"Okay, if you guys don't get her off of me quickly you aren't going to like it when she tries to kiss you later!" Ruby's cry for help broke through their enjoyment at her plight. Weiss, the normal target for Ruby's humiliation play was currently entranced to make shame impossible for her, and she was taking the opportunity to explore the "darker side" of her leader. The others were enjoying Ruby being on the receiving end of humiliation for a change, but she was right, and Weiss could pounce on any of them. Sun decided to save Ruby, and in doing so be able to kiss Weiss without needing to brush his teeth after.
"Hey, you hypnotized slut, check these out!" He said as he tore off his shirt to expose his glistening abs. Weiss was captivated instantly, and withdrew herself from Ruby (Yang was quick to give Weiss's hand a once over with a disinfectant wipe, since the hypnotized girl wouldn't think to). Weiss crawled towards the perfectly sculpted muscles and pressed her face against them. They were hard, Sun took pleasure in maintaining them that way, but Weiss could still feel some give in the flesh. She was running her face over a living, sexual washboard.
Even as she purred like a kitten, she reached out and grabbed Neptune between his legs. The nerd(intellectual) flinched away at first, since she wasn't bothering to be gentle. He probably would have gotten away if Sun hadn't grabbed him, and Weiss was kind enough to massage it to make up for her rough handling.
"Good, you guys keep her company for a bit, Yang and I talked about something beforehand so we'll get that ready." Ruby said as she started dragging Yang towards the bathroom. When they got there, Ruby remembered something and pulled a package from her ammo pocket. She threw it out towards the group. "Don't get my girlfriend pregnant!"
The package of condoms landed at Nora's feet. It was a large enough pack that they shouldn't run out over the night, and it was real proof that Yang and Ruby knew exactly what was going to happen tonight. She tossed the first two towards Sun and Neptune and kept one more for Ren. Then she noticed something odd.
"Ren, this is the exact brand and size you normally buy. You have three seconds to explain before I break your legs and make sure you never see anyone but me for the rest of your life."
"Ruby was embarrassed to buy them and I wasn't about to ask everyone's preferences." Ren said hurriedly.
"Oh good." Nora laughed. "I was afraid Ruby learned what you use by experience, and I know you wouldn't ever be with another girl without me there." The room seemed to darken to emphasize the threat behind Nora's statement.
Really it was just Blake adjusting the light dimmer to set the mood. Or dimming it to emphasize the threat behind Nora's statement. Ren didn't know. She did have something to say to Nora though.
"Wow, if it weren't for Jaune's screams and Ruby brainwashing Weiss into a sex toy, I'd say you're the scariest girlfriend here."
"Thank you." Said Nora. "Ren, you're allowed her… As long as I can watch."
As they talked Sun, Neptune and Weiss managed to work out their positioning. They were standing, Weiss with her legs wrapped around Sun and Neptune taking her from behind. Their wild undulations threw off Sun's balance and all three of them crashed to the floor, conveniently driving both of them deeper into weiss.
"Oww, my tail." Said Sun.
"Sorry." Said Neptune.
"More!" Moaned Weiss.
Sun's face lit up with an idea. He turned to the three watching them. "Hey Blake, want to see a neat trick? Put one of those condoms on my tail."
"Wait, wait, no…" Neptune said as Blake approached and slid the condom onto Sun's extra appendage. At first she had thought she'd be offered the tail, but Neptune seemed to know what Sun had in mind and his reaction made her curious. She stepped back to watch as Ren and Nora came in for a closer view.
Sun and Neptune continued fucking Weiss, but Neptune seemed to cringe in anticipation of what Sun was going to do. The tail slithered up towards Neptune's buttocks, and the three voyeurs got to watch as Neptune both gave and received anal sex at once. Neptune's hesitation melted away as he gave in to the pleasure and let Sun massage his prostate.
"Ren, this is giving me ideas." Said Nora. Intrigued as he was by the sight before him, Ren wasn't about to let Nora have her way with his ass, so to distract her he pulled her into a deep kiss. They made their way towards an empty corner of the room, throwing their clothes off as they went.
Then Ruby returned. She was completely nude, holding a leash attached to something around the corner where Blake couldn't see, and was looking sheepishly towards Blake.
"Blake, I tried to talk Yang out of this and I really hope you don't think this is racist but it was totally her idea. So without further ado, Blake, I got you a puppy!"
