So, this chapter is dedicated to Shyleigh from Adult-Fanfiction who requested this additional chapter. Another get together for this moresome, with an extra Slytherin added for good measure ;) I've taken liberties with Blaise Zabini. He speaks with a heavy Italian accent, which I don't recall if he did the same in the books. I don't think he did.

This chapter has nothing to do with A Witch's Tale, but I figured it was better to post this as an additional chapter to the original one shot than to post it as separate one shot.

This is pure PWP. Just one big LEMON.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Hermione swallowed heavily as she stood on the street. The delapidated brick house was not much to look at. She looked from her left to her right, noticing all the houses along the muggle street were run down, many with torn, vinyl blinds in their few windows. The block shaped, matching, worn brick houses were in an area known as workers row. They were each identical to the next; old dirty bricks, concrete sidewalks with concrete steps and porches. There was nothing green in any direction. It was a dismal sight and Hermione couldn't help but to wonder why someone, who could clearly afford better, would continue to live there.

She heard the tinny crash of what sounded like metal on the ground and the loud mewling of a feral cat. She followed the noise and saw a metal trash can had been knocked over by a stray dog, the cat dashing away. She shivered and pulled her robes tight around her slender frame. It was getting dark and she jumped when the street light next to her sizzled to life with a faint popping sound. It hummed, emitting a dim light, as she stood staring at where she was expected. 413 Spinners End, the home of Severus Snape, the location where she had agreed to another tryst.

Five weeks earlier she had fallen prey, willing prey mind you, to three Slytherins. A dinner party at her home had turned into the most amazing and satisfying sexual experience of her life. As they parted ways the next morning, they agreed to a repeat get together. This time, here, at the den, of the king of the Slytherin snakes. She was to submit, give herself physically once again to the sexual whims of those same three Slytherins, plus one. Blaise Zabini was to join them tonight. She had recieved an owl, asking her permission for the mysterious, Italian wizard to join them. She didn't know Blaise very well at all, but she had always found him attractive, dark and mysterious.

She was technically dating Theo Nott, but he was not opposed to sharing her with his fellow vipers, as long as it was only occasional. They had agreed that for tonight she would arrive alone. For tonight she was not only his, but belonged to each of them, equally.

She checked her watch, confirming the time. She wasn't late, but she would be if she didn't go now. Tapping into her Gryffindor courage, she purposefully crossed the street and climbed the steps to the front stoop. She only hesitated slightly before knocking three gentle knocks on the old, wooden door.

Within a second or two, the door opened with a loud creak. Severus Snape, or Professor Snape as he still liked her to call him, stood before her. With a slight upturn to the the corners of his mouth, he gestured for her to enter. "Good evening, Miss Granger," he crooned in his unmistakable, panty wetting, deep tenor.

"Good evening, Professor," she replied as she walked into the dark foyer. Gone was the greasy haired, thin, scowling, unattractive wizard from Hogwarts. This was the new and improved version. Silky, long, black hair pulled back into a tie at the nape of his neck, his complexion no longer sallow, but healthy, his dark eyes bright, his form still thin but strong. He was striking in black jeans and a grey, button down shirt.

She couldn't contain her slight anticipatory tremble, as his long, slender fingers gently slid off her outer robes, hanging them on the hook by the door. "Come, Miss Granger, the rest of our party awaits." His eyes danced up and down her form as he spoke.

He turned and opened a door into a parlor. His hand gently rested on her lower back, guiding her into the den of the awaiting snakes.

The room was not anything like she expected. It room was warm and comforting. Beautiful antique furniture filled the space. Several lamps with soft light lit the room in a gentle way. A fire burned in the fire place, a large Persian rug covered the dark, wood floors. It was the kind of room she would be comfortable reading in and she could picture Severus Snape doing just that. There was a chair with a matching ottoman in the corner of the room that had a floor lamp next to it and bookshelves behind it. She would wage many galleons that was a spot where he spent a lot of his time.

As she shifted her focus, her eyes met those of Draco Malfoy, who was standing beside the fireplace, his arm resting on the wooden mantle. His eyes moved from hers and roved up and down her form, a mischievous smile on his face. "Looking hot, Granger," he drawled.

"Malfoy," she responded with a small smile.

She looked to Malfoy's right, where Theo was sitting in a leather, wingback chair. He smiled warmly at her, his voice soft and soothing. "Kitten, you look lovely as always." His eyes and expression were reassuring. He might be sharing her, but she was his, and he would see to it that she was comfortable and felt safe.

She smiled with warmth and affection back at him. "Theo, love."

She turned as she felt the gentle approach of Blaise Zabini on her right. His striking, golden eyes taking in her form, before resting on hers. "Hermione, bellissimo," he whispered in a sultry, Italian accent. Taking her hand, he leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on the back of it. Hermione couldn't suppress the slight shiver that ran down her form, or the slight clench of her belly, arousal already stirring within her.

