before it opens." The man snarled as he unsheathed his sword

The short ones friends took out their guns and the men in red took out theirs.

"Enough." The woman said in annoyance "My dear, Hafez, I told you I should have handle it."

"I did not want your past history to cloud the issue." Hafez said

"You don't to worry now. We know where it is. We'll take care of it." The short one said

"No, we'll take care of it." Hafez said "I have a different chore for you now."

"Where is the bracelet?" The woman asked

"It's on its way to merry old London." The short one smirked

"Then London is where we must go." Hafez said; pushing pass the three men with a glare.

He didn't notice that two of his diggers were Ardeth and Rashid Bey. When they heard that they were heading off to London, where their wives were, they knew they would be in danger.




When night came Kagome and Sango were cleaning up the house that they were house sitting for their friends while the kids were playing around the house. Bari stay close to his mother while Sango's twin daughters were playing with the dolls Evy had gave them. When the front doors open, they heard familiar voices coming from the downstairs living room, the two female Medjai knew their old friends, the O'Connell's, have returned from their trip.

"I think the bracelet is some sort of guide to the lost oasis of Ahm Shere." Evy said

"Evy, I know what you are thinking and the answer is no. We just got home." Rick said; placing the bags down

"That's the beauty of it. We're already pack." Evy smiled

"Why don't you just give me one good reason." He said

"It's just an oasis,…" Evy smiled innocently. "...darling." Then took off his hat.

Kagome and Sango looked at each other; trying hold in their laugh.

"A beautiful, exciting, romantic…" Evy smiled as she circle around him; taking off his scarf. "…oasis."

"Mmm." Rick smiled and wrapped his arms around her. "The kind with the white, sandy beach and the palm trees…and the cool clear, blue water and—we could have some of those big drinks with the little umbrellas."

"Sounds good." Evy dreamily smiled

"Sounds too good." Rick said and pulled away and looked at Kagome and Sango. "What's the catch?"

"Supposedly it's the resting place of Anubis's army." Kagome said

"Thank you. You see? I knew there's a catch." He said looking at his wife. "There's always a catch. How did I know that?"

"Because you know your wife very well and her curiosity always leads to trouble." Sango smirked

Evy playfully glared at her before giving them a hug and then took off her coat.

"Right. And let me guess. This army, it was commanded by that Scorpion King guy?" Rick said following his wife

"Yes, but he only awakens once every 5,000 years." Evy said

"Right." Rick said "And if someone doesn't kill him, he's gonna wipe out the world."

"How did you know?" Evy asked

"I didn't. But that's always the story." He shrugged

"The last known expedition to actually reach Ahm Shere was sent by Ramses the Fourth…" Kagome said as Evy and Rick walked upstairs to the library area. "…over 3,000 years ago. He sent over a thousand men."

"And none of them was ever seen again." Rick said

"How did you know?" Evy asked

"I didn't. But that's always the story." Rick said

"Did I mention there was a pyramid of gold?" She said

"Twice." He said

"And yet Jonathan hasn't tried to find it yet." Sango said to Kagome

The two women laughed.

"I'm gonna go check on the girls." Sango said and left

"Mommy, I'm thirsty." Bari said; tugging his mothers' skirt

Kagome smiled down at him. "Okay, let get you something to drink."

They went to the kitchen and she pour him a cup of apple juice. As she did she started to sense danger was nearby. Then she sense a power that was coming from the living room. This power reminded her when she first felt the Shikon Jewel but a lot more older.