Authors Note: This is an explanation. Yes, the Malfoy's are being really strict and harsh with Harry. They expect too much out of him, but the Malfoy's aren't sure how to act around Harry, so they try to act as "normal" as they can be. Also, in case you haven't noticed, the Malfoy's already have perceived notions about Harry, even before they met him; he's arrogant, seeks trouble, rule breaker, etc… The Malfoy's will get nicer to Harry as the story goes on. They're meant to be harsh at the beginning. In the last chapter, you saw that things looked up for Harry, like Draco being kinder to Harry.
Life with the Malfoy's became almost enjoyable for Harry. Ever since playing quidditch with Draco and his friends, the entire household became less tense. Lucius became more lenient with Harry and didn't admonish Harry as much, Draco started to be less cold towards him, and Narcissa slowly began to talk to him more often. Harry started to explore the Manor more and now knew his way around the whole Mansion.
One day, he walked outside to explore and saw a luscious garden filled with plants. He spent his day in the garden, where beautiful purple and blue hydrangeas lined the walkway, roses tickled his arms, and numerous kinds of trees loomed above him, shading him from the blazing sun. Harry sat on a wooden bench and looked out on a large pond, thinking about his life.
Harry knew he was happy. The Malfoy's were a very traditional and firm family, but cared for Harry. However, it didn't feel like home. Harry wanted so desperately to fit in with the Malfoy's and act like the family that he never had. I've only been here for a few weeks, Harry contemplated, maybe in a few months I'll be more comfortable around them. As well as being happy, Harry was grateful that Mr. Malfoy had taken him in when he had. The Dursley's were terrible and if Mr. Malfoy hadn't gotten him away from there, he would've probably run away!
The first couple of weeks were rough for Harry. The Malfoy's acted like they didn't know how to handle themselves around Harry, but Harry appreciated that Mr. Malfoy cared enough to not let him do dangerous and irresponsible things. Unlike the Dursley's, who wouldn't even spare him a glance, unless it was to punish him! Harry was also thankful that the Malfoy's didn't treat him like a fragile and precious vase that could break at any moment and he didn't want anyone's pitying looks about him being abused. In fact, Harry didn't even know if anyone else knew about the abuse, besides the Malfoy's and Dursley's, but he hoped nobody else knew! It would be embarrassing to see all of the looks from the other students and staff at Hogwarts. Imagine what they would say behind his back! Harry could already picture it in his mind.
"Did you know that Potter couldn't even protect himself from his muggle relatives!?"
"Why didn't he tell someone?"
"Do you think that he has scars on his back?"
"Why didn't he fight back?"
"How is he supposed to be our savior!?"
Harry felt bile threaten to come out of his throat as he thought about all of the things that his classmates would say and he felt sick. It was still shameful to him that he had allowed the Dursley's to treat him like dirt for the last eleven years of his life. However, even though his Uncle had beaten him, Harry was lucky that his spirit was still intact and that he wasn't completely submissive.
While Harry was busy pondering his life, he didn't notice that a person was sneaking up behind him.
Lucius knew that time was running out. The boys would be going to Hogwarts in a week and he had to start the ritual soon, or else it would be too late. Lucius sighed, he had too many things to worry about. Between thinking about the ritual and incorporating Potter into the family, Lucius felt a massive headache forming. During the last few weeks, Narcissa made him realize that he had to be kinder to his ward, but still have boundaries for him.
"Lucius, give the boy time to adjust to his life here. Let him absorb all of the rules. Please attempt to see things from his point of view; he's in a new house, with new family members, and has been abused and neglected for eleven years." Narcissa had said softly one night. She had seen how firm Lucius had been and thought that although it was good to have boundaries and consequences, Lucius should give his ward a period of time to take everything in.
So, Lucius started to change his attitude and took Narcissa's advice into consideration. After a couple of weeks, Potter started to buckle down and Lucius became less rigid with the boy. He also started to be more laid back with Harry, while he started to learn the rules of the Manor and it paid off, because the boy became more respectful and began to follow his orders.
Lucius was also pleased that Draco was making an effort to be nicer to his ward. Even though he had ordered Draco to do it, he thought that the boy might rebel. However, Lucius noticed that Draco started to include Harry in what Draco and his friends were doing, and even helping Harry! Lucius was proud that he was following his commands and wanted to reward both of the boys for being well behaved.