"Would you care for a drink?" Hermione met Professor Snape's knowing eyes. He had clearly noticed her tremble.

She smiled gratefully, a slight nervous sigh escaping her lips.

He smiled, devilishly. "Come now, we won't bite...much," he teased with a glimmer in his eyes. He stepped over to a hunt table which had a spread of various bottles of whiskey, liquor and wines. He poured her a glass of red wine and handed it to her, his hand brushing hers, causing a slight shiver of anticipation down her spine. He placed his hand on her back and led her to the large leather sofa.

She sipped the wine, hungrily, for courage as she followed his lead, Blaise trailing behind them. She was wearing a blood red, silk, wrap around dress. It was low cut and form fitting. The length came to just above her knees and the short sleeves capped her shoulders. The fabric was elegant, and soft, but thin. A simple untying of the sash would cause it to slide off her easily. Her shoes were deep grey, the three and half inch heels giving her height and confidence. She had contemplated wearing green, but she was a Gryffindor after all.

The Professor sat on her left, Blaise on her right. They were close, but not touching her. She sipped her wine, willing her nerves to settle.

Theo could tell how nervous she was and he could also see the arousal coiling underneath it all. "Kitten, how did your presentation go today?"

Hermione exhaled, meeting his eyes, grateful for his question. She felt a calmness wash over her as she told him and the other wizards about her triumph at the Wizengemot that day. This was when she was most confident. Discussing her work, she felt some control, some strength come over her. This was what she needed...some normalcy, in an anything but normal situation.

As she spoke, a hand gently began stroking her back, fingertips stroking up and down her spine. "It's impressive, Miss Granger. Impressive work you do." Hermione turned to her left, finding Snape's expression sincere, matching the sincerity of his words. His eyes were warm and his hand elicited a visceral response within her, warmth creeping over her skin.

"I've prepared dinner, are you hungry?" He asked, gently.

Going for honesty, she gently shook her head, "no, not particularly."

"Did you already have dinner?" He asked with a signature, cocked eyebrow.

"No, Sir, but I'm really not hungry." How could she possibly want to eat when she knew what was lying in wait.

He smiled, teasingly. "You're going to need your strength." His eyes stayed on hers, their dark depths hypnotic and intoxicating.

She swallowed the lump in her throat with another large sip of wine.

She heard the unmistakable chuckle of Malfoy, and shook her head lightly, realizing she was fooling no one. It was obvious she was nervous. Then, drawing on a suppressed part of herself, she replied with a slight smirk, "I don't think I could eat food right now."

Catching her innuendo, Severus cocked an onyx eyebrow. "Indeed," he drawled, deliciously.

There was no denying Hermione was already becoming aroused and due to the thin nature of her dress, her nipples let every wizard in the room know it as well.

She could feel their eyes on her, the sexual tension in the room growing as each moment passed. She heard the clinking of ice and turned to her right as Blaise placed his glass on the table beside him. His golden, slanted eyes were on her, seemingly undressing her in minute detail. He was an exotic looking wizard, with dark hair and the deep, olive toned skin of Mediterranean descent. His eyes had a golden hue and were beautiful. He was very tall and lean, and sat with his long legs crossed as he leaned back into the corner of the sofa. One arm was draped over the back of the sofa, his hand behind her. His other hand was casually draped over the glass he had just placed on the table.

Her gaze moved to Theo, his familiar blue eyes darker than usual, the look of lust unmistakable. He had beautiful, wavy, dark brown hair that was long, but not long enough to pull back. His skin was fair and unblemished. He sat casually, his left ankle resting on his right knee. His eyes were glued to hers and while they clearly conveyed the desire he felt, they also held something deeper. A true affection and familiarity. Even though he hadn't said it yet, there was love in his eyes.

By the time she turned to Draco, the blond had already started to stalk towards her. His hair was slightly longer than when she had seen him last. Hermione couldn't deny he had grown into a very sexy wizard with his strong jaw line, piercing grey eyes and soft, full lips. Lips she remembered vividly. Her eyes stayed on his, unwilling to back down. The Professor's hand was still on her back, but it was no longer only his fingertips caressing her. His warm hand, with it's long fingers, was now rubbing her back in long, fluid strokes. She had always found his hands enticing and somewhat beautiful. They were strong and wielded tremendously powerful magic, yet they were delicate enough to manipulate the most fragile of potions ingredients.

The deep, commanding voice to her left spoke quietly, yet it carried through the room. "I think it's time we head downstairs." Hermione turned to her old Professor as he stood, reaching his hand out to her.

She placed her small, delicate hand in his and slowly stood. He took her empty wine glass and handed it to Blaise. "Follow me," he instructed, once again his rich, baritone voice causing goosebumps to erupt on her arms.

