Unlikely Friendship DBZ

Chapter 1

"What are you doing Kakarot? C'mon, let's go!" Vegeta said angrily. " Hold on Vegeta! I'm taking a dump!" Goku said . Goku and Vegeta are planning on going fishing, but Goku has almost ruined the trip with over active colon! You are pissing me off Kakarot! I've never heard of anyone taking this damn long shitting! What the hell did you eat? You stink!" " I have a spastic colon and it completely cleans me out when I shit. And you know I eat a lot of food, so it takes a while to get it out of my system!" Goku said. " I don't care about your damned spastic elastic colon! You just need to hurry the fuck up!" Vegeta said. " You don't have to cuss at me! I'm a good man and I don't need your corruption!" Goku said. Vegeta began to laugh. " You don't even know what corruption means do you?" Vegeta asked Goku. " It means to... uhhh.... ummm... well... it.... means... oh I got it! It means to build something!" Goku said from inside the bathroom. " That's construction you jackass!" Vegeta corrected Goku. " Okay! So I don't know what the hell it means, Gohan told me! But I was too busy eating.... uh nevermind." "Eating what Kakarot?" Vegeta asked. "Nothin'" "Tell me you liar!" Vegeta yelled. " I was eating... Chi Chi's fat ass pussy!!!" Goku said happily. " Shut up about your damn wife and hurry up!" Vegeta said. " She's not that good anyway." Vegeta said to himself. " What was that last part?" Goku asked. " Oh nothing." Vegeta said. Vegeta heard the toilet flush. Goku opened the door and exited. "Finally! You're finished. MY DAMN! YOU STUNK UP THE FUCKING BITCH PRETTY BAD HUH?" Vegeta said. " Yeah, but my ass hurts somethin feirce now!" Goku said. Vegeta walked out of the house and yelled to Goku. "Come on, or we'll miss all the fish!" Goku walked out of the house like he had something stuck up his ass. " What's the matter with you? Why are you walking like that?" Vegeta asked. " Uhhh.... I shit my damn pants..." Goku said. "Why do you have to ruin the whole damn day!? I'll just go alone!" Vegeta said as he turned to take off. " NO! WAIT! I'll change real quick!" Goku said. "Well Hurry!" A few minutes later Goku came out of the house with a pair of pants that looked identical to the ones he just had on. " Are those the same pants?" Vegeta asked. " No, but all my pants look exactly the same." Goku said. " Fine, can we go now, or do you have to put on a tampon too?!" Vegeta said sarcastically. "Sure I'm ready! Let's go!" Goku said . They took off in the direction of the lake. "Hey Vegeta, What's a tampon?"