She pulled on the leash, and on the other end of it was Yang wearing nothing but a collar. Scratch that, a collar, Faux-nus ears in the shape of a dog's, and a tail plug. She had the same vacant expression Weiss had, so Blake would had to wait until she was brought back to normal before she could ask her about her faunus fetish gear. Before that however…
"So you've hypnotized her into being my dog?" Blake asked.
"Yep, she'll follow most normal pet commands, plus she won't say no to anything else you ask her. Not that she was exactly unwilling to do what you want regardless, but I think she wants you to enjoy the power trip." Ruby said as she handed Blake the leash.
Yang felt at peace as her mistress finally took hold of her leash. Mistress led her towards a high backed chair in the room and sat in it. She turned to Yang and spoke.
"Sit." And Yang sat, grinding her ass slightly to feel her tail move inside her.
"Stay." And Yang froze in place. Mistress pulled up her skirt and began to remove her panties. Yang ached to drink the nectar flowing from her mistress, but she had her orders. She was a good dog, and would obey.
Blake loved to see the longing for her grow on Yang's face. She basked in the thirst that radiated off her new dog, and was almost able to draw it out longer. She wasn't able to do it though, and she quickly gave Yang another order. "Drink."
Yang shot forward and drank deeply from Blake's sex. She ran her tongue between Blake's labia in order to draw forth more of her natural lubricant and quench her undying thirst. As she went higher to nibble on the clit, it became impossible to tell which of the two girls was the entranced slave and which was the mistress rewarding her slave with pleasure.
Ruby would have loved to stay and watch, but Weiss had awoken something within her, and since she had thoroughly cleaned herself she'd have that fun. She also saw a way to make the others understand that Weiss was still hers, not theirs.
"Hey Sun." She said, getting the Faunus's attention, and showing him a good view of her nether regions from where he lay on the floor. "How are you enjoying my girlfriend?"
"She's amazing Ruby. Thanks for letting us do this."
Ruby smiled at this. She really did like doing nice things for her friends. Whether what she asked for next was a nice thing or not depended entirely on what Sun thought about it.
"I'm glad you like her." She said, "But I also noticed her mouth isn't taken. I'll be using it now, and if you don't mind you can pay me back for my generosity by staying right there and offering me a seat."
"Uh, sure." He said, not entirely getting what she was asking.
"I knew you'd understand." Ruby said, smiling wider. She spread her ass cheeks and lowered herself down onto his face where her pussy was in the perfect position to allow Weiss access to it. To Sun's credit, he realized what was going on and also worked dutifully on the orifice Ruby offered to him. Soon among the four of them in the pile, only Ruby wasn't working to pleasure another. The control over them all was almost as sweet to Ruby as their tongues. The groups writhed for hours…
Weiss awoke in Ruby's arms as they slept on a pile of their friends. She remembered everything she'd done and was amazed that she'd had the courage. That Ruby had brought the courage out from her. She saw that Ruby was awake as well.
"Thank you Ruby, you're amazing."
"I can say the same to you, Weiss."
"No, I haven't given you nearly as much." Weiss said. "You don't know how wonderful it feels, being able to put everything in someone else's hands. People have put the weight of the world on my shoulders all my life, and you take that off me and tell me everything will be okay. I've never been brave enough to resist people forcing their wishes on me but with you I never want to say no. I know I can trust you with anything and that's the greatest feeling ever."
"Second greatest." Ruby corrected her. "Your trust feels even better."
Weiss hugged Ruby tightly, and when Ruby began petting her she knew what it was to love and be loved. She picked through the memories she hadn't been there for. One thing stood out to her and she immediately wanted a shower.
"You peed on me?" She said to Ruby.
"Yeah, Yang started marking her territory, so I had to let her know you're mine."
"Say that again, please." Said Weiss.
"You're mine, Weiss." Ruby said, grinning wide as she did so.
Thoughts of love turned to horror as the cabin door opened and three people stepped in.
"Weiss, I need to use one of your roo-Oh my god!" Said Winter.
"Winter!" Said Weiss, covering herself.
"Ruby?" Said Qrow, covering his eyes.
"General Ironwood?" Said Sun, sitting up as much as he could from the bottom of the pile.
"Nora!" Said Nora.
The two groups stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. Finally, Winter broke the silence.
"So, I suppose now's as good a time as any to tell you I like fun as much as you do."
"Except none of you are bruised." Qrow said. Winter likes it more…."
"Ruff!" Said Yang.