She followed him as he led her down a dimly lit hallway, the other three wizards following close behind. Hermione could feel their eyes on her and added a little more sway to her hips. She smiled to herself when she heard the barely concealed, animalistic grunt of Malfoy.

When they reached the end of the hallway, they approached a closed door. Snape stopped and turned back towards her. "Once we cross the threshold of this door, you will address me as 'Sir' or 'Professor'. You will do what I say, at all times. You will say 'red' if at any point you wish activities to cease and you will say 'yellow' if you feel things are heading in that direction. It is my hope and intention you find neither of these words necessary as the evening progresses." He paused and watched her for a reaction. "Do you understand, Miss Granger?"

Her eyes were on his, her inner lioness ready. "Perfectly, Professor." Hermione felt her belly clench once again. Professor, Sir... she'd call him Master, your majesty or whatever the hell he wanted as long as he kept talking. His voice was an aphrodisiac. Sex shops could sell recordings of his voice and make a fortune.

As Snape opened the creaking door, Draco leaned down, breathing her in slowly at the neck. "Don't be nervous, Pet. We're going to take very good care of you." His words were spoken softly and he followed them with a gentle kiss to the sensitive spot just below her ear.

His words and his promise soothed her. She knew they would not harm her. She knew this was all about mutual pleasure. They had picked up on her submissive tendencies during their first tryst and Snape had suggested they come to Spinners End for another get together so that he could introduce her to his play room. He had made it known he would play a Dominant role for this evenings events.

The door now open, Hermione's jaw fell as she stepped down the dark steps and inside the playroom. The very first thing her eyes were drawn to was the large, king sized, four poster bed in the middle of the room. The bed was ornate, beautiful and clearly an antique with rich mahogany wood. The posts were twisted and carved to look like snakes. The tip of each post being the head of the snake. The bed was tall, so tall that Hermione was not sure she could climb into it without a step stool. The walls of the room were a deep, dark green. Dimly lit sconces were scattered on them. Her eyes grew large when she spotted what looked like a prison cell in the back right corner of the room.

Severus followed her gaze and smiled teasingly. "Don't worry, Miss Granger. Only very bad witches end up in there."

Butterflies were in full flutter mode in her stomach as she continued to take in the room. Restraints fell from the ceiling in various locations. There were whips, crops, floggers and items she could not identify hanging along the wall on the left side of the room. Some sort of large cross was on the wall to the right of the cell. There was a closed door on the other side of the bed and a leather sofa to the right of and facing the bed.

With the soft click of the door closing behind her, Hermione's attention was drawn back to the wizards in the room. They slowly moved past her and into the room.

"Come, Hermione." Hermione's eyes snapped to the Professor's, his command having her full focus. He was standing at the foot of the bed, watching her intensely as she slowly made her way over to him.

When she was close, he stepped closer, softly touching her bare arms with his warm hands. "Relax, Miss Granger. It's all about pleasure tonight. Most of the items in this room will remain foreign to you. You are not an experienced submissive and we will not hurt you." She nodded and bit her bottom lip.

Snape's eyes stayed on hers as he spoke. "Theo, why don't you come over here and give our witch a kiss, help the little cub relax."

Theo was next to her instantly. She felt her body calm as he looked into her eyes, moving in front of her. He gently placed his hands on her face as he dipped his head down to hers for a soft kiss. A soft kiss that became deep, needy, encompassing. She melted into him. His hands moved from her face and trailed down her body to her waist. He slowly stepped back, their eyes still latched, her breathing heavy as she felt a different set of hands on her arms from behind her.

The hands rubbed up and down her arms soothingly and then moved up to her shoulders. She felt a soft kiss on her neck as a warm body pressed itself against her from behind. "You're so fucking sexy, Granger," the blond whispered as his hands moved from her shoulders down her front, over her breasts and down her stomach before coming up to her breasts again, where they gently massaged as he continued peppering her neck with soft kisses.

She tilted her head to the side, allowing him better access to the soft, fragrant skin of her neck. He breathed her in deeply, "you smell like a spring morning", he whispered as he massaged her breasts. Hermione's eyes were closed, her head tilted back onto his chest as her body relaxed. He worked his hands on her, over her thin, form fitting dress, massaging and kneading her over sensitive body.

"Bellissima, may I kiss you?" Hermione opened her eyes to find Blaise was standing in front of her, his golden eyes yearning. She felt Draco step away from her as she nodded shyly, her breath hitching when Blaise's hands grasped her waist, pulling her close, his mouth tenderly meeting hers. His kiss was caressing, gentle and sweet. His tongue gently probing, she opened her mouth allowing him to deepen the kiss. His hands held her tight, pressed up against him. He nuzzled her neck and whispered softly, so that only she could hear, "I've wanted to kiss you for so very long, Bellissima. You are an amazing and stunning witch."