I'll take them to Diagon Alley tomorrow, Lucius decided. He'd seen Harry's clothes in his trunk and how worn out his books looked. Plus, both Draco and Harry had to get their second year books, so it would be easier to get everything all at once.
Harry startled violently as a hand came down on his shoulder. He jumped up from the bench and quickly turned around, taking his wand from his pocket. Just as he was about to say Expelliarmus, he saw a smirking Draco staring at him.
"Someone's a little jumpy today, hmm?" Draco jibed. Even though he had started to become friendlier to the other boy, he still liked taunting him and making fun of him.
"I was trying to think, you prat" Harry replied back, a little scared that he hadn't heard or seen Draco sneak up on him.
"Come on, it's almost time for lunch and I'm sure we don't want to be late" Draco said as he started to walk away. Harry followed, silently agreeing with the blonde. Arriving at the table, Harry took his place and waited for the Head of the House to take the first bite, before starting to eat his own food.
"We're going to visit Diagon Alley tomorrow and we'll get your second year books and some new clothes." Lucius declared. Harry was shocked, he was going to get a new set of clothes? At the Dursley's, he would always get Dudley's leftovers. They were an ugly gray color and way too big for Harry.
Harry grinned a little, "Thank you, Sir." Lucius nodded and they continued eating. After a while, Lucius gave Harry a stern look and gave another announcement.
"I also want Draco to tutor you in Potions. I've noticed from what Severus has said, that you don't know the answers to his questions and rarely make an acceptable potion in his class. You have a Dreadful in Potions and from what I've heard, you don't pay attention. This will not go on, Mr. Potter. Your other relatives might not have cared whether or not you get appropriate scores, but I will not stand for it" Lucius lectured. Harry started to protest loudly, he didn't want Draco to tutor him! - But seeing Lucius's sharp glance, he spoke quieter.
"But Sir, I don't want to excel in Potions, I just need to pass. Why would I need to brew a potion after Hogwarts, I could just buy them." Harry responded.
"What do you want to be when you're all grown up, Mister Potter?" Lucius asked. Blushing a little, Harry replied that he wanted to become an Auror. Of course; Lucius had to refrain from rolling his eyes.
"Well, if you want to become an Auror, you'll need to have an Exceeds Expectations in Potions and Transfiguration, an Outstanding in Charms and Defense against the Dark Arts, and an acceptable in History of Magic." Harry was in disbelief, why hadn't anyone told him that? Would he have to retake Potions this year? Lucius saw the emotions flicker on Harry's face and explained. "You have to get those scores on your final exams at the end of your seventh year. Your grades now will probably not matter in the career that you chose." Lucius reassured. "However, what you are learning now is the foundation of what you'll learn in your seventh year. In order to have good scores on your final exams, you have to start where you are now, but you have to understand the basics first. That's why I would like Draco to help you in Potions, so that you may become whatever you wish in your future.
Harry was relieved that he had a few more years before he had to get those kinds of scores, but was still a little reluctant to accept Draco's help. If he was anything like Snape when he teaches Harry, then the tutoring will be torture! Trying to be more hopeful, Harry decided to give it a try. He nodded in acceptance about the tutoring.
"After lunch, both of you will go to the Library and start the sessions immediately." Lucius commanded. They nodded, both unsure about how the lessons were going to go. They all finished eating and Draco and Harry walked to the Library to begin.
15 minutes later…
"Harry, how do you not know that fairy wings are chopped and not diced in the Pepper Up Potion?!" Draco questioned in frustration. Draco had spent the last few minutes trying to figure out why Harry was doing so badly in class and started by asking simple questions. Well, simple for him, but Harry was having a lot of trouble.
"I don't know!" Harry said in an annoyed voice.
"Fine" Draco huffed, "Let's try another question. What would I get if I added powered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Draco jeered.
Harry racked his brain for the answer, knowing that Snape had asked him this same question last year. Suddenly remembering the answer, Harry grinned victoriously, "The Draught of Living Death!" Harry exclaimed.
"And what does it do?" Draco asked.
Without hesitation, Harry answered, "It's a very strong potion that puts the person in a very deep sleep."
"So you do know something about Potions" Draco teased. It was getting exasperating how little Harry knew, but he was relieved that he at least knew the answer to the very first Potion in the first year Potion's book! "Tell me how you make it" Draco ordered, relieved that they were making process. Harry recited the recipe and was happy that when he got it right. After, the session became more relaxed and even though Harry forgot what the difference was between Monkshood and Wolfsbane, Draco helped him as the lesson went on. He even taught Harry a trick for remembering all of the different kinds of Potion ingredients! Harry didn't even realize that the hour and a half was up, so he was surprised when he saw Mr. Malfoy walk in the Library and sit in the chair across from him.
