(I want to thank everyone for reviewing and favoriting/following my story. You guys rock. So I was asked to add the Red eyes black dragon to Yuki's dragon deck. Well in the story Yugi actually received that card from Joey in the Battle city Tournament. So Yuki would be getting it then as well. If you guys want to see Specific dragon cards in her deck just pm to let me know.

I am sorry for the slow updates but as of right know I will be focusing more on this story then my other due to it's popularity.

Joey: yeah yeah just get on with the story.

Me: *sweat drop* Joey when did you get here?

Joey: what do you mean? I've been here this whole time

Yuki: Sorry Vixen of mischief I tried to stop him

Me: no it's perfectly fine Yuki. *smiles* he just has to do the disclaimer now.

Joey: what? No way. Nope not happening.

Yuki and me: *puppy dog pout* please

Joey: *sighs* fine but you two owe me

Yuki: *hugs him* thank you Joe joe

Joey: *blush* I told you to stop calling me that. *looks at readers* Vixxen of mischief doesn't own Yu-Gi-Oh or any of the characters.

Yuki: she only owns me and the slight changes to the story.

Me: now on with the tale.)

I was walking back to the game shop with Joey when he suddenly asked, Well more like begged me.

"Why can't I ever win, Yuki? Tell me what I am doing wrong."

Joey had just lost another round of duel monsters earlier today. Not to me this time but to Tea.

I smiled up at him. I wasn't as short as my brother but I still wasn't as tall as I would like to be. I was only a little bit shorter then tea. "Well let's start by checking your deck for starters. "

"Okay" he dug through his pocket and hand them to me "here you go"

"Thanks" my smile soon disappeared as I looked through his cards. 'No wonder he keeps losing' I thought

"Nice line up, don't cha think?"

A sigh left my lips and shook my head "no one can win with these." I looked over at him "Joe-joe your deck is filled with nothing but monster cards."

I sweat dropped upon seeing his proud face.

"You got it. I packed it with every powerful monster I could find"

I stoped and grabbed his arm turning him to face me "but that isn't how the game works. "


"Duel monsters is all about combining your monster cards with your magic cards to increase their strength." I glance sadly down at his cards "with no magic in your deck, your monsters will get creamed every time."

I nearly jumped out of my skin with Joey grabbed my shoulders "see that's the kind of stuff I need to know. Yuki, you got to help me" I blinked up at the desperate look he was giving me. A blushes made it to my cheeks as I looked away. 'What's with Joey lately? Does he not know personal space?'

"You have to help me learn more?"

I simply nodded my head as I grabbed his hand. "Huh?" Joey sputtered as I tugged him along "yuki?"

I started dragging him towards the shop "come on." I smiled over my shoulder at him.

"My grandpa is the real game expert in the family. He is your best bet to improving."

He grinned back at me.

Upon arriving at the shop I notice grandpa putting up a poster.

"Hey grandpa, I brought you a new student"

"Huh? Student?"

I nodded "yep" I pushed Joey forward

He stumbled a bit before catching himself.

Joey cleared his throat after shooting My me a glare which I ignored, "I was hoping, since you know more about duel monsters then anyone, maybe you can teach me"

"Teach you?" Grandpa climbed down from the ladder and turned to face us.

"Duel monsters is a very complex game"

"Yeah, tell me about it."

"Tea beat me three games in a role."

I grinned up at him innocently "actually she beat you five times in a roll, Joe joe"

His eyes widen "five, ah man"

"Yes I could teach you to be a great tournament duelest, but..." grandpa grew serious.

I love when grandpa became passionate about duel monsters. "Only if you are willing to spend endless days and sleepless nights filled with rigorous training.

"Ah, piece of cake"

I face palmed at that. 'That was the wrong thing to say, joe joe'

"With an attitude like that, you may not be worth my efforts" he told Joey sternly.

A sigh left my lips "nice going there smart mouth."

I bit my lip to try to silence my laughter as Joey got down on his hands and knees in front on me. "Please Yuki, I'm begging you . Help me to convince him. I will work hard I promise."

I grinned as a thought popped into my head.

"Listen Joey, teaching you Duel monsters is jusssssst to big of a challenge. Even for someone who is as knowledgeable as Grandpa."

"It's not impossible"

I did a victory dance in my head 'yes! He is taking the bait'

Joey soon perked up "you mean it gramps?"