He slowly stepped back, leaving Hermione panting. Panting from the touches and kisses of the three sexy wizards.

She felt herself slightly sway and opened her eyes to find Snape's piercing black eyes towering over her. His large hands encompassing her petite waste, he kept his eyes on her. One hand stayed on her waist as the other rubbed up her back to the base of her neck where he grabbed her hair and pulled her head back before crushing his mouth to hers. She moaned with pleasure as he Dominated her. This was what she had come for. This is what she was craving. As he ravished her mouth, the hand on her waist pulled at the tie of her dress, instantly causing the dress to fall open.

He released his grasp of her hair and pulled back from her lips. Her eyes still closed, basking in the aftermath of being kissed so thoroughly, she slowly opened them to find Snape's gaze traveling up and down her form. "My, my, Miss Granger. Aren't you full of surprises."

Her eyes now opened, she smirked slightly, thrilled her undergarments were appreciated.

"Gentlemen, I think you best come stand next to me. Our little lioness has provided us a treat." Theo, Blaise and Draco stepped around her and stood next to Snape. Their eyes grew wide as they raked up and down her now exposed body, the dress open in the front.

"Holy Mother of Merlin", Theo whispered.

"Fuck, Granger." Draco drawled.

"Dea Sexy," Blaise said in Italian, with his delicious accent.

She stood before them in lingerie that screamed Slytherin. The front of her panties was skimpy, a slip of fabric which was the face and fangs of a cobra. The snake's mouth was open, like it was lashing out to strike. It's eyes were red, its tongue pink.

"Take off the dress, Miss Granger." Snape's voice was raw, his dark eyes sexy, almost dangerous looking.

Hermione slowly slid the dress off her shoulders, letting it slip to the floor. The bra was dainty. The straps were thin silver snakes, the heads of the snakes covering her nipples. These snakes were not cobras, their mouths not poised to strike.

"Pick your dress up off the floor and drape it over the sofa. Leave your wand there as well." Snape continued, his voice husky with arousal.

Hermione, wanting to give them the full show, turned around so that her back was facing them. She heard a sharp intake of breath as she bent forward at the waist, leaving her legs straight as she bent over to pick up the dress. It was now apparent her panties were in fact a thong, the thin body of the cobra was the fabric that came up between her legs. The tale of the snake came up her crack and wrapped around the sliver of silver fabric that crossed her lower back.

The thong left little to the imagination with her bottom displayed as it was. She slowly stood and walked to the sofa, laying down her wand and carefully draping her dress, before turning back and meeting the gaze of the four snakes.

They had matching intense, dark eyes and Hermione could tell that these snakes were about to strike.

The four of them stalked up to her quickly. Snape scooped her up into his arms and carried her to the bed. He tossed her onto the middle of it as all four wizards crawled up onto the bed surrounding her. Theo began kissing her mouth, Draco reached forward, massaging her left breast, manipulating it out of its cup. He leaned forward and began flicking her nipple with his tongue. Blaise followed Draco's lead and did the same to her right breast. Hermione moaned with pleasure as her mouth and breasts were assaulted. She could feel the bra being manipulated off her and her shoes being slipped off her feet.

She felt the soft, strong hands of the Professor on her hips, his hands delicately sliding the thong down her long, silky legs. His hungry eyes stayed glued to her pink folds. She let out a moan when she felt those strong hands spread her legs wide open.

Each wizard proceeded to take a limb and wrap soft bindings around her, before fastening those bindings to the bed posts, leaving her completely spread open and at their mercy.

"Stunning," Blaise whispered as his eyes raked up and down her displayed form. His eyes were focused on her breasts with their firm, round shape. Her dark pink nipples were pointed with arousal, begging to be sucked.

"Hmm, yes, she is. She's delicious as well. What until you taste her." Draco whispered as he leaned over her, softly running a finger up her folds, scooping up some of her moisture. He proceeded to bring his finger to his mouth where he tasted it and smiled. "Mmmm, just as I remember."

Blaise's eyes grew dark as his gaze moved between her legs. He clearly wanted what Draco had just tasted. Hermione was already so aroused her belly was clenching. She was tied in such a way that she couldn't wiggle or writhe to relieve any of the mounting sexual frustration.

She closed her eyes, her breathing heavy, her pulse racing. She felt a soft, wet, warmth on her right nipple and then the same on her left. She squealed as a warm, wet, tongue began licking her folds. She opened her eyes to see the black hair of her professor between her legs. His tongue moved from flicking her clit to long fluid licks and strokes up and down her folds before moving his tongue in and out of her opening. Her body began to tremble with need for release.