"I'll admit, I was expecting to see books on the ground and you two dueling on the table tops" Lucius drawled. "I'm pleasantly surprised that that was not the outcome that I came across. Let's see what you have learned, Mister Potter."
Harry was nervous. Even though he and Draco had covered most of the first year curriculum, Harry didn't want his guardian to know that he had known close to nothing about Potion's when they had started off and prayed that he remembered all of the ingredients.
"Tell me, what ingredient would you add after the Fluxweed, in the Polyjuice Potion?" Lucius asked.
"Err, you would add the shredded boomslang skin?" Harry questioned, a little unsure of his answer.
"Is that a statement or a question?" Lucius barked out, loathing when people answered questions with another question.
"You would add the shredded boomslang skin, Sir" Harry replied back confidently. Lucius nodded and Harry was ecstatic that he got the answer correct.
"And what would you add after the shredded boomslang skin?" Lucius asked next.
"The hair of the person who you want to change into" Harry responded, positive that he got the answer correct.
"Hmmm, I see that these lessons are a good idea." Turning to Draco, Lucius said, "From now on, I want you to tutor Harry in Potions every day, starting at 1:00 and ending at 2:30." Lucius directed. Both of them nodded in obedience and cleaned up the table. They were dismissed and went to play a game of quidditch until dinner. After, they went to bed, both satisfied and happy that the tutoring sessions weren't as bad as they thought it would be.
The next morning, Harry woke up and started to get dress. He was giddy with excitement; he was going to get new clothes! Speedily walking down the halls to breakfast, he sat down at the table and waited for the others. The first person to come in after Harry was Mr. Malfoy, who raised his eyebrows seeing that Harry was earlier than him. Grabbing his newspaper, he sat down. About 2 minutes after, Narcissa swiftly walked in and took her seat, politely talking to Harry. Finally, Draco sauntered in and breakfast appeared before them. After everyone had finished their breakfast, they went to get ready to floo to Diagon Alley. Walking into the floo, Harry could already taste the floo powder whiff up his nose and he stuttered.
"D-D-Diagon A-Alley" Harry coughed out. Not noticing the alarmed looks on the Malfoy's faces, Harry was whisked away and dropped out on an oddly shaped gravel road. Harry got up from where he had fallen and rubbed the extra soot from his eyes. He looked around, wondering where he was. It was kind of dark and the buildings around here looked abandoned. Peering into a nearby window, Harry jumped back when he saw beady eyes stare back. Terrified, Harry began to sprint down the street, seeing a small store up ahead. Out of breath, Harry quickly opened the wooden doors and ran inside, seeking comfort.
"Well, what do we have here?" A sneering voice said from behind Harry. Harry turned around and pulled out his wand. However, the man was quicker and shot an Expelliarmus at Harry. Taken by surprise at the sudden red light speeding towards him, Harry didn't have time to react. His wand soared in the air and landed in the man's grip. Harry backed up, looking at the man with frightened and nervous eyes. The man slowly walked up to Harry, a small greasy grin on his face. "Boy, do you know where you are right now?" He asked unkindly. Harry swallowed, shaking his head negatively.
"I uh need to go to Diagon Alley to uh get supplies, err, could you please show me where it is?" Harry asked timidly, shrinking back when the man reached out a hand, trying to grab Harry's arm. Just as he was about to snatch Harry's bicep, a frosty voice made him freeze.
"Borgin, what exactly what do you think you're doing to my ward?" Relied beyond belief, Harry ran over to Lucius's side, hiding a little behind his guardian. Harry looked at the man named Borgin. He saw that the man looked like a deer in the headlights and had a cowed look on his face.
"M-Mr. M-Malfoy! I uh, was just about to help your ward get to Diagon Alley!" Borgan said, scrambling for a lie.
"Do you take me for a fool?" Lucius hissed at the man. "I saw what appeared what looked like you threatening my ward, not to mention almost laying a hand on him. I swear to Merlin, if you touch my ward, your little shop will mysteriously shut down." Lucius threatened the other man. Borgin nodded his head frantically, showing that he understood. Harry felt a warm feeling in his chest and knew that it was because Mr. Malfoy had protected him. Quickly taking Harry's hand, Lucius marched him back to Diagon Alley to start shopping.