I shrugged my shoulders 'just a little more'

"Sorry Joey, he already said he couldn't do it. If he can't do it he can't do it"

"I never said I couldn't do it, but if I agree you must work hard"

"I'll do anything. I promise, I promise"

"Fine, we'll begin your instruction immediately my young friend. Believe me under my guidance you will learn" he started cracking his knuckles. "Now can you name the most powerful duel monster? "

I quickly raised my hand up


"Can you name the weakest?"

Again my hand shoot up.


"You do know what a trap card is don't you?"

"Kind of... I have no idea"

A sigh left my lips again. I lost track how many times that happened today.

Later that day the gang and I sat around the tV in my living room as the duel monster regional Championship started.

'So it is down to Underwood the bug duelest and Rex raptor the Dino duelest? This could be interesting.'

Joey was very excited for someone who was tired. I placed a bowl of popcorn on the table as I sat down beside him. "Bug boy vs dinosaur breath? What kind of match is that? It should have been me in there"

Tea looked over at him " I know you have been training for weeks, but those guys are in another League. You're just not ready yet."

"Yeah, Yuki is more up their alley" Tristen added

"Sure rub it in"

I smiled over at him "and on top of that. You are just so tired you can't keep your eyes open" I stated as he just nodded off while lightly snoring.

"I think grandpa's lessons have been a bit to tough for him." I whispered to my friends about worried for my blonde buddy.

Triston soon got in joey's face and yelled "it's true what they say. YOU SNOZZE YOU LOSE"


Tea and I laughed at his expense.

Joey hung his head "I must have been nuts if I ever thought I could learn this crazy game.

Just then grandpa decided to sneak up behind Joey "time for your lesson"

"What? Are we not done?"

"Not by a long shot, you slacker"

Joey started whining

'Awe he is so cute when he pouts'

"Now quite your whining Joseph. I know you've been working long and hard, but you really are coming along as a duelest. I am quite proud of you."

Joey's eyes started watering up. "Gramps, thank you" he went to hug him but Gramps Dodge and walked over to me.

'Poor Joey'

"Oh by the why Yuki, this package came for you."

I looked over at home curiously "Package? I don't recall ordering anything." I tilted my as I studied it.

"I don't know what it is. It just came in."

"I see. Thank you Grandpa" I thanked him as I took it.

My eyes widened "it's from Industrial illusions"

'Now I am very curious. What could they possibly have sent me. They must have got the address wrong. I know I definitely didn't order anything from them. Unless...'

Joey quickly recovered and leaped over the couch to sit by me yet again. "Industrial illusions? That's the company that makes the duel monster game. Why the heck would they be sending a package to you, Yuki?"

I shrugged "I have no idea. Is it possible they some how heard that I beat the world champion?"

"You mean Kaiba?"

I nodded at Tea "yep." A frown graced my lips "it wasn't an official match or anything, but Kaiba did Drop out of the Tournament because of me."

I soon remembered something about our duel but it confused me more. I still don't remember what actually happened.

Flash back

"Draw your last Pathetic card so I can end this, Yuki."

"My Grandpa's deck has no pathetic cards Kaiba, but it does Contains..." I held a card up "the unstoppable exodia"

Kaiba started freaking out. "WHAT? IMPOSSIBLE"

"Exodia, attack" with that the three head Blue eyes white dragon was Destroyed.

Flashback ends

I blinked my eyes as I looked over at Joey "just hearing his name gives me a headache"


We all turned our attention back to the screen.

"Guys, Raptor just stopped weevil"

"Yuki, are these guys any good"

I nodded "oh yeah. They are both pretty tough customers. weevil Specializes in Insect cards and he is a great strategist. Then you have Rex Raptor and his dinosaur cards. He uses their powers to overwhelm his opponents."

"Itsy-bitsy bugs against dueling Dinosaurs. Raptor has got this one in the bag" Joey said with confidence. I shook my head "I wouldn't be so sure." I stated simply as I watch Rex bring out his two headed king Rex.

"He places a wimpy bug against a giant dinosaur? The place will be covered in bug guts."

"That might happen but then again it can still go to Weevil's favor"

"If ya say so, Yuki" Joey didn't believe me.

"What? King Rex squashed by a bug."

"Told you so, joe joe"

In a car some where

" with your Announcement, there is thousands of duelest flocking to duelest Kingdom."

"Yes, an event like this would hopefully attract the ones who posses the Millennium items I seek. Which reminds me..."

"The package was delivered to the girl just as you ordered sir."


(there y'all have it. Another chapter of the Queen of games. Next time, Yuki has to duel Pegasus. )