Suddenly, the delicious sensations between her legs came to a stop. "You will not cum, Miss Granger. You will not cum unless you are given my permission or permission by one of the other three wizards here tonight. You are ours to do with as we please and you are to obey us at all times, unless you safeword. Is that understood?"

"Yes, sir," she whispered, her voice shaky with arousal.

His mouth assaulted her pussy once again, not holding back. He used his hands to spread her lips wider and slightly manipulate her hips up. She felt a warm tingle on her rear entrance before his tongue began lapping at her puckered hole. She moaned loudly at the depraved act and intense arousal. Her nipples were under assault from Blaise and Draco. They alternated using their hands and their lips.

She managed to open her eyes to find Theo kneeling, naked, beside her face. He was stroking himself. "Open your mouth, Kitten," he instructed. Hermione opened her mouth slowly.

"Wider, Kitten." His voice held a slight edge. He was stroking himself vigorously and let out a loud moan as he shot hot cum into her mouth.

His eyes remained dark as he watched her swallow. "Good girl," he whispered, leaning down to kiss her.

Unable to take it any more, she begged. "Please, let me cum."

Air tickled her trembling core as the Professor chuckled from between her legs. "Hmm, you do appear rather...needy."

"Pleeeease, Sir," she begged.

"I think she deserves it, Severus." Draco said with a smirk.

"I suppose you're right," he teased in response.

"You may cum, Miss Granger. But, first you will drink this potion." He flicked his wand and her bindings came undone. He held the small flask out to her and then handed small vials to the other three wizards after downing his own.

"What is...?"

He interrupted her. "A healing potion Miss, Granger. The potion will keep you from becoming raw, sore or stiff. You will need it for what we have planned for you." He smiled, devilishly. His dark eyes intense, promising a night she would remember.

He saw her look at the other wizards as they swallowed their vials. "They are drinking...lets call it, an invigoration potion. We will each of us...rebound quickly for lack of a better description. It will make the night last long for each of us."

She looked at the small flask and then swallowed it down. She shivered from the bitter taste.

"Yes, the flavor is unfortunate. But, it will pass."

She felt a warm flush come over her body as she handed the flask back to him. She slowly looked from wizard to wizard and noticed they were each stroking large erections. She swallowed the lump in her throat as they walked towards her and climbed up onto the bed, surrounding her, once again.

"On your hands and knees, Miss Granger," that amazing voice demanded.

Hermione rolled onto her stomach and then drew herself up, and into the commanded position. Draco kneeled before her face, stroking his cock. "Open your mouth, Pet," He commanded with a raw voice. She opened her mouth wide as he slid his hard member into her welcoming cavity. She closed her lips around him, flicking her tongue over the tip of his cock before massaging it's length with her lips and tongue. He moaned as he began to gently move his hips slightly back and forth.

She closed her eyes as she willed her throat to relax so that she could deep throat him. She had been practicing with Theo. "Fuck, Granger." He whispered as she took him to the root.

She suddenly felt hands rubbing her folds and then a finger plunge into her. A second and then what felt like a third began fucking her mercilessly. She felt the bed shift and the fingers slip out of her. Then hands were on her hips, as she felt something hard press against her entrance. A thrust and she was filled instantly. She moaned with delight as the mystery wizard pummeled in and out of her. Only Draco was in her line of vision, his hips in her face as she sucked him.

The wizard behind her continued his relentless pace, fucking her like a jackhammer. It was when she felt wet, soft mouths on each of her dangling tits that she felt her orgasm quickly approaching. A hand began rubbing her clit vigorously and within seconds she exploded, pleasure pulsating through her belly in waves, her pussy contracting with it's release.

"Oh, bella. Ti senti così fottutamente bene. Cazzo!" Mystery solved. The Italian stilled as he emptied himself inside her. His words were rushed, his accent delicious.

Hermione only lost focus for a second before she was working Draco's cock vigorously once again. With her focus completely on him, he came quickly, his hot release shooting down her throat.

Both wizards gently eased out of her orifices, their cocks now soft. Hermione collapsed onto the bed in her post orgasm high, rolling onto her side. She felt strong hands on her hips flip her over so that she was on her back. Hands under her bum, the lower half of her body was lifted, and her legs spread, as she felt herself filled once again.

She opened her eyes, meeting those of her Professor as he slowly moved in and out of her. His fucking was the opposite of Blaise. There was no rush. It was slow and languid and deep. She closed her eyes as his cock hit her in just the right spot with each thrust. Tension began to build within her once again.

Strong hands were all over her, under her, lifting her up as the Professor continued his slow, delicious pace. She felt herself lowered onto a large body, hardness pressing up against her bum as the slow tortuous pace of her Professor continued. She relaxed onto the body beneath her, her head falling back, cradled between a shoulder and neck. Theo. She recognized his scent, his jaw and his hair as it tickled her cheek. His hands moved over her, massaging her breasts.

She felt the Professor pause and slide out of her as a hand rubbed her folds and then moved to her rear entrance, spreading moisture. The Professor quickly slid back into her pussy and resumed his slow pace. She felt one of Theo's arms move under her bum, his hand positioning himself at her rear entrance. "Breathe," he whispered as he slowly worked his way into her. She felt no pain, only pressure. The cleansing spell that had tingled her rear entrance earlier, was also a numbing spell which prevented pain.

It was almost like a dance. As the professor moved his hips back, Theo pressed his forward so that they alternately filled her. As they perfected the rhythm, their pace began to quicken. Her legs were on the Professor's shoulders, his hands holding her calves as he moved. Theo's hand's were on her hips gently holding her as he moved in and out. She felt hands on her breasts once again and reached to her sides, finding the torsos of Blaise and Draco as they kneeled beside her. She slowly moved her hands down, gently grasping their now hard cocks, moving her hands up and down, matching the pace of the wizards fucking her. Draco and Blaise squeezed and massaged her tits as she began to moan.

Sensation was overwhelming, the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh as the pace of the wizards began to increase. She increased her hand movements and was rewarded with a gentle, masculine growl. "Such a good little cub," Theo whispered in her ear.

"Yes, our little cub, our little pussy," the Professor whispered. Hermione moaned and her belly clenched with arousal at the naughty words spoken from that amazing voice. A soft chuckle from the Professor followed. "Hmm, you like that, do you."

Draco's voice was low, and sultry. "Our little pussy, our little slut. Coming here tonight to be thoroughly fucked."

Hermione moaned, her eyes closed. This was her fantasy; being bad, being naughty, doing what good girls don't do. Allowing herself to be used and fucked and Dominated by four sexy, Slytherins.

"Say it, Kitten. Say you like being fucked in the ass." Theo's whisper caused her arousal to spike. "Say it. Say it, or you'll be spanked." His words were her undoing. She shuddered with her release as she came instantly. The dirty talk and the promise of a spanking, pushing her over the edge.

The clenching of her walls was the undoing of both Theo and Snape. They both stilled inside her as they came.

All three breathing heavy, Hermione's hands were no longer on Blaise and Draco as she almost fell into unconsciousness from pleasure.

After Snape slipped out of her, Theo rolled with her, onto their sides. His hands and arms holding her tight as she began to shiver. Her teeth began to chatter as her shaking intensified.

"Bellissima, princess. Are you ok?" Blaise stroked her hair, concern on his face.

A blanket was tossed over her's and Theo's forms as Theo continued his firm and reassuring hold of her.

The rich voice of the Professor reassured the worried Italian. "She is coming down from an intense rush of adrenaline. She'll be fine. Perhaps some nourishment would help."

Blaise nodded. "I'll get the tray." He hopped off the bed and left the room.

Hermione felt herself becoming more aware of her surroundings, the shivering starting to subside. "I'm sorry," she whispered.

"Sshhh," Theo whispered. "Nothing to apologize for, love. You were and are perfect." One of his hands moved up to her forehead, wiping the damp hair away from her face.

Blaise was levitating a large tray when he came back into the room.

"You need to eat, Miss Granger." Hermione looked up into the dark, sexy eyes of Snape looking down at her.

She pushed herself up, the blanket falling, revealing her breasts as she wiped her eyes. "No, I'm fine. I don't need to eat."

"Miss Granger, you have two spankings already coming to you, I really don't think you want a third." She blinked, trying to understand. Her face turned pink as comprehension dawned.

Snape's eyebrow shot up. "Ah, I see you now remember."

She swallowed as she recalled her infractions. "Yes, sir. I remember, now."

The tray was laid on the bed, but before she could get a good look at what was on it, her eyes were covered with a blindfold.

"Sit up, Miss Granger. It's time we feed our little cub." Hermione shifted her weight so that she was sitting on her knees, kneeling. A warm body pressed itself behind her, as hands began kneading, massaging and pinching her breasts and nipples. She could smell Theo and felt sure it was him behind her.

"Of course, we will play with you while you eat," Blaise teased. A hand started massaging her clit, causing her to moan.

A finger tapped her bottom lip. "Open," Snape's sultry voice commanded.

She opened her mouth.

"Wider, Miss Granger."

She opened it wider and felt something cold, round and firm placed on her tongue.

Her top lip was tapped. "Chew," Snape's voice, once again commanded. She bit down causing a delicious, ripe grape to burst in her mouth. It tasted heavenly.

After she swallowed, there was another tap on her bottom lip. She opened her mouth wide.

The unmistakable voice of her former Professor chuckled deeply. "Very good, Miss Granger. I see you still learn very quickly."

She couldn't help but smile and let out a soft laugh. "Hmm, Professor. I think that's the first time you've ever complimented anything about my learning abilities."

"I suggest you not get used to it, Miss Granger," he teased. "The night is young and you have a lot to learn. What I have to teach you will not be anything you will have likely read in a textbook."

This game of tapping her bottom lip and offerings of bite sized morsels of food continued. Delicious bits of various fruits, cheeses, nuts, olives and occasional pieces of steak met her tongue. Every now and then, delicious sips of wine met her lips. As she submissively ate, hands rubbed and fondled her...her nipples, her core, even her rear entrance were all stimulated. It was very distracting, and yet arousing as well.

"If you keep feeding me, I'm going to get sleepy...sir." She tacked 'sir' on the end as an afterthought, not wanting another spanking being added to the mix.

The unmistakable voice of Malfoy laughed. "Ahh, we have a potion for that as well...if needed."

"You boys thought of everything, didn't you?" She teased, feeling adventurous, knowing the response it would bring.

"Is that what you think we are, Miss Granger? Boys?" For some reason his voice didn't sound amused.

"I was teasing, Professor. Clearly." She responded, realizing she was in no position to tease.

He rebutted. "Hmmm, perhaps. Or..perhaps it was a dare? Your Gryffindor tendencies making an appearance?"

Draco laughed. "Oh, I think her Gryffindor traits are what allowed her to come here in the first place. Only a Gryffindor would have the bravery to show up here, knowing what was in store."

"Hmmm, perhaps you're right, Draco. Brave, reckless, rushing into danger...sounds like typical Gryffindor traits to me." The four wizards chuckled. Hermione felt her skin flush as anticipation once again coursed through her. They were teasing her with the truth.

Hermione felt the bed shift around her, but with the blindfold still on, she didn't know what was happening. She heard something that sounded like it came from a distance and then Snape's voice from the right, across the room perhaps. Was he getting a whip, or something to spank her with? It was unnerving and exciting at the same time, not knowing what was coming next.

As she thought about it, Hermione felt her heart begin to race. She had never been spanked with anything other than a hand and a belt, and the belt was charmed not to hurt. She could hear whispering but nothing was clear. She heard the sound of soft footsteps coming back towards the bed and then a commanding soft voice. "On you're hands and knees, Bellissima."

Hermione lifted herself onto her knees and then repositioned as instructed.

"Your ass is sublime," Draco whispered with his signature drawl.

"It's even more sublime when its red," Theo whispered.

She heard the deep and commanding voice of Snape from behind her. "I'm going to spank you now. It will hurt. Do you wish to safeword?"

She shook her head, unable to speak from anticipation. "Answer me, Miss Granger. Don't tell me you aren't able to answer a question." His voice had a teasing edge to it. She heard Draco laugh.

Her voice came out raw, she was too aroused and filled with too much nervous anticipation to play into their teasing. "No, Sir. I do not need to safeword."

"Excellent, you will count." She flinched when she felt the slap of a hand on her left butt cheek. It wasn't hard and didn't hurt.

"One," she said easily, her voice strong.

As second slap landed just below where the first one had landed. Once again it didn't hurt.

"Two," she said. She was enjoying the thrill of being spanked, and it was very arousing being spanked in front of the four wizards, but she was surprised it didn't hurt. Was she tougher than she thought?

Another slap rang down on her right butt cheek and as soon as she said "three," another one landed right below. This continued for a few more spanks. Her bottom felt warm and the hand slaps were just starting to bite a little bit when Snape spoke once again.

"That was warm up, Miss Granger. Tell me why you are being punished."

Her mind spun with the realization that the hand slaps weren't the real spanking. She had to concentrate to remember as her mind was now racing with anticipation of what was to come. "I came without permission, sir and I didn't follow Theo's demand. I didn't say what he told me to."

"And what did Theo instruct you to say?"

Or Merlin, he was going to make her say it. She swallowed. "I was supposed to say that I liked being fucked in the ass."

"Is it true, Miss Granger? Do you enjoy being filled in such a taboo and depraved way? Answer me."

Her voice was a breathless whisper. "Yes, sir. It's true."

"You will count after each hit of the flogger, Miss Granger."

"One," she yelled out as the straps of the flogger rained down sharply on her backside. It stung.

"Arch your back," he commanded. She arched her back and immediately felt another slap of the flogger.

"Two," she moaned. Part of the flogger had come up between her legs and smacked her folds.

The flogger began coming down on her quickly, left to right and then right to left. She had to concentrate to keep up her counting wth his rapid pace. It began to really sting. She could feel her eyes start to well. Her voice became shaky as she choked out the count. Her brain began to swim and her mind was becoming foggy. She felt her arms give out as her chest collapsed onto the bed, her bottom still up, the flogger still coming down on it. Just as a tear slid down her cheek, she felt warmth all over her body. It hurt like hell, but it was so arousing. She began to feel powerful as she realized she could take this. Being spanked, like this, in front of the four wizards around her, it was beyond erotic. She felt beautiful, she felt alive. She could feel her arousal building, once again.

"Fuck, this is the sexiest thing I have ever seen," Hermione heard Blaise say from somewhere beside her.

The flogger began to soften and slow, but it began hitting her in the most delicious way, slapping her folds, her clit getting the occasional slap. Suddenly the flogging stopped. She realized she had stopped counting and couldn't remember when she had stopped. Strong hands gripped her hips as wet warmth began licking her. A tongue, a talented tongue was in her folds, on her clit, circling her puckered entrance. Just when she thought she couldn't take it, she felt a cock slide into her and begin to slide in and out. She moaned with ecstasy as it hit her in just the right way.

"Permission to cum, sir," she moaned out. The words came out mumbled.

"Cum, Granger. Fucking, yes! Cum!" Draco's voice sounded strangled, making it clear who was fucking her. One more stroke in and out and she came spectacularly. Contractions raked through her belly and her core. She felt Draco tense and freeze behind her, a loud moan accompanying his release.

She slid out flat into the bed, her body feeling like jelly. She closed her eyes as she felt hands all over her. Hands rubbing her back, her thighs, her shoulders and her buttocks. She felt herself drifting, but was brought back to full consciousness when her body was lifted off the bed. She was carried a few feet from the bed where she was laid on a cushioned table, on her stomach. The table suddenly shifted in size, shrinking so that only her torso was on it. Her feet could touch the floor behind her, and then they couldn't as the table was raised slightly.

A hand grabbed her hair and lifted her face. In front of her, a large cock with a dark thatch of hair. "Open, Miss Granger," the deep, sexy voice commanded. She opened wide as Snape slipped his cock into her mouth. She felt hands on her ass, a finger prodding her before she felt pressure. She felt her rear entrance being filled slowly as a wizard pressed into her from behind. He began to move fast. She moaned as her mouth worked the Professor. She relaxed her throat, taking him in as deep as she could. She was rewarded with a deep moan and a whispered, "good girl."

"You feel amazing, Bellisimma," Blaise whispered from behind her, his quick pace continuing. After a few minutes she felt him still behind her as he grunted loudly.

Her focus now only on the Professor in front of her, she worked him with all her might. Her hands were on the backs of his thighs as she moved her mouth back and forth over him...her tongue, her lips massaging him as she moved. She then freeze a second or two when he was completely deep throated in her mouth. She pulled back slightly when he started to moan and she felt him harden slightly. His release shot down her throat with one final loud moan.

When he pulled back, strong arms once again lifted her, carrying her. She collapsed her exhausted head onto the shoulder. Once again, his scent gave him away. "Theo," she whispered.

"Kitten, love." He whispered in return. He carried her into a bathroom where a large tub was filled was steaming water that had rose pedals floating in it. He lowered her into the tub, climbing in behind her. The water felt soothing, amazing. His hands moved a soapy wash cloth over her neck, her chest, her breasts and her stomach. After a few minutes his hands began washing her between her legs, stimulating her delicately. She could feel his erection pressing into her back. She lifted herself up, grasping the side of the tub.

"I want you inside me," she whispered affectionately. She felt his hand under her, positioning himself. She lowered herself, sliding his length inside. She stilled when he filled her completely. He kissed her neck as he began to move his hips under her. She held the side of the tub, using it as leverage to move herself up and down. After a few minutes of a slow, delicious pace, he began to move faster. "Oh, Kitten," he whispered. "You feel amazing. You're so brave, you're so beautiful. Such an amazing witch." He said the words slowly, seductively.

She felt the tensing in her belly as her climax began to build. "Theo, I'm going to cum."

His hand began rubbing her clit. "Yes, Kitten, cum for me." After a few more pumps in and out, she came with a shudder, her whole body trembling. She felt him tense underneath her as he came, a soft moan escaping his lips.

When they climbed out of the tub, Theo wrapped an oversized, warm robe around her and slipped a pair of boxers on. When they walked back into the connected room, the other three wizards were laid out on the bed, in their boxers, eating food off the tray. Theo lifted her up onto the large bed where the wizards cleared a spot for her to lay in the middle. It suddenly occurred to her that the bed had clearly been charmed to fit all five of them so comfortably.

She stretched out and closed her eyes as the wizards continued to eat and speak softly around her. Hands would occasionally and softly rub her thigh or her stomach under her robe. She began to drift in and out of sleep. She felt the bed shift as the tray was removed. Draco snuggled up in front of her, and she felt Snape come up behind her. Blaise had stood and walked over to a sound system she hadn't noticed. Soft piano music began to fill the room.

"Rest, Pet," Draco whispered. "It's only Ten-Fifteen. The